why is soda upset about sandy in chapter 12

He is having a hard time dealing with the breakup and the situation with Ponyboy. How did Darry and Soda both respond when the judge asked each if Dally was a good friend? 6. What does Soda mean when he says, "If you don't have anything, you end up like Dallas.. Soda froze, hand still in mid air, eyes fixed on the pillow behind Ponyboy's head. Why? Why is Soda upset about Sandy in Chapter 12? She isn't involved in any of the present action of The Outsiders, and she remains behind the scenes the whole time.Pony has a pretty good impression of her, unlike his impressions of most of the Greaser girls he knows. 5. Chapter 12 begins with the hearing. Finally, Darry convinces the reporters to leave, but the nurses still will not give Pony, Soda, and Darry any information about the conditions of Dally and Johnny (medical information is privileged and is only given to family members). Why did Darry become angry with Ponyboy just as his visitor left? Summary and Analysis Chapter 12 Summary. feeling, characterized by, or expressing strong displeasure at something considered unjust, offensive, insulting, or base: 1. What does Darryl tell Ponyboy about the deaths of Dallas and Johnny? 12. Darry and Ponyboy play tug of war with Soda because they're always fighting and Soda … Which of the characters is in critical condition after the fire? Quotes ABOUT the Soda: 1) "I turned my head to look at him and in the moonlight he looked like some Greek god come to earth" (Hinton 18). 2. Quiz & Worksheet Goals Use these assessments to review: Darry and Ponyboy argue all the time and while they are arguing they both try and make Soda take their side to prove that they are right. Quiz topics include why Jerry Wood thinks reporters like Soda and Darry and why Pony thinks Dally will be upset about the newspaper article. 6. I ain't stupid. What does Ponyboy find inside his copy of Gone With the WInd? CHAPTER 12: 1. Apparently, Soda had sent a letter to Sandy. 1 History 2 Appearance 3 Personality 4 The Gang 5 Child 6 Notes 7 References and Citations 8 External links Sodapop told Ponyboy he was sure he was going to marry Sandy. How do the boys get into the Nightly Double? Explain how Darry and Ponyboy play tug of war with Soda. Now Pony sees why Soda is so sad today. Randy gives him a strange look. How do we know Sandy didn't love Soda as much as he loved her: We know that Sandy didn’t love Soda as much as he loved her because she didn’t even bother to open the letter that Soda sent her, and Soda loved her so much that he wanted to marry her but she just left him hanging and walked out on him. We know that Soda loved Sandy more than she loved him because Soda was a bit to young for her. We know that Sandy didn't love Soda as much as he loved her because Sandy moved away to Florida to have a baby that they later found out wasn't even Soda's. 9 10. Summary. Darry explains that Sandy moved to Florida because she was pregnant, but the father of her baby wasn't Sodapop. 8. CHAPTER 2 1. (Pg. As the three brothers wait at the hospital to find out about their friends' conditions, reporters bombard them with questions. I might of guessed you were brothers-you look alike"' (Hinton 23). Why did Pony feel like he needed to clean his house? ... knocking them both over. Why does Darry work so hard? The letter has come back. Explain how Darry and Ponyboy play tug of war with Soda. Try this amazing Outsiders: Chapters 7-12 quiz which has been attempted 2005 times by avid quiz takers. Perfect for acing essays, tests, and quizzes, as well as for writing lesson plans. What did Randy tell Ponyboy when he wanted to talk? As it turns out, Soda wasn't the father. Chapter 7 1. Soda is upset because his girlfriend, who was sent to Florida by her parents, is sending back his letters unopened. The hearing with the judge wasn't what Ponyboy had expected. Chapter 10 answers Vocabulary Indignant-. The Outsiders – S.E. 5. He reached to flush Pony's pillow. Also explore over 61 similar quizzes in this category. So when Ponyboy and Darry have a fight, Soda runs out of the house. Chapter 11, pg. Soda had offered to marry her anyway, but she turned him down. 5. However, when she got pregnant, she left to go live with her grandmother in Florida. Darry and Ponyboy play a tug of war with Soda because they are always trying to get him to pick one side of the fight. Now Pony sees why Soda is so sad today. But hopefully the next chapter will NOT be that delayed. Sandy Girl "In Trouble" Sandy is Soda's girlfriend. It is the letter he wrote to Sandy, returned unopened. 12. Learn exactly what happened in this chapter, scene, or section of The Outsiders and what it means. Ponyboy realizes that Soda has his own problems, but Ponyboy has been too wrapped up in himself to notice them, or to listen if Soda has tried to talk about them. While explaining what had been happening to their brother, Darry tells Ponyboy, "He told me he loved her, but I guess she didn't love him like he thought she did, because it wasn't him. 5. 20 STUDY GUIDE . 171) Why does Two-Bit grin when Ponyboy is picking up the glass? A letter from Johnny. 5. What was the judge's decision at the end of the hearing? Also she was pregnant only the baby wasn't Soda's. What do we find out about the real reason that Sandy went to Florida? Why didn’t Johnny want to see his mom when she came to visit him in the hospital? Soda drops a letter and Darry picks it up. He finds out that Sandy is pregnant by someone other than Soda. Turtle confesses to the bombing by posting a note in the elevator. What do you suppose the doctor told the judge? Chapter 12 1. Soda drops a letter and Darry picks it up. Why did Johnny change and not want to die anymore? Ponyboy's dreaming, or lying to himself, finally works in this chapter because after the rumble, Dally and Ponyboy go to see Johnny at the hospital. Ponyboy thinks that he will sort it… Everyone except Pony was able to tell the judge what had happened that night; Pony is only questioned about his home life. Even though Sandy cheated on Soda, he still loved her and wanted to marry her, but it was obvious that she didn't feel the same way. 3. Chapter 7 . 3. What does Sodapop tell Ponyboy about his plans for Sandy and himself? She returns his letters unopened. The Outsiders STUDENT COPY 6. ... Sandy is pregnant. Why was Pony so upset about Johnny’s condition? Hinton Chapter 12 Pg 202 The court date arrives and Ponyboy is surprised it is nothing like he imagined. Darry explains that Sandy was pregnant when she left for Florida, but that it wasn't Soda's child. 165 He tells Randy that Johnny is not dead. The doctor talks to the judge before the trial. ... You do that when you're anxious or upset about something. ... Then Soda runs out the door, dropping an envelope. Answered 2013-06-13 12:28:33. "You miss Sandy," Pony said quietly. When Pony learns that Sandy's pregnant – not by Soda – and that Sandy's parents refused to let her marry Soda, he realizes Soda has problems too. Explain how Darry and Ponyboy play tug of war with Soda. Besides Darry and Soda and me, nobody was there except Randy and his parents and Cherry Valance and her parents and a couple of the other guys that had jumped Johnny and me that night. 2) "Soda always takes up for me" (Hinton 12). Sandy has returned Soda's letter unopened, and he is upset about that. The Outsiders by S.E. Why does Soda bolt out the door? Just then, Darry comes in, and Pony overhears him whisper to Randy that the doctor says Pony is still very upset about the killings, but he will get over it if they give him time. The letter he wrote to Sandy has been returned unopened and he is upset about it. 3. Pony replies that it is because Darry is mean and doesn't really like Pony all that much. The doctor may have convinced the judge that Ponyboy has been through a lot and spoke about how Ponyboy has been coping with all that he has lost and losing everyone he loves. Chapter 10 1.Indignantly - feeling or showing anger because of something unjust or unworthy. Still, he wanted to marry her. When they arrive, Johnny is already dying, and in a few moments, Johnny passes away. Darry explains that Sandy was pregnant when she left for Florida, but that it wasn't Soda's child. Chapter 8 1. Why was the court hearing important? 7. list four people who attended Ponyboy's hearing. - Ponyboy said that he'd kill Bob and Johnny wasn't dead because he wanted Johnny to be known as a hero, not a murderer, and he's also in denial and wants to believe Johnny is okay. What were possible decisions of the court? 13. 2. Describe Ponyboy, Soda, and Darry‘s relationship with each other. It'd make him happy at least. They figure out what has happened and chase their brother down. 4. that is why she turned down soda's proposal and that is also why she moved to Florida to stay with her grandmother. Soda truly cared about her, he wanted to marry her and spend the rest of his life with her but she didn't feel the same way. When Darry and Pony try to bring Soda into the fight and ask him to choose sides, he runs out of the house. NEWTOWN, CT - UNSPECIFED DATE: In this handout crime scene evidence photo provided by the Connecticut State Police, shows the Newtown Tehcnology Team ID of Adam Lanza in the bathroom at the suspect's house on Yogananda St. following the December 14, 2012 shooting rampage at Sandy Hook Elementary School, taken on an unspecified date in Newtown, Connecticut . 4. 3. Hinton (Contains gang violence and some swearing) Grades 7-12; Genre - Fiction; GRL Z; AR pts: 7.0 Ponyboy can count on his brothers and on his friends. Summary. The doctor may have believed Ponyboy was good boy and wanted to judge to convey sympathy. Why, though, does he run out of the house? Suddenly, Sodapop runs out of the house, dropping a letter that Sandy had returned to him unopened. 11. Sandy has returned Soda's letter unopened, and he is upset about that. Since we only end up hearing this information from Darrel, some readers wonder if Sandy's really pregnant, who the father is, and why … (12.36) and then he runs off. (12.36) and then he runs off. Randy gives him a strange look. Cherry asks Pony why he's said so much about Soda but almost nothing about his oldest brother, Darry. Chapter 12 THE HEARING WASN'T anything like I thought it would be. Sandy is Sodapop's ex-girlfriend. After Pony and Darry go find Soda, the three of them talk. 2. The letter has come back. 3) "'Man, your brother is one doll. Ponyboy dream of lying to himself, works in this chapter because Ponyboy good friend Johnny , was dead and … A summary of Part X (Section4) in S. E. Hinton's The Outsiders. Apparently, Soda had sent a letter to Sandy. But not on much else besides trouble with the Socs, a vicious gang of rich kids whose idea of a good time is beating […] Soda wrote her a letter but Sandy sent it right back without opening the envelope. Why did Ponyboy say he’d killed Bob and that Johnny wasn’t dead? Why do they choose to do that? The Socs tell the truth but Ponyboy is shocked that the Socs say Johnny killed Bob. Why did soda run out of the Curtis house and head for the park? 5. Sandy and Soda had been a couple for a long time when she got pregnant and went to Florida to have her baby. Why, though, does he run out of the house? Chapter 12: What does Two-Bit mean when he tells Ponyboy "you're not like the rest of us"? Her mother is traumatized, and Mr. Hoo tells his wife that he’s lucky his son is a dumb jock. That night, Ponyboy and Darry get into a shouting match over Ponyboy's unwritten essay and his recent lack of motivation. 2. Still, he wanted to marry her.
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