plate and screws in ankle recovery

Why? I healed quicker then my doctor thought/said and didn't have to do physical therapy. Authors of section Authors. This type of surgery is usually performed under general anasthetic. I Also felt that the plate and screws were causing increased pain when weather colder/wetter. For that reason I had the plate removed after about 12 months - was on crutches for a couple of weeks as the screw holes repaired and about 6 weeks before playing soccer again. If a tendon is in constant contact with a plate, screw, or pin, the constant rubbing can lead to pain and discomfort. So I was uneasy going in to see him and he ex rayed my ankle and brought the pictures into the room and said just look at this! One, two, or all three malleoli can be broken. I now have a depressed contracted adherent scar over my left medial malleolus. I broke my tibia when I was 14. In some cases, a screw or rod inside the bone may be used to keep the bone fragments together while they heal. I just don't know if surgery is right for me. These fractures are very common. So I’m in the same situation. Im reading some of the other posts and i hope i never have problems. Went to the surgeon and he said, time to remove it as it was irritating my ankle and tissue. When the weather is cold or it is about to rain my toe and foot hurts bad. I've read this on different websites, so I don't know any of this for fact—just learning from others. Will it ever end? I am 37 now and I have been wondering if I should have the plates and screws removed. Constantly hurts. My first operation was on the same day as my injury, where the surgeon positioned my ankle, but due to swelling, I had to wait until Nov 14, 2016 for my second operation. it started to become a regular thing and would swell with no apparent reason (i just work in an office). I was walking and putting pressure on it a month after surgery. I’m guessing that’s an disinfectant. I had my ankle hardware removed 2 days ago: 1 plate and 6 screw on the outside bone and 2 big screws on the inside bone. Than a month back to work I got a bad case of strep throat. Sometimes the best way to ensure that these bones and joints heal correctly is by inserting plates, screws or other hardware. Suggested removing the plates but left the decision to me. Once wound had closed (which is rather large), I did physical therapy for 4 months after and got most of my mobility and range of motion back. In this Ask Dr. Geier video, I discuss whether you should have your plate and screws removed routinely after a very common orthopaedic surgery – surgery to fix an ankle fracture. Seek immediate help if you are experiencing a medical emergency. I broke my tibula and fuibula right above the ankle bone the doctors put rods and plates in and today i jard my leg pretty hard its been a little over a week since i had my surgety should i be worried, Reading your posts after removal of metalware 12 hours ago! Thank you. I watched some youtube videos on the surgery, its going to be in office not out of the hospital. I am 72 now. I ask the surgeon how long do they stay in and he said until they became symptomatic. I should've had them removed 5 year's are so after the operation ....not 55 year's on !. As I read all the stories I just feel like giving up. BTW Smoking is very very bad if you have an infection. Physical therapy exercises for ankle fracture can help. Recovery. I know I should probably have the hardware taken out, but I also don't want to take a lot of time off from work. Maybe he read the research ... I’ll try to update this. After first year, it improved except on cold days. First they put an external fixation until i was able to get the second surgery where I had 2 plates and 16 screws put in and wasn't able to walk for 4 months! I had to leave previous job of 20years scared shitless how I'm I going g to support my son and myself . Just wanted to say thank you to Dawnsantiquesan for posting an opening for discussion as well as thanking everyone for sharing and helping others. After that it was onto the cane and now after about 10 weeks i'm walking in my normal shoes with a slight limp. Since your feet are comprised of a number of different small bones, they can fracture in multiple places or at odd angles when exposed to acute trauma. It is common now for broken bones (fractures) to be fixed with metal plates and screws or a long nail, especially if the fracture is unstable or the joint surface has been damaged, and for this hardware to be left in the body. I have 2 plates and 15 screws. If you have anymore advise you can ad for me please do “email” Pat Stutts. I do not feel like going through the pain of the surgery. The surgery was easy, not that much pain. They put 5 screws and a plate in and I healed rather quickly. I have been doing interval runs at high speeds, but only for short periods of time (anywhere between one minute and 20 minutes). The surgeon said he does not see much movement of screws, but can feel the back of the screw through the scar, which is okay. Some of my friends telling it is dangerous in older age... i broke my tib and fib ,had a plate and 8 screws inserted, took 3 months to heal,leg just never felt normal though, got pain if i jumped or exerted myself, got my plate and screws removed 18 months later, felt wonderful, felt normal again. Its been 7 days so far, and walking around, in abit of pain but not taking any pain meds. I still have the cast which will come off on Dec. 23rd. Been 17 and stupid at the time I decided to not bother with a PT, I've always walked with a slight limp and the outer screws have always stuck out on the outside and inside since the swelling went down, I learnt to live with it, having 4 children and been a carer to my partner has always had me putting off having screws removed, I've never been able to wear shoes that touch the ankle as it rubs and causing sores where the screws try to come through the skin. I broke my ankle in 2000 and have a plate and 4 screws on my outer right ankle. Anyone having problems good luck. Because of my size you can see and feel the hardware on my ankle and leg. Yet I just had neck surgery and decided to wait a while. Hope this helps you in some way . I was ran over by a car and had Open Reduction Internal Fixation Surgery on my left medial ankle in 8/2011 which resulted in 2 screws and one plate. I am not in pain and I don't want to get nerve pain because I had it done. I got a plate, pin, 6 screws. I have two plates and twelve screws. x rays showed calcium growing over of the plate. I really want to walk but cannot because I have the big screw on the ankle that pushes me back. I was told to stay off it for months, said it wouldn't heal right if i didn't. I have broken my left ankle twice in my life. I had 8 pins put in my leg. I think it makes that ankle stronger and hope less prone to breakage. I read that, in some cases, when screws were left in the leg, one or two wormed their way out and started poking through the skin. I do recommend doing all the research you can. Got an appointment with the surgeon who suggested to remove the metal work. This was more painful and longer recovery than previous surgery. Locally, we have a new Orthopaedic Consultant who has offered me an appointment so I go tomorrow. The physical therapist, on the other hand, told me it was a good idea to have them removed because as you get older, they will cause pain and arthritis. 25 years back, my ankle was fixed with 14 screws, after one year they were removed, now my foot bothers me, standing and walking is painful. Ankle fracture surgery is not needed if the ankle is in position and stable despite the fracture. I had my knee plate taken out when I was 37 because it caused me irritation my leg was always bleeding from scratching. HI, I have had ankle surgery to fix a broken fibula on my right side with a plate and 8 screws. I am a 28 year old female. I couldn't afford to be off again I have a son bills mortgage and struggling. But this time I had blisters everywhere all over my foot and leg. Here I am 10 years later and it's starting to cause me pain on a daily basis. on July 13, 2018: I broke my Ankle and both tibia and fibula in 2009 in my left leg. I broke all three bones in my ankle 13 screws two plates. I'm on list to have screws and plate removed after 2 years. Eek. I had a plate and 5 screws. Anyone else have these same, or similar, issues? Thanks again Janine Joyce email: I saw a plastic surgeon in 2012 concerned of the location of the scar who told me that the scar was over a bony prominence that will be prone to breakdown in the future. Your doctor might put a cast on your ankle to keep the joint stabilized. American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society, The American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society (AOFAS) offers information on this site as an educational service. I don't know what to do. I thought I’d be able to walk but no dice. After the swelling went down in 3 weeks, had the 2nd surgery which was the installment of 3 plates and screws. I was 18 when the accident happened and I'm almost 35 now. My Hospital Doctor say's he can remove them, or give me steroid injections . "post ankle surgery bimalleous fracture with two screws one side, plate and screws other side. Went over everything with the Surgeon and went for a visit before leaving to reassure myself and to be sure my ankle was healing well. I've been not allowed to swim, go to the beach, ride a bike, workout, etc in an attempt to heal the wound. My Doctor/surgeon, who is awesome told me it's my decision to keep or remove them. The only problem with hardward is if I hit it - it zings me and shoots pain to my toes. Ten years after the injury, he decided to get it removed because it was causing him problems. It hurts so bad. But occasionally a screw can back out, unscrew, and irritate tendons or nerves. Over the last few years there has been swelling on a regular basis within my ankle, especially after working out. Not being able to walk, the pain etc. I can tell you without hesitation, that it was the best decision I ever made. Why might I need an ankle fracture open reduction and internal fixation? Most of all feel comfortable with your decision. It didn't leak for 2 weeks and leaked again today. Surgery went fine, complications with recovery - swelling wouldn't subside on inside of my ankle. I am a Nurse and was happy to go with the opinion of the surgeon which was to leave the hardware alone. Initially it felt great, but started leaking fluid. Also told them i never really rested at all. Physio three times a week plus physio at home. It usually takes up to 6 weeks for your broken bones to heal, and it may take even longer for tendons and ligaments to heal completely. He said it would be easier to remove the scar and resurface the mallelus with a proximally based rotational flap while adjacent tissue is healthy and I am young with good blood supply. Broken Ankle Recovery The doctor installed a plate, 5 small screws, and two longer syndesmosis screws. Professionals take note. Now everytime I do intense weight bearing activity, it aches and then swells after. The site navigation utilizes arrow, enter, escape, and space bar key commands. This is my ankle the morning after I had surgery to remove a four inch plate and three screws from my right ankle. Potential long-term problems after ankle fracture surgery include ankle joint stiffness, weakness, and arthritis. Surgical treatment of ankle fractures allows patients to regain ankle function while the bones and joint heal. hopefully the recovery will be OK. After about 7 months I started to feel the difference in flexibility between the plated area and the rest of my leg when playing soccer and it began to ache there after matches. "are the plates and screws used to fix a broken ankle permanent?" It would be an easy decision. My ankle injury occurred on Nov. 6, 2016 from falling down a short plight of stairs. I don't know what to do. I know I'm going to need surgery as I'm pretty sure a screw is starting to back out. Maybe if I did the bike instead of treadmill, it would help a little. Stiff I’m afraid it will always be at my age. Guy Slowik FRCS, Orthopaedic Surgeon. At the three month point I asked to have the two syndesmosis screws out. Should she have plate or rods removed. I am home now and he gave me a boot, to walk with crutches. I cannot advise someone that do this or not. I live in Arizona so weather has no effect. Broken plates or screws don’t happen often either. Looking forward to getting back to normal quickly and getting active again. Aside from tenderness at the incision sites, this is the first time I have been pain free. Answered by Dr. Mark Bromson: Yes: Most plates and screws used to fix a broken ankle are meant ... Usually removal of older fixation screws in the ankle is a simple procedure and recovery is fairly easy as long as your bones are healthy. I don’t understand how drilling your bone to put a plate and screws helps a fracture heal. It took three hours to install the hardware. But thats life made me grow and learn. It is 2015 now and will soon be 2016 so if it is not broke don't fix it. Inserting hardware is an imperfect science because everyone displaces stress differently on their feet, so what might work for one person may cause pain with another. However, some patients opt to have their permanent hardware removed if it is causing symptoms like pain or discomfort. I just had the removal surgery on March 1st and it was a breeze! Dr says he's never seen this in 30 years of practice. I read over all the posts and they were helpful, but I wanted to tell my story and see your thoughts. After having surgery to implant screws or plates into your broken ankle, you will need months to heal and rehabilitate the joint. Overall I'm just happy that I am walking and that things were way different this time around. "are the plates and screws used to fix a broken ankle permanent?" I'm going for it! I take Motrin and ice it up and the pain subsides after about a day or so. I have been doing interval runs at high speeds, but only for short periods of time (anywhere between one minute and 20 minutes). I have a plate and 10 screws. One of the screws underneath my ankle seems to have shifted so its rubbing up against my tennis shoes from like the inside. Depending on the fracture, the bone fragments may be fixed using screws, a plate and screws, ... RECOVERY FOR ANKLE FRACTURE SURGERY. Plate with 5 screws removed from one side, 2 longer screws removed from other side 2 days ago. I was told that the hardware would never be removed and could possibly cause arthritis! done 10/21/14. I read over all the posts and they were helpful, but I wanted to tell my story and see your thoughts. Remember that? I broke my ankle in 2000 and had a plate with 8 screws to hold it together. One of the reasons for the numbness and tingling and potential nerve injury is the small size of the ankle… I'm being good and staying off it and doing my exercises regularly. Broken leg 2006....all fine until 2016 then one heck of an infection -no obvious reason why - cpr 235 - very high temperature - plate removed hopefully infection drained. Now I don't have to worry about any issues in the future with the metal. I was in a freak accident and had a clean break in my fibula, dislocated my foot (it was dangling), and tore up all the ligaments/tendons/etc. I had to have surgery immediately, since my foot was backwards. I am sure I should lay off the ankle in regards to intense physical activity, but it is extremely frustrating. Im hurting so much from arthritis. The first time was a hairline fracture. Is this the result of the hardware grinding against soft tissue? Hi, I'm 24 now i also break my Left Ankle 2weeks ago I had my surgery 4days after the injury the doc placed a plate and 6 screws in, I'm feeling pains can't sleep at night I still haven't remove the stitches off left with some few day, I face difficulties to rotate my leg I'm afraid my ankle will remain stiff :(, who face the same problem? After that I noticed a numbness in my foot. She can't go on like this, and while I understand her fears, I'm trying to encourage her to have it removed. Hello, I had 3 pins put in my left hip and 2 in my right hip when i was 13 I'm now 68 years old and still have them in. I am out of the cast in the boot and have been on PT now twice a week for at least a month. Doctor said only 60% weight-bearing until my check in 2 weeks time and then on to full weight. Althought, the surrounding tissue is supple and mobile, and my left leg peripheral pulses are full. I have to wear a brace just to walk. I'd honestly say I was walking very weak up to January. I was not walking much I think for a month or two. This is what worries me. I haven’t been to work. It is perfect you can't even tell it has been broken except for and the armor it's got screwed into it and I said so what are you saying? I have severe arthritis now in my left hip. Please let me know if anyone has had any issue such as myself and what they think I should do. I left for Chicago dec 18th. Hello, happily came across this blog. Therefore, I will to fear for He is with me.'. I am a self employed window cleaner and would of lost practically everything. However the pain becomes so intense at times that I cannot sleep, and would like to know how I should deal with this. Sounds like I had the same injury. But I am assuming I will still get the pain. Holy deja vous. I broke my ankle, fibula and tore all my ligaments in my ankle on September 10. The hardware had significantly affected my mobility, and had started causing me a lot of pain recently (the plate and screws were rejecting, barely covered by soft tissue anymore - you could feel the head of the screws and the edge of the plate) so my surgeon agreed to remove the hardware. I am already walking on it and the pain this time around was nothing like the other times. We walk ALOT. I broke my ankle in 2007. Thank you so much for posting this. I had 7 screws and a plate removed today .I broke my ankle in two places in Aug 2016 ,everything was great until about two months ago I started having a pinching and pain in site of screws and xray showed that 3 were backing out . I went to the hospital and had them removed. An ankle fracture can significantly interfere with daily function, particularly if you've had surgery. Now I've written this, pain easing somewhat!! Now it took over a year with physiotherapy also due to my previous surgery on my left leg it was more differcult learning how to walk again. After 13 years, I'm leaning towards removal due to pain. I also read that leaving the hardware in actually weakens your bone because the screws break up the bone's mass. I have always been somewhat active but within the past 6 months have become more active than normal. I would recommend remocing screws and plates though. They haven't given me any problems and I walk a lot every day. Five years ago l dislocated my ankle and broke both bones in my !eg caused by part of a curb at my job being built up higher than the rest. For the last 3 or 4 months, it has been hurting and getting worse, but the last time I sen him he said I hope you can keep that plate and 14 screws in there as long as you live. Plate rotation should be checked, and adjusted if needed, after the first distal screw is inserted. Getting old can suck! I have an enormous amount of hardware in my foot from a crushed calcaneus (heel bone for the none medical) that occurred only 1 year after yours..2008. Went back for my check up after the wedding. Once when I was a kid and again as an adult. I am now considering removing hardware after reading all of these posts. I broke it in two places. Factors that increase risks after ankle fracture surgery include diabetes, He also suggested if I ever got the screws taken out to have him and plastic surgeon work concurrently in operating room to insure that the wound is closed appropriately for best healing because of the poor quality of the scar and all the trauma there has been to that area in the past. I actually feel like it’s healing faster. I still have all the hardware. I shattered my ankle on 3 sides in April 2014. This gets especially painful when trying to perform my work duties. My other ankle was sprained. I crushed my heel bone 5 years ago still have hardware allways swelling and light pain last nite it started swelling and hurting bad ankle and foot size of a cantlope lol any body got any suggestions what I need to do you get shitty treatment when your old and on medicade. Remove the screws from ankle, or not? Had to quit a job bc of the pain. I broke my ankle and had a plate and 11 screws August 2108. The tibia has a medial (inside) malleoli and a posterior malleoli. Mostly this happens I Day or so before a really bad rain storm. Login. So I decided not to have them removed until I had the time to do it. 10 days later, I had surgery to fixate the ankle with plate and 14 screws on both sides of my ankle. Numbness and tingling after surgery are indicators of a type of nerve problem in your foot after surgery. It is July 2018 now. I have an old injury about 10 years ago I have a rod going down leg with screws in ankle screw seems like it’s … Maybe if I did the bike instead of treadmill, it would help a little. After so little hassle I'm wondering whether its worth disturbing it? I now have a depressed contracted adherent scar over my left medial malleolus. The look of the scar is not what is bothering me. My father complains of numbness and twinges of pain that occurs periodically, but not on-goingly. It should be removed? Wish me luck! Its been 25 years ago. Ankle problems have changed me and what I enjoyed doing. Plate and 5 screws put in to help hold the ankle and heal the broken bone together again. I had surgical hardware placed for broken ankle six years ago and now the pain is worse and hardware is poking through. We tried antibiotics and drainage, and as last resort, on June 1, I had an incision and drainage surgery. Nerve conduction studies were done but no one knows the cause of the numbness other than there is an issue. But then I heard from a friend, who knows a physician who went in for surgery to have his screws removed . The pain of this surgery for me has been 2 out of 10. In October 2014, I had the syndesmotic screw removed. I have decided to leave them in there. I have always been somewhat active but within the past 6 months have become more active than normal. bones are then held together (internal fixation) in this correct position with metal plates and/or screws. ... RECOVERY FOR ANKLE FRACTURE SURGERY. I have obvious restricted movement, but more recently I'm getting pain after exercise, particularly any impact stuff. Since the pain has become so constant, I went to see an orthopedic surgeon yesterday, 3/15/16 (5 years after surgery) to get a follow up XRAY to see if there was any misplacement of hardware or anything he would see immediatly wrong. I had ORIF surgery on my older sons 3rd birthday, (he's turning 7 in 5 days - which is also the 4 year anniversary of my surgery). Luckily they did work. Life could be worse so I handle it pretty good….was so very active and has slowed me down. I had a plate and 7 screws put in on the outside of my left ankle and 3 long screws put in on the inside. Here is one story in which that happened: A friend broke his ankle and left the hardware there. The pain was bad both times. I'm at day 5 post op and I still have a lot of pain and I cannot put any weight on the ankle. She has a weird feeling in bottom of her foot she explains it like a rubber ball. I had some metalwork (seven screws and a plate) taken out of my ankle the day before yesterday and I've been told to "take it easy" by the consultant for about a month, and to keep my foot up for a fortnight. These generally stay in place even after your ankle has healed and are only removed if they cause any problems. I did not want to have to go through surgery again but I am beyond excited do it as I hope to be back to normal again! Physical Therapy Exercises for an Ankle Fracture Repaired With a Plate and Screws | At the time of the surgery they told me they didn't know how long I could leave them in maybe forever but now I have issues with pain and tenderness . Physical therapy exercises for ankle fracture can help. Answered by Dr. Stephen Southard: Sounds like you have: Swelling in that area. Iam actually in the middle of the same predicament myself & reading your story, research, & everyones comments on the subject has helped me make my mind up to go ahead & see if i can get my screws/pins removed from my right heel bone. With lots of hard work and determination, I was RUNNING again after exactly 1 year! Recommended by surgeon to have removed as well as strong recommendation from my naturopath. I didn't hesitate to let my surgeon know that I was uncomfortable with it. Read on to learn what I found out. Help me I'm having surgery soon and not sure if I should all of it taken out. With all the other health issues I have to deal with , it seems that just have to(suck it up). Went back to work after 5 months I work in Health Field very physical work. Many surgeons use a removable boot. At first my surgeon tried to urge me to not get it done, that the pain would go away.. i was quite sure it was the plate causing the pain. A week after I saw wound specialist, she sent me back to my orthopedic dr. who was out of town and it was a Friday. I am in a bad position as I am on Medicaid and cannot to afford to have them removed. I can walk without the boot. I'm able to wiggle my toes and rotate my ankle already. The surgeon used spray which last few mins after the screws were out, then I had the stitches done with wide awake active nerves at the wound area. I didn't plan on removing the hardware and just like you making the decision of getting ANOTHER surgery was not easy!! This prevents the bones from healing abnormally. This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and does not substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, and/or dietary advice from a licensed health professional. I broke my ankle and had ligament damage 5/2018. I have one screw that goes from the inside of my ankle through the bone and attaches to the plate on the outer side of my ankle. I recovered fairly good I was determined but depressed too. Having two other children to take care of, and having morning sickness, I didn't feel up to having the pins removed. Also my staples are due to being taking out. An orthopedic surgeon cuts the skin, re-positions the bone, and holds it together with metal hardware like plates or screws. If pregnant or nursing, consult with a qualified provider on an individual basis. Plus 2 screws through the ankle to secure the dislodged ankle/tib on the opposite side. The pain after the accident made up my mind and I had the 30 screws and 2 rods removed. Sometimes when it gets cold and i can feel it. Your physical therapist can work with you to help you progress from walking with two crutches to one crutch, and then to a cane.Ultimately, the goal of gait training is to be able to walk independently with no assistive device. He does not think it will puncture the skin in future but can't say for sure. I gave it a few months after therapy but I always had pain and during bad weather it was worse. My primary dr wants it out and the oaun I am having TODAY can only mean bad times in the future if I keeo them in. I had 1 plate and 9 screws removed. This is the first time i have ever spoke about it ! The plate is still on the outside of my ankle hugging the malleolus. He recommended that I get hardware taken out eventually if I want pain to discontinue, but said its up to me. Although it doesnt stop me. It's been 9 years (2006) and I am still hesitant to have it done. And a light bulb went off when I read your post about removing the plates and screws. why?" screws. So I feel I should talk to a doctor about having them removed. The pain has significantly worsened in the last 6 months which is impacting upon all aspects of daily living causing me to avoid activity, socials, travel and gain weight. Will they stay problem free? I have been doing interval runs at high speeds, but only for short periods of time (anywhere between one minute and 20 minutes). I went to the docs, got an x-ray and one of the screws had fallen out!! 'God is my strength and refuge, an ever-present help in times of trouble. It has been 17 years since the surgery so it is safe to assume the ankle is completely healed and the plate and screws at this point are nothing more than an irritant. My fever stopped. I had posted earlier that I was going to have my hardware in my left ankle removed. Tibia broken June 14 2015, ORIF on June 16 two screws 7.2cm length each. A year and a half later one of the screws started backing out. 5/22 Ankle surgery and put in hard cast. Some patients go home after surgery the same day while others may The surgery as my doctor told me will take ten minutes with three stitches only.   With that being said, most studies have found no difference in outcomes when comparing retained screws or removed one. It was an extremely long and tough road to recovery, and just like you, I researched hardware removal and the pros/cons. My ankle is still very swollen and I have no feeling on my skin on the left half of my left foot. If it's causing pain and the doc says the bone will fill in the holes then go for it. Now everytime I do intense weight bearing activity, it aches and then swells after. Any suggestions? Also note that I do weigh more now than I did when I originally had surgery, but I'm unsure whether how much that matters.
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