The Ottoman Empire is an interesting case study in religious tolerance, particularly for the times. [b] He faced widespread criticism for his attack on neutral Saxony and his forcible incorporation of the Saxon forces into the Prussian army following the Siege of Pirna in October 1756. [77], Frederick himself tried further propaganda to justify the Partition, portraying the acquired provinces as underdeveloped and improved by Prussian rule. After nightfall, Frederick's body was finally laid to rest in the terrace of the vineyard of Sanssouci—in the still existing crypt he had built there—without pomp, in accordance with his will.[195]. He embraced diversity and decreed religious freedom for everyone. The crisis of cultures and religion's role in society. [91] Maria Theresa had only reluctantly agreed to the partition, to which Frederick sarcastically commented, "she cries, but she takes". Like Catherine II of Russia, Frederick recognised the educational activities of the Jesuits as an asset for the nation. Frederick disliked the German language and literature, explaining that German authors "pile parenthesis upon parenthesis, and often you find only at the end of an entire page the verb on which depends the meaning of the whole sentence". In the case of Frederick II, it might also have been a reaction to the austerity of the family environment created by his father, who had a deep aversion for France and was not interested in the cultural development of his state. On 6 January 1762, he wrote to Count Karl-Wilhelm Finck von Finckenstein, "We ought now to think of preserving for my nephew, by way of negotiation, whatever fragments of my territory we can save from the avidity of my enemies". [78] He even bombarded Polish customs ports on the Vistula, further thwarting Polish efforts to create a modern fiscal system. [e], Frederick aspired to be a Philosopher king; he joined the Freemasons in 1738 and corresponded with key French Enlightenment figures. Frederick also encouraged immigrants of various nationalities and faiths to come to Prussia, although he enacted oppressive measures against Polish Catholic subjects in West Prussia. Those hitherto in power have destroyed the schools, thinking that the uneducated people are easily oppressed. Later, Elisabeth accompanied Frederick to Schloss Rheinsberg, where she played an active social role. Though he had a good command of this language, his writing style was flawed; he had troubles with its orthography and always had to rely on French proofreaders. [10], Although his father, Frederick William I, had been raised a Calvinist in spite of the Lutheran state faith in Prussia, he feared he was not one of God's elect. Because they were army officers who had tried to flee Prussia for Great Britain, Frederick William leveled an accusation of treason against the pair. Q.4.The majority religion of Russia was _____ but the empire also included _____ (a) Russian Orthodox Church, grown out of Greek Orthodox Church (b) Russian Orthodox Church His position became even more desperate in 1761 when Britain, having achieved victory in the American and Indian theatres of the war, ended its financial support for Prussia after the death of King George II, Frederick's uncle. Frederick strongly suspected Maria Theresa would resume war in an attempt to recover Silesia. Blanning (1990) "Frederick the Great" in H.M. Scott, ed., Count Karl-Wilhelm Finck von Finckenstein, Elisabeth Christine of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel-Bevern, Anti-Machiavel ou Essai de Critique sur le Prince de Machiavel, Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism, "La Prusse n'est pas un pays qui a une armée, c'est une armée qui a un pays", "Friedrich ist der Begründer der Tiermedizin in Deutschland", "Jean Baptiste marquis de BOYER D'ARGENS (1703–1771)". Liberals looked to change society, they wanted a nation that tolerated all religions. Immanuel Kant published religious writings in Berlin which would have been censored elsewhere in Europe. Nevertheless, although Frederick was largely irreligious, he to some extent appeared to adopt this tenet of Calvinism.
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