th11 war base no eagle artillery 2020

Fighting through all sides is nasty and requires a skilled attacker to do a 3-Star against this base. BH9 BH8 BH7 BH6 BH5 BH4 BH3. Summary The Eagle Artillery is a very powerful defense that has a range that covers almost the entire map but has a blind spot similar to the Mortar, the Multi Mortar, the Lava Launcher, and the Scattershot. Best TH11 War Base With Links 2020 Here we now have a quite intriguing war base I love. Trophy Base: this trophy base for TH11 forces the attacker to go all through the Eagle Artillery on the left side (or at least do a strong suicide squad there). I think it is too heavy on a new th11 for its worth. Download, Copy Link: [Town Hall 11] TH11 PRO WAR BASE(WITHOUT EAGLE ONLY) [With Link] [8-2019] - War Base. Trophy Base: this kind of layouts at Town Hall 11 have a basic but really effective concept of having the Town Hall on the opposite side of the Eagle Artillery. Fogo Townhall 11 War Base Clash of Clans Layout created by Derleyzzz. Farming Base: This week we have a hybrid base for TH 11 that helps to protect resources as well as trophies and it works quite well, unless you’re really high in the leagues. Trophy Base: with this trophy base I really wanted to make a strong core setup and with that core you can’t get any stronger. Download, Copy Link: [Town Hall 11] TH11 Trophy/War base #618 (without Eagle Artillery) [With Link] [5-2020] - War Base Town Hall Base Links - CoC Maps Layouts Links TH 11 125,000. War Base: I know the storage compartments looks quite weird but they are really effective bulkheads against attacking troops with their high hitpoints. In this article, we will be discussing the best strategies for making an unbeatable TH13 war base. War Base: this base might no look as much, but it held off even TH12 attackers and saved my clan a ton of defensive work in our last 2 wars and I think it’s time that I share this layout with you. Farming Base: The farming base is similar to the trophy base but the central point is defending the Dark Elixir storage as well as some of the storages. If you’re currently working on upgrades in your TH11 account and still want to push some tropheis or at least maintain a certain trophy count you really want to check this base out. TH13 TH12 TH11 TH10 TH9 TH8 TH7 TH6 TH5 TH4 TH3. Looking for the best anti electro dragon war base for th13? To make an attack work, the attacker needs to create an insane large funnel and this costs a lot of time, time that the attacker will miss at the end of the attack. Best TH11 Trophy Base Links In the center, we have townhall, and inferno towers are placed on both sides of the center. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. 125,000. CWL Base: This is a great base to use in Clan War or CWL for your Town Hall 11 village with a nice offset Town Hall compartment and a nice trap setup against hybrid strategies that are quite popular right now. The empty zones near the Town Hall will drag attacking troops to the outside directions and make it hard for the opponent to get the 2-Star against this base. Please help by answering me if you had test these things out. Required fields are marked *. The Town Hall 11 and CC both are placed outside of the base arrangement to make the attacker attack starting from TH and making him settle for 2 stars. These Town Hall 11 bases are effective defensive bases and have made for defending against an opponent. } Other than that, this base uses pretty standard defensive techniques that you can expect and no other TH11 was able to 3-Star it so far. - - 240+11. War Base: The Town Hall section in the bottom corner is not cheap to take and the bulkhead around the core with the Eagle Artillery makes this base a really effective one. War Base: this war base has a really effective compartment design that helps messing with troop pathing and also works against the currently popular attacking strategies at TH11.No attacker at Town Hall 11 was able to 3-Star this base and even some Town Hall 12 attackers had problems with it. Also war havino War Stars1582 Defense level as follow: Canon: 14 Mortar: 9 Bomb Tower: 5 Eagle Artillery: 1 When all is said and done, opponents will in general attack from the back of the th11 base link, most likely on the grounds that they need to attack into the Eagle Artfarmingillery and furthermore avert building a channel on the front side, for reasons unknown.The thing is, the rear is intensely protected by traps and the edge will gathering up the … You have a very effective trap setup inside the core area that works well against the current Hog/Miner meta we see happening a lot and the huge dead zone also works great against the PEKKA Smash attacks that are also very popular. Best TH11 Hybrid Base Links Anti Everything 2020. town hall 11 hybrid base with link. This base should protect your trophies and your loot – for that reason the Town Hall and the Dark Elixir Storage are in the center while the other storages are spread around the base so the attacker can’t get all of it unless getting a 3-Star, which is pretty hard against this TH11 base. Best Th11 War Base When it comes to defending a th11 base in coc, you have to make sure you keep the town hall inside the base and moreover in the middle of the base to be at a better position. Town Hall 11 War Base | Th11 War Base 2021. … They additionally prove to be useful against Electro Dragons from the Eagle Artillery and on the sides – if that happens the aggressor can simply overlook the 3-Star and won’t get it. Join our facebook group for recruitment, bases and attack strategies. Download, Copy Link: [Town Hall 11] TH11 Trophy/War base #618 (without Eagle Artillery) [With Link] [5-2020] - War Base Town Hall Base Links - CoC Maps Layouts Links TH 11 Two th11 … January … We have eagle artillery and two X-bows on the left side of the center.On the right, we have dark elixir storage and two X-bows.On the base’s top side, we have two archer towers, two air defenses, an air sweeper, cannon, gold storage, a … As the title says, when I reached TH11 and I buy TH11 value pack (includes Eagle Artillery and Grand Warden), can I just place the Warden and leave Eagle Artillery as unplaced till next time? Here are the brand new bases for level 10 town hall war base 2020. Trophy Base: If you look at this base you will see that the Town Hall section has a huge dead zones around it with a huge perimeter at the top and a lot of small compartments at the sides and the bottom. Copy Base, Copy Link: [Town Hall 11] TH11 Trophy/War base #618 (without Eagle Artillery) [With Link] [5-2020] - War Base Town Hall Base Links - CoC Maps Layouts Links TH 11 Also you can check my clan United Brothers. The outside is loaded with trap surprises and defenses that will mess with funneling and the Inferno Towers are in really inconvenient places to reach. The layout is completely asymmetrical and the defenses are also not spread out evenly, forcing the attacker to adapt attacking from each side individually. Farming Base: this universal base has the Dark Elixir storage in the core but also has the other storages in the second line of compartments, giving them some protection as well. I can guarantee you that you will have a ton of fun with this TH11 hybrid base design.The opponent attacks with Queen Charge he will utilize it in the Town Hall corner to get the benefit of getting the Town Hall – and this will cost the attacker a more damage than they attack the other way and he will require at least 2 Rage Spells to get the Town Hall in addition to some additional troops for channeling. Trophy Base: This is a real Legend League base (of course also working in lower trophy ranges), and it does anything needed to protect your tropies, with a core that is incredibly hard to crack. Created by me. We will have a good understanding of a war base and its different strategies. Farming Base: a compact core paired with smart storage locations make sure that you don’t lose more resources than neccessary. 4,610,178. Clash of Clans Town Hall 11 War Base Anti 2 Stars. The TH11 clash of the clan has come up with two fantastic features such as eagle artillery … Thanks! Anti …. I had several requests to also design a farming base that is not primarily for protecting Dark Elixir so here we go. You have the central compartments along with a ton of small compartments around it to mess with troop pathing and hopefully get them to skip the center (something that does happen if you look at the replays above in the gallery). Or will the Eagle Artillery still adds war weight even if you don't place it in your base? For more information about Supercell, please visit their website at All intellectual property shown here belongs to their respective owner.Contact usPrivacy PolicyTerms of Service, These bases are Patreon exclusive for the first 7 days. War Base: here I have a classic Anti-3-Star base for you that works really well in your next war with all up-to-date defensive techniques. Hard to beat, fun to watch, what else could you possibly want? The Town Hall is centralized with eagle artillery. You may like. Townhall is at the edge of the base which gives the opportunity to the player to stop the attack before letting the enemy reach the Town hall. Edit. Forcing the attacker to do that will give him the tough spot that the comprtment around the Eagle Artillery is designed to then send troops to the sides as there’s nothing that will help funneling troops more into the core of the base. } catch(e) {}, by War Base #2: This Town Hall 11 war base has massive DPS output in the center area and forces attackers to go in there for the Eagle Artillery and Clan Castle (and this is an expensive approach for the attacker). Unlock by. Download. _g1.setAttribute('srcset', _g1.getAttribute('data-srcset')); The Clan Castle with each of the air sweeper facing both sides along with the soles together using all the interior part behind the corners which makes funneling tough get this layout so that attacker won’t have 3 Stars, at least that I have not seen one performing it. With this layout you have so many stuffed compartments that traps and splash defenses will create maximum value and decimate enemy troops faster. BH9 BH8 BH7 BH6 BH5 BH4 BH3. Taking resources here requires going for the core and with all the compartments and the perimeter around it, that won#t be easy. Wallpapers HD Minecraft Maps. You have a ring of compartments that require the attacker to build a wide funnel and troop AI can also go for the side compartments instead of the core, so you will protect your resources quite well. February 22, 2021, 11:11 am report. Farming Base: for this base I took the basic mechanics of the classical trophy bases at TH11 that have the two parts separated and baiting with the Town Hall and storages on one side and the EA on the other side. Impossible TH11 War Base Layout Anti 3 Stars!!! In this base the center compartment is big containing Town Hall, eagle artillery, TH11 archer queen alters, barbarian king alters, and resource towers. ; View your base upload Unbeatable Th11 Base Layout. War Base: yes, you’re looking at a symmetrical base and it’s a grown-up anti-3-star base you can run in war successfully. Got nice results and you can even push towards Legend League with this base. The Eagle Artillery is the only defense in the Home Village whose in-game statistics use "damage per hit" rather than "damage per second" (several defenses in the Builder Base, such as the Double Cannon, as well as the geared-up Cannon and Mortar, show both "damage per hit" and "damage per second"). Pretty basic mechanisms along with smart compartment design and a wide perimeter will give attackers a hard time. Town … Perimeter, ring, dead zone and multi-compartments make it hard to funnel troops into the core and attackers will fair frequently against this setup. th11 hybrid base copy link. I also think some players think it is a much bigger deal than it really is, so when they see a base without an eagle or sitting lower on the map they think it is an easier 3 star and they fail. Anyone know? The Air Sweepers are also covering the inner part of the base pretty well and effectively, so a base I can recommend you a lot. War Base: What should I say here, it’s a regular Anti-3-Star base, not neccessarily useful for CWL (will do a base for that next week) with all that you need to give the other TH11s in the enemy clan in war a tough time. In this base layout all the Storage buildings are placed in the inner area of the base, which will help a lot to farming player in Clash of Clans. But for making it a farming base I re-located the storages to the core and gave the Eagle Artillery some more protection. Alternatively getting the Eagle Artillery but risk missing the Town Hall and the 2-Star with it. TownHall12 Base Layout Links Anti 3 Stars. This base will help you in clan war which is anti electro dragon and all the air defense is in a different compartment and not closed and the main thing is eagle artillery is in the middle so it will be hard to get any star with edragon. You have the tesla wall and the extra layer around the Town Hall and the compartment with the Eagle Artillery on the opposite side that forces attackers to not attack straight into the Town Hall section. _g1.classList.remove('lazyload'); *. So, the attacker can go for the Town Hall but needs to deal with an Eagle Artillery shooting at him all the time. The eagle artillery is placed beside dark elixir storage guarded by two x bows right in the central outer compartment. This may be due to the fact that the Eagle Artillery fires in volleys. Also, check th11 war bases. new (suggested) level 1 . Without an insane wide funnel there’s not even the slightest chance to get anything close to 2-Star against this base, even for attackers higher than TH11. Many attackers will make an effort to opt for that secure 2 star first, however the Town Hall is well-protected (additionally from the main one Air Sweeper close into the Clan Castle) and also the air-defense makes it hard to get a Queen Charge for into the Town Hall with links. Farming Base: Using a split core in this farming base for TH11 turned out to work really well. These all Th11 war base which I have shared with you are unique bases and personally made by me, and these bases work efficiently. Hybrid Base: This base here is a trophy base that you can use for pushing very well with the stretched core layout and the perimeter that almost looks like from a war base (but it’s clearly no war base!). Level 12 Elixir Storage Best TH11 Hybrid Base Links Anti Everything 2020. town hall 11 hybrid base with link. 5.6k Downloads. Saved me a ton of trophies. best troops for th11 war attack 2020, Attack Strategies. this anti bowler. You also can easily find here Anti Everything, Anti 2 Stars, Anti 3 Stars, Hybrid, Anti Loot, Anti GoWiPe or Dark Elixir Farming Bases, we have huge layouts collection! Let me in! Clever outside perimeter and defense placement will give you a nice boost but you need to be aware that trophy protection is not the best with this base if you’re planning to go towards higher leagues. Also, check th11 war bases. var _g1; Trophy Base: with this base you will protect your trophies really well and the Town Hall in the compartment core is really safe. TH13 Trophy/War/Ring base v508. } catch(e) {}, try { Yes, I wanted to try out some new things after all those ring bases lately, also as I feel that more and more attackers at TH11 start picking up the right startegy to beat ring bases. Also, if you look at the outside perimeter you can see that it will be really annoying to build a proper funnel and set the entry point into the base right. War Base: here I added all the state-of-the-art defensive meta mechanisms into a war base that will hold up pretty well in your next Clan War or also in CWL. Use of the trademarks and other intellectual property of Supercell is subject to Supercell’s Fan Kit Agreement. The heroes are pretty much inside the base so harder to deal with them as the attacker will need to do that while dealing with all the defenses. Th10 war GoWiBo. First of all, let’s dicuss the main feature of this base, these openings leading to the core of the base, yep that’s the main feature, most people might think of that as a problem, but in this base it is done intentionally, we want opponents troops to avoid all these defenses and go … we have compiled a list of 10 best town hall 11 war base designs that are anti 2 stars, 3 stars with links. NEW TH11 Farming base without EAGLE ARTILLERY – Clash of Clans NEW TH11 Farming base. Town Hall 11 (TH11) Hybird/Trophy Base layout coc 2020. let’s do the base analysis. Here’s the base I truly like and utilized with my Town Hall 11 layout for few wars. Hybrid War Trophy Farm All. A new TH11 farming base layout without eagle artillery. 25+ TH11 Hybrid Base Links ** 2020 (New!) The arrangement of the defenses is really nasty to deal with, the Townhall section not easy to get a sui in, the tesla farm messes with funneling and can break cleanup troops and the X-Bow/Air Sweeper section is also hard to deal with. Farming Base: I admit that the storages are a little more on the outside but that helps a lot keeping attackers away from the core where the Dark Elixir is. a year ago 11214 Views 3045 Down 11 Likes 0 ! 25+ TH11 Hybrid Base Links ** 2020 (New!) If you don’t give much about protecting your Dark Elixir right now you rather want to try last week’s farming base. There are also Cannons, Mortars and Archer Towers on the outside so the attacker won’t be able to make a cheap surgical Hog attempt against the Air Defenses when attacking with Electro Dragons. Trophy Base: this trophy base uses an offset Town Hall and a dead zone area around the Eagle Artillery … You will see a lot of attacks with E-Drags in regular multiplayer attacks these days and many attackers don’t really know how to use them properly and this is the point where this base will have your back and make them fail a lot with the perimeter structure and the way the defenses are set up in this base (traps as well). We're trying to update COC Bases archive and add new 2021 Layouts with Links so you can Copy them! Hey guys, we are here to share a NEW TH11 Farming base layout without eagle artillery. BoWitch attacks have it easier against this base (well, it’s by far not an easy 3-Star but 1-Star is something this strategy always gets but as a hybrid base this is normal) but I had some great time overall with the Electro Dragons to make this base worth using. if ( localStorage.getItem(skinItemId ) ) { The attacker is forced to either invest a lot to get the EA down or has to attack with the EA attacking his troops all the time. TH 13 War Trophy. TH11 Farming Base reddit. They additionally prove to be useful against Electro Dragons from the Eagle Artillery and on the sides – if that happens the aggressor can simply overlook the 3-Star and won’t get it. I also have noticed that many attackers somehow struggled with building their funnel against this base, which is actually quite odd at TH11. Wallpapers HD Minecraft Maps. ... TOP 15 BEST TH11 WAR BASE LINKS 2021 | TH11 CWL Base. Farming Base: Probably one of the toughest farming bases you have seen lately at TH11 with loads of defensive features like offset Eagle Artillery compartment, Hidden Tesla Farm, double-layered corner protections and much more to give the attacker a real hard time getting much out of attacking this base. best clash of clans base town hall 11 war link, clash of clans anti 3 stars design town hall 11, check out level 11 farming layout designs here, clash of clans town hall eleven war layout link, coc th11 war base design map link download. if ( localStorage.getItem(skinItemId ) ) { Other compartments near the Townhall have a defensive system which includes inferno tower, eagle artillery, and x-bows. 1 year ago. Farming Base: this base is more compact and buildings are closer together but that allows to have more smaller compartments that will protect the storages. This war base you can see TH, CC and Eagle Artillery are in a line with the support of Air Defences. Trophy Base: this trophy base uses an offset Town Hall and a dead zone area around the Eagle Artillery to trap attackers into going for the “cheap” Town Hall but with good chances that they will miss even the 2-Star because they lack percentage. War Base: this war base puts some extra focus on having the Eagle Artillery in the dead zone in the center to make it hard for the attacker to do anything else than getting in there as fast as possible – but everything in this base is designed to prevent that and there was no TH11 able to 3-Star this base in two past wars.
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