I think I figured it out. Uploaded default source + serial help, I could see FW version and msg how call for help. I thought about changing the code to get more memories by adding buttons but the reality is that my case is going to be packed if I any more! The project took on a life of its own and it does much more than my PIC keyer project did. (programming of memory messages) in this latest code revision? I can quickly build specific keyers based on the code. I have running a Arduino Mega Icom CI-V router / USB Interface / band decoder that cures problems for those who are running the ICOM PW-1 and a XCVR with a computer interface. The main Advantage of the K34NG keyer is, that this is not so komplex, can fit into nearly every Radio and do many more things as everyone would expect who attempt to find a keyer unit. There are 2 commands in it to controll the CMOS-SUPER-KEYER timing: Jordi. It workes well now without errors. However, I suspect most folks won’t want or need all features in one box. Switching relays are to expensive in this range of power and voltage. Everytime in Linux the port is opened it resets the Arduino. 73! I have a replicable lockup occurring when I change the sidetone frequency either above or below a certain amount. I think the problem was that N1MM didnt get proper feedback after message was finished. Here is the K3NG software at work…. I have ported the actual version to Visual-Studio6 and the entire project is available at ” http://sourceforge.net/projects/k3ngkeyer4as6/files/Sourcecode“. The function "int read_settings_from_eeprom()" needs to be repaced with the following code: ————— snippy —————————————————————————————————-. I have build one pcb thats support a full configuration and need 78kbyte flash mem.The HELL support consume much of them. as you may guess the most expensive parts are the front and rear plates :-), I had them made by this famous German fabricating house (well known to German hams). #endif NAME <– this is not allowed. The old files *. This would give me a perfect opportunity to tray this out. This would make the preprogrammed Nano’s not attractive to the buyer anymore specially if they compare it to the cheap bargain prices the direct importing ham gets on ebay from the flood of Chinese sellers there. One weird thing is that the Memory #1 button seems to randomly cycle between any of the programmed memories. Now I thing that is complete enough (for me) and I will stop this design, now only is pending to decide the final PCB dimensions according the box and the paddle. back from the keyer and I can program therefore the memories (= command not understood)…..is this only an issue I have or can you confirm you also have it and its code related? Ino that I have not have this problem. Only drawback of disabeling ASR is that when you upload a new modified sketch to the Arduino you need to reset it manually just within a second or so when the RXD/TXD LEDs start to flicker. Keyer.cpp:2021:10: warning: extra tokens at end of #endif directive The destinated platform is ATMEGA MPU based and need the ARDUNIO C++ derivated IDE. Authoritative documentation is located in the Github Wiki. I am in testing an 24char 2 Lines lcd. I’m going to later make it that you can configure the setting at run time using a command line interface command or a command mode command. Congratulations and many thanks for this great project. —> case PS2_SCROLL : // Prosign next two characters Would you consider interesting to add with the encoder a Rotary Encoder LED Ring to visualize de encoder position? An amateur in India asked me about this recently and provided some technical information on how to do it. Features:- At the moment I am a beginner in Arduino but working on it. Note that the TAB bug workaround breaks SO2R operation in N1MM. The Inverting circuit to generate -VCX employ +20VCI. They use the GNU-Toolchain similar as AVR-Studio. The main advantage of an IR wireless key is getting lost if this is not integrate like the PALM’s PK1 Key. char keystroke = keyboard.read(); I’m so pleased to see my firmware running on your work of art :-). And finally â Iâm REAL anxious to see what you come up with on your Arduino antenna tuner. It can’t be switched of with the command… No idea why. I’ll email you a configured code file, but again, ASR is likely the problem. Arduino have limited support of everything. I am currently working on REV D of the PCB. Change the number in this line in the transmit_hell_pixel function: Why does WinKey need to do EEPROM writes. This does not work. For a kit single lever paddle, look at the American Morse Bushwacker. Will have a go at the new schematic and version in the near future. I have always had a concern that the Arduino boot loader might be falsely trapped by serial traffic during the initial timeout, and I think I saw mention of workarounds above. I have commenced documenting the project at http://vk1od.net/module/K3ngKeyer/index.htm … commenced is the key word! This mod is also essential for using the keyer with other software such as HRD, etc. I’m wondering how you calculate your delays for automatic sending for Farnsworth spacing. I don#t understand why the copiler response with this warning in this case. I checked a bunch of things. Pin11=> ENCDR_CLK Here is some compiler output showing the crabbing it’s doing: Keyer.cpp:819:8: warning: extra tokens at end of #endif directive I just finished my Beta kit and it is simply a wonderful rig. Darn. I have 5 buttons next to the command button. Well – change the line just to user_entered_callsign.toUpperCase(); The arduino examples seems not be actually modified to the Arduino V 1.0 environment usage. I have checked them out in combination with a Schurr Profi2 key and an older Are you using the sidetone output going into the audio input of the rig (in SSB mode) or using the CW key line with the transmitter in CW mode? I have seen schematic that uses photoelectric barrier instead the paddle contacts, but i never checked up them, yet. If you want to contact me directly you can look me up on QRZ.com and my email is in my profile. In regards to Capacitors 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 are “.01” while C5 is “100”. I think I’ve found a bug in your schematic. Did you calculate the estimated costs for complete Kit inclusive Arduino-Board and the enclosure? this feature will give the possibility to work with HI power tube TX, in grid, cathode or screen modes. I’m not sure I understand the buttons – from what I can see, they don’t link to any particular analog pin. Keyer.cpp:5881: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions In Adruino environment there is an older WinAVR 20100110 used and they does'nt response any My expectation here is that the keyer provides perfectly formed Morse code, less affected by network jitter than sending dits and dahs across the network. Goody, But, no response for any my command with proper serial console setting, arduino led blinked. Hi Anthony, Well, while we’re sharing pictures: I would help programming, but I use only BASCOM-AVR for small projects. @K3NG: vy 73. thanks a lot for your kind comments and suggestions. I stumbled across your July 4 post about the keyers. You are correct about the RGB shield code taking a lot of memory. (I have built it into a small chassis already … :) ). 73, I like it. Testing keyer on evaluation board I found some areas that could be better: I’m really eager to get to the actual tuning logic as I think there could be multiple tuning strategies and a lot of potential for optimizing the tuning code to reduce tune times. And the fully features that the K3NG and collaborators have introduced until today, and I know. { Can you post some pics when you get it cut? I’m using a 100 ohm resistor only, works lika a charm. I had to play with the timing a bit to get it to display correctly for me. Project situation: There wouldn’t be any reason to include both a potentiometer and an encoder on a unit, and on a new keyer I would build it with the encoder. Do you have the Arduino Automatic Software Reset disabled (which is done by cutting a trace on the Uno PC board)? There are some small steps to do, but a compilation of them would be made this job to 20 secound task. That is a good idea as well. I did’nt find a replacement of them since a couple of years, but the Winkey2 and the K3NG keyer are close to the K3 if IAMBIC mode B is selected. That’s the reason why you need to replace the mapping file to get the support of that kinda mcu. This has been high on my list for years and what youâve got under development looks terrific. I saw a feature to disable that and mine is still disabled. I tried the same script on a FTDI port on COM28 and it worked fine. I’m planning on building two of these for 2 CW stations for use at a special event in October. Look to Keil or the Open Suurce IDE’s like Eclipse. Dean, see my reply posted further below (somehow it got at the end of the blog rather then listed as reply to this comment…. Iâm currently using version 2011100601 & the only issue I had was the keyer beep-booping 3 times at power-up on its own and clearing memory which I note that youâve fixed in more recent code. But I digress. Thanks and 73, Victor. There is a notice in the arduino adc support source code that will describe why you should take care about that VIN pin in every design. For beginners of doing CW this is quite helpfull. It should be possible with this library: If anyone wants more memories supported with the buttons, let me know and I’ll work on a button MUXing scheme. I’m curious if anyone is using the CLI method on their computer. In function void check_serial () find the following expression: for ( byte x = incoming_serial_byte; x–; x > 0) That’s fast enough and is expandable. byte x = 0; The usage of the /RW line of the display to read the busy-flag instead a fix time delay,is recommended. I also attempted to read your source code…. Keyer.cpp:4892: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions Yan ! I can’t recall exactly why I coded wait time in there, but I seem to think it was something with HRD. If you go up on SourceForge ( https://sourceforge.net/projects/k3ngarduinocwke/files/ ) you’ll see a directory called “in development”. This is cheaper than a single FTDI chip. ($15.-) My experiences with the Arduino IDE is more bad as i expected before. I’m Waiting for the continuation of this project, @K3NG:
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