He was uninterested in working with anyone but his longtime friend. In 1960, Stan Laurel was given an Academy Honorary Award "for his creative pioneering in the field of cinema comedy." Among the films in which Dahlberg and Laurel appeared together was the 1922 parody Mud and Sand. Still, Laurel grew into a performer just like his parents, and he quickly began writing his own plays and pursued theater. Around the same time, he adopted the stage name of Laurel at Dahlberg's suggestion that his stage name Stan Jefferson was unlucky, due to it having thirteen letters. [10], He moved with his parents to Glasgow, Scotland, where he completed his education at Rutherglen Academy. His mother, who managed local boarding houses, made things even worse when she made young Hardy walk around town wearing a sandwich board advertising the food at her hotels. A "Stan" is Born - Stan Laurel's screen character becomes defined. [2][3] Karno was a pioneer of slapstick, and in his biography Laurel stated, "Fred Karno didn't teach Charlie [Chaplin] and me all we know about comedy. Stan Laurel was born Arthur Stanley Jefferson in 1890 in England. Shuvalova drank heavily and accused Laurel of bizarre abuse, including an attempt to bury her alive. [14] Chaplin and Laurel arrived in the United States on the same ship from Britain with the Karno troupe and toured the country. ", "Laurel proves Hardy after disaster delays: Statue of Laurel arrives in Bishop Auckland. Jefferson Drive in Ulverston is named after him. Hardy married her far away from his family to avoid an ugly scene, and the couple left Georgia almost immediately. Both Oliver Hardy and Stan Laurel were working actors during the 1920s, but neither had achieved any sort of breakout success. Here is all you want to know, and more! Together they had a daughter Lois on (1927-12-10)10 December 1927. His father was a Confederate soldier who got injured during the Civil War. The correspondence, spanning around 50 years and including photos of them being reunited in the US, was put up for auction by Mr Desmond's grandson Geoffrey Nolan in 2018. Historic film comedian whose career with Stan Laurel spanned 28 years. After changing film studios in the early 1940s, their popularity fell (along with the perceived quality of their films), but television kept them in the public eye and ensured their work would never be forgotten. NORTH HOLLYWOOD. Stan Laurel war ein britischer Komiker und Filmschauspieler ("Dick und Doof"). Together, the two men began producing a huge body of short films, including The Battle of the Century, Should Married Men Go Home?, Two Tars, Be Big!, Big Business, and many others. Oliver married script girl Virginia Lucille Jones in … Eighty years after their heyday, Laurel and Hardy remain icons of comedy. John Wayne was so impressed by Ollie in the play that he asked him to take a role in his film The Fighting Kentuckian. Laurel wound up spending much of his childhood with his grandparents, George and Sarah Metcalfe. As the Los Angeles Times reports, they usually improvised much of their bits, and carefully planned and even directed scenes while working with producer Hal Roach. Ehrenoscar (1961) Stan Laurel, geboren 1890, war ein englischer Komiker und Schauspieler. [32], In 1935, Laurel married Virginia Ruth Rogers (known as Ruth). The matter was settled out of court. The contract had one unusual stipulation: that Dahlberg was not to appear in any of the films. He appeared with his comedy partner Stan Laurel in 107 short films, feature films, and cameo roles. Decades later, when Hardy appeared on the television program "This Is Your Life," he became very emotional when the subject was brought up, showing how much of a mark the loss left on the young boy. In the same way, Frank Capra invited Oliver to play a cameo role in "Riding High" … on tour in Netherlands and Belgium as a comedy double act known as the Barto Bros. Their act, which involved them dressing as Romans, finished when Laurel was offered a spot in an American touring troupe. There is a Laurel and Hardy Museum in Stan's hometown of Ulverston. But, unlike Hardy, Laurel appeared in none of them. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. Oliver Hardy died surprisingly broke, and New Statesman reveals that in 1946, Stan Laurel was forced to admit he only had $2,000 in his bank account — and $200 a month to live on. [2] People who knew Laurel said that he was devastated by Hardy's death and never fully recovered from his grief. [24] Laurel was gracious to fans and spent much time answering fan mail. Teamed With Oliver Hardy in 200 Slapstick Films-Played 'Simple' Foil. [34] In 1941, Laurel remarried Virginia Ruth Rogers; they were divorced for the second time in early 1946. As is often the case with our funniest performers, however, the lives of Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy were hardly free from tragedy and sorrow. "[22] The tour included a Royal Variety Performance in front of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth in London. Die Therapie ist günstig, nebenwirkungsarm, hat viel positive Nebeneffekte. He traveled with Fred Karno's vaudeville company to the United States in 1910 and again in 1913. Nur ein Jahr später erlitt Hardy zwei weitere Schlaganfälle. Even more tragic, Stan Laurel penned something other than letters during his final years. They played successfully from February through October 1915, until the Hurleys and Stan parted ways. After winning an Academy Award for Best Live Action Short Subject for 1931's The Music Box, the comedy team proceeded to make hit after hit during the 1930s, mostly working in short films of forty minutes or less. [22] The success of the tour led them to spend the next seven years touring the UK and Europe. September 1941 in Poole, England) war ein britischer Theaterproduzent, der mit seinen Ensembles in den Music Halls erfolgreich war und insbesondere für Slapstick-Einlagen und Pantomimenspiele in seinen Sketchen bekannt war. Roach Studios' supervising director Leo McCarey noticed the audience reaction to them and began teaming them, leading to the creation of the Laurel and Hardy series later that year. Stan Laurel In Hospital For Diabetes. He began to act regularly and soon started to share the screen with Oliver Hardy, they became friends and their comic chemistry soon became obvious. In May 1954, Hardy had a heart attack and cancelled the tour. Stan blieb in den USA und gründete mit eine… On New Year's Day 1938, Laurel married Vera Ivanova Shuvalova (known as Illeana), and Ruth accused him of bigamy, but their divorce had been finalised a couple of days before his new marriage. This mutual respect extended to their career dealings as well. Fred Karno (* 26. [2][3] He and Chaplin arrived in the United States on the same ship from the United Kingdom with the Karno troupe. Unlike Chaplin's "Little Tramp" character, Stan Laurel's character of "Stan" developed slowly over time. Geboren: 16. There are two Laurel and Hardy museums in Hardy's hometown of Harlem, Georgia. Roach saw their potential and put them together in 1927's The Second Hundred Years. [43], Neil Brand wrote a radio play entitled Stan, broadcast in 2004 on BBC Radio 4 and subsequently on BBC Radio 4 Extra,[44] starring Tom Courtenay as Stan Laurel, in which Stan visits Oliver Hardy after Hardy has suffered his stroke and tries to say the things to his dying friend and partner that have been left unsaid. Hardy's weight also caused him grief in his younger days. [30], Laurel had four wives and married one of them a second time after their divorce. They carried him back to the hotel their mother ran, but it was too late: Sam was dead. Laurel was happy to see Dahlberg go because he wanted to marry Lois Neilson. 2021 jährt sich sein Geburtstag das 131. The music hall nurtured him, and he acted as Chaplin's understudy for some time. For example, his … For about 14 years, Laurel and Hardy were one of the most popular comedy duos in Hollywood. Laurel was one of several popular British actors in Hollywood who never became a naturalised US citizen. [46] In 2008, a statue of Stan Laurel was unveiled in Bishop Auckland, County Durham, on the site of the Eden Theatre. [6] Along with Hardy, Laurel was inducted into the Grand Order of Water Rats. [28] In November 1937, Dahlberg was back in the US and sued Laurel for financial support. Oliver Hardy hieß eigentlich Norvell mit Vornamen - wie der Mädchenname seiner Mutter Emily. Amongst other performers, Laurel worked briefly alongside Oliver Hardy in the silent film short The Lucky Dog (1921),[8] before the two were a team. Er setzte sich interessiert mit allen Bereichen der Filmproduktion auseinander. He was unable to concentrate on anything or communicate effectively with the people around him. Then, in September 1956, Oliver Hardy suffered a massive stroke that left him paralyzed and mute. Tragically, he misjudged the depth of the water and broke his neck on the rocks below the surface. [37] Minutes before his death, he told his nurse that he would not mind going skiing, and she replied that she was not aware that he was a skier. Oliver Norvell Hardy (born Norvell Hardy, January 18, 1892 – August 7, 1957) was an American comic actor and one half of Laurel and Hardy, the double act that began in the era of silent films and lasted from 1927 to 1955.He appeared with his comedy partner Stan Laurel in 107 short films, feature films, and cameo roles. August 1957 im Alter von 65 Jahren an den Folgen einer Gehirnthrombose. As Louvish notes, Reeves was an alcoholic who was forced to stay in a sanitarium several times as she struggled with her disease, leaving Hardy desperate to leave the marriage. Die Folgen waren für Hardy verheerend - sein Körper war fast vollständig gelähmt und er konnte nicht mehr sprechen. He married Virginia Lucille Jones, who remained by his side until his death in 1957. According to Norbert Aping, after World War II ended, Laurel and Hardy's celebrity suddenly took off internationally as their films were finally widely distributed, and so it was decided that there was potential to relaunch their film careers with a French-Italian co-production that eventually became known as Atoll K. The production was a fiasco. He just taught us most of it". His size continued to plague him as he got older. The contract was soon cancelled during a reorganisation at the studio. In a final humiliation, the producers found it impossible to get the film into theaters. je eigen pins op Pinterest. But he almost immediately cheated on Neilson, and they divorced eight years later. Oliver Hardy, who was another member of the Hal Roach studio, was injured in a kitchen mishap and Stan was asked to return to acting. Stan joined with two other former Karno performers, Edgar Hurley and his wife Ethel (known as "Wren") to form "The Three Comiques". One is operated by the town of Harlem, and the other is a private museum owned and operated by Gary Russeth, a Harlem resident. [42] In 1989, a statue of Laurel was erected in Dockwray Square, North Shields, Tyne and Wear, England, where he lived at No. [3] With a natural affinity for the theatre, Laurel gave his first professional performance on stage at the Panopticon in Glasgow at the age of sixteen, where he polished his skills at pantomime and music hall sketches. Stan Laurel war der kreative Kopf, der Gagschreiber, der Autor. Weitere prominente Geburtstage hier auf Promi-Geburtstage.de In their next few films, "Stan" (under various names) becomes more developed in the team of Laurel and Hardy. Hardy was at his heaviest, and suffered heart problems as well as a serious bout of the flu, while Stan Laurel was dealing with his diabetes and a prostate condition. Er kümmerte sich um Licht, Kamera, Regie und Schnitt. The steps down from the Square to the North Shields Fish Quay were said to have inspired the piano-moving scene in The Music Box. Stan Laurel (born Arthur Stanley Jefferson; 16 June 1890 – 23 February 1965) was an English comic actor, writer, and film director who was part of the comedy duo Laurel and Hardy. There were language barriers and a terrible script to contend with — but the truly tragic aspect was Laurel and Hardy's health. Around this time, Laurel found out that he had diabetes, so he encouraged Hardy to find solo projects, which he did, taking parts in John Wayne and Bing Crosby films. Eventually, the case was dropped and Laurel returned to Roach. In 1937, he filed for divorce, confessing that he was not over his ex-wife Lois, but Lois decided against a reconciliation. In 2006, BBC Four showed a drama called Stan, based on Brand's radio play, in which Laurel meets Hardy on his deathbed and reminisces about their career. For example, he staggered the expiration dates of their contracts so they could never negotiate as a team, which allowed Roach to consistently undervalue them. [6] In 2019, Laurel topped a list of the greatest British comedians compiled by a panel on the television channel Gold. By the 1950s, Laurel and Hardy had to embark on a live tour of English music halls to try to pay some bills — which failed when Hardy took ill and the tour had to be canceled. In his early years, Laurel spent much time living with his maternal grandmother, Sarah Metcalfe. In fact, as Lake Oconee Living reports, he was known as 'Fatty' as a little kid, and when he grew up and launched his entertainment career he was initially known as 'Babe Hardy' due to his size, which was usually well over 300 pounds. Both stars were noticeably ill during the filming. Oliver had previously worked with John Wayne and John Ford in a charity production of the play "What Price Glory" while Stan began treatment for his diabetes a few years previously. She returned years later to sue Laurel for financial support, and per the Los Angeles Times, agreed as part of the settlement that they had never been married. McCabe 2005, p. 143. His boyhood hero was Dan Leno, one of the greatest English music hall comedians. His phone number was also listed in the telephone directory and he would take calls from fans.[25][26]. The couple eloped to Macon, Georgia for the nuptials, claiming that since they were both a part of touring troupes of actors and musicians, they couldn't wait until they were both home to hold a ceremony. Some are heartbreaking in their lack of necessity. [45], A plaque on the Bull Inn, Bottesford, Leicestershire, England, marks Laurel and Hardy appearing in Nottingham over Christmas 1952, and staying with Laurel's sister, Olga, who was the landlady of the pub. Sein Vater, Oliver Hardy, stammte aus einer alteingesessenen britischen Familie - ein direkter Vorfahr, Sir Thomas Hardy, war Flaggenkapitän bei dem berühmten Admiral Nelson. [4] During the First World War, Laurel registered for military service in America on 5 June 1917, as required under the Selective Service Act. Together, he and Hardy starred in such 1930s productions as The Music Box, Way Out West, The Flying Deuces and Sons of the Desert. [4] Laurel began his film career in 1917 and made his final appearance in 1951. [17] Between 1916 and 1918, he teamed up with Alice Cooke and Baldwin Cooke, who became his lifelong friends, to form the Stan Jefferson Trio. In 1941, Laurel and Hardy signed a contract at 20th Century-Fox to make ten films over five years. [5] He then appeared exclusively with Hardy until retiring following his comedy partner's death in 1957. When they moved to MGM in the 1940s, they were disappointed to find they'd lost that — they were treated as hired actors, with no input on the scripts or direction. As author Raymond Valinoti, Jr., notes, he embarked on a crash diet that led to a weight loss of 150 pounds. Aus nicht bekannten Gründen verstarb Hardy sr., Manager eines Hotels, bereits im November von Olivers Geburtsjahr. When he became especially agitated or depressed, his wife would invite Stan to visit. Laurel spent hours every day corresponding with anyone he could, faithfully answering fan letters and sending missives off to his acquaintances. Hardy expected people to be supportive, but as author Simon Louvish says, the change in Hardy's appearance was so drastic that friends and family were visibly upset at the sight of him. The play, starring Holland as Laurel, was taken on tour of the UK in 2014 until June 2015.[50]. After Laurel left England for America the pair maintained a life-long friendship, sending letters and photos that documented Laurel's rise from an unknown British comedy actor in 1913 to one of the biggest names in Hollywood in the 1950s. Here's the real story of what Laurel and Hardy were going through during their final tour, the subject of the movie 'Stan & Ollie.' Hier spielte Oliver Norvell Hardy den bornierten Gentleman, der sich mit seinen spießigen und kleinbürgerlichen Umgangsformen an seine Umwelt anzubiedern versucht. His parents were both active in the theatre and always very busy. According to The Los Angeles Times, Laurel had a stroke in 1955 — which he survived, but it left him weak. In 1925, she started interfering with Laurel's work, so Rock offered her a cash settlement and a one-way ticket back to her native Australia, which she accepted. When they finally got out from under Roach's control in the early 1940s, neither considered working alone. He was also a diabetic, and the disease complicated his health. Stan Laurel and Oliver Norvell Hardy had been unsure about their reception in 1947, a time when they were just happy to be away from America and a film career that was on its last legs. According to author Raymond Valinoti, Jr., the officers took one look at Hardy's size and began to make fun of him, calling other recruiters over to look at him. While he was recuperating Ollie appeared on stage in an all star charity production of 'What Price Glory? Young Stan Laurel: Datum: etwa 1920 . His father managed Glasgow's Metropole Theatre, where Laurel began work. Stories of Hollywood stars piling up marriages and divorces are common enough, but Stan Laurel stands out. They divorced in 1937. As New Statesman notes, it was almost as if it was Laurel's way of staying in touch with Hardy. Juni 1890 geboren und starb am 23. Dahlberg was difficult, and according to writer Simon Louvish, producer Joe Rock paid Dahlberg off to return to Australia. Dick Van Dyke gave the eulogy[39] as a friend, protégé, and occasional impressionist of Laurel during his later years; he read The Clown's Prayer. ", "Raw footage of Stan Laurels funeral with Dick Van Dyke, Buster Keaton and more", "BBC Four Cinema - Silent Cinema Season. In the end, the final film of Laurel and Hardy was a sad end to their brilliant careers. At the time, Laurel's second marriage was in the process of a divorce, with Dahlberg's legal suit adding to Laurel's woes. Februar 1965 mit 74 Jahren. Top auf geboren.am. Das … The comedian said he expected to go home Friday. Sein Grab liegt auf … The plans were delayed after Laurel suffered a stroke on 25 April 1955, from which he recovered. He starred in films like The Lucky Dog and The Fighting Kentuckian. The cameo appearance was then given to Jack Benny. He moved into a small apartment in Santa Monica with his wife, Ida. Juni 1890 in Ulverston, Cumbria in England geboren und starb am 23. Er starb am 7. Some of these letters reveal tragic facts, as when he writes that after his stroke "of course I shall never be in a condition to work any more." When he was just starting his career, he looked up Laurel's phone number, called him, and then visited him at his home. From that point on, the pair rose to stardom under Roach's guidance — but Roach was a sharp businessman, and Laurel and Hardy were ... not.
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