Ride the zip line down to the ship.(screenshots). The items numbered on my map are covered in this walkthrough. ;) (screenshots). Here's the sequence: Stand on or just below the stairs leading to the room where Alex is trapped. (screenshots). At the top of the steps at the north end of the room there are lots more goodiesâgrenades, 2 boxes of rifle ammo, one of shotgun shells, and 4 bundles of arrows. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews ... Perhaps you're missing a gps at cliffside bunker. 10/11/20 - Added link to Never Final's bug work-around video. FLOODED HOLD â USING THE MOVABLE HOOK TO REACH ALEX: Don't get too close to the wires blocking the hatch at the top of the stairs, where Alex is trapped, or Lara will get a nasty shock. Pick up 2 boxes shotgun shells and one of pistol ammo sitting on the deck. If not, I apologize and invite you to contact me with any questions. You are not permitted to copy any image, text or info from this page. * Tool URL: http://www.dynamicdrive.com/emailriddler/ There are some goodies in there, but you'll need to go around to the other side to get in. Then run back out to the previous room and shoot the sneaky guy. Then climb the stairs. Assassin's Creed Valhalla. Then jump straight up to grab the bar above. Area Map: Cliffside Bunker**. Approach the bunker and shoot a rope arrow to pull the above object towards you (hold the action button), then drop down the hole. This video by Never Final shows how it's done. 0 0. Cliffside Bunker Tomb Raider. If you have any skill points to spend and have not yet unlocked the Dodge Counter skill, I urge you to buy it soon. If you set the difficulty level to Easy, this shouldn't take too long. Then, if Lara dies or you quit the game and restart, the game reloads at the last checkpoint. Focus on the 3 men working on the generator in the sunny area directly ahead. Also check the shelf near the window to find a little Easter Egg, a Kraken plushie that hearkens back to the "Underpus" from the last game. Move into the room where Alex is sitting. Then press Dodge/Roll (Shift/Circle/B) while simultaneously moving to the left or right. Then follow the tunnel back to Shipwreck Beach. The ship is now in even worse shape, shuddering from the explosions and taking on water. Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition Summary : Rebooting Tomb Raider for next-generation consoles, this game focuses on a younger Lara Croft in … Lara spots the Endurance in the distance, and you discover the Bunker Vista Day Camp. If he manages to hit Lara, run away and keep ahead of him until you're able to heal, then start shooting again. 7/7/13 - Updated weapon parts info with help from Jerad Z. The numbers for each of the steps are repeated in the descriptions below. Again, you'll need a special piece of gear to open this. Move forward and take out the first one in the doorway. When Lara uses a rope arrow to unlock the way inside the bunker, she'll reach a previously inaccessible ledge. "So much has happened," she says. Keep running and jump when the game slow-mo's to grab the rope and hold / to ascend quickly. Afterwards, proceed to the overgrown mini boss-type of enemy. Anonymous. (There's a recap of this maneuver on the page with screenshots.) Challenge Tombs: none Challenges: 1 (4 items) Before she can figure out how to lever the weight off, a squad of Solarii appear and start shooting. This won't kill him, but it will shave off a little of his health. (screenshot). You can now climb the crates on the ships' deck to return to the bunker. All rights reserved. This is Lara and Sam's cabin. If you still have time, you can also get one or two more ahead on the left. You receive 250 XP for making it this far. Use your rope ascender to quickly escape the weak section of the ship and end up on the stable one. Drop down and wade through the water. For convenience, here is the original screenshot showing the numbered sequence for moving the hook along the tracks. Then do the same thing once more to deliver a finishing blow. Stella's Tomb Raider Site: tombraiders.net. Move to the top of the ramp made out of a metal door and jump to grab the dangling platform. The targeting reticle will turn red when you can actually hit him. As always, I welcome your corrections/suggestions. COMBAT IN THE MULTI-LEVEL BUILDING: There's a squad of Solarii busy with various tasks in the next room. Examine the back of it for more info and XP. At the top Lara hears more men yelling instructions to each other. He tends to lurk behind the blue barrel but has to emerge to shoot. Follow the passageway to a flooded section. It tells of a discovery that the writer believed might hold the secret to controlling the storms. You'll see the Melee icon over his head. If you go quickly you can shoot the fuel barrel they're about to roll down the stairs and kill one or more of them in the process. Cliffside Bunker - Endurance Boss - Borys the Giant and Associates - Part 1. If there's time, try and get around behind Borys and shoot him in the head once or twice. NOTE: Combat strategy is based on the Medium difficulty setting, so your experience may vary slightly. Tomb Raider, also known as Lara Croft: Tomb Raider between 2001 and 2008, is a media franchise that originated with an action-adventure video game series created by British gaming company Core Design.Formerly owned by Eidos Interactive, then by Square Enix Europe after Square Enix's acquisition of Eidos in 2009, the franchise focuses on fictional British … There's more rifle and shotgun ammo behind the desk at the foot of the stairs, as well as all the stuff in the previous room. If you're playing on a console and are unable to update the game for some reason, you may be able to get past this point by glitching Lara through the floor at the edge of the hatch that would normally break open.
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