22 is a standard letter for working drawings of all descriptions. Technical lettering is the process of forming letters, numerals, and other characters in technical drawing.It is used to describe, or provide detailed specifications for, an object. With horizontal) Q24 – What is the gothic and roman lettering? Thus, it must be written with: Legibility – shape & space between letters and words. b) Double Stroke Inclined Gothic Lettering. 22 are drawn to such proportion that roughly each fills a square space. 2. 1.1 LETTERING IN ENGINEERING DRAWING. Q23 – What do you mean by single stroke letters? Single stroke letters are of two types. b) Double Stroke Inclined Gothic Lettering. The analyzed letters of Fig. Single stroke does not mean – entire letter written without lifting the pencil/pen technical sketching, technical drawing, CAD, engineering drawing. Single Stroke Vertical Caps. The Indian standard followed for lettering is BIS: 9609. Write the following sentence in freehand, single stroke vertical and inclined uppercase letters in 6 mm height. With the goals of legibility and uniformity, styles are standardized and lettering ability has little relationship to normal writing ability. •Engineering lettering is usually drawn with HB or other relatively soft lead. Ans 23:- Single stroke letters means that the thickness of the line of the letter should be such as is obtained in one stroke of the pencil. A stencil is mostly used when hand drawing double stroked letters. • Single stroke lettering for use in engineering drawing – width of the stem of the letters and numerals will be uniformly thick equal to thickness of lines produced by the tip of the pencil. Double Stroke Lettering is further divided into: a) Double Stroke Vertical Gothic Lettering. The size of letters and numerals should be in proportion to the size of the body of A stencil is mostly used when hand drawing double stroked letters. It is the letter of Figs. •Neat legible lettering is used to add dimensions and notes to sketches. —The upright single stroke "commercial gothic" letter shown in Fig. Name four names associated with Graphic Language (Communication) mechanical, civil, nuclear, plastics, architectural, electrical, industrial ... Single-stroke lettering most commonly used on technical drawings is _____ guidelines. Single Stroke Lettering. Single Stroke Lettering: Thickness in single stroke lettering is obtained by a single stroke of pencil or ink pen. ... Types of Lettering The two types of lettering are: 1.Double Stroke Lettering. 1) Vertical 2) Inclined (75deg. Double Stroke Lettering is further divided into: a) Double Stroke Vertical Gothic Lettering. Single Stroke Lettering: Thickness in single stroke lettering is obtained by a single stroke of pencil or ink pen. free-hand lettering. Single Stroke Lettering. of single stroke and double stroke 37 1.5.15 Practice of single stroke, double stroke, lettering and numbering 41 1.6.16 Dimensioning - definition, types of dimensioning, arrow heads and leaderline 45 1.6.17 Dimensioning - methods of dimensions 48 1.6.18 Practice of dimensioning 56 Module 3 1.7.19 Free hand drawing - practice of lines 59 ENGINEERING DRAWING IS THE FUNDATION OF ALL ENGINEERING 18 and 9 with lighter face. Figure 3. •Use 1/8” uppercase single-stroke letters In engineering drawing, the details about the object drawn, title of the drawing, scale, and some other relevant information to supplement the drawing in the form of notes, and annotations are given using . Typical lettering features. Lettering in Engineering Drawing Lettering is used to provide easy to read and understand information to supplement a drawing in the form of notes and annotations. 2. •Poor lettering can ruin an otherwise good sketch.
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