terrax vs darkseid

"useless" being stuff you admitted to not mention? This is regular Darkseid, probably Post Crisis/N52 based on the publishing date. https://comicvine.gamespot.com/forums/battles-7/terrax-vs-darkseid-378071/?page=3#js-message-24201235. 2 #3 Not exactly correct there either. Not other things, so you cant just put all their stats equal. Which, again, doesn't really have much to do with actual like, combat. I did not stated it was not of this order, but rather explained how Anti-Monitor overcame Darkseind in their encounter. I haven't read your other posts and quite frankly I don't take uncited material seriously. It's a relatively recent concept that doesn't really remain consistent either etc. Regular Darkseid......hehe. Every comic "reboot" ends up being a alternative future or a different timeline. I don't understand how a character having a set of powers different from one another is a reason that both characters are not on par each other. Well I can't really tell considering your language is quite confusing at times. Terrax is multi galaxy level and MAYYYBE a little universal at most. That's because Final Crisis was Morrison trying to make Darkseid look impressive again. Superior Spider-Man Defeats Terrax Superior Spider-man, or Cosmic Superior Spider-man, defeats Terrax, or the Darkseid-lookalike, by using half of the latter’s power cosmic. Not sure how that works? As a god, Darkseid is by default included with the other gods concerning the evidences that the scale of power of the gods are beyond star tier. .....not when the stories for those low appearances happened decades ago and not for the more recent PC stuff he had, or anything after. There are others instances showing that Darkseid's abscence causes after-effects across the universe (The Legion and, IIRC, Batman/Superman). Both your Hulk and Thor exemples have nothing to do with characters like Darkseid, Hermes, Monarch, etc. There is no reason to think of Darkseid as star level in durability. Hypertime is a Morrison concept that again, gets picked up and off by whoever is in control. It matters, its not just about having different powers its about having gear and abilities that give them edge over other characters. Re-read my previous posts, I did not present it as "a universal excuse". Hypertime doesn't mean that, lol. Die Welt des Wissens präsentiert von Terra X Bitte fülle alle Pflichtfelder mit * aus. I know it's more accepted in places like Quora, KMC and VsBattles, to the shock of no one. Very bad example, since Superman showed to stilll using Torquasm-Vo agaisnt Eradicator, after his fight agaisnt Dominus, and Torquasm-Rao well after both stories mentionned. Thor's described as shaking creation itself with his blows but we obviously don't take those feats seriously. Because of it being made for Seid's early on stories ye. Did you even read Death Metal in the first ? You are just saying DC do take elements from past continuities. Darkseid is planet to star level consistently shown. Like Hulk's shook infinite dimensions in a big outlier fight, but that doesn't really...do much in the grand scheme of things. And very bad comparaison as well, since, as already mentionned, it it was re-used in New 52 in his encounter agaisnt Phantom Stranger, well after it was introduced in Adventure of Superman #54 and his fight agaisnt the god Osiris in Adventure of Superman #689. Not really. That doesn't exactly scream confidence there. And most of these encounters were early fights where Darkseid was presented poorly, not later PC appearances where the authors made very sure that it WAS Darkseid. It does not explain all Darkseid low apparences, but still explain nonethless. On the side of Darkseid, it should not be forgotten that the authors introduced avatars or Dessad usurping him to explain his inconsistencies. Yes on the summoning part, however, the fact remains that the ALE enabled Anti-Monitor to defeat Darkseid (without mentioning the consequences of his death across creation that you are omiting in this fight). as the latter case is a potential feature, not necessarily related to power, of the character that is displayed under certain circumstances, whereas the former case depends only to what extent the writer wants the character to be powerful. Him winning is debatable enough, stomping? This power, which a… Duh, it is the point of these explanations on Darkseid inconsistencies. Yea you mentioned this before: this wasn't really picked up beyond the sources you threw out. I'm not going to dwell on an irrelevant point. 1 Description 2 Interlude 3 Darkseid 4 Thanos 5 Announcement 6 DEATH BATTLE! Don't even see the point, as Hypertime is part of DC cosmology since Kingdom. JL Origin has them fight Darkseid and then him going into hiding afterwards for years. Terrax, however, is tricked and defeated by the Human Torch, and leaves with a victorious Galactus. The fact is Darkseid was stilll hunting Kayio across the Multiverse following his fight agaisnt the JL. Not exactly correct there either. New 52 is multi-planet at best. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90bdtAElbRk. The Bleed is the standard meaning when the word Creation is used, but it can also mean the whole of the DC cosmology if there is evidence to support it. I don't see anything worth highlighting there. "Stuff" that did not even kill Darkseid in their encounter. Darkseid is planet to star level at best in durability. You are still repeating as a parrot the same strawman whose point was not about a universal explanation for all Darkseid low showings, but that DC characters did not always deal with Darkseid in some instances. His Omega Beams could remove Terrax from existence if he wanted them to. I think not. It clearly is debatable. I would say that the after-effects of Darkseid's death only affected the Bleed, since there is no evidence that it affected all of Creation.
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