... See all. Darry tells him he's been very sick with exhaustion, shock, and a minor concussion. History. He pretends that he'll find Johnny at the house, or in the lot. Chapter 9 … Ponyboy Curtis is in big trouble. Becoming hardened may protect you from life's pain, but it leaves you nothing but a shell. Teachers and parents! and Soda is confused by the question, but responds that yes, Darry is sorry. Ponyboy wonders if Bob’s parents hate him, saying he prefers their hatred to their pity. Ponyboy lives in a dangerous area. After Johnny’s death, Ponyboy wanders alone for hours until a man offers him a ride. Soda tells him that he is sick, and should go back to sleep. How often theme appears: chapter length: Chapter. Chapters 11-12. As Ponyboy wonders about Bob Sheldon's personality for the first time, he considers what his eyes might have been like: "maybe brown, like Soda's, maybe dark-blue, like the Shepard boys'. Summary and Analysis. Ponyboy feels vaguely disoriented. Joyce, Meghan. He lives on the "bad" side of town. ... Chapter 10 Chapter 11 7-8. But he tells himself, "Don't remember. Hinton’s The Outsiders, The Socioeconomic Triggers of Juvenile Delinquency: Analysis of "The Outsiders", Greater Meanings in The Outsiders: A Theater, a Sunset, and a Novel, View Wikipedia Entries for The Outsiders…. From the creators of SparkNotes, something better. Summary: Chapter 11. ... Chapter 10 Summary. The man asks Ponyboy if he is okay and tells him that his head is bleeding. Ponyboy links Johnny and Dally's deaths to Gone with the Wind, as he considers how they "died gallant." Get a detailed summary and analysis of every chapter in the book from BookRags.com. The Outsiders Chapters 6-8 Summary & Analysis. Ponyboy wonders what Bob was really like; he tries to envision Bob as the multifaceted person Cherry had described to him. The man tells him that he's "bleedin' all over [his] car seats" (10.6). At home, he finds the greasers gathered in the living room and tells them that Johnny is dead and that Dally has broken down. This chapter starts out with a diatribe against suicide. Ponyboy is restricted to bed rest for a week after he wakes up from his concussion. The Outsiders study guide contains a biography of author S. E. Hinton, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. Bored, he browses through Soda's high school yearbook and finds a photo of Bob, the "reckless, hot-tempered" Soc that Johnny killed to defend him. Darry tells him that he has been "asleep and delirious" for over three days. Looking at the photograph and remembering conversations with Cherry and Randy, Ponyboy concludes that Bob … According to Pony, why is Dally having so much trouble handling Johnny‘s death? He also resents being made to think about the pending hearing, since he's been putting off thinking about it. After Johnny's death and Dally's departure, Ponyboy wanders through the hospital's halls in a daze. When Ponyboy comes to again, he sees Darry asleep in the armchair next to his bed. Chapters 9–10; Chapters 11–12; Quotes By Character; Johnny Cade; Ponyboy Curtis; Cherry Valance; Darry; Sodapop; Further Study. Like Johnny.". Not affiliated with Harvard College. Ponyboy starts shaking; his heart is beating loudly and he feels as if he will fall over. He says that he was the one who killed Bob, and that Johnny is not dead. How did Ponyboy get so sick? The gang responds with "stricken silence." Looking through Soda's old yearbooks to pass the time, he stumbles across a picture of Robert Sheldon. Chapter 6 Summary. He is grieving, sick, and dazed from the kick to his head in the fight. Chapter 10. Dally tells them to hand over the cards, which they do, and he asks them if they have ever played 52 card pick-up. 5-6. LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in The Outsiders, which you can use to track the themes throughout the work. Chapter 5; Chapter 6; Chapter 7; Chapter 8; Chapter 9; Chapter 10; Chapter 11; Chapter 12; Character Analysis; Ponyboy Curtis; Darry and Sodapop Curtis; Johnny Cade; Dallas (Dally) Winston; Sherri (Cherry) Valance; Bob Sheldon; Randy Adderson; Jerry Wood; Character Map; S.E. His death makes Ponyboy realize that although Johnny appears a hero while Dally appears a hoodlum, Dally was heroic, too. You can check out each character at the link below: https://www.gradesaver.com/the-outsiders/study-guide/character-list. Chapter 11 Summary Last Updated on May 5, 2015, by eNotes Editorial. Dally pulls his gun out and raises it; the policemen fire at him, killing him. Ponyboy wanders the hospital and then the streets. We first meet our narrator, fourteen-year-old Ponyboy, as he's walking home from the movies—alone, which is something we know he's not supposed to be doing. We'll make guides for February's winners by March 31st—guaranteed. (including. Outsiders Characters Chapter 1-3 Question and Answers Chapter 4-6 Questions and Answers Chapter 7-9 Questions and Answers Chapter 10-12 Questions and Answers Chapter Summary's Setting Author 60's Yuri Gagarin Chapter 4: Vocabulary: Ruefully: Causing sorrow or pity Hermit: A person who is living in a solitude as a religious discipline Premonition: A strong feeling that … Not knowing what to do, Ponyboy walks home alone. Summary. The Beginning; The First Renshaw Cup Scores 1896 Chazelle, Damien ed. Pony and his friends are Greasers, poor kids with too many emotions from the East side. Other than being financially and socially disadvantaged, the Greasers' main problem is getting jumped by the Socs, the rich kids from the West Side. Chapter 5; Chapter 6; Chapter 7; Chapter 8; Chapter 9; Chapter 10; Chapter 11; Chapter 12; Character Analysis; Ponyboy Curtis; Darry and Sodapop Curtis; Johnny Cade; Dallas (Dally) Winston; Sherri (Cherry) Valance; Bob Sheldon; Randy Adderson; Jerry Wood; Character Map; S.E. He also worries throughout the chapter that maybe he didn't ask for Darry while he was delirious, but Soda finally confirms that he did. Suggestions. 9-10. Just over fifty years ago, in 1967, S.E. Soda immediately bounds into the room, although Darry has said he's exhausted and can hardly stay awake. The Outsiders essays are academic essays for citation. Bob’s grin reminds him of Sodapop’s. In Chapter 11, Ponyboy's pretending makes him an unreliable narrator for the first time in the story. I convinced myself that he wasn't dead.". This Study Guide consists of approximately 90 pages of chapter summaries, quotes, character analysis, themes, and more - everything you need to sharpen your knowledge of The Outsiders. Dally's sudden departure leaves Ponyboy stranded at the hospital, a long way from home. Copyright © 1999 - 2021 GradeSaver LLC. When Darry asks where he has been, Ponyboy has to break the news that Johnny has died. Why does Randy visit Ponyboy in chapter 11 of The Outsiders? Chapter Summary for S. E. Hinton's The Outsiders, chapter 10 summary. The stranger informs Ponyboy he is bleeding … Ponyboy is confined to his bed for a week to recover from his injuries, while in bed he amuses himself by reading and … When Randy comes to visit, Ponyboy says that he was the one who killed Bob, and that Johnny is not dead. Darry says that Ponyboy has been in the hospital, asking for him and Soda and their parents. Eyes continue to feature prominently in these chapters. Pony is confined to bed for a week, still recuperating and trying to remember and understand the events of the past few days. They were both terrified of the consequences of their actions: for Pony, it risked his living arrangement with his older brothers, who have taken care of him since their parents died. He ends up wandering around "in a stupor" until a man in his mid-twenties asks him if he needs a ride. When Darry tells him that Johnny has left him his copy of the book, Ponyboy can only think of "Southern gentlemen with big black eyes in blue jeans and T-shirts, Southern gentlemen crumpling under street lights.". -Graham S. “Would not have made it through AP Literature without the printable PDFs. Summary. "The Outsiders Chapters 10 and 11 Summary and Analysis". Chapters 11-12. He also reports that Dallas has run off, since he couldn't take it. Chapter 5; Chapter 6; Chapter 7; Chapter 8; Chapter 9; Chapter 10; Chapter 11; Chapter 12; Character Analysis; Ponyboy Curtis; Darry and Sodapop Curtis; Johnny Cade; Dallas (Dally) Winston; Sherri (Cherry) Valance; Bob Sheldon; Randy Adderson; Jerry Wood; Character Map; S.E. The mutual care and concern among the Curtis boys is evident here. The 'separation' is another chapter in the relationship. Though the Greaser(poor East side kids) boys acted in self-defense, they ran away rather than face justice. Summary. When Ponyboy wakes up, the house is disconcertingly silent, and Soda is sitting next to him on the bed. Suddenly Ponyboy remembers that Johnny and Dally are dead. Relationships are eternal. Chapter 5; Chapter 6; Chapter 7; Chapter 8; Chapter 9; Chapter 10; Chapter 11; Chapter 12; Character Analysis; Ponyboy Curtis; Darry and Sodapop Curtis; Johnny Cade; Dallas (Dally) Winston; Sherri (Cherry) Valance; Bob Sheldon; Randy Adderson; Jerry Wood; Character Map; S.E. The bond between Ponyboy and Darry is further solidified at the end of Chapter 11, when Darry calls him "little buddy," a nickname he usually reserves for only Soda. Back at his house, Ponyboy is amazed at how beat up and sad everyone looks. Important Quotes. Although Ponyboy has been embarrassed when school friends came by to visit, since their house is run-down, he doesn't much care what Randy thinks. My students love how organized the handouts are and enjoy tracking the themes as a class.”. Themes. Then Dally calls from a payphone, saying he's just robbed a grocery store and is running from the cops. Read Chapter 14 from the story The Outsiders by ZKAngel18 (Queen ElsAndi Vi Britannia) with 2,286 reads. When he is dropped off at his house, Ponyboy finds the remainder of the gang in the living room, tending their wounds from the rumble. As the organisation continues to evolve, the international division may be replaced by a variety of structures like a geographical, product, function or strategic business unit approach The outsiders questions and answers chapter 7-8. He finds a picture of Bob the Soc in Sodapop’s high school yearbook. Our. They are all members of a Greaser gang, meaning they are considered hoods or juvenile delinquents by society. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of The Outsiders written by S. E. Hinton. Darry goes to make Ponyboy some mushroom soup, leaving the two younger brothers together. Summary Chapter 1-5 The main character ponyboy who is in the gang called the greasers. Chapter 10. Ponyboy is on bed rest for a week. The Outsiders Chapter 10. The Outsiders Chapters 9 - 10 Summary - The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton Chapters 9 - 10 Summary and Analysis The news of Cherry being a spy shocks Pony and Johnny. Important quotes from Chapters 7–8 in The Outsiders. "The Outsiders" Thursday, February 19, 2009. Dally's hope that Johnny's life would turn out better than his own was all he had left in life. Next. Dally runs out “like the devil was after him” when he finds out Johnny is dead. The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton - Chapter 10 summary and analysis. Teach your students to analyze literature like LitCharts does. In Chapter 11, Ponyboy's pretending makes him an unreliable narrator for the first time in the story. ... 11:09 AM. Yet notice how the greasers immediately drop everything to try to help Dally. Pony returns home at 6:30, leaving him half an hour to prepare for the rumble. Dallas leaves with his car, so Ponyboy is left to walk home from the hospital alone. Ponyboy asks Soda what he said while he was delirious, and Soda responds that mostly he thought he was in Windrixville, and that he wouldn't eat anything because he kept saying he didn't like baloney. GradeSaver, 31 May 2009 Web. Dally has died "violent and young and desperate," but "he died gallant." he … Literature. I think your teacher is asking for your opinion. But, as narrator, he says, "Johnny didn't have anything to do with Bob's getting killed." Don't remember." The Outsiders: Chapter 10 Summary & Analysis. Ponyboy asks, "Is Darry sorry I'm sick?" chapters. Free Chapter 10 summary of The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton. Suggestions. He notices that Randy looks sincerely worried about that possibility, and thinks it's strange. Although Soda is exhausted at the end of Chapter 10, "his dark eyes were still laughing and carefree and reckless;" that part of his personality cannot be conquered. Then Ponyboy does pass out. Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts. His East Side neighborhood is patrolled by bullying Socials, rich kids from the West Side of town. The gang likes to get “spruced up” to show “those Socs [they] weren't trash” (131), wearing extra hair oil to show off their “greasiness” (132). He repeats it aloud to convince himself of it. Pony stumbles around for "for hours" (10.2) when a young man in a car stops and offers Pony a ride. This case of denial has been foreshadowed by Ponyboy's tendency to create alternate realities for himself throughout the story, but the difference is that "this time my dreaming worked. Ponyboy explains to Randy that he is worried that the judge might send him and Soda to a boys' home. LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in. This collection of “The Outsiders” quotes will inspire you to always “stay gold” despite your difficulties even if the odds are against you. Ponyboy Curtis has had a terrible few weeks. When Ponyboy wakes up momentarily, he asks Soda if Darry is sorry he's sick. Dally leaves in the car, and Pony walk around, making himself believe Johnny isn't dead. They hid out in an abandoned church, but th… He flips through one of Soda's old yearbooks and finds Bob Sheldon, and for the first time wonders what Bob is really like. resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel. Suicide is a critical issue for teens, and Johnny's lack of choice about his living or … When Randy comes to visit, Ponyboy says that he was the one who killed Bob, and that Johnny is not dead. Previous Next. "My students can't get enough of your charts and their results have gone through the roof." Ponyboy asks for Soda, but scolds himself for not being comfortable to talk to Darry. Menu Skip to content. The original text plus a side-by-side modern translation of. Then Soda gets into bed with him and they both fall asleep before Darry returns with the soup. Johnny has left Ponyboy his copy of Gone with the Wind, but Ponyboy doesn't want to finish it since he'd "never get past the part where the Southern gentlemen go riding into sure death because they are gallant.". The appearance of the whole situation is much like the Greasers' appearance in general: misleading. Though Bob started the fight, Pony, an orphan being raised by his brothers, and Johnny fled to escape being charged. The Question and Answer section for The Outsiders is a great They're like having in-class notes for every discussion!”, “This is absolutely THE best teacher resource I have ever purchased. Ponyboy Curtis, the fourteen-year-old narrator, lives with his older brothers Sodapop and Darry, since their parents passed away in a car accident. Ponyboy wanders around in a stupor until finally a stranger gives him a ride home. Renshaw Bowling Association Renshaw history. When they keep walking, they come across a group of young boys (elementary school age) smoking cigarettes and playing cards. Pony is in denial about Johnny's death, and keeps repeating that he isn't dead. Then Ponyboy falls back asleep. None of the greasers are surprised that Dally has become self-destructive after Johnny's death, because Johnny was the only thing that Dally loved and valued in his life. Ponyboy doesn't register what this means, though, and instead resents Randy for implying that Johnny was involved in Bob's death. Ponyboy realizes that Dally had wanted them to kill him. The Outsiders: Chapter 10. The reader has depended upon Ponyboy's narration to dictate the events of the story, and now the frame of reference is thrown off, since we know he has moved into an alternate reality. Summary: Chapter 10 . A man picks him up and drives him home, concerned about his cuts and bruises from the fight. Essay Topics. They arrive at the vacant lot just as Dally does, from the opposite direction. Ponyboy worries that maybe, in his delirious state, he hasn't been asking for Darry at all, but he doesn't remember, and doesn't ask Darry. Plot Summary. But while the boy… For example, when the Socs stop Ponyboy, Johnny, and Two-Bit on the way home from the movie with Cherry and Marcia, the three rings on the Soc's hand send Johnny over the edge: "Johnny was breathing heavily and I noticed he was staring at … The power of three again asserts its strength in this chapter, but note that this theme applies not only to the greasers but to the Socs as well. Ponyboy feels resentful of Randy for acting like he is "mixed up in all this," when things will no doubt turn out fine for him, since "his old man was rich." The eleventh chapter of The Outsiders, read by Mr. Roberts. He asks what happened to Pony and he says he was in a rumble. As the gang rushes out of the house, Ponyboy feels as if he is about to faint. Bob was a Soc, a rich kid from the West side of Tulsa, Oklahoma. When Randy mentions how Johnny killed Bob, it becomes clear that Ponyboy is in denial about the events of the past weeks. Then Darry tells Randy he should leave, and Ponyboy overhears him saying that "he's still pretty racked up mentally and emotionally." He and his best friend, Johnny Cade get into a fight Bob Sheldon, a member of a rival gang, which ends in his death. Chapter 10 begins with the most obvious case of pretending yet: Ponyboy cannot grasp that Johnny has died, so he tells himself, "That still body back in the hospital wasn't Johnny." Struggling with distance learning? He remembers that Cherry Valance loved Bob, and tries to understand the person she knew: "a reckless, hot-tempered boy, cocky and scared stiff at the same time.". This concern for Darry's feelings represents a huge change from the way Ponyboy regarded his oldest brother in the beginning of the novel. Dally plans for the police to kill him; Ponyboy knows he's only bluffing when he pulls out his gun, but the goal is for the police to shoot back. The Outsiders seems to hit all of the hot issues that confront teenagers. he caught the flu from fighting in the cold without a coat. Eventually, a concerned stranger offers to drive him home. The Outsiders Chapters 11 - 12 Summary. As Chapter 11 begins, Ponyboy has been in bed for a week more. Ponyboy is developing an independent point of view: Dally's tragedy is partially of Dally's own making, but also comes from society's insistence on seeing Dally only as a hoodlum. He repeats it aloud to convince himself of it. In a daze, he convinces himself that Johnny isn't dead. Since Dally has left in the car, Ponyboy walks home from the hospital by himself, pretending that Johnny isn't really dead. But, as narrator, he says, "Johnny didn't have anything to do with Bob's getting killed." A summary of Part X (Section5) in S. … He and his best friend, Johnny Cade, caused the death of Bob Sheldon, a Soc from the rich West side of Tulsa. Symbols & Motifs. Summary. Ponyboy begins to worry about having to go to court, and asks Darry if they will get split up, but Darry doesn't know. Chapter 9 Summary. Randy comes into the bedroom, and wants to talk about how they have to go to court the next day. The Outsiders Chapters 9-10 Summary & Analysis. Ponyboy asks Soda if he really asked for Darry, since he is worried that maybe he didn't, but Soda confirms that he did. LitCharts Teacher Editions. The Outsiders Summary. I know quite a bit because I know the book so well. Maybe he'd had black eyes. Darry scolds Ponyboy for smoking in bed and keeping his room messy, calling him "little buddy;" it's the first time he's called Ponyboy that pet name that he usually reserves for Soda. Darry comes in and says that a guy named Randy is there to see Ponyboy. Perfect for acing essays, tests, and quizzes, as well as for writing lesson plans. Character Analysis. 11-12. THE OUTSIDERS Comprehension Check Questions: Chapters 10, 11, 12 Chapter Ten 1. The man points out that Ponyboy is bleeding, and Ponyboy discovers that his head is injured. Outsiders Characters Chapter 1-3 Question and Answers Chapter 4-6 Questions and Answers Chapter 7-9 Questions and Answers Chapter 10-12 Questions and Answers Chapter Summary's Setting Author 60's Yuri Gagarin Chapter 10: Vocabulary: ... Chapter 11: Vocabulary: Acquitted: To relieve from a charge of fault or crime. Instant downloads of all 1413 LitChart PDFs He recognizes the boy, but he needs a moment to realize that this is the Bob whom Johnny killed. Analysis of the American Reality, Possibility, and Dream found in "Nickel and Dimed" and "The Outsiders", Stay Gold, Ponyboy: Historical Models of Childhood in S.E. He leaves the hospital and roams the streets until a stranger picks him up and drives him home. Explore Course Hero's library of literature materials, including documents and Q&A pairs. For Johnny: it meant jail. 6 comments: Unknown October 1, 2014 at 10:55 PM. randy, cherry, johnny. The police pull up in their cars and jump out. The other members of the Greaser gang are Johnny Cade, Dally Winsto… Chapter 10-12 Questions and Answers - Outsiders The Outsiders Questions And Answers Chapter 7-8. The Outsiders; Chapter 10 by Yoheilly Velazquez on Prezi. This chapter starts out with a diatribe against suicide.
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