STEP 6: TURN THE DIAL to your desired temperature, using the flat-head screwdriver. Gas water heaters have a setting knob that can be turned to adjust the temperature. 140 seems perfect for our needs. The water heater is built to produce hot water with the temperature ranging from approximately 80 F to 160 F, or higher when used in commercial applications. If you are worried about it, turn it up to 140 for an hour or two a week, then back down to 120. Great diagnosis…you’re likely correct. A temperature between 120F and 125F is ideal for most situations. Replaced both, water is much hotter, however, she still runs out. We live in my grandmother’s old house, and who knows how old the water heater is. I have a new water heater. It doesn’t get cold enough to do that down here. However, there is less danger of bacterial growth in smaller domestic hot water tanks. I have a new electric water heater. Water heaters are set from the factory to heat water to a maximum of 120 degrees Fahrenheit. Other temperature settings, hot and very hot, each stands for 120 degrees and 160 degrees. We recently moved to our home and our gas bill comes 500 a month. If the water heater tends to overheat the water, find the cause of overheating. This means that you can be sure this model will truly go the distance. Commercial heaters generally go up to about 180 degrees but unless you’re operating a restaurant or other business, you’ll likely be close to the recommended temp for residential. Bacteria are less likely to survive at that temperature, and it is not hot enough to cause scalding. Set the temperature of the water reservoir (hot water heater) to 140°F but deliver the water at 120°F by way of a mixing valve. I can’t believe that I’m setting my water heater temperature too high for so many years without something needs to be fixed. To accurately find the hot water heater temperature, you will need a cup and a cooking thermometer. These factors are not affected by the kind of plumbing you have (PEX, PVC or copper), how the water is heated (gas or electric) or even if you a tankless hot water heater. Bacteria loves warm-hot conditions and can quickly multiple. The Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) recommends a setting of 140 degrees F in hotels and large systems to control Legionnaires' Disease. Also the floor under the container is wet and the heater has no feet. Have you adjusted it to save money? Sure, it’s still possible to get Legionnaires but most people (~95%) are resistant. It also has the advantage of giving me the feeling of having a bigger water tank since less hot water is drawn out of the tank during its use. Gas and electric water heater temperatures are set at the factory, but can be adjusted for your own preferences with only a couple of tools. Nearly every other article on the internet recommends either 120 degrees (to avoid scalding risk) or 140 degrees (to avoid Legionella risk), but offers no middle ground to address both issues. Reading this made me think of a recent lecture I attended. Triggering sensor “too hot”. If you like extra hot showers, you can easily raise the temperature to which the water is heated. The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) recommends setting the water heater at no more than 120 degrees Fahrenheit (49 degrees Celsius) to prevent scalding. Generally, the optimal water heater temperature settings run between 120 and 140 degrees, with the latter being the recommended maximum.You must be careful, however, as temperatures at or exceeding 140 degrees can lead to dangerous scalding. Reeves, The thermostats should be set to the same temperature to avoid one element burning out before the other. it is set at. Remember Dr. Marc Edwards of Virginia Tech who helped prove that Flint Michigan had a lead problem in their water supply? Water heaters often come set at 140 F. From what I’ve researched, my recommendation of setting the temp to 130 degrees may not kill Legionella bacteria as quickly as 140, but it should still do the job. Is it the relief valve or themostat or both? The temperature of the water in the heater is regulated by the adjustable surface mounted thermostat(s) located behind the jacket access panel(s). When you say 120 or 140, do you A is 120 degrees & B is 140 degrees? What do you think? That could be your problem. The arguments for 120°F temperature setting: If we set the water heater temperature at 120°F, we may get the following advantages as advice by the American Society of Sanitary Engineering – Helps to cut down bills Savings come from turning down of the temperature of your water heater subjected to standby loses and consumption. A failed thermostat or heating element in an electric water heater can also cause hot water temperature fluctuations. Setting the temperature too low may reduce your dishwasher or washing machine’s cleaning power if they lack an internal heater. Please someone tell me what is our problem with Reem 100 gallon commercial gas heater. Of course the problem is scalding at that temperature, which is certainly a problem. Any ideas, I have a tankless heater on my oil fueled boiler. Homeowners with a dishwasher that does not pre-heat the water may want to set their water heater to 140 degrees. On the other hand, the EPA suggests turning the thermostat down to 120 to reduce power consumption, and a booster heater to reach sanitizing temperatures at select outlets. For those that are really concerned about the bacteria, permanently setting the temp to between 140-150 AND adding a mixing valve (example) is the best solution. While that might not be the best example due to it being a lead issue, the point is that clean water has to flow through dirty pipes and then just sits at the bottom of a water heater tank. Very interesting stuff. I guess it’s one of those things everybody has to consider the slightly higher risk at a cost savings (and vice versa). Insert your cooking thermometer, and then adjust the settings as desired. If adjusting the thermostat still doesn’t give you the right temperature, it may be time to replace the water heater element. What is wrong? So, is my upper setting actually higher than my lower setting? If you have never adjusted your hot water heater temperature, it’s most likely set on the default setting for most manufacturers of hot water heaters, which is 140 degrees Fahrenheit. STEP 10: FLIP THE BREAKER TO RESTORE POWER TO THE WATER HEATER. I asked the plumber if I needed a thermal blanket, he said no, the newer units had plenty of insulation and that wrapping them trapped more moisture around the unit causing it to rust prematurely. Water heaters are shipped with the thermostats factory set to the temperature of 120-125 F, and that is … However, the best setting for you could vary based on a few factors. The U.S. Department of Energy recommends setting a tank-based hot water heater to 120 degrees Fahrenheit. Set too high, or at 140ºF, your water heater can waste anywhere from $36 to $61 annually in standby heat losses and more than $400 in demand losses. This usually isn’t a problem since I like to shower at night and he showers in the morning. The water starts to turn cold with just one person taking a shower. I’m going to look into a thermal blanket. … and that’s why we have you! Factors That Affect Hot Water Temperature Setting. Replace the insulation and panels, then restore power. Turn off the circuit breaker. I live in a 22/unit Condo Association and about a year ago, we got a new hot water heater (Rheem-Ruud Universal Commercial Gas Water Heater). If you have already set the temperature and are saying to yourself, “I have no hot water” or not enough of it, there are a few factors that may be affecting the heat. Great question. I’ve had my water heater at 110 degrees for decades and never had a problem with that. It could literally be a potential life saver. I put two of the 2 pronged elements in. The last, C knob setting stands for 150 degrees. Testing Your Water Temperature Fill a glass with hot water. Please help, Thank you. But it’s plenty cold enough here! I removed both cover plates and the top one had only wires behind it. For each 10° degrees you go up (meaning hotter), your electricity usage may go up 3% to 5% percent. If you have a dishwasher without a booster heater, it may require a water temperature within a range of 130ºF to 140ºF for optimum cleaning. If you are running out of hot water when taking a shower, you may want to turn the temperature on your electric water heater up.Increasing the temperature on your water heater will increase your electric bill but only in the slightest. Most water heaters do not have a temperature gauge with a readout. Home Depot Coupons, Coupon Codes, 10% Off Sales – FALL/WINTER 2020-2021, AJ Madison Coupons, Sales, Coupon Codes, 40+% Off – FALL/WINTER 2020-2021, Lowes Coupons, Sales, Coupon Codes, 10% Off, Target Coupons, Sales, Coupon Codes, 10%-60% Off – FALL/WINTER 2020-2021, Sears Coupons, Sales, Coupon Codes, 10% Off – FALL 2020/WINTER 2021. Typically, if the water heater is warm to the touch, you can benefit from a blanket. It’s on warm. Water heaters are factory set at OSHA recommended levels, around 140 degrees. Every other page I’ve been to has been long and pretty useless . Sounds like a thermostat issue if the calibration is off by more than +/- 10 degrees. This has been a GREAT help. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. From another point of view, lower temperatures are better for households with small children, while higher temperatures are more efficient at cleaning and sanitizing. We just had a new water heater installed after the old one burst. You should never set a residential hot water heater to 150 degrees. Water heaters are typically set at 120 degrees. Which means, the choice is … Installed just over year ago in apartment complex, new one given me nothing but problems. I suspect that there is a small “pool” of warmer water at the top that is used up first, then the cooler layer starts through. How old is the unit? Thank you for provided a wise, practical, “middle ground” solution. How should this be addressed? Personally, I believe a water heater should be. The tank booster you mentioned is a good solution to prevent scalding if setting the water heater temp higher as well as making hot water last longer. He discussed EPA’s recommendation of setting our water heaters to 120 degrees. The U.S. Department of Energy recommends a water heater setting of 120 degrees Fahrenheit for most households. The best way to save cost is to set them BOTH lower and to take shorter showers (getting done before the water runs cold!). Writer Bio Use the labels as a starting point but measure the actual temperature at the closest hot water faucet if you want to be most precise. And you got that stacking that happens, that makes your water heater very efficient. setting to prevent contact with “HOT” water. STEP 2: LOCATE THE TWO THERMOSTAT COVERS – one at the top and one near the base of the water heater. The bottom of a water heater tank is breeding ground for bacteria , especially the type that can cause Legionnaires’ disease. Thats why the blue/red plastic color markers are are on the tank! I agree….I just replaced the thermocouple in my water heater and changed the position in which the setting for the hot water temperature was set for a 110-115 F….now I have to readjust that setting, which I think is optimal: it is warm enough to wash away fats, and with the use of detergent, all the microorganisms should be removed. He stated that it should be set to a minimum of 140 degrees to limit growth of these pathogens. That will kill off most of the bacteria. What temps should I keep them on. Normally this cold water goes to the bottom of the tank via dip tube but if the tube is broken, the cold water would refill at the top which is where hot water is normally taken from. When you raise the temperature of the upper thermostat the lower thermostat will deenergize regardless of the lower set point. Another note, some building codes require hot water to be a minimum of 124F at the faucet and 140F in the tank to prevent Legionnaires Disease. If you don’t notice a difference in water temperature after adjusting the thermostat, it’s also possible you may have a faulty thermostat that needs replacing. Dual element heaters have two thermostats. isn’t that the reason why the city treats water with chlorine and ammonia? It should be noted that the Rheem MR50245 Marathon Tall Electric Water Heater is a bit on the heavy side. STEP 9: REPLACE THE COVERS OVER BOTH THERMOSTATS. The bottom of the tank is corroding? Adjusting Electric Water Heater Temperatures. Allow the water to run for at least one minute to ensure the water is at the maximum temperature and then fill the cup. 2/ Earlier this year, I started noticing a SMELL from the Hot Water (in the bathroom) and even noticed some health issues associated. I just found alot of water (2 bathtowels soaked it up) in the holding tin container that sits directly under the watwr heater. Check make sure the 2 elements are set to same temp. Have a rental house. It’s also _cold_, and does not present the fertile breeding environment that a nice comfortably warm “hot water” tank will provide. The recommendation from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is to set the temperature of your residential water heater at 120 degrees Fahrenheit. are the main culprits. Over the last eight years we've documented hundreds of home improvement and DIY craft projects along with many tool and material reviews. Some upper tstats are known as double throw which do not allow both to be on at the same time, AO Smith. Ours is a 50-gal., so it has two. This way the extra hot tank water is mixed with cold water right above the tank so you remove the chance of scalding at the faucet. Although I’ve done a lot of ground work/research … my questions are as follows: See: The average water heater temperature should be between 120 F degrees to 140 F degrees. Turn on the tap nearest to the … Since I just had to do this for our adoption home inspection, I thought I’d post a step-by-step for anyone else who wants to change your hot water temperature. You drink cold water anyway., As noted in the link in your later response, the “Water Heater Tank Booster” mentioned in the first comment is formally known as a thermostatic mixing valve. You would need check state regulations. But I didn’t have to go digging around for ours; they were right there behind each door, so I’m betting yours only needs one. In the rare chance any bacteria makes it to an outlet, only a tiny percentage of individuals even have the possibility of getting Legionairres (and they have to inhale the hot water or steam in a shower). Most households can have the temperature set between 120ºF and 130ºF on their water heaters. Great post Kim. 3- Setting temperature at A, water temperature is below 100. Note that setting your water heater temperature too high is dangerous, and can result in scalding. Well and good. Allow the water heater to sit for a minimum of one hour without using it, and then turn on the faucet closest to the water heater. Question: Is there only one thermostat on a 32 gallon water heater? To comply with safety regulations the thermostat(s) were set at 120°F before the water heater was How can I tell if the two elements are actually coming on, and turning off, at the same time? Titan Electric Tankless Water Heater In-Depth Review For 2021, Ariston Water Heater GL 4 In Depth Review For 2021, Best Mixing Valve: Important Piece Of Plumbing, How To Check Your Water Heater Temperature, How to Set Temperature on a Gas Water Heater, How to Set Temperature on an Electric Water Heater, How to Reset a Water Heater (and Why You’d Need to), The low is on 140, and the high 180. Thank you for the article. The water is not that hot, and does not stay hot for that long. 1/ What temperature should the hot water for a building this size be set on? According to Dr. Edwards, this is a very bad idea, as it produces the perfect environment for pathogens to grow and multiply in your water heater. It doesn’t run out of hot water during any reasonable shower Best Hot Water Mixing Valve for Hot Water Tank Appreciate the comment. Often newer water heaters don’t really benefit too much from a thermal wrap as they are so well insulated. Hi, we're Ethan, Jocie, Kim and Fred. Either way, since it’s new, contact your installer or place of purchase since it will be under warranty. but thanks to this post my life just got brighter, thanks!! Which one? 140 degree water for six seconds. At 130 degrees, any Legionellae would die within a few hours so if that’s the regular temp, there shouldn’t be a need to go any higher since as the risk is super low. STEP 4: REMOVE THE INSULATION behind each cover door to reveal the thermostat behind it. anything higher could cause problems. Instead, the thermostat is marked with temperatures or heating ranges. Similar to the gas water heater there is a mark for the factory setting. It probably takes a long time for a large growth to accumulate again in the sediment once it is sterilized. If you have a large house, you may want to look into installing a hot water recirculation system which can mean less time to get hot water in all outlets of the house and well as substantial cost savings over time. Warmer water migrates to the top and requires less heat to raise temperature….stratification…. It never fails that there are two camps out there offering us “safety” rules that never seem to align. Thermostatic mixing valves also mitigate against the dreaded “flush flash.”. I have a friend who replaced his own hot water heater but installed it backwards! It sets off the danger of scalding, which increases with age, and with such conditions as peripheral neuropathy, common in people suffering for many diseases, among which one can count diabetes, in which sensation of hot temperatures can be lessen enough to produce large, and deep scalding burns, serious enough! The numbers on the dial have no relationship to the actual temperature at which they operate(example: my new heater came set at 125 degrees, but the water at the closest faucet–about 6 feet away–was in the 90 degree range.) How to set the temperature of an electric water heater. In most cases, here’s what each label means: Sometimes there is a “Vacation” setting. Thanks for adding that in, Todd! Yes, we’ve been meaning to get a wrap. 1- Temperature setting is at B, but water temperature is over 160. we took a cold shower this morning at our new house, i was scratching my head wondering what the heck was wrong with the water heater! dont get me wrong, it can get hot even for me. What temperature is your water heater set to? Setting the water to a higher temperature increases the risk of scalding. but i do a lot of baking and cooking and the high temp keeps me from constant concern about bacteria and makes clean up a relative cinch. 120 degrees is sometimes labeled “Hot” or with a little triangle icon. i live in central arkansas and we happen to have great water here; but i do keep my gas water heater at 140. i thought about 150 for a while there, but i dont want to pay the bill for the extra heat i dont need. Also, according to the EERE, a lower hot water temperature reduces mineral build-up and slows corrosion of your hot water pipes. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Originally, it had a single and a double installed. THE TOOLS: You will need a phillips-head and a flat-head screwdriver. I do have one follow up question: What do you think of the recommendation some experts make to turn one’s hot water heater up periodically (perhaps a couple times a year) to 150 or 160 degrees to disinfect any lingering dangerous bacteria, then return to the normal temperature? What could be the cause of this? The purpose of this page is to show WHERE THE WATER HEATER TEMPERATURE CONTROLS ARE LOCATED to change the temperature on your water heater. 130 degree water thirty seconds. If all else fails, the heating element may be failing, and needs to be replaced. The culprit of the smell you’re experiencing is likely the anode rod but in some cases it may be incorrect venting in the sewer lines. Shouldn’t you have a nice thermal wrap around that, to help conserve the heat and save on your power bill? Setting the thermostats the same avoids one element “overworking”, The lower element works more than the top just because cold water refil enters at the bottom. Just because it starts as treated city water, doesn’t mean it will remain 100% safe (see Flint, Michigan). It allows me to keep my water heater at 140 degrees but will mix the water exiting the tank with cold water so that my hot water can be delivered to my tap at 120 degrees to prevent scalding. I don’t recommend you set them this high just because that’s a pretty high temperature. The Rheem MR50245 Marathon Tall Electric Water Heater is supplied with a limited lifetime warranty. Would it save money to set one higher than the other? Yes, it’s entirely possible that your 32-gal only needs one thermostat. Not only is this a good guide….that’s my new water heater in the picture! I like to see the top one set at the top side on the electric heater at about 110 to 115 degrees and the bottom one 105 to 110. there is a lot of very interesting and well conceived information here. Water Temperature Settings. Turning the screwdriver clockwise will increase the temperature of the water that the heater will produce. Would if I didn’t care about one element going out before the other? Keep in mind that the thermostat is factory preset to a recommended temperature and changing the setting may increase the potential for serious burns. However, there is less danger of bacterial growth in smaller domestic hot water tanks. Electric Water Heater Recommended Temperature Before you try to adjust the temperature on an electric water heater, consider the recommended temperature and potential dangers of different settings. Different brands of gas water heater control valves may have different labels. The lowest setting is … It’s interesting that this product isn’t a bit more popular. Consequently, the minimum water heater outlet temperature in residential systems should be set at 54C to produce a tap temperature of at least 49C. Hi Ingrid, Remove the access panels. Apparently the.water got too hot on high and the relief valve went off. On older installs, many times the lower element stops working, and then you only have a short supply of hot water. Why is following this temperature standard important? Consult the owner’s manual that came with your water heater for instructions for your particular model. The water was 2 3/4″ up the tank. If you can stand shorter (or cooler) showers, turning down the thermostat on your water heater is a great way to save on your electric bill each month. What Is The Best Water Heater Temperature Setting? Most gas control valves have a knob with various labels such as A-B-C on them. Here’s general instructions for how to adjust an electric water heater’s thermostats (there are two, one at the bottom and one at the top). I solved that problem when I recently installed a new water heater in my home. This article series describes the various controls used on different types of water heaters and explains how each control is used to set domestic hot water temperature. The cold water comes straight from the lines, and doesn’t sit in a tank for such a long time. Before checking any electrical parts of a water heater, shut off the power to the heater's circuit by turning off the appropriate breaker in your home's service panel (breaker box). It would be rare on a new water heater but that’s the first thing I’d check. Small bore pipes and long distances will require longer times for the hot water to reach the opening, for example, and pipes that run beneath or outside the home may be subject to winter or summer conditions. Should both of the thermostats be set to the same temperature or should the lower one be set to a lower temperature because of tank stratification? Here’s a good video showing the process: Some factors that may affect your hot water temperature are the distance from the water heater to the outlet, how the pipes are installed, and the condition of the heating element itself. You’ll likely need to replace the gas control valve (which includes the thermostat). He would only get minimal hot water after a lengthy wait! Recommended Temperature Settings. We’ve wanted to do this for months and just have’nt known how. It scalds us even on pilot! This method works for direct fired water heaters. Hot water heater settings are easy to adjust, although electric heaters will require a screwdriver and possibly a small wrench or socket. You can adjust hot water heater settings to get more hot water if you are unhappy with the recommended temperature. You shouldn’t have to stagger your showers like that (unless you’re taking mighty long ones!). You’d have hot water at the start, but as soon as you start using it, cold water is refilled back into the tank. Most electric hot water heaters have two thermostats, on the thermostats there is a temperature setting dial. The EPA recommends 120 degrees because it’s hot enough to keep diseases at bay, it’s not hot enough to cause scalding, it will supply enough hot water for most small families and is relatively energy-efficient. Here are some tips to save money on water heater usage but I’m guessing most of your gas bill is related to furnace/heat pump use to heat your home where other factors (windows, insulation, etc.) STEP 1: CUT THE POWER – Before you do anything flip the breaker or pull the fuse to turn off the power supply to your water heater, so you don’t electrocute yourself! With an old water heater, a broken dip tube is often the issue. It is dangerous! The A-B-C knob on a residential gas water heater usually equals 130-140-150 degrees if properly calibrated. Lives by herself so not a lot of water used from the 50 gal tank. The mixing valve takes the hot water from the newly set heater (140°F) and mixes it with cold water until it can be released from the valve at a safe 120°F temperature. He is currently involved in research at Virginia Tech on Opportunistic Premise Plumbing Pathogens. 2- Bottom is corroding already, called Reem, no replacement until visual water leaks. Thanks for the simple, honest answer! (In our picture, the two gray doors). They can be installed on new or existing water heaters. The temperature of the water is adjustable depending on preferences. How do you know that both thermostats on an electric water heater are set to the same temperature? STEP 3: REMOVE THE COVERS – using the phillips-head screwdriver. I suspected one of the elements and opted to replace both as the heater is just over 4 years oll.. Save the screws in a safe place, since they’re tiny and easily lost. We just wanted to make sure our faucet readings were well below the 120-degree upper-limit for an adoption inspection. If you only set one of them at a different temperature, the other one will always be trying to heat up because of the temperature difference in the upper and lower water. If you have small children in the home, it is advisable to set the temperature to no more than 120 degrees to eliminate the chance of burns.
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