It's the same late 90's poppy R&B technique. Janelle 3 years ago. Rising. A quick glance at Twitter’s trending topics on any given day will give you a glimpse into some aspect of fandom culture, a result of the fact that a large portion of Twitter’s user base is made up of “Stan accounts,” or accounts specifically dedicated to being a fan of something. Stan Galle Field can’t really be considered a stadium. Rising. I hope you enjoyed this videoMusic: Stan Twitter is also notorius for its trolls that utilize … i dont just follow armys. Ive been in stan twitter for years and i can totally agree. Red Velvet isn't that strong of a group vocally. Stan Sport is the New Home of Rugby. i follow mostly multis. i also follow carats n nctzens too and even though im not much of an nct fan, my friend who is and i were theorizing about the nct 2020 and if itll be 18 members v 21 and what not. i kinda love how problematic they are tho looool they’re peculiar but chaotically sinister and that’s a combo i secretly enjoy. I don't know if that is really fair, to be honest. Stan twitter used to be fun but it’s going downhill fast. I also see the occasional fanwar between other fandoms but I find those amusing most of the time. does not bother me. See More Stan Originals. People complaining about stan twt never bothers me because it’s just the course of a large amount of new fans in kpop. So, who cares. Stantwittercopypasta r/ Stantwittercopypasta. Continue this thread level 1. kpop stan twitter starter pack. Hot New Top Rising. Join. One thing that's annoying is that stan twitter rants a lot about their faves deserving this and that but I mean we have a r/kpoprants subreddit so who are we to judge. I hate "stan twitter" Close. stan twitter can be amazing or terrible depending on the type of people you follow i think. Prochains passages; Horaires à l’arrêt; Fiches horaires des lignes; Horaires en temps réel (Nouveau !) It’s super fun especially when you stan a new group like Treasure. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Twitter Usernames Megathread. Oh how I love the block button and the muted words function. level 1. Most ppl love to call you an anti and what not for disagreeing with their opinion. report. Stan Lee was an icon and for many people, the face of comic books. A lot of redditors think it’s the other way around though. I would hate to miss out on the fun part of stan twt cause the memes on there are an amazing stress reliever for me, as much as i say i hate it i find myself logging in every hour of the day.. and anytime i try to take a break it never lasts more than a few days, me too! Please make sure to include a statement of why and where you believe your opinion to be unpopular. A section of Twitter that is comprised of cult-like-fandoms that worship popular artists or artist groups. Hot. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. Part of the KPop experience is the fan culture, especially with the language barriers, and stan twitter can be really enjoyable and helpful if you get into the good circles. This thread is archived. Like honestly the edits and memes there are what make me not delete twitter and they just enhance the fandom experience. I actually feel more free expressing myself on Twitter. I can only tolerate it because I follow a super small amount of people and have a ton of words muted. I'm more of a silent observer. I think stan twitter can be pretty enjoyable depending on how you curate your feed. Def very toxic I’m only still there because it’s the best place to keep up with my faves and I enjoy interacting with my moots and friends way more than I dislike the toxic side. If you don’t take kpop and kpop stans seriously I think twitter is really fun but I do understand why it could be mentally draining and how people hate it. I'm more of a silent observer. Posted by 4 months ago. save. This section consists of fans engaging socially to online individuals, discussing topics relating to their faves, fan girling/boying over updates on their faves, and a competitive battle ground amongst the different fandoms. 3. pinned by moderators. Reddit is ded these days compared to twitter #3 iwin, Sep 27, 2020. kpop stan twitter starter pack. share. r/Stantwittercopypasta: Copy pastas from stan twitter yup yup. Stray Kids has what it takes to replicate BTS' sucess. Hmmm...interesting opinion. Just curate your feed to your preference, block out toxic people, and (if none of those work) be a silent observer like me and it should be a bit more enjoyable. Because if we were to isolate these background vocals from Toni Braxton's 'He Wasn't Man Enough For Me'. At the end of the day I’m still enjoying the music and my idol so what people sitting behind a screen who most likely aren’t very talented or successful themselves have to say about them doesn’t concern me. Posted by 4 months ago. Hot New Top Rising. My tl is pretty good, and I only end up seeing drama within the fandom because it’s extremely difficult to avoid as a part of the fandom. The brand new Stan Original Film A Sunburnt Christmas continues to cement Stan as the unrivalled home of original productions, along with Bump, Dom And Adrian 2020, After the Night, I Am Woman, The Gloaming and True History of the Kelly Gang. They sound the same. guys are you looking for aesthetic usernames so we have a unique list for you you can use these latest soft aesthetic names. Everyone seems to seek out validation from others for their faves which imo is the worst way to enjoy kpop. His passing brings great sadness, but I take solace in knowing that what my grandfather, Stan and so … 114. I follow only news account and yet somehow, stan twitter is always there in the comment posting fancams regardless of what the news is about, someone dying, a fire, etc etc. Reddit always circle jerks over how much better than stan twitter they are, but they're just as bad. I don't think this is to pass it as her own voice at all. People will fluctuate to twitter and those who disagree with the way it is will come on Reddit where things are pretty much 100x better because people generally are not only less biased but clearer and more rational. Join. Admittedly, they happen to sound a lot like her, but she's not part of that, is she? Your experience depends on how you manage your tl. It’s not perfect but I think the fan culture on twitter is overall really enjoyable. Cookies help us deliver our Services. However, additional drama can arise from rival fandoms competing for a certain award, but that’s just a negative side affect of a relatively positive practice. 2 comments. Posted by just now. share. But when it’s just fans doing their own thing and pushing out some cute memes and vids, I really dig it! blinks are known to be toxic, so i follow multi blinks. Personally, I have no issues with stan twitter cause I rarely interact with people on there anyways. Ciipher, le premier groupe sous PluieL’agence, devrait faire ses débuts dans quelques semaines – et voici tout ce que vous devez savoir à leur sujet. Remember, we are here for unpopular opinions. Otherwise, your post may get locked or removed for not being an unpopular opinion. But why would their function be different here? Mainly in the defense of Mariah Carey. sometimes we need an awesome name for our profile so you can take anyone’s name we make new username ideas aesthetic for our readers.. now it’s time to change your profile username from your social account let’s begin to read about the aesthetic … Report Save. while i do understand that a lot of people take comfort in their groups (as i do myself) i think its also important to try as much as we can to steer clear of anything that could b mentally taxing. Moderator of r/StanTwitter. This only includes my circle of friends or moots lol. They would still be alive" i know this isn't all twitter fans, but these type of fans are the loudest in the community and just give off bad vibes. "She is not singing her own songs and using Black people as props." Report Save. Préparez-vous à ouvrir votre cœur à un nouveau groupe de garçons incroyable! hide. Archived. Some fandoms I steer very clear of and have almost nothing but the group's official account followed so then most of the toxic stuff gets filtered out. Press J to jump to the feed. And not to mention, theyre also very organized! card. Horaires. With the fan wars, and gatekeeping, it’s such a negative place. save • Posted … Everything’s exciting... Like, when Treasure has their first debut stage last month, everyone was live tweeting it and having a meltdown. i think ive done a very good job in curating my feed bc i didnt even know about the allegations/rumors that were going on about bts. BTS Jimin’s dancing reminds me of a rag doll being thrown around, Kai’s solo ‘Mmmh’ was bad and doesn’t suit him. I hate "stan twitter" They're the most annoying people in the big brother community. 2 years ago. New … Si vous êtes relativement nouveau dans la K-Pop, vous ne savez peut-être pas grand-chose sur Rain, mais il … It’s an amazing experience :,), i agree with your post so much, you said everything, Can't believe 120 people voted this as popular, Agree. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I also follow some army-bloggers who post bts blogs and they always have the best words and statements when it comes to conflict (solo stans, sasaengs, micro-managing bts actions) just the usual ofcourse. I’m on stan twitter but I honestly hate it- whenever I go outside my circle I remember just how toxic it can be and just how much hate, drama and rumors people spread on there. Anytime they disagree with someone in the house, they constantly go off on them and bash them personally, it's sickening. 2 years ago . 3. share. Stan Lee was an icon and for many people, the face of comic books. Just overall toxic with those damned fancams. These subreddits don't care about real people, at least some people on twitter care, here everyone is too busy ogling to even give a fuck. Stan Twitter includes accounts that are solely based on very intense and passionate fans who breathe, sleep, and tweet their favorite celebrities. That was the whole point. I am actually not bothered by Kpop Idols fake personality, "icecream" is blackpinks best release yet, BTS stunted the K-Pop industry rather than helping it, I love the Kidz Bop cover of Boy With Luv, Bad Boy was one of Seulgi's worst eras (in terms of styling), i haven’t heard a single 2nd gen kpop song i like :/. it was really fun and i think if u just follow the right ppl and just have fun on twt without being too much invested in it, i think it would b a v much enjoyable experience! But some people are hilarious on Twitter, it’s just impossible to weed out the toxic fans and the ones just trying to have fun. I think stan twitter can be pretty enjoyable depending on how you curate your feed. My question is about something that people have been attacking Jennifer Lopez for. Stans typically tweet about how much they love the person that they stan, but stan Twitter can become hostile and divisive as people with strong opinions gather on a forum where they can express them harshly, and with few consequences. Stan Swamy, a Jesuit priest, has been in jail since October. I won't ever get over this. Stan twitter post. Posted by 2 years ago. A votre écoute; Documents à télécharger; FAQ; Espace Emploi; Actualités; Premier Chapitre; Programme de fidélité Stan (Nouveau!) Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, I think it's totally fine and I even prefer it when idols lipsync on music show performances. Stan et vous. Why wouldn't they change the backing vocals to fit Toni's voice more? 10. share. Press J to jump to the feed. 2. card. The original one that started it all... thank's for watching! I had family who died because of being Shia, this is absolutely awful. I just don’t need it in my life. I dunno. Hot New Top. Posted by. Because they are their own thing, their own part of the song. So it’s a catch 22. Report Save. of course there's negativity but i mostly keep away from it. Stan Twitter member here, this is kinda accurate. I get that. Jungkook's stage name should have been Seagull, I love when almost every song from a group sounds the same, stanning rookie groups makes no sense to me, JYP's Feel Special >> TWICE's Feel Special, I would've totally loved NCT as a co-ed group. My appreciation for a song decreases if I learn that the artist wrote it about their fandom, Jennie should have a comeback before Jisoo and Lisa’s solo debuts, Felix Is A Better Dancer Than Hyun-Jin From Stray Kids, Dynamite is Musically Better than Black Swan, SuperM songs are wayyy better than their original group songs(Exo, Nct, Shinee), Soyeon gets the shortest end of the stick, I prefer UNDERDANCING over OVERDANCING on any fine Kpop day, Fake Love is the worst title track in the Love Yourself series. “Stan Twitter, do you know this song?” seems very silly at first glance. save. Park- not only is he my favorite male solo artist, but also my role model. I have over 5,000 accounts blocked, and there are certain groups I block on sight to avoid the trouble. Images/Videos Megathread. DO NOT downvote a post simply because you disagree with it. I do not take kpop to heart whatsoever so people calling my favorite group a flop, saying their songs suck, calling my ult untalented, etc. It was enjoyable seeing all the divided reactions and memes people were making about it. 149 comments. share . Kpop is meant to be fun, and I feel like the majority of twitter seems to suck the fun right out of it. Seventeen should have a 'center', and it should be Dino, If you're into kpop solely for the music, you should stan producers, not artists, I loved Wendy's green top in zimzalabin and nct's hair in firetruck, Save Me is the worst thing BTS has ever made, Yugyeom is the best dancer in kpop right now. and dont get me wrong! Stan Twitter r/ StanTwitter. Stan Twitter is a subset of Twitter made of super fans, usually to a celebrity or music group. It's about these types of vocals in J.Lo's vocals in 'If You Had My Love'. Just curate your feed to your preference, block out toxic people, and (if none of those work) be a silent observer … i completely agree w this!! As I silent reader on stan Twitter, I agree and disagree :’) when fanwars pop up on your feed - not so great. I dont really like niche groups so i just stay out of them. Youre part of the problem. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. my first rule before following someone is to scroll through their account to make sure they aren't toxic. the trick to stan twitter is to filter out certain words like stream, vote, and to block people who try to start fan wars, note: i do vote for the groups i like but it gets suffocating when people constantly type "sTr3Eam" and "v0Te". I get that part of the story. I’m an nctzen and nct 2020 being announced was probably one of the most fun times I’ve had online in a while. Close. #StanTwitter is the best Twitter… There’s no seating on the home side of the field because there’s literally an administrative building in the way. Getting jumped online and having a tweet spammed with fancams is not intimidating to me so I don’t really care. I like instrumentals of a song more than the actual song. They're both products of Fred and Rodney Jerkins. Enjoy the Rugby ad … card classic compact • pinned by moderators. I’ve recognized that the life of these idols I like and mine do not go hand in hand at all so nearly anything that happens doesn’t strike a nerve. It never boring in ncity, but yeah twitter can be fun. level 2. Log In Sign Up. Archived. I agree. Press J to jump to the feed. Solarsido ♡ Bonnie ♡. I just go there for the memes and sometimes the drama . i like to go on to see jokes and just to be kept in the loop. His passing brings great sadness, but I take solace in knowing that what my grandfather, Stan and so … Moderator of r/StanTwitter. 5. share. I just go there for the memes and sometimes the drama . I understand the sentiment, but people mostly hate Stan Twitter because of how they run with unfounded rumors and how certain people in fan bases literally dox people who disagree with them about their favorite groups. If I say something “edgy” or unpopular (ironic) on Twitter, most people would get that it’s a joke or they simply wont retweet it. Stan, which is a combination of the words stalker and fan, is now a part of mainstream culture. The term is often used by Twitter users to identify celebrities or movies that they love. first of all i don't even have a twitter. I know the stans love to put Mariah's "I don't know her" gifs anywhere, and I am aware of the story behind her ex and him wanting to promote J.Lo, supposedly out of revenge. I like the side of stan twt that’s positive and friendly. 1. share. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Most of these pages upload many pictures of their fave and their avi is also of their fave and not the person who created the account. There may be fights and toxicity but it’s the best platform to gain friends, keep up to date, and get a good laugh. Anonymously, yes. I also have like 50 words muted. stan twitter is really entertaining. Hot New Top. in my case, i just follow big accs that help with charts, share illegal bts content, translations and more. For all your unpopular opinions about kpop idols, their music, and the Korean music industry. Stan Twitter: Sadly, I used to be a member of this Twitter category. Stan Twitter often comes together to hold streaming parties for music videos or mass voting in award shows, building morale among people with a common goal. Ok but that photo of Bts makes it look like they're having photos taken for school photo day. It seems like a majority of people on here despise twitter and even steer clear from it completely but I love it a lot. … 3. It's not the first time a song has started with the actual chorus. card classic compact. Personally, I have no issues with stan twitter cause I rarely interact with people on there anyways. But the energy you like... you can’t really find it anywhere else. The only place to watch every match. i use twitter a lot too but i also to some extent dont take it seriously as much. The harmony is similar and it even sounds like Jennifer Lopez. I disagree. He is suffering from the Parkinson's Disease and needs help even with his daily chores. User account menu. I'm a huge fan of J.Y. I don't find the flood of fancams on twitter annoying, even when it's unrelated. 2. There are lots of funny people, memes, and imo it’s the best place to experience comebacks or exciting news in general. Devenez panéliste; Contact; Boutique; Covid-19 ; Week-ends gratuits; Se déplacer . Stan twitter is way funnier than any other kpop playform and that’s what’s keeping me on their. Western people aren't bad at interviewing kpop groups; it's the kpop groups and companies that are the problem, I like whiny, nasal and overly high-pitched voices, Sm is the least appealing of the big 3 and their groups, Shinee - Replay is one of my most strongly disliked kpop songs, Fanfiction can help make fans less obsessive, CLC’s Helicopter is one of the worst releases this year. 71% Upvoted. Hot. The biggest downside I would say is stans are really sensitive about opinions but I still tend to vocalize mine anyway. 65. 3 comments. I do think that stan Twitter takes kpop WAY too seriously. 2 years ago. Agust D ranks wayyyyyyy below the other BTS solo mixtapes. Here people would downvote you to death or act superior or more intelligent.
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