team? Best Ranged Build For Missions? This thread is archived. Title, besides clothes. If you are a healer class main, or aspiring to be one in Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker, look no further because the guide you need to get started is right here! RhodosGuard. Each weapon, except for DLC, has a variety of colors per weapon too, though this is purely aesthetic. Cookies help us deliver our Services. TNoD does pretty well as sort of a mini wall, you can camp it to bait close range attackers. KuroShiki. hide. For Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Defense Type Overpowered Lets discuss." These characters will have to be protected by the Defense characters so that they can heal their allies with their own special assortment of jutsu. Nov 4, 2018 @ 3:14am Clone jutsu #1. hadi. The two jutsu I said are jutsu that can work with any game mode, if you want specifics, yeah theres better choices. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Players go head-to-head in 4 versus 4 battles, with all eight players fighting simultaneously. Ranged. Naruto to Boruto Shinobi Striker – Ultimate Jutsu Finisher (secret techniques) for all characters. KuroShiki. Best healer setup, ... For ranged, i use -Fire Style: Fire Ball jutsu (obvious) -Amaterasu (good status, god tier range, even better when paired with Flame Control) ... Shinobi Striker, a multiplayer online game developed by Soleil and published by Bandai Namco Games. 15 comments. (Range/Damage) Byakugan is a jutsu that allows you and your allies to see enemy chakra systems and each other's. Let's look at all the abilities you can equip on your Ranged Custom Characters. What are the best ranged jutsus and hidden jutsu. For Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Best Mentors that teach you good ranged abilities? Unlocking New Skills: You do this by leveling up masters at the Ninjutsu Library. Chidori (Sasuke)- good for running away or for flags, best used for burst damage after the first jutsu, pairs well with super beast scrolls (bird), lightning net, or Amaterasu (not recommended), or angelic advent (for flag). hey guys i was playing shinobi striker and i notice the game have a lot of dlcs, and i'm a ranged player, so what is the best ranged dlc? Phoenix Flower is just a basic jutsu I have yet to replace. Archived. I personally like using and fire ball jutsu and paper shield to block beast bombs from big bosses and disrupt the other shinobi bosses. There are a total of 20 playable characters “VR Masters” in the game. 2 years ago. Basically you depend on your melee attacks, with charge for each one. The only downside is that this has a long charge up time. NARUTO TO BORUTO: SHINOBI STRIKER. Substitution Jutsu: Shadow Clone Jutsu. Featuring everything from beloved characters both new and old, like Naruto and his son Boruto, to custom-made characters that fans can personally … (Support/Damage/Ultimate) Hinata Hyuga: 8 Trigrams Air Palm is a ranged damage jutsu that also blocks enemy chakra usage when hit by the jutsu. Ninjutsu 1: Inferno Style: Flame Lightning. Pair this with clothing that boost your ult. Head over to Sasuke at the market square and talk to him (after the initial tutorials). You keep playing but you don’t see any improvements? ". Naruto To Boruto: Shinobi Striker has given us many VR Instructors who enable you to learn numerous powerful jutsu’s, which include both attack and defence.However, most of the best defence jutsu’s are reserved to defence-types and then lack the jutsu’s for an attack. This makes it especially effective against a group of enemies or a single unit, but it's easier to dodge. Kirin has a big notification saying it's coming down, so it's pretty easy to dodge. hide. In the show, only Rock Lee and Might Guy have the ability to open these inner mechanisms. Water dragon is just fun to snipe people who dont know its coming through multiple building a trees and someones dog. Each Class has their own weapon types, as shown below, as a means to balance the game, as are the game's Jutsu. I started with defense and while I love the area control and denial, they seem pretty horrible in a fight unless you don’t use any defensive jutsu. Some of these include the cool ultimate jutsu that fill the screen with wonderfully animated devastation. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. This ultimate allows a player to open the Hidden Gates. There are four types of specials in the game; ones that can hit a large area at once but are less powerful, ones that hit small areas but deal a lot of damage, support specials that can heal or incapacitate enemies, and power-up specials that boost characters. Profile: Move List: Quotes: Overview: Originally an Overworld exclusive character, Sasuke (BORUTO) is the fifth character to be featured in Season Pass 2. if you want area denial just use Kirin, or Susanoo flame arrows. Cloud Village shortens Ultimate Jutsu. best. Press J to jump to the feed. NARUTO TO BORUTO: SHINOBI STRIKER > General Discussions > Topic Details. 15 comments. To use an Ultimate Jutsu, you must use D-Pad Up after fully charging. Rankings of everything in the Naruto Universe, from strongest jutsus to the greatest villains in the series. 2 years ago. … For ranged I'm currently using Phoenix Flower Jutsu and Thousand Needles of Death (Haku DLC). 2. share. User account menu. This Jutsu makes you get close which isn’t always the best place for a range to be. PC. hide . I started with defense and while I love the area control and denial, they seem pretty horrible in a fight unless you don’t use any defensive jutsu. NARUTO TO BORUTO: SHINOBI STRIKER Season Pass 3 Jul 30, 2020. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews. Stop worrying, my dear genin, I have some juicy tips for you. Naruto Shinobi Striker - *NEW* RANGED JUTSU'S RELEASED!! However, this also does a lot of damage and is difficult to avoid. Nov 4, 2018 @ 3:29am Originally posted by KuroShiki: Clone jutsu How come? Sep 6, 2018 . Season Pass 3 gives you access to special training from 5 different masters, including Kakashi Hatake (Double Sharingan)! Jutsu CD reduction is a must tbh (tbf I’m not 100% sure what gives jutsu CDR) The correct way to play ranged types is by sticking at the back or really annoying spots. Naruto to Boruto : Shinobi Striker : retrouvez toutes les informations et actualités du jeu sur tous ses supports. Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker is the latest game based on the iconic series and it finally allows fans to create their own dream ninja. The drawback in the anime was that this move has the possibility to damage their body beyond repair. Secret Technique: Takemikazuchi-no-Kami. 1. share. Whats your opinion on this? 7. I main Ranged, This is my build. Discussion. This also boosts the ally teams damage. Wikis. For Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "What build do you use for Attack Types? Best healing build. Pairs well with fireball or chidori, C2 Dragon (Deidara) - basically a turret that shoots homing missiles (decent tracking), won’t turn around to shoot behind it but is decent at area denial of what’s in front of it, better HP than all the other summons (will still disappear pretty quick if focused tho), Super Beast Scroll Lions (Sai) - slows down the opponent, has some of the best tracking in the game, activates really fast after a jump/in the air, pairs well with angelic advent or lightning net (although chidori or fireball is better after stunning them), Angelic advent (Konan) - good for running away, can spam your ninja tool, pairs well with Super Beast Scroll Lions or Chidori (for flag), Kirin (Sasuke) - does massive damage, covers a somewhat wide, appears quickly, pairs well with lightning net or any jutsu/attacks that cause a wall splat, downside is that it has a large notification of where it’s going to hit and has a slight delay (if user dies During activation then it doesn’t hit although this is true for most ULTS), Super God imitation Drawing (Sai) - lowers defense and attack, pushes ppl away, activates fast, pairs well with anything really, Shikigami Dance: Storm (Konan) - seals jutsus and secret jutsus, best for flag battle but can be good in others, Inferno style: Susanoo Flame Control (Sasuke) - good Area Denial, invincibility during length of secret jutsu (Kamui goes thru it tho, so watch out), lasts somewhat long time, the auto aim shooting kinda sucks tho, best used in base or flag battle, Fire Style: Giant flame Bombs (Starter Secret Jutsu) - good area denial, VERY high damage, Charges fast, low reach and duration tho, Water dragon (Tobirama) - goes thru walls, very long range, pairs well with pretty much anything due to how fast it is (Edit: this one’s tracking was nerfed ), Severing Wave(Tobirama) - has hyper armor while using jutsu, does more damage from above due to geysers erupting, decent tracking, Summoning Jutsu: Reanimation (orochimaru) - oneshots, has godly tracking, pretty much the best ranged ultimate, beware using it up close (although the “caskets” can hit ppl when summoned) since it can miss if they dodge and then it circles around uselessly, Tandem Paper Bomb (Tobirama) - good to lay as a trap and can activate after you die (fades quick tho in that case so still might not hit, dunno if this is a glitch but has happened for me), good area denial, somewhat long duration, hits hard, downside is the small aoe and it’s set off by whoever steps in it, and that there is an indication that they are about to go off (when all the bombs raise but aren’t exploding), For any jutsu that I didn’t include here are my reasons for not including them (not every reason applies to every jutsu not mentioned), Their damage is bad without any other benefit (or requires certain situations to have decent damage), there are other jutsu that do the same exact thing but better. you will have to make your character learn the Jutsu by completing certain … Deidara is also the one of the only Masters with Summoning Jutsu in their moveset, the others being Jiraiya, Orochimaru & Tsunade. Just sharing something I typed out for someone that might help others, beware it’s a bit of a read, might do this for other classes but I’m lazy so... we’ll see lol, Lightning net (play ranged a lot) and Fireball (Sasuke)- any build really can use either of these two imo, lightning net for the stun and fireball for its burst damage and tracking (ppl tend to pair these two together as well). TNoD does pretty well as sort of a mini wall, you can camp it to bait close range attackers. To get Summon Jutsu in Shinobi Striker, players need to get high-level scrolls for appraisal by Ten Ten at the Ninja Tools Shop. Shop now. This class have the least amount of health and the most amount of Ninjutsu out of all the classes. Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker Wiki. Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker uses Masters to help players acquire Ninjutsu, Costumes, Titles & Scrolls. Weapon: Sasuke's Ninja Blade (Boruto) Ninja Tool: Kunai. Posted by 1 year ago. NTBSS: Master Character Training Pack Kakashi Hatake (Double … report. Remember in this mode you will not have access to any items or jutsu your online character has but you can play it in offline mode and earn all the rewards. Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker has been a long-awaited game for fans of both the anime and the video game series. The more you know. 8 Trigrams Air Palm is a ranged damage jutsu that also blocks enemy chakra usage when hit by the jutsu. For Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Best Spam Homing Jutsus for Ranged Class? For ranged I'm currently using Phoenix Flower Jutsu and Thousand Needles of Death (Haku DLC). Grab a bowl of ramen and vote on them all. I think Haku's other jutsu was Ice Sparrow or something like that. Report Save. share. 2. Each of these are paired with their respective character from the Naruto games franchise, but it’s important to keep in mind that customizable characters will have their own stylized specials as well. Discussion. Selvokaz. Also your jutsu set up does play a role as well. NARUTO TO BORUTO: SHINOBI STRIKER. Cooperate with your friends to become the greatest Shinobi! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. gain to maximize the effect. Weapon - Cloud Short Swords. 31/08/2018. Just would like some good loadouts thanks. In the anime, it's shown that these gates help to manage and control chakra. Best Ranged Build For Missions? They both also combo really well, catch with Lightning Net and can immediately cast Flame Control with no lag time. … For me, the most consistent of non dlc jutsu is totsuka, the most consistent dlc is takemikazuchi (even though I dont use takemikazuchi because I prefer other ultimates). For Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Water style: water dragon jutsu". ". In Naruto to Boruto Shinobi Striker (NTBSS) you can equip your custom character with new Ninjutsu and Secret Techniques (Skills) at the Inn. KuroShiki. 2. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. all linked bellow, Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. But the reason I like the attack type more is because of the movesets. Log In Sign Up. The player uses his sharingan to warp anything in a specific area to alter time and space. hey guys i was playing shinobi striker and i notice the game have a lot of dlcs, and i'm a ranged player, so what is the best ranged dlc? Games Movies TV Video. #2. Ranged. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? ". looking for a guide? Of course, your character also has some unique ultimates shown at the end of the video. If that was the case, the Ranged class would be the most broken class in the game. Spam your 1 ranged jutsu (the other jutsu should be something that helps you escape pressure. In Naruto to Boruto Shinobi Striker (NTBSS) you can equip your custom character with new Ninjutsu and Secret Techniques (Skills) at the Inn. In the game, you will be able to create your own characters and customize their appearance. Lariat, Lightning Blade, Paralysis Kunai, Claws. This makes close-range combat almost impossible for him, so keep your distance as much as you can when using him. Deidara has the shortest combo strings of any character in the game, with a maximum input of 3 buttons. Removed effect that reduced the distance of ranged attacks for enemies hit by clones' jutsu. why not join the discord? Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker has been a long-awaited game for fans of both the anime and the video game series. Frying pan. level 1 . Press J to jump to the feed. Non c'est un screenshot que j'ai pris en jouant et qui provient de ma sauvegarde donc c'est déjà présent dans le jeu. To use an Ultimate Jutsu, you must use D-Pad Up after fully charging. KuroShiki. Sep 6, 2018 @ 5:51pm How to build ultimate jutsu faster? Tool - Senbon. < > Showing 1-15 of 16 comments . Posted by 5 months ago. For Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Best Mentors that teach you good ranged abilities? 7. share. Register Start a Wiki. Players will want to combine it with another attack that can incapacitate someone, like a paralysis jutsu or Yamato's Wood Release. 535 Pages. Where as the flame bombs doesn't and you can EASILY catch people off guard with it. havent played since jiriah, ive been using fire ball jutsu and the clay twin bird jutsu with kirin has there been any new good long range homing jutsus that have come out now that all dlc is out? Ranged seems pretty strong since the paralysis seal is amazing and being able to attack people without being in danger or being attacked seems like a no brainer. NARUTO TO BORUTO : SHINOBI STRIKER is a multiplayer online game set in the universe of Naruto. of the Seven Swordsmen. Sort by. Slapping that mini bandaid on the floor and playing like an Attacker for the rest of the time is … … Follow me on my guide on how to get into Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker… With team play the Water Prison jutsu is probably going to be my favorite especially with the hidden ground movement. How to Play Offline. I’m enjoying Range: Lightning Shurikan Net with Inferno Flame Control. 50% Upvoted. Shadow ult. Sep 6, 2018 @ 6:11pm wear certain armor pieces, and hitting … 2 years ago. They aren't good at close-range combat, so they always need to be ready to employ hit-and-run tactics." Sort by. The best ranged dlc. 12 comments. < > Showing 1-4 of 4 comments . Naruto to Boruto Shinobi Striker – Ultimate Jutsu Finisher (secret techniques) for all characters. Other Naruto to Boruto Guides . New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. To get Summon Jutsu in Shinobi Striker, players need to get high-level scrolls for appraisal by Ten Ten at the Ninja Tools Shop. (Range/Damage) Byakugan is a jutsu that allows you and your allies to see enemy chakra systems and each other's. Attack or Ranged classes are recommended for good damage output. Thank you guys for watching this Naruto Shinobi Striker video I have made for you guys. - Page 6. This is done through selecting their desired master (when unlocked) at Sasuke's Ninjutsu Library and playing online or in missions to level up. Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker, developed by Soleil Ltd. and published by Namco-Bandai, is a multiplayer online video game released in North America and Europe on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Microsoft Windows on August 31, 2018. Stone Village boosts ninjutsu recovery power & shortens ninjutsu cooldown time Leaf Village has increase melee damage and health. Best build for ranged type and attack type. share. Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker TOP 5 CHARACTERS We WANT and NEED in Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker PLUS HOW THEY WOULD PLAY! Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker has been a long-awaited game for fans of both the anime and the video game series.Released on August 30, 2018, the game features a whole host of new features players have never seen before in previous games. Genocide. report. Nov 4, 2018 @ 3:43am Kage bushin no jutsu. NARUTO TO BORUTO: SHINOBI STRIKER > General Discussions > Topic Details. That’s why I have those jutsu above it, I just have it on the list as an option. Sep 2, 2018 @ 3:44pm If you play healer, how about actually picking Healing Jutsus? Using the Kamui as his ultimate, the player hits a smaller area that completely devastates whoever is unfortunate enough to get caught in it. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. 60% Upvoted. Naruto to Boruto Shinobi Striker - Update Patch Version 2.21 close save. Chidori can help there) 23 comments. ... Petrifying jutsu. 7. share. Those classes are attack, ranged, defense and heal and are integral to the gameplay of Shinobi Striker. #2. This will do damage over time to anyone unfortunate enough to be in the blast radius. Follow up with the Demon Shurikan then move on to the next, I’m using Sasuke uniform (color 2) top, the white one, and Boruto uniform (original) bottom, with Kaguya horns to decrease my jutsu … This Jutsu makes you get close which isn’t always the best place for a range … New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the NarutoShinobiStriker community, Continue browsing in r/NarutoShinobiStriker, Welcome to the Reddit community dedicated to Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker, a multiplayer online game developed by Soleil and published by Bandai Namco Games. The player uses an ultimate that was displayed prominently in the anime, where Pain uses his rinnegan to create a small meteor that crushes his enemies. are the only dots from Amaterasu, Flame Control and Orichimaru's jutsu (and snake clone)? I'll do my best to explain why. Top - Boost Ninjutsu damage. save. Nov 4, 2018 @ 3:14am Clone jutsu #1. hadi. Your ultimate Jutsu charges faster by playing the role that your class type is. Ranged Class Shinobi are the 2nd type of ninja in Shinobi Striker . ... Shinobi Striker, a multiplayer online game developed by Soleil and published by Bandai Namco Games. There are a total of 20 playable characters “VR Masters” in the game. share. Unlocking New Skills: You do this by leveling up masters at the Ninjutsu Library. It looks incredibly cool, but it does have a smaller area of effect than some of the other specials. Best substitution jutsu in shinobi striker? Best substitution jutsu in shinobi striker? For Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Best Spam Homing Jutsus for Ranged Class? This is … Do you want to be like Rock Lee but without the ridiculous huge eyebrows? Naruto to Boruto : Shinobi Striker sur PC : retrouvez toutes les informations, les tests, les vidéos et actualités du jeu sur tous ses supports. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Category:Ranged Class Jutsu | Shinobi Striker Wiki | Fandom. I’ll definitely add this in, completely forgot about that, Not gonna lie there’s some pretty good stuff in here thanks for the tips. Chidori (Sasuke)- good for running away or for flags, best used for burst damage after the first jutsu, pairs well with super beast scrolls (bird), lightning net, or Amaterasu (not recommended), or angelic advent (for flag). How To Get New Jutsu In Naruto To Boruto: Shinobi Striker. This role is pretty accessible for starters. Solo Shark Bomb makes the best ult because of how much damage it can do. Amaterasu (Itachi)- fast cooldown, counters sand shield, very long stun on contact (guaranteed kill over a pit), good for extending combos after a light knockdown, burning status effect that does damage over time for a decent length of time (does like 30% health, if there are no healers), easy to miss with bad timing, pairs well with lightning net, Flame Control (Sasuke) - fast cooldown, has the same flame effect as Amaterasu, never misses, can fan out and hit multiple ppl which all count towards secret jutsu charge, unfortunately has no knockback or stun, pairs well with beast scrolls or Amaterasu although lacking in damage (fireball can make up for the lack of damage tho), Super Beast Scroll Birds (Sai)- the only ranged jutsu that can break Guards, Hits multiple times, activates really fast after a jump/in the air, tho has to be used up close which is its downside. Whats your opinion on this? Players will have the pleasure of fighting with their favourite characters and discovering a new gameplay style set in thrilling 3D environments with a completely new graphic style! Nov 4, 2018 @ 3:29am Originally posted by KuroShiki: Clone jutsu How come? < > Showing 1-15 of 16 comments . Weapons in Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker can be acquired through Tenten's Ninja Tools Shop for purchase, unlocked through certain Masters, or found in Scrolls. best. Ranking Every Ranged Shinobi in a Tier List from Worst to Greatest in Shinobi Striker. Close. furthermore, you will also be able to equip your characters with new Ninjutsu. What is the strongest class currently. The best ranged dlc. Chidori can help there) Report Save. It has pretty low damage unless all five hit, and it’s really easy to miss, Itachi’s has a similar issue alongside the base firebombs (that they are easy to miss). Close. In the game, it will increase his attack power to help players take down enemies. Hidden Mist Village apparently shortens the Cooldown of your substitute and something about reduced downtime of close range attacks. Report Save. PS4. Which is why ranged users don't get to use their ult until the last 30 seconds of the game because they've been spending 3+ minutes doing close ranged fighting. Featuring everything from beloved characters both new and old, like Naruto and his son Boruto, to custom-made characters that fans can personally stylize, the game has had some amazing improvements. Of course, your character also has some unique ultimates shown at the end of the video. level 1. Tandem paper Bomb. Naruto Shinobi Striker: All Ranged Type Jutsu So Far. Jutsu Theory and More! All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews. Learn new Ninjutsu from each master and receive special items. Kirin is a Lighting Release that rains down from the sky and hits in a circular area. Ranged seems pretty strong since the paralysis seal is amazing and being able to attack people without being in danger or being attacked seems like a no brainer. Flame Control is great for the simple fact that if you hit multiple people, you gain ult. But you can’t just put any Jutsu to your custom character whenever you want. Lightning net (play ranged a lot) and Fireball (Sasuke)- any build really can use either of these two imo, lightning net for the stun and fireball for its burst damage and tracking (ppl tend to pair these two together as well). For any missions involving defending an objective, the Defense class is recommended, with "Giant Shark Bomb", which can be obtained from training with Kisame, as an ultimate move. What is the strongest class currently. Attack is the class for you. save. or message the mods? Deidara for explosive luls and one of the best clones. Best build for ranged type and attack type. ". Beware this is a bit of lengthy read, and this is my bias towards each jutsu. I’m sorry but giant flame bombs is a terrible ult. Shadow Pull Jutsu is as described above in recommended build. Released on August 30, 2018, the game features a whole host of new features players have never seen before in previous games. Shinobi Striker was built with the intent to be a heavily PVP-focused arena fighter that references mechanics from other popular arena-styled games like Overwatch or even League of Legends. Xbox One. Released on August 30, 2018, the game features a whole host of new features players have never seen before in previous games. If the devs want spam, then spam. Just would like some good loadouts thanks. level 2. I think Haku's other jutsu was Ice Sparrow or something like that. SEASON PASS 3 BONUS: Includes Lobby Action - Lightning Blade. I get the most use out of his Ult right now because it's an instant kill if you catch people with it, which Ranged definitely needs right now. So I run phoenix a lot what’s the downside to that I see it’s not on your list? JUTSU. Personally I like the attack build. It's very difficult to avoid as the only indication of this activating is a warping of space; this can be easily missed in the chaos of combat. Sai for fairly ok status ailments (slow is very good) and a very fast projectile Jutsu in his Lion scroll. Spam your 1 ranged jutsu (the other jutsu should be something that helps you escape pressure. NARUTO TO BORUTO: SHINOBI STRIKER (Steam) 7-10-20 Trainer +7 NARUTO TO BORUTO: SHINOBI STRIKER (Steam) 1-8-21 Trainer +7 Options: Unlimited Health; Unlimited Chakra; No Skill Cooldown; Unlimited Ryo; Unlimited Timer; Unlimited Exp; Unlimited Trainer Exp; Notice: You must replace the game launcher with a custom one to be able to use the trainer , You can get the … This thread is archived. $3.99. ". But mostly I play with he heal type for support. Ninjutsu 2: Heavenly Hand Power. Phoenix Flower is just a basic jutsu I have yet to replace. Head over to Sasuke at the market square and talk to him (after the initial tutorials). Jutsu CD reduction is a must tbh (tbf I’m not 100% sure what gives jutsu CDR) The correct way to play ranged types is by sticking at the back or really annoying spots. Report Save. Lighting shuriken net Phoenix flower jutsu.
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