If cheat is usable don't forgot thumbs up mamadoodoo07 and share this with your freinds. Late at night, a young traveler and her Chansey lose their way in Eterna Forest. Follow. ... Rotom is in the Old Chateau. I tried to figure this out earlier but I can't! 13,284 notes. Enter Eterna Forest from the Eterna City side and head up past the Cut bushes. You don't have to beat the E4 to get Rotom, just click on the tv at night. Now you must have the Nationel Pokedex to get Rotom. EDIT: Any GBA Pokemon game inserted in the DS will get you Gengar. Platinum Diamond Pearl; Walking in tall grass or a cave Gastly: 100% L14–17. If you've been inside, you've might have seen a ghost or two there. 92% L12–15 +8% L16. When the player comes here, you see Gardenia in front of it. There is also a picture with red eyes that follows you wherever you go. meowthandpersianpropaganda. Old Chateau. Go to the television in the back anywhere from 8:00 pm and 4:00 am. Dark attacks work best on them, so our Luxio was a great asset here, but you may want to use other Pokemon to deal with the Gastly infestation. A traveler and her Chansey walk through Eterna Forest and stop for a bit. Listen to Pokemon DiamondPearlPlatinum - Old Chateau.mid, a free MIDI file on BitMidi. Inside there will be 4 more doors (1 straight up from the entrance, 3 up the stairs on … Gastly can be found 100% of the time in the Old Chateau if no game is in the GBA slot and gives 1 Special Attack EV each. Ok Does any one know how to see the butler, I've seen the little girl but...? Rotom, can be found in the Old Chateau in Eterna Forest. The Old Chateau only has a single, lone enemy to worry about. I was upstairs on the 2nd door to the right. The following list includes legendary locations and pre-national dex normal pokemon locations. With new information provided in the Pokemon Generations episode as well as Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, I believe I have the information to solve every mystery of the Old Chateau. The Old Chateau(森(もり)の洋館(ようかん)The Old Chateau) is the 10th episode of Pokémon Generations. Gastly, a ghost-type Pokemon, will run around here, and you'll get into multiple fights with it. 92% L12–15 +8% L16. Gardenia wanted the gym, so she poisoned her sister and the butler (the other ghost). There also happens to be the TM90 Substitute in that room, too. Pokemon Platinum expanded the lore of Rotom and the Chateau, but a clear picture was never painted, until recently that is. Game Features. It cannot be reached without using Cut on an obstructive small tree. When you see the little girl ghost, it leaves the room. #pokemon #sinnoh #Pokemon Diamond And Pearl #Pokemon Platinum #eterna forest #old chateau #gastly #haunter #gengar #chansey #ghost pokemon #pokemon cheryl #cheryl #anime #anime girl #cartoon #fanart #nintendo #pokemon gen 4. Rayman - Candy Chateau 1.mid. The girl (For me) is in the room to the furthest right. In the Old Chateau in pokemon platinum, there is an old notebook that im curious about.? I've beat the game and I have the National Dex, but I only find Ghastly. Play, download, or share the MIDI song Pokemon DiamondPearlPlatinum - Old Chateau.mid from your web browser. You can also check Pokemon DB before complaining. Pokemon Origin Platinum – Pokemon Locations Every non-legendary pokemon can be obtained before the elite four and no pokemon requires trading, events, or any outside source to obtain or evolve. I know yo can catch rotom in the night time, but what I want to know is why there's a little girl in there! Pokemon Platinum Cheats. In the house you can find the two ghosts. Yes. The two ghosts is a butler and a little girl. The Old Chateau is in northern Eterna Forest and requires Cut (HM01) to reach. Pokemon Platinum Old Chateau? Try the Eterna City side of Route 205 instead, even though it gives dramatically less experience than you'd be getting at the Old Chateau in D/P. Pokemon DiamondPearlPlatinum - Approaching Champion Cynthia.mid. What a mystery. chateau.mid. There happens to be three secrets in Old Chateau. One in the dining room and one in the upstairs bedrooms. Seeing the old chateau and it ghost in 3 d and being a traumatized child again #pokemon #pokémon #sinnoh #old chateau #pokemon diamond #pokemon pearl #pokemon platinum #gen4 110 notes Pokemon DiamondPearlPlatinum - Battle Wild Pokemon.mid. There is a girl and an old man who wonder around in the old chateau. In Pokemon Platinum it is possible to capture one by going to the Old Chateau. Black: White: Old Chateau's hidden specialty. The Old Chateau was abandoned several decades ago (at least), yet still stands more or less untouched since it was vacated despite being literally on Eterna City's doorstep. Interact with the TV that can be found there to initiate a battle with Rotom. The Cheat have a rating 6 by 8 our users and has been commented 21 times. Those are the only pokemon in the chateau. This cheat for Pokemon Platinum [Nintendo DS] has been posted at 23 Dec 2009 by mamadoodoo07 and is called "Another old chateau story". During the Time I'm exploring the Old Chateau, I've noticed ghosts of an old man, and a young girl in two of the rooms. This would explain the antidote in the garbage in the kitchen. Go to the Old Chateau at night to see Rotom, if you haven't already. told: the three ghost in the chateau, the little girl, old woman, and old man, see them in that order in Platinum and a Dusknoir will appear....so i was told. Where is Rotom in Pokemon Platunim? touch the tv and it will pop out. Level 14-15. Old Chateau [0] Fuego Ironworks [0] Great Marsh A1 [1] Non-VS Seeker [1] Lower right of the Area, on a little patch of ground surrounded by Marsh; Great Marsh A2 [1] Non-VS Seeker [1] In the middle of the long path above the large pond; Great Marsh A3 [1] Non-VS Seeker [1] Far left of the Area, above the large pond; Great Marsh A4 [1] It heals all the status problems of a single Pokémon. Also 1 users added this cheat at them cheatbooks. Things I will not be ready for . After entering the chateau head right up stairs and go in the right door. HeartGold: SoulSilver: Old Chateau's hidden specialty. SO far I managed to know most of it: Pokemon DiamondPearlPlatinum - Old Chateau.mid. It will be level 20, have the ability levitate, and knows the moves Thundershock, Confuse Ray, Uproar, and Double Team. Also some Pokemon (at the 40+ levels) have TM, HM and event moves so don't complain when you see an entei with flare blitz because he did learn it via a Gen 4 event when Pokemon Platinum was the new game. Comment:(Sep 22 2009) Old Chateau, Your Supposed to see a little girl when you walk into the room with eyes in the room next to you, and the butler that i need help finding, in the dining hall To encounter Rotom in Pokemon Platinum, check the TV in the Old Chateau at night. In Platinum, the levels at the Old Chateau are higher, making it a rather dangerous place for level 12-13 Pokémon. Breeding Eevee is the best option. In Platinum, Cheryl gives you a Soothe Bell at the end for walking with her. … They soon stumble upon a house—but what waits inside? The Old Chateau is an abandoned manor house near the exit of Eterna Forest, near the Route 205 entry point from Eterna City. I heard this on a forum. Some say that there are stories behind the old chateau. So I asked another question about this game earlier today but, no I have another question. It heals all the status problems of a single Pokémon. Posted: jun 26, 2009 9:51 am In order to get him (you don't need to beat the elite four) go to the top floor (2nd) go into the middle room. It is said that since then there are silhouettes in the windows of the mansion. The Old Chateau (もりのようかん Forest Manor) is an old abandoned mansion in Eterna Forest. Kingdom Hearts II - Old Friends Old Rivals.mid. It heals all the status problems of a single Pokémon. After entering this haunted mansion, go straight into the door under the staircase. Be sure to have a female Eevee or one of its evolved forms, and another Pokémon in its breeding group. Platinum: Old Chateau's hidden specialty. Beside the creepy looking house is an Ether. Pokemon DiamondPearlPlatinum - Pokemon League Day.mid. my first time in the old chateau is scary with the (beep)ing music.and when i saw the ghost i thought they were alive.so if you want to tell the first time in the old chateau you can respond:-) Golduck can be found while surfing in the Resort Area and gives 2 Special Attack EVs each. I heard that the Old Chateau belonged to the Gardenia's father when he was the gym leader, and when he died he willed the gym to Gardenia's sister (the girl ghost). go to the Old Chateau after getting the Eterna city gym badge. It is found there at level 35–55 in any game. Old Chateau. In it a fire occurred and the daughter of Mr. Fortuny and his steward died. The two ghosts and the picture with eyes. Beat Gardenia and have a Pokemon that knows HM01 (Cut) with you so you can access the Old Chateau. It is apparently haunted. I've also noticed a purple p.., Pokemon Platinum Questions and answers, Nintendo DS Every Trainer has AT LEAST 2 Pokemon(some may have 1 but are rare like .1%) Theres a notebook and that when u examine it says: "Som---hing so pecu---r shou--- make off ---ith mot---" And that has got me wondering. A house that lies deep in the eternal forest. Old Chateau Sinnoh 2F. After learning Cut, you can cut the tree and explore the Old Chateau. 1 Games 1.1 Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum 2 Hauntings 3 Trivia The Old Chateau is not important to the plot. The picture with the eyes is a Gengar or a Haunter. Catching an Eevee in Pokémon Platinum is extremely difficult, but you can get your first one from Bebe in Hearthome City or in the Trophy Garden on Route 212. Old Chateau Right now in my game I'm EV training in the Old Chateau but I can't seem to find any Gengar or Haunter.
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