H ot on the heels of Warm Audio’s four-channel WA-412 microphone preamplifier – reviewed last month – comes the WA273-EQ, a copy of the vintage Neve 1073 module. Hi gang, My GAS makes me suffer these days and I contemplate the idea to sell one of my 2 UA LA-610 and replace it with something else. Over the years there have been a handful of preamps that have really stood the test of time with classic design that resulted in classic sound. 0 users rated this 3 out of 5 stars 0. When Warm Audio sent over the WA-251 for us to try out, I pulled some strings and had them send over a WA273-EQ as well. Видео о армянской культуре, Армении, армянах и все что связанно с ними. I'm tempted by the WA273-EQ but I'm wondering if it will be better than the ISAs or not. At any point in our studio, we have had four to five different “1073-style” preamps that we could choose from. WA273. Warm Audio Wa273 2 Channel Neve 1073 Style British Mic Preamp 713541493131: New. While the WA-412 is based on the 312 schematic found in classic American API consoles of the 1970s, the WA273-EQ is an emulation of the channels found in Neve’s most revered British consoles from the same era. Recent update, Recording Advice | Article, Gear Shootouts, Preamps. AMS Neve 1073LB Preampmodule 500er API. The WARM AUDIO wa73 family consists of single and dual channel '73-style preamps with out eq, that each pay careful homage to British history. Warm Audio WA273-EQ 2 Channel Neve 1073 Style British Mic Preamp 713541493148 | Musical Instruments & Gear, Pro Audio Equipment, Preamps & Channel Strips | eBay! Add to Compare (MAIL-IN MODIFICATION SERVICE): WARM AUDIO WA273EQ DUAL CHANNEL PREAMP WITH EQ. 5.0 out of 5 stars 1 product rating. Produkte sind in großer Auswahl online und im Music Store verfügbar. 649 € 47 . Share Tweet. Warm Audio WA273-EQ Dual Channel Mic Preamp/DI with EQ (based on the Neve 1073) SE Systems has added the Warm Audio line for our customers wanting tht Vintage sound at a resonable price. 1.499 € 1.679 € 13 . The WA273-EQ is a desert island boutique preamp, but it can also be classified as studio and live work-horse. NEVE 1073 vs Golden Age Premier PRE-73 - Out of Phase NEVE 1073 vs RME UFX - Out of Phase I adjusted the gain to get the biggest cancellation possible. Products. 4. Add to Wish List. Chandler Limited REDD.47. From United States. WA12 … However, if you're still looking for something to capture the essence of classic hardware in your studio, Warm Audio gear is a perfect alternative. Dual Mic / Line Amps / DI für Pro Audio können Sie online kaufen auf Musicstore.de. Midas Parametric Equaliser 512 V2. C … 649 € 799,99 € 2 . Grundsätzlich sind aber alle der getesteten Geräte mit Equalizer auch alle als reine Preamp-Versionen erhältlich. 3.595 € 12 . or Best Offer +C $59.72 shipping estimate. The WA273-EQ is hand-wired and hand assembled, including PCB components that are all populated by. 5. Modification Services for Warm Audio WA273-EQ On the WA273EQ channel strip we offer both a .. $499.99 . 2-Channel Microphone Preamp in British 1073 Style. Add to Compare (MAIL-IN MODIFICATION SERVICE): WARM AUDIO … Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Warm Audio WA273-EQ Dual Channel '73 Neve Style' British Mic Pre & EQ Brand New at the best online prices at … The WA273-EQ stereo preamp pays homage to the legendary Neve 1073 preamp; handwired with carefully selected components so that the sonic performance is true to the original. Direct Boxes. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Warm Audio WA273 Dual Channel '73 Neve Style' British Mic Pre. Thanks guys ! 1 product rating - Warm Audio WA273 2 Channel Neve 1073 style British Mic Preamp -- 860191002104. Warm Audio WA273. However, if you're still looking for something to capture the essence of classic hardware in your studio, Warm Audio gear is a perfect alternative. 22.10.2018. Warm Audio WA273-EQ. Heritage Audio HA-73 EQ ELITE, Warm Audio … Warm Audio WA73-EQ; BAE Audio 1073; AMS Neve 1073DPA; Der Fokus liegt bei dem Vergleich ausschließlich auf den Vorverstärkern, die EQ-Sektionen werden wegen der unterschiedlichen Ausstattungsmerkmale der Kandidaten nicht thematisiert. Wa273 Eq Warm Audio Neve Mic. von Alexander Berger . 5.0 out of 5 stars. https://www.amazona.de/top-news-warm-audio-wa73-wa73-eq-wa273-wa273-… I have 8 ISA preamps and they are my favorites.. 2.458 € 3.176,11 € 1 . 8 ratings . C $1,263.19. 189 € Black Lion Audio B12A MKII 500. Microphone Preamps. After all, I was doing a mic shootout, so why not have two channels of Neve-inspired preamps to serve as the “equal playing field”? Guitar/Effects Pedals. Mabiza Resources Limited "only the best…" home; corporate. 489 € 5 . The WA273 equally shines on all types of microphones and sources including; vocals, acoustic/electric guitars, bass, drums, percussion, orchestras, keyboards, and even as a tone shaping tool to run partial or complete mixes through. $ 999.00 +$0.00 shipping: Buy it Now. Upgrade your studio with a variety of affordable microphone preamps by Warm Audio. I’ve had some time with it this month, and I think you should all take a listen. TB12 Tone Beast Black. 113 (5 / 5) Dass wir den Golden Age Audio Pre-73 Premier im Test haben, ist kein Wunder: Welcher Recording-Enthusiast träumt nicht von einem oder am besten gleich einem ganzen Rack voller originaler Neve-1073-Preamps? AMS Neve AMS RMX16. Golden Age Premier PRE-73. I should say that after spending the evening fiddling with the internal potentiometers, I finally seem to set them very close to each other. Neve 1073 Eq Plugin Comparison . About; leadership; mine. 1.499 € 1.679 € 4 . 449 € 1 . The Warm Audio WA273-EQ is incredible I purchased one over the Holidays to give a different flavor in my analog studio, all my other mic pre's are tube mic pre's, WOW ! 1.135 € 1.379 € AMS Neve 33609 Limiter / Compressor. Warm Audio WA-412. Warm Audio WA273 2 Channel NEVE 1073 Style British Mic Preamp 713541493131. 1.498 € 28 . Choosing a Neve 1073 Clone. 5.0 average based on 1 product rating. WA273-EQ. Quickly, mayhem ensued, two mics turned to 3, and another preamp entered the ring to challenge the Warm Audio WA273. Upgrade your studio with a variety of affordable microphone preamps by Warm Audio. Focusrite Clarett OctoPre. Все актуальные видео на армянскую тематику. Description:A Dual Channel '73For The Rest Of UsIf there’s one style of preamp that professional engineerswould unanimously agree has defined the tone of pop/rock records for decades,it would most definitely be the venerable '73-style of mic pre. Manley Core. They now give the same output level and the compression threshold is also very near (below … 845 € 999 € 6 . Avalon V55. overview; reserves & resources; publications 2. Hot on the heels of their WA-47 and WA-47Jr mics inspired by the Neumann U47, Warm Audio have unveiled a whole range of preamps based on the universally venerated, frequently imitated Neve 1073 channel module. When we at Warm Audio decided to release the WA273-EQ it was imperative that it met vintage expectation in both design and performance. Warm Audio WA73 Neve 1073 Style Microphone Preamp, 230-115v Switchable 713541493. Warm Audio WA273-EQ. Warm Audio WA273-EQ NEVE 1073 OVP | Musikinstrumente, Pro-Audio Equipment, Vorverstärker | eBay! 2.399 € 2.854,81 € 13 . Reviewed: Warm Audio WA73-EQ Single Channel Mic Preamp. 2.799 € 3.271,31 € 22 .
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