yoruba proverbs about marriage

Pai lotun pai losi, t'oju o ba fo, a ko ma wo bai bai ni-hardship here and there would definitely yield a broken personility. Yoruba_Proverbs. The proverbs means you can’t ignore an issue that poses danger. The Igbo people of Eastern Nigeria are known for their witty sayings which they employ in their everyday life. 23. This is usually done through an intermediary called Olopa Iduor (appointed speaker for the groom side) and Olopa Ijoko (appointed speaker for the bride side). Ibo loti nbo ti o lo kun lo run-Literally it means where are you coming from that you have no rope on your neck. During the engagement ceremony, the groom’s family are expected to bring the items listed in the marriage list given to them by the bride’s family. 1. This can be used by a cheifpriest of a village if he’s requested to use his child for atonement for the village. Which Type of Screen Material is Best for Your Home? African proverbs, which are old-age adages often referring to the earth, animals, and everyday activities, convey life lessons. Ti isu eni ba ta, afo wo bo je-literally it means if your yam is ready you cover it and eat. Ile eni lati je ekute onidodo – Literally it means it is in your house you eat a rat with abdomen. “PROCRASTINATORS ARE NOT ACHIEVERS ” – MRW. The Olopa Iduor and Olopa Ijoko sit at the middle while the two families sits at the opposite side of each other. The use of a Yorùbá Proverb by a younger person is prohibited in the presence of an older person, without prior permission to do so. 2. As an example, this can be used by a woman who was jilted by her rich lover only for her gateman to use that as an opportunity to propose to her. [5] Ab n b or; on t l s n b n; b b d n b k j p; b a d w-b b ni, a t n n n ni. The proverb means there is joy in abundance. So some Yoruba proverbs and idioms should be found on every social media page of a Nigerian person as it shows wisdom! E ni to wo bata lo mo bi to ti ta– Literally it means he who wears the shoe knows where it hurts. No woman wants to marry an indolent and poor man. This article provides you with Yoruba proverbs and their meanings. This can be used if you want to tell someone that a family secret shouldn’t be let out especially if it’s not palatable. 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To love someone who does not love you is like shaking a tree to make the dew drops fall. Items listed in the bride’s letter depends on each family but usually include such things as yam, goat, box of clothes, salt fish drink, wine, rings and other items deemed necessary. Chinese proverb. Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons License. This can be used for example as an advice to someone who just acquired a new asset and want to show it off on social media. 93 talking about this. Once everyone is introduced, a proposal letter is presented to the bride’s family by Olopa Iduor who reads it aloud and in return, an acceptance letter is given to the groom’s family by Olopa Ijoko and a date is fixed for the engagement ceremony. Yoruba >> Proverbs: Eni bama m'obo akoko se bi lagido. 'i nearly killed the bird.' Ma fi bread ko mi lomi obe-literally this means don’t use your bread to finish my stew. Aje ke lana omo ku leni, tani ko mope aje to ke lana lo kpa– literally it means a witch cried yesterday and the child died today, who doesn’t know its the witch that cried yesterday that killed the child. The proverbs means don’t deceive me with your outlook or your words. This proverb refers to Yoruba people that replace their family names without matching change of character to go with the name or religion. This can be used for example, when a mother instructs the teacher to flog her child if he misbehave but comes in to the school to complain bitterly about the teacher flogging her child. Eti e melo? Yoruba traditional marriage entails two stages which are introduction and engagement. Isiro l'oko dido-calculation is the master of bleeping 2. Translations (1) . YORUBA TRADITIONAL MARRIAGEThe carbon date of the Yoruba, date far back as 9000BC, while the language Yoruba is reported to have been spoken 4000 years ago.The traditional marriage of the Yoruba which is a case study at this point is a wide one. Many Yoruba proverbs reiterate the view that the dead gave birth to the living, and the living ought to give birth to and nurture the children who represent the future. 3. For Example, this can be used as a response by a lady to a guy who is poor but has dressed lavishly in order to deceive the girl into thinking he’s rich and accept his proposal. This is used for example, when a man wants to take in a second wife and the man’s family wants to break the news to the wife . A disciplined man drinks water from his own cistern and is faithful to his wife. And what do you use them for? The Yoruba, like several other African peoples, use proverbs to drive home a point, to show the credibility or the foolishness of a pers on or a situation, and to issue warnings, among others. no one can eat 'nearly' in a stew. This is normally said to a newly wed groom. Stop the old and try something new. Moja mosa laa mo akinkanju loju ogun-discretion is a better part of valour. 4. Related: 50+ African Proverbs About Love And Marriage; NORTH CENTRAL STATES IN NIGERIA – All You Need To Know; NAMES OF GOD IN YORUBA LANGUAGE AND THEIR MEANINGS; YORUBA NAME FOR CINNAMON (USES & HEALTH BENEFITS) NAMES OF GOD IN IGBO LANGUAGE AND THEIR … Powered by WordPress and the Graphene Theme. This can be used in a situation where Mr A quarrel with Mr B and Mr B threathened to deal with Mr A and the next day Mr A was involved in an accident and it is believed Mr B is responsible for it. When you are talking about marriage, think about your mother. [Back to text] 19. When wood breaks it can be repaired, but ivory breaks forever. ~ Moorish Proverb. If a young woman says no to marriage just wait until her breasts sag. One avoids danger at the early stage. Gboro-Literally this means how many ears do you have? Required fields are marked *. Make Her Valentine’s Day Extra Special With ProFlowers, Checkout Bloomingdales Valentine Gift Guide, How To Check Your Data Usage On Samsung S8. Marriage is one of the oldest institutions among Yoruba, it marks the end and the beginning of a new era between two different individuals, who agreed to live together, and through their union creates everlasting friendship between homes of their birth. Marriage is only for emotionally mature people and not for immature boys and girls. The proverbs means a person is responsible for someone’s plight. Caribbean Proverbs A good “live with” is better than a bad marriage The same mouth that courts you doesn’t marry you Getting married is nothing, it’s assuming the responsibility of marriage … Marriage for the Yoruba man or woman is a necessity. In other words it is a saying that can’t be taken in its literal meaning rather it helps buttress a point. Its the same with saying crying more the bereaved.For example, This can be used by a child struggling to be admitted into a university instead of the parent helping they are busy going all out to help another person’s child to get admission into the university while neglecting their own child. This can be used by a parent giving instruction or warning to his child. Owo po lowo mi– literally it means i have a lot of money but as a proverb it means you are broke. ~ Spanish Proverb. « Constitutional Amendment and Quest for More States in Nigeria. The proverb means parents are only pretentious when they tell outsiders to feel free to discipline their child but deep down they don’t want outsiders to discipline their child on their behalf. The soup the husband doesn’t eat; the wife doesn’t make. Produce belongs to the person who grows it. Funny! Dec 14, 2014 - Explore Toyin Oyeledun's board "Yoruba Proverbs" on Pinterest. Their wedding ceremony have always been colorful and very festive. After scouring the web for the best proverbs, we have created a list of 50 Yoruba proverbs and their meanings. Marriage to this ethnic group is seen to be the foundation of their society rather than a bond between two … Translations (1) . African Proverbs about Love and Marriage Wood already touched by fire isn't hard to set alight. This can be used for instance, a man who didn’t want to marry a good girl from the city probably because he thinks city girls are wild went and married a naive village girl only to find out she is a prostitute who can’t even bear him a child. Yoruba_Proverbs. O re ota mi – literally it means my enemy is sick but as a proverb it means the individual is not well. This can be used by a staff when his wicked boss his complaing of the unfair treatment he received. Ti iya nla ba gbe ni shonle, kekere a gun ori e– literally this means if a big fight throws you on the floor the smaller ones will climb you. The proverb means why are you without a home training. 1 likes. Abo oro la sofun omode to ba de inu re adi odindin– Literally it means half word is what we tell a child when it gets to his heart it becomes whole. The proverb means you might be quarrelling with someone but not to the extent of wishing the person death. Just like most tribes in Africa, the Yoruba tribe has a rich culture and loves to speak in parables proverbs. Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of MyRegistryWedding. Legit.ng News ★ Yoruba culture is so rich! For instance, this can be used by someone trying to defend you from an evildoer and yet you are against the person or you are complaining about what the person is doing to defend you. A deaf husband and a blind wife are always a happy couple. Add Translation. A cheerful wife is the spice of life. Ale fina sori orule sun-literally it means you can’t sleep with the roof on fire. The Yoruba integrate many traditional Yoruba marriage customs (such as arranged marriages and bridewealth) into their Christian and Islamic ceremonies. The ceremony takes place in the bride’s house and they are responsible for all the preparations and costs. News. Families and friends are dressed in their brightest and best attires. Advertisements-MY MARRIAGE PODCAST Tags: culture, olapa ijoko, olopa iduor, traditional wedding, yoruba traditional marraige, May 20, 2014 at 8:56 pm (UTC -4) For eample this can be used by a politician vying for a political position who needs the urgent attention of his political party when he realize that his secret which can pose a danger to his political ambition has been let out of the bag. Meaning: Prolonged endurance is what yields elderly maturity. Proverbs are popular sayings that provide nuggets of wisdom. to hear. (Iigbagbo ti koni ise oku ni. Yoruba proverbs and their meaning. From prudent sayings on wisdom itself, to judicious encouragements, warnings and even quirky advice on learning, patience, unity, wealth, poverty, community, family, love and marriage, these quotes will inspire you to be the best you can possibly be. You must be willing to die in order to live. Aja to ba ma sonu ko ki gbo fere olode-Literally it means a dog that will get lost will not listen to the whistle of the hunter. Promptness to the bride’s house is of utmost importance. Before the groom’s family enters the bride’s home, they kneel to show the bride’s family respect. This can be used by parents to emphasize a warning to their child. The proverb means some people are exempted from the law of the land. Yoruba is such a sweet language and i love their positivity as they will never claim any negativity. The proverbs mean the younger wife will also receive the same bad treatment the senior wife got. Constitutional Amendment and Quest for More States in Nigeria. . ) The razor begs the scalp; the wayfarer's soles beg the path; waist beads beg the home-woven cloth; when the begging is done, one lets matters drop. Literally it means we are fighting for oja and oja is asking who is fighting at his backyard but the proverb means we are trying to defend you yet you are against us or you are compaining about what we are doing to defend you. The proverb means when you are faced with life challenge even people who are not up to your status will want to take advantage of you. Don't Miss The Free Giveaway Fund From Palmpay, Why You Should Stop Taking Living Bitters Capsules, ESUT Academic Transcript Application Process, Process of Applying for Replacement of Your Marriage certificate, Should A Woman Depend On Her Husband Financially, Importance Of Expressing Your Feelings In Your Marriage, Should There Be Privacy Between You And Your Spouse In Marriage, Steps You Should Take To Earn Your Wife's Trust, What To Expect In S2 Of Mymarriage Podcast, Importance Of Loving Yourself And Taking Care Of Your Mental Health In Marriage. Women are caps; they never accompany the hunter into the dense forest. Yoruba tribe is one of the three major tribes in Nigeria. Yoruba proverbs constitute an important aspect of language use in a Yoruba speech community. [Back to text] 18. Haitian Proverb. A tori oja ja, oja ni talo ja ni ekule ohun. 21. 4. The proverb means you are giving undue attention to someone’s plight without taking care of your own problems. Reason for dowry payment is to test the patience and endurance of the groom and compensation of the bride’s family for raising her. This is used when someone is ill and is being asked about his health. African proverbs, especially Yoruba proverbs have always struck us with their deep meaning. 61 Yoruba Proverbs. Once they agreed that they love each other and will like to take the relationship to the next stage, they will both inform their parents. The introductory stage entails the groom family introducing themselves to the bride’s family and making their intension known that … 22. Trialsandtests. Your email address will not be published. (This proverb has the same import as, A k nl, a p gb. https://myregistrywedding.com/2020/01/29/yoruba-proverbs-and-their-meaning Let’s look at some yoruba proverbs, their meaning and when they are used. The proverb means it’s only the person in a situation that knows how it feels. The proverb means when you are blessed you don’t display it to the world. It has different answers to important questions in their religion and wise words. This is normally said when the person you are quarrelling is experiencing something horrible and you need to visit the person or even help. Discussion Forum This can be used when someone is requesting for money and you don’t have enough. Pa kere ti won fi na iya ile obe loke fun iyawo– literally this means the cane used to beat the senior wife is up there waiting for you the younger wife. A great affair covers up a small matter. English: To catch a monkey, you must do like a monkey. The introductory stage entails the groom family introducing themselves to the bride’s family and making their intension known that they wants their daughter’s hand in marriage to their son. This is often used when there is a sudden change in someone’s attitude. Translation: The head of an old man is bald because he has taken on so much trouble on his head in his lifetime. ~ Burundi Proverb. Ti o ba nidi obirin oki je kumolu– literally it means if there is no reason a woman does not bear kumolu but as a proverb it means there is a reason for someone’s behaviour. Men have thought about their marriage a whole year long — and it lasts but one night. Yoruba man usually purse his traditional Yoruba woman by direct approach or by approaching member of the bride’s family or any other way they deemed fit. The proverb means listen attentively. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Yoruba_Proverbs. The proverb mean complaing unnecessarily. ~ Swiss Proverb. A man with a cough cannot conceal himself. Ancient Yoruba sayings. African Proverb. Ki lo fi ise? . Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Marriage is an essential institution in the Yoruba culture and history. Ìkini fún Ọdún Ẹgbàálélógún – Year 2021 Yoruba Season Greetings “Ẹsẹ̀ yá ju mọ́tọ̀ (ọkọ̀) ara ló nfàbò sí” – ohun ìrìn-àjò ni èdè Yorùbá: “Legs are faster than vehicle wears the body out” – Names of means of travelling in Yoruba Language The proverb means a word is enough for the wise. For example , this can be used by someone who wants out of a relationship. Yoruba Proverbs. Isn’t that funny. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! The proverbs mean i can’t be running from a little problem only to land myself in a bigger problem. Proverbs and quotes about marriage, wives and husbands. Aseju ni irun aya, irun abe tito-hairy chest is oversabi, pubic hair is enough 3. The proverb builds on the fact that chickens have no knees, and, therefore, cannot state cases kneeling. Ta ba nja bi ba ku ko– Literally it means if we are fighting not to the extent of death. … This is so good, can’t believe i did not know most of this proverb. Even though most of them came to existence long ago, they are still applicable in the modern world. Recently Translated Words. Marriage is a covered dish. I couldn’t stop laughing when i saw “owo po lowo mi” which means you have plenty money but yet you have nothing. Won fo omo re bo re fun re– literally mean you don’t sacrifice the priest child. That’s all about the 50 Yoruba Proverbs and their meanings. Like “In West African traditions, land belongs to the person who works it. Some Yoruba culture accepts dowries at the engagement ceremony. For example this can be used by a parent who the child ‘s friend hardly ever greets. The proverbs means your wife would not be lazy. It is customary for litigants in Yoruba courts to state their cases on their knees. 20 Age and marriage tame the best. See more ideas about wise words, words of wisdom, great quotes. and Olaleye 2009:116). They are simple, brief, and popular sayings or phrases that give advice and effectively embodies a commonplace truth based on practical experience or common sense. Add Translation. Mi o le sare keke ki kolu motor– Literally this means i can’t run from jaming a Tricycle only to jam a car. Wedding rings  Showing results 1 to 25 of 49. This can be used by parents when they warn a stubborn and troublesome child. Today, we would take a look at some of the Yoruba proverbs and their meaning. Yoruba traditional marriage entails two stages which are introduction and engagement. The engagement ceremony is also held at the bride’s house. Link to this comment. These punchy quotes inspire, illuminate, and humor as they teach. Fìlà lobìnrin, wọn kì í bá ọdẹ wọ ìtí. The consent of the bride’s family is important and the groom and his family are usually happy to have that consent. Eyin iyawo oni mo eni– Literally this means the back of the wife will not know mat. According to the oxford dictionary proverb is a short, well-known pithy saying, stating a general truth or piece of advice. Your email address will not be published. Trialsandtests. Yoruba Proverbs. As part of Yoruba funerary rites, a chicken is sacrificed to clear evil forces off the way of the deceased's spirit. Bami na omo mi kode inu olomo– literally this means help me beat my child is not from the heart of the parents. 17. Ajala ta ni na– Literally it means who has beaten Ajala. The proverb means you don’t put your dirty details out there. Ogbe eru ele ru so ori, ofa ti e lowo– literally this means you are carrying someone’s else load on your head while holding yours on your hand. Dowry payment may be in form of goods but consists of money most of the time. This is used when a man marries a new wife and the new wife is behaving rudely to the older wife. RadicallyBlunt:. If you want your dream guy or lady to have certain physical qualities such as height or skin tone, it is vital that you know that you might end up not getting a perfect one. N ko eni o dimeji ki inu bi yan– literally this means your thing can’t become two and you will be angry. Proverbs. Asking for dowry is to test the grooms patience. This hints at the Yoruba marriage system and how essential money is to get a woman to marry. Foriti Foriti lomu ki ori Agba pa. A proverb is the horse that can carry one swiftly to the discovery of ideas. ... Yoruba Traditional Marriage and tagged traditional marriage, yoruba, yoruba community, yoruba proverbs on November 8, 2020 by Bim A. - Yoruba proverb)” ― Habeeb Akande tags: job, nigerian-proverb, religious-person, work, yoruba. 1. Proverbs are very significant in traditional Africa, hence the saying among the Yoruba Owe lesin oro , oro lesin owe; ti oro ba sonu owe la fin nwa – meaning A proverb is a guide to a word and a word is a guide to a proverb; when a word is lost, a proverb … The bride and groom exchange rings and vows and are pronounced husband and wife thereafter. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. When the rain falls in the valley, the hill gets angry. (unknown author) A clever wife often sleeps with a stupid husband. If the groom is not punctual, the family may be asked to leave or may be asked to pay a fee. The proverb means someone who wants to follow the path of destruction doesn’t listen to advice.
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