C) A national culture has little impact guiding behaviors of organizational ⦠An integrity-based culture is one that reinforces a particular set of rules. Check all that applya. 2. 1. Subcultures influence members' behavior. If organizations were composed only of numerous subcultures, organizational culture as an independent variable would be significantly less powerful. a. the power structure of a company can one decipher its culture. A) Organizational culture represents only the written policies and procedures of an organization. A compliance culture is only as strong and as precise as the rules that workers are expected to follow. B. only when they are told by senior executives to the public. B) To the extent that organizational culture increases trust among employees, it reduces the need for monitoring of organizational members. Correct answers: 1 question: Which of the following is true of organizational culture? Which of the following is true of an organizational culture with an internal focus? Organizational change involves movement from the organization's present state to a target future state c. Managers need to know how to manage change and how to deliberately change an organization d. People and organizations often resist organizational ⦠Oh⦠and we donât ⦠B. Contact [email protected] for a detailed answer. C) Employees' personal value system is always in tune with the ethical standards of the organization's operating culture. 8.7 Creating and Maintaining Organizational Culture . Organizational culture can help a firm gain and sustain competitive ⦠Which of the following statements is true of organizational culture? Which of the following is true about mental models? Organizational culture is the set of underlying beliefs, values, principles, and ways of interacting within an organization. Which of the following statements is true of organizational culture? D. Mental models can blind employees to ⦠Ù
ØصÙ٠ب٠سبد خرÛد Ø´Ù
ا اضاÙ٠شد. Date: 17/01/2021 By Categories: Sem categoria No comments By Categories: Sem categoria No comments which of the following statements about organizational culture is true? b. 61) Which of the following statements is true about the term âabilityâ, as it is used in the field of organizational behavior? B. Pressures for organizational change will drop in the future b. سبد خرÛد. c. A companyâs culture cannot be taught ⦠1. C. An organizational culture that is high in conflict tolerance encourages unethical behavior. which of the following statements is true of organizational plurality Contact; Products B) Espoused values automatically influence employee behavior C) Most companies have a long list of mission statements D) Espoused values are often established by the founder or ⦠a. C. Values-based organizations do not include a compliance structure. The plurality organizational culture dimension emphasizes which of the following? The Organization Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI) The OCAI is a simple questionnaire that has six categories in which you distribute 100 points between four sub-items for each that represent the four Competing Values cultures, where: Type A style indicates a Clan culture; Type B style indicates an Adhocracy culture Mental models are one of the artifacts of organizational culture. 1) Which of the following is a true statement about organizational culture? He replies immediately!! Organizational culture is the set of shared values, beliefs, and norms that influence the way employees think, feel, and behave towards each other and towards people outside of the organization. Posted on February 14, 2021 by February 14, 2021 by An organization with strong culture encourages high ethical standards. Organizational culture includes an organizationâs expectations, experiences, philosophy, and values that hold it together, and is expressed in its self-image, inner workings, interactions ⦠Which of the following statements is true of organizational culture? which of the following statements is true of organizational culture. B. a. A. never, organizational stories always overinflate the organization's true culture. With regard to the generation of a unique organizational culture, which of the following statements is TRUE? A company's culture cannot be taught-managers must hire people that have the right culture⦠Employees may be unaware of the underlying assumptions that guide an organizationâs culture. C. Mental models are mainly used to decipher an organization's culture. Mental models usually help to improve organizational effectiveness. An organization with low conflict tolerance encourages ethical behavior. A. refers to the unique set of values of an organization B. shapes the degree of cooperation and competition within the organization C. governs the way employees interact with each other D. workers who don't conform to their organization's culture are rewarded Workers who don't conform to their organization's culture ⦠A) Organizational culture is no substitute for formal systems of control. Employees may be unaware of the underlying assumptions that guide an organization's culture.b. Need Help Writing an Essay. It exists only in the top management of an organization. a. Home; which of the following statements is true of organizational culture; which of the following statements is true of organizational culture. A. ⦠Why is it difficult to imitate the organizational culture of ⦠Which of the following real-world scenarios best exemplifies the use ⦠GM's insistence on sticking to a bureaucratic culture ⦠A. 21 Which of the following statements are true about organizational culture? Which of the following statements is true of organizational culture? It helps ensure that all members of a company ⦠A) As compared to managers in U.S., managers in developing economies are less likely to see ethical decisions as embedded in a social environment. Subcultures include the core values of the dominant culture plus additional values unique to the respective department. Check all that apply a. A) It refers to an individualâs willingness to perform various tasks. which of the following statements is true of organizational culture D. An organizational culture that is high in control encourages ⦠a) It is absent in large organizations. Which of the following statements is false about organizational change?. Which of the following is NOT true about organizational culture? C. when they describe real people, are assumed to be true, and are known by ⦠Culture can create a competitive advantage for a company.c. Which of the following statements is not true about perspectives and views of organizational culture? It defines and creates a unique environment to work in. b) It can only be conveyed through formal communication between managers and subordinates. 58) Which of the following statements is true regarding effects of national culture on organizational culture and ethical behavior within an organization? Which of the following statements about culture is true? D. A values-based culture emphasizes obedience to the rules as the ⦠(a) It differentiates one organization from another (b) It defines the internal environment of an organization (c) It ensures consistency in the behavior of organization members (d) It remains absolutely stable throughout the life of an organization (e) It is perceived by the organization members as well as by ⦠Chapter 19 Organizational Buyer Behavior Multiple Choice Questions 1)Which of the following ha. Definition Organizational goals are designed to be consistent with membersâ strengths. The ⦠Uncategorized which of the following statements about organizational culture is true? Which of the following statements are true about organizational culture? 1. A) Espoused values are the same thing as enacted values. It can only be conveyed through formal communication between managers and subordinates. Culture can create a competitive advantage for a company. It is absent in large organizations. Despite changes in the business environment, the culture is continued if aspects of organizational culture prove successful. 12. Things like an organizationâs expectations, vision, philosophy, image, interactions within the office and outside of the office also define what the ⦠Power systems b. Interconnections c. Presence of subcultures d. A widely dispersed organizational culture. Send us an email with all the details of your assignment to [email protected] and we will send you a quote for your essay. b. an organization with a strong culture is one where no punishment system exists. Chapter 19 Organizational Buyer Behavior Multiple Choice Questions 1)Which of the following ha ... Chapter 19 Organizational Buyer Behavior Multiple Choice Questions 1)Which of the following ha. B) Organizational culture includes the values,beliefs,and norms shared by all employees of that organization. c. organizational culture and organizational design are independent of each ⦠Organizational culture is a system of shared assumptions, values, and beliefs, which governs how people behave in organizations.
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