The short answer to your question is, yes, it is safe to take spirulina during pregnancy. Protein helps your baby grow, especially his or her brain. However, preliminary studies suggest that spirulina holds pro… Spirulina: Side-effects, contraindications. The evidence that is available is promising, but most of the studies have been done in mice, with few being completed in humans, especially pregnant women. Of the studies that were promising, it seems that spirulina was mostly given or taken during the third trimester of pregnancy, which produces the least severe potential birth defects. - The Answer, we recommend you visit our Family health category. The main component of spirulina is phycocyanin, which also gives spirulina its blue-green color. Therefore, a warm womb is an ideal environment to support a new life. Spirulina: Nutrition Facts & Health Benefits | Live Science. Amanda Hyerdall, a registered dietitian at Loyola Medicine, shares some important information about nutrition during pregnancy. People with anemia are usually treated with products containing spirulina because it increases the level of iron in the blood. Spirulina is a blue-green algae that nutritionists are calling the superfood of the future. The Aztecs would harvest spirulina, dry it, then mix it with other foods they ate (, In 2012, a study was published that demonstrated protective effects that spirulina’s antioxidants had on a certain type of neural tube defect that can occur in pregnant humans and mice (, Another study done in sub-Saharan African women who were pregnant saw an improvement in anemia status when they consumed spirulina in the third trimester of their pregnancies (, In a separate study with rats in 1998, the investigators found a higher iron storage level than that of the control group (. If you do not consume enough iron, then you could be at risk for developing iron-deficiency anemia. Help you to manage your diabetes. And, spirulina was the food that kept them energized for the long haul. There is not enough scientific information about consuming spirulina during pregnancy to make a determination on whether using it while .Spirulina is an excellent way to support healthy fertility and pregnancy through its superior nutritional …It contains the most protein when harvested in the early daylight (interesting!) Your body uses iron to make hemoglobin, which carries oxygenated cells throughout your body. As researchers P B Persson and A Zakrisson say it, spirulina may be an easy, cheap protein source, but people are stretching the truth by labeling it a “superfood” (16). 2.Abundant in Minerals: Spirulina is an excellent source of essential minerals. If you want to read similar articles to Is it Safe to Take Spirulina During Pregnancy? Eating healthily during pregnancy is important for your own health and the health of your developing baby. Your doctor knows your nutritional needs, the progress of your pregnancy and your overall health better than anyone else. Iron : Infants ages 7-12 months need 11 milligrams of iron a day. Spirulina comes in the form of loose powder, capsules, and tablets. WebMD explains laryngopharyngeal reflux, sometimes called ''silent reflux,'' which causes backup of stomach acid into the throat and larynx and is common in infants. So, what’s the deal with kombucha? You may also experience cold hands and feet and pale skin. Pregnant women need from 40 to 70 grams of protein a day, and spirulina is around 50 to 70% protein in its totality, making up to 5.92 g protein per 100 grams. There are many purported health benefits, but is spirulina during pregnancy safe? 30 In addition to its high-quality proteins, it contains essential amino acids, pigments, dietary fiber, essential fatty acids, minerals, and vitamins, and could also be a good source of phenolic compounds. If a woman has low iron levels this can directly affect the baby's development, resulting in a lower birth weight. When you are pregnant, you need more iron to accommodate your growing baby, and your growing body (10). Although there is no official recommendation of dosage of spirulina, about 3000mg per day is a safe limit. Minerals are one of the main building blocks required for the growth and development of your baby. You may also experience cold hands and feet and pale skin. Stomach ulcers, also known as gastric ulcers, are open sores that develop on the lining of the stomach. The fact is tha clhlorella can also be sued during pregnancy and is also a great super food, though for many different reasons. is spirulina safe. Again, be sure to discuss adding spirulina to your diet during pregnancy with your doctor or dietitian to be sure it is safe for you and your growing baby, especially if you are planning to forgo the iron capsule.
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