Phi Beta Kappa, the nation’s oldest and largest academic honor society, was founded on December 5, 1776 by five students at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia. Uncommon Opportunities. Membership According to Phi Beta Kappa, they have chapters in about 10% of American higher learning institutions, and about 10% of these schools' Arts and Sciences graduates are invited to join the society. Members Charter Members. Welcome to the official website of the Beta Alpha Psi Kappa Phi Chapter. Confidential is a member of Phi Beta Kappa, and he shows his key several times. Notable members elected as undergraduates, "List of Phi Beta Kappa members by year of admission", Learn how and when to remove this template message, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, "",, "Phi Beta Kappa : The Colonial Williamsburg Official History & Citizenship Site", "Phi Beta Kappa: Alpha of Delaware Chapter | HONORS PROGRAMHONORS PROGRAM", "John Hope Franklin » John Hope Franklin",,, "Things you may not know about Mamphela Ramphele - Sowetan LIVE",, "A Wife Committed to Cruz's Ideals, but a Study in Contrasts to Him", "Phi Beta Kappa elects 92 seniors to Harvard chapter",, "",, "Phi Beta Kappa, Nation's Most Prestigious Honor Society, Installs Chapter at the University of Houston", "The Phi Beta Kappa Society Installs 285th Chapter at Mercer University", "Catalogue of Members: Harvard members elected from 1966-1981", "Biography of R. Buckminster Fuller - Section 4: 1947 - 1976", "Catalogue of the Kenyon Chapter (Beta of Ohio) of Phi Beta Kappa", "Governor General to Visit Boston and New York City", "WEB/PBK_Member/PRESSROOM/Press_Releases/Oregon_State_University",,, "", "01x01 - First Things First - Queen Sugar Transcripts - Forever Dreaming",, Lists of members of United States student societies, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles needing additional references from April 2014, All articles needing additional references, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 4 February 2021, at 16:31. On Feb. 12, 2020, 40 members of the class of 2021 were elected to the University’s Phi Beta Kappa chapter, as stated in a letter from the Secretary of the Rhode Island Alpha of Phi Beta Kappa and Professor Emeritus of French Studies Henry Majewski. Since your membership in Phi Beta Kappa is for life, the advantages of membership go well beyond your college … It carries out a variety of activities, all of which are intended to support and encourage excellence and breadth of education in secondary and post-secondary education. Phi Beta Kappa members who are residents of Boston are encouraged to become members of our Association. Membership is not required, but students must attend a Phi Beta Kappa chapter institution and participate in a virtual public service conference in June 2021 that will provide training, mentoring, and resources. Ellis Loew, fictional District Attorney in James Ellroy's novels The Black Dahlia, The Big Nowhere, and L.A. In Desk Set (1957), Katharine Hepburn reels off all of Spencer Tracy's character's accomplishments and says that he's a graduate of M.I.T. The requirements for a student to be invited into membership in Phi Beta Kappa include: 1. Founded in 1776 at the College of William and Mary, Phi Beta Kappa now has chapters at 290 colleges and universities.A college is awarded a chapter of Phi Beta Kappa only after rigorous evaluation of the school’s strengths in the liberal arts and … Phi Beta Kappa is the pre-eminent National Honor Society in the United States, recognizing excellent academic achievement in the tradition of learning in the Liberal Arts & Sciences. Membership . Those who are selected to join Phi Beta Kappa demonstrate an outstanding academic record in the liberal arts and sciences. Phi Beta Kappa Resources. ABOUT PI KAPPA PHI - BETA OMICRON CHAPTER AT NORTHWESTERN STATE UNIVERSITY. There will not be an initiation ceremony this year but students will be notified about a virtual PBK welcome to take place in May. We also support Phi Beta Kappa members who move to the UK for graduate study. More than an on-paper accolade, election to ΦBK signifies excellence to classmates, colleagues, graduate schools, funders, and employers--affirming that you have a breadth and depth of knowledge, the ability to think critically, and the passion to learn continuously.. Join today! Congratulations to our new members Elected April 1, 2020 UC Davis students elected to Phi Beta Kappa in 2020 represent 57 majors and three colleges. Candidates must have a non-professional major in the arts, humanities, social sciences, or sciences. Throughout the year, we host opportunities for members to meet. Wofford College received its chapter of Phi Beta Kappa at the 1940 triennial meeting of the United Chapters of Phi Beta Kappa, bringing to fruition more than 10 years of work by three Phi Beta Kappa members who then were serving on the faculty: President Henry Nelson Snyder; Dr. David Duncan Wallace, class of 1894; and Dr. John … Since then, it has evolved to become the nation’s leading advocate for arts and sciences at the undergraduate level. With over 500,000 members nationwide, Phi Beta Kappa membership connects you to successful and intelligent people throughout the country. About 15 to 20 new members are inducted each year. Phi Beta Kappa was founded in 1776, the same year the Declaration of Independence was signed. The Phi Beta Kappa Society is seeking an organized, creative, and collaborative individual, with 3-5 years of relevant experience, to manage and enhance member recruitment and engagement. Phi Beta Kappa, Alpha of Michigan Chapter LSA Honors Program 1330 Mason Hall University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1027. In the TV show Queen Sugar, the character Charley Bordelon West is a Phi Beta Kappa member. You can read the … The Phi Beta Kappa chapter at NYU was founded in 1858 and is the 15th oldest in the country as … In the movie The Thomas Crown Affair, the main character Thomas Crown toys with his golden Phi Beta Kappa key which he is wearing on a chain. 167 check-ins. The Phi Beta Kappa chapter at NYU was founded in 1858 and is the 15th oldest in the country as well as the second oldest in New York State. Its purpose is to honor outstanding student achievement in the liberal arts and sciences and to promote the importance of lifelong liberal arts and sciences education. The Phi Beta Kappa Society (ΦΒΚ) is an invitation-only honors society that focuses on liberal arts and sciences. Each May the Alpha of Oregon Chapter Executive Committee evaluates the … JOIN US. Membership in the Society provides access to exclusive resources, benefits, and networking opportunities designed to serve each member’s academic and professional needs. Phi Beta Kappa at Duke does not publish GPA cutoffs, but you can make an estimate based upon the information provided in the "Class Rank Percentiles" section at Academic Honors and Recognition given that 1% of juniors are elected and 5% of seniors are elected. It is one of the oldest and most widely-respected academic organizations in the United States. Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society (ΦΘΚ or PTK) is the international honor society of students attending open-access institutions and seeking associate degrees, bachelor's degrees, or other college credentials. If you have any questions, please contact our Association Secretary. The Phi Beta Kappa Society, founded on December 5, 1776, is the nation’s oldest and most widely known academic honor society. In the TV show Gilmore Girls Rory Gilmore is referenced as a member in Emily and Richard Gilmore's graduation musical duo. Also, many communities have Phi Beta Kappa associations that will bring you into contact with people of varying ages and backgrounds. Summer 2020: Virtual Events and Activities. Founded in 1776, Phi Beta Kappa is the nation’s first Greek-letter society and its oldest academic honor society. JOIN US. Join the community of life-long learners. The students were chosen by a faculty selection committee of Phi Beta Kappa members based on the breadth, depth and rigor of their academic programs, as well as recommendations from faculty members who have worked closely with them. The College of Wooster's chapter, Kappa of Ohio, was founded in 1926. Back in January 2012, I crashed the annual induction ceremony of Kappa Beta Phi, a secret society for elite Wall Street financiers. • After graduating from college, members can join Phi Beta Kappa Associations and Chapters in their communities, which foster social, cultural, educational and networking activities. The Phi Beta Kappa Society (ΦΒΚ) is the oldest academic honor society in the United States, and is often described as its most prestigious one, owing to its long history and academic selectivity. Founded on December 5, 1776, by five students at the College of William & Mary in Williamsburg, VA, Phi Beta Kappa was the first society to have a Greek letter name and to introduce the essential characteristics of such societies: an oath of secrecy … As the entire world adjusts to the new normal brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic, Phi Beta Kappa chapters and associations have risen to the occasion. Home; Members. Its headquarters is in Jackson, Mississippi, and it boasts more than 3.5 million members in nearly 1,300 chapters in 10 nations. Members Charter Members. Phi Beta Kappa, Alpha of Michigan Chapter LSA Honors Program 1330 Mason Hall University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1027. About See All. 3 Andrew Carnegie Medals for Class of 2018. Charter … Resident members are members of Phi Beta Kappa who hold faculty or staff positions at Mississippi... Foundation Members. Copyright © 2021 The President and Fellows of Harvard College. Join today! To improve your experience, please upgrade your browser. Students do not apply for membership. The nomination committee looks at current Duke students with 18 or more graded Duke credits and also looks at alumni who have graduated in the previous three cycles (May, August, and December of the previous year). Phi Beta Kappa members across the country are keeping the love of learning alive, one book at a time with local book clubs. Phi Beta Kappa Membership Eligibility The Alpha Chapter of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln holds two elections a year--a Spring Election for students who are candidates for graduation with a baccalaureate (B.A., B.S., etc.) For the past 225 years, election to Phi Beta Kappa has been a recognition of outstanding academic achievement. Phi Beta Kappa members win prestigious awards in 2020. 3 MacArthur Foundation Fellowships ("genius awards") 2 Pulitzer Prize winners and 3 Pulitzer finalists. Lucas Cuatrecasas, Sam Danello, Carlos Flores, Alan Gao, Annika Gompers, Benjamin … Phi Beta Kappa is a national scholastic honorary fraternity that elects their members on the basis of scholastic achievement and good moral character. Class of 2015. Phi Beta Kappa members are dynamic civic and business leaders, noted scientists and researchers, artists and athletes, activists and philanthropists, technology innovators, and trailblazers in all walks of life. In addition to inducting new members, our chapter of Phi Beta Kappa is pleased to sponsor several book awards to local area high school students, and to host occasional speakers and visiting scholars on Muhlenberg's campus. It is the oldest honor society in the United States, founded the same year as this country, in 1776, and its members have always been recognized as leaders in their disciplines and professions. Dues in the amount of $20 are payable by January 31 of the year of membership to cover that calendar year. Our purpose is to promote friendship amongst members and to advocate for the liberal arts and sciences. National Office News. The charter was granted, along with one for Yale, by the original society founded three years earlier at the College of William and Mary in Virginia. Current Wooster Members Email: Many prominent educators, judges, politicians, scientists, entertainers, and businesspeople proudly acknowledge their PBK connections. 2018 Spring Membership Newsletter 2018 Winter Membership Newsletter It’s again time to renew your membership in the Richmond Association of Phi Beta Kappa! Membership. The Phi Beta Kappa Society: The National Phi Beta Kappa Society is a democratically run society that consists of chapters and associations distributed across the United States. Phi Beta Kappa Member Amanda Gorman Amanda Gorman (ΦBK, Harvard University) read her poem "The Hill We Climb" at the inauguration of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. The University of Mississippi Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa was chartered on April 6, 2001. The 98 th Annual Induction Ceremony will be released on this site on Sunday, June 21, 2020 at 2:00pm. Her words and presentation were a remarkable testament to the power of the humanities. As the entire world adjusts to the new normal brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic, Phi Beta Kappa chapters and associations have risen to the occasion. [45] This is referenced when she has to correct someone who incorrectly refers to it as a social fraternity.[46]. These members, called active or resident members of the chapter, are responsible for conducting chapter business. Lucas Cuatrecasas, Sam Danello, Carlos Flores, Alan Gao, Annika Gompers, Benjamin Grimm, Ali Hakim, Rob Hopkirk, Phoebe Lakin, Ellie Lasater-Guttmann (marshal), Jessica Levy, Eric Li, Julia Moss (marshal), Andrew O'Donohue (marshal), Brittany Petros, Aditya Raguram, Elaine Reichert, Luca Schroeder, Lexi Smith, James Tao, Angela Yang, Frank Zhou (marshal), Jessica Zhu, Ezra Zigmond, Hannah Byrne, Brian Cornyn, Katie Fraser, Megan Gao, Gaby Germanos, Xavier Gonzalez, Cynthia Guo, Jonah Hahn, Waverley He, Olivia Herrington, Leni Hirsch, Gabe Hodgkin, Max Hopkins, Sonya Jacobs, Ravi Jagadeesan, Caie Kelley, Ailie Kerr, Elizabeth Keto, JJ Kim, Raya Koreh, Electra Lang, Angela Leocata, Harrison Li, Catherine Li, Alyyah Malick, Andrew Miner, Tara Murty, Akash Nandi, Daniel Nightingale, Farris, Peale, Romana Pilepich, Paulena Prager, Mengting Qiu, Sarah Rahman, Kristen Rodrigues, Theo Serlin, Caleb Shelburne, Ajay Singh, Elena Sokoloski, Preetam Soundararajan, Paul Stainier, Alexander Su, Vikram Sundar, Gal Wachtel, Noah Wagner, Sebastian Wagner-Carena, Alan Yang, Anna Zannetos, Gita Abhiraman, Defne Altan, Noor Amari, Charlotte Anrig, Jerry Anunrojwong, Lev Asimow, Emeline Atwood, Marie Becker, Katie Blanton, John Bowers, Julian Braxton, Natalie Cernius, Derek Choi, Josiah Corbus, Miles Counts, Nathan Cummings, Christopher DeBiase, Daniel DeBois, Sabrina Devereaux, Victor Domene Ribeiro dos Santos, Brett Dowling, Matthew Estes, Julie Estrada, Max Franzblau, Adam Frim, Edgar Garcia, Corbin Gearhart, Anton Gillespie, Alexander Goldberg, Lydia Goldberg, Ben Griswold, Lauren Grobaty, Jasmine Hakimian, Mason Hale, Alicia Hamilton, Arman Hassan, Annelie Herrmann, Monica Hersher, Norma Hylton, Nike Izmaylov, Alicia Juang, Veronica Kane, Adrianne Kehne, Catherine Kim, Mo Kim, Katie Kixmoeller, Charlie Krumholz, Joel Kwartler, Terry (Jinwon) Lee, Gaia Linfield, Katherine Loboda, Angela Ma, Jerry Ma, Wyatt Mackey, Margot Mai, Jessica Min, Jake Morrissey, Michaela Morrow, Catherine Myong, Priyanka Narayan, Austen Needleman, Richard Ng, Maeva O'brien, Ryan O'Meara, Nora O'Neill, Emily Oliveira, Alienor Oudin, Bennett Parsons, Thomas Peterson, Jessica Pointing, Catherine Polik, Carolina Ribeiro, Jed Rothstein, David Schwerdt, Samuel Shapiro, Aaron Slipper, Benjamin Sorscher, Danielle Strasburger, Scott Sun, Julia Suozzo, Aron Szanto, Yixuan Tong, Jessica Tueller, Ikenna Ugboaja, Raj Vatsa, Mark Whittaker, Brandon Wright, Siddharth Yarlagadda, Kate Yoon, Emily Zauzmer, Christine Zhang, Wentong Zhang, Grant Zhao, Dhruva Bhat, Marc Rothman Bornstein, Frances Ding, Elaine Dong, Johann Demetrio Gaebler, Isobel Wouk Green, Eesha Khare, Hannah Kerner Larson, Tina Liu (marshal), Jeff Metzger, Colleen Moira O’Leary, Abigail Keeler Parker, Daniel Hugo Rothchild, Daniel Hidemitsu Fujii Rubin, Michael David Savarese (marshal), Bo H. Seo (marshal), Jonathan Paik Slifkin, Layla Badri Stahr (marshal), Ashvin A. Swaminathan, Daniel Alexander Tartakovsky, Nathaniel Patrick Ver Steeg, Joule Voelz, Leia Wedlund, Joyce Zhou, Giora Ashkenazi, Karl Milutin Aspelund, Nelson Landers Barrette, Harrison Anthony Besser, Julius Grayson Bright Ross, Katherine Chen, Robert Shiangyu Chen, Isabella Chiu, Kamilyn Choi, Robert Fung Chu, Henry Corbett Cousins, Eliza Jayne DeCubellis, Anne Deng, Serena Annabel Eggers, Denis Fedin, Sophia Feng, Emily Field, Jessica Rachael Glueck, Olivia Goldberg, Joshua Aaron Goldstein, Wynne Muscatine Graham, Alexandra Shea Grimm, Meghan Patricia Hind, Katherine Steed Hoffman, Jennifer Kim, Benjamin Charles Germain Lee, Henry Wanjune Lin, Roger Ashton Few Macfarlane, Kelly Cristina McGee, Matthew Robert McGill, Halie Ann Olson, Maille Eskie Radford, David Reading, Shawheen Justin Rezaei, Jessica Anne Rhodes, Elizabeth M. Rosenblatt, Pauline Raquel Ryan, Jamasb Sayadi, Maia Silber, Gavin Seamus Sullivan, Anthony Thai, Lillian Yow Tsai, Madhusudan Vijay, Erin Elizabeth Walk, Susan Wang, Benjamin Schlesinger Wetherfield, Jeffrey Yan, Stephen Yen, Kelly Xinyi Zhang, Taiga Abe, Nick Ackert, Tasnim Ahmed, Anna Lea Albright, Annie An, Eric Anschuetz, Josh Ascherman, Michael Avi-Yonah, Taylor Barker, Liz Benson, Morgan Breitmeyer, Gregory Briker, Raymond Cen, Sidharth Chand, Sarah Chapin, Joe Choe, Michelle Choi, Victoria Cochran, Hana Connelly, O'Neil Danis, Mary Grace Darmody, Isabel Di Tella, Edyt Dickstein, Zachary Dinan, Spencer Dunleavy, Daniel Epstein, Abigail Gabrieli, Wenting Gao, William Gardner, Sam Green, Ankit Gupta, Nicholas Gupta, Jennifer Hao, Marisa Houlahan, Corey Husic, Sarani Jayawardena, Emma Rose Kantor, Nancy Ko, Ari Korotkin, Eleni Kovatsis, Jenny Lai, Ronald Laracuente, Nicholas Larus-Stone, Charles Law, Eunice Lee, Christine Legros, Daniel Letchford, Max Liebeskind, Chris Lim, Jeffrey Ling, Julia Lord, Monica Marion, Geoffrey Martello, Nestor Maslej, Katelyn McEvoy, Mattea Mrkusic, Mahan Nekoui, Sungmin Oh, Joseph Palana, Gregory Parker, James Piltch, Arun Rangarajan, Hannah Resnick, Giovanna Robledo, Jonathan Sands, Audrey Shi, Christian Sidak, Wright Smith, Ryan Song, Varun Sriram, Kate Steinman, Shai Szulanski, Cameron Thariani, Karen Tocatly, Stephen Turban, Christina Uhrig, Ian Van Wye, Shreya Vardhan, Emily Wang, Kenneth Wang, Molly Wharton, Samuel Wolk, Emma Woo, Anita Xu, Jess Xu, Alex Yang, Aun Zaidi, Bessie Zhang, Jenna Zhang, Lily Zhang, Zara Zhang, Ashley Zhou, Emma Adler (marshal), Neil Michael Alacha, Taylor Lynn Benninger (marshal), Henry Burnam, Ryan Dz-Wei Chow, Antonio Coppola, Michelle Rui Deng, Rebekka Elizabeth-Marie DePew, Fengning Ding, Erica X. Eisen, Melody Yun Jia Guan, Kirin Gupta, Andrew Ducksoo Kim, Spencer Yong Wook Kwon, Garrett Lam (marhsal), Aaron Landesman, Kevin Boening Li, Fred Sun Lu, Shirley Shaoyi Mo, Andrew Mollerus, Aaron Roper, Carter Lydia Winifred Stratton, Colton Valentine (marshal), Ava Li Zhang, Caitlin Elizabeth Andrews, Lane Bradley Baker, Jessica Alison Barzilay, Sasha Rose Benov, Amir Bitran, Emily Jocelyn Caputo, Audrey Beatrice Carson, Ishan Chatterjee, Pamela Chen, Sitan Chen, Matthew Joseph Disler, Katherine Ann DiVasto, Tyler Anthony Dobbs, Kevin Brian Einkauf, Nikki Davis Erlick, Sierra Qianying Fan, Grace Karina Tower Hansen-Gilmour, Alexander Tarek Hassan, David Thomas Haswell, Will Edward Holub-Moorman, Rivka Brod Hyland, Angie Jo, Auden Susan Laurence, Michelle Sunjoo Lee, Zachary Jake Lustbader, Irfan Mahmud, Nathan Jayesh Manohar, Nathaniel Katkin Mayer, Andre Tai Nguyen, Andrew Francis O'Rourke, Iyeyinka Anuoluwahan Omigbodun, Grant Wise Parisi, Luis Antonio Perez, Anchisa Pongmanavuth, Arifeen Sylvanna Rahman, Ikaika Ramones, Ramya Rangan, Hassaan Shahawy, Olivier Simon, Ben Logan Sobel, David Byungkuk Song, Rachel Mary Tandias, Viviane Valdes, Milly Wang, Joanna Qiaojing Weng, Sandy Wong, Xiaoyu Amy Zeng, Magdalene Mcghee Zier, Dianisbeth Michelle Acquie, Francesca Annicchiarico, Mark Jesse Arildsen, Claire Chi Atwood, Alona Bach, Marco Joseph Barber Grossi, Mason Sander Barnard, Tyler John Barringer, Saba Beridze, Joshua Daniel Blecher-Cohen, Nathaniel Joseph Casey, Mark Louis Daley, Tabata Amaral de Pontes, Alistair Arthur Debling, Katherine Alexandra Dinan, Bethany Lynn Donovan, Brendan Spellman Eappen, Kevin Kirkor Eskici, Hanna Evensen, Charlotte Maria Falletta, Sarah Thi Lan Fellay, David Paban Freed, Whitney Tong Gao, Sami Ghoche, Carew Cameron Giberson-Chen, Joshua David Glen Grossman, Julian Zaire Guy, Dylan William Hardenbergh, Peter Joseph Hickman, Nicole Cynthia Hirschhorn, Jack Jay Huang, Grace Elizabeth Girard Huckins, Madeline Claire Hung, Duligur Harm Ibeling, Annabel Mackenzie Imbrie-Moore, Caleb Mackay Salpeter Irvine, Todd Edward Jones, Jr., Idrees M Kahloon, Ariana Mai-Ling Kam, Sarah Jo Keltz, Adela Heera Kim, Paige Venice Kouba, So Yeon Nicky Kwon, Austin Wonkyu Lee, Claire Rebecca Leibowicz, Teagan Alexander Lende, James Lim, Samantha Lin, Patrick Liu, Claire T Lo, Peter Yucheng Lu, Sarah Joy Martini, Katherine Jill Massinger, Kimiko Margaret Matsuda-Lawrence, Margaret P McGovern, Camden A McRae, Elizabeth Ann MeLampy, Paul Timothy James Meosky, Eric Mario Metodiev, Elizabeth Margaret Miller, Edgar Taylor Morris, Jacob Moscona-Skolnik, Peiyun Ni, Rebecca Michelle Panovka, Ella Park-Chan, Kevin Ross Parker, Hannah Kouh Rasmussen, Molly Lampson Roberts, Sonali Yvonne Salgado, Andrew Vincent Sanchez, Hope Elizabeth Mckean Schwartz, Carson Jay Knopf Scott, Nina Shevzov-Zebrun, Advik Shreekumar, Rachael Ann Smith, David Steven Wanger Steinbach, Jacob Robert Steinberg-Otter, Adam Hao Su, Brianna Joyce Suslovic, Jonathan Hiu Fung Tan, Madison Leigh Taylor, Olivia Jean Turner, Keyon Vafa, Deep Vaze, Kevin Stanley Wang, James Robert Michael Watkins, Annie Yuan Wei, Linda Y Wei, Eli Nathan Weinstein, Jacob Henry Wilder-Smith, Anthony Wilder Lauritano Wohns, Michelle Xie, Rémi Ribin Yang, Mark Andrew Gue Yao, Daniel Eric Backman, Brandon Elias Brier, Aaron Nai-Yuen Cheng (marshal), Brian Lawrence Cronin, Katharine Doris D'Orazio, Dominic Ferrante Jr., Leah Paige Gaffney, Marco Yee Gentili, Viviana Maria Hanley, Alexander Lewis Jaffe, Elsa Babette Kania, Seo Yeon Kim, Gregory Donabet Kristof, Richard Yifan Liu, Ian Daniel Lundberg, Aleksandar Aleksandrov Makelov, Gabrielle Elisabeth Milner (marshal), Dylan Vijith Neel, Evan Michael O'Dorney, Joshua William Pfeffer, Samuel Elias Sokolsky-Tifft (marshal), Benjamin Drew Sprung-Keyser, Yong Jin (Eugene) Wang, Rachel Shuetman Wong (marshal), Riley James Brian, Jessica J. Chao, Perry Seo Choi, Nathaniel Wald Donahue, Emma Grace Dowd, Charles Huanghong Du, Hunter Scott Fortney, Frederic Jason Freyer, Michael C. George, Ella Gervais Gibson, Jennifer Ann Guidera, Leo Guttmann, Nathaniel John Herman, Jonathan Herzog, Jason Charles Hirschhorn, Lili Jiang, Mattie Rapoport Kahn, Justin Scott Katiraei, Michelle Lee, Ye Dam Lee, Krystle M. Leung, Julian Clifton Lucas, Merrill Hunter Lutsky, Jonathan Avery Marks, Katherine Coley Mentzinger, Peter Edward Menz, Amanda Taylor Milunovich, Michael Evan Mitchell, Samantha Hanae Noh, Eliza Pan, Julia Ming Yun Pian, Jordan Casey Rasmusson, Chloe Elizabeth Reichel, Amy Charlotte Robinson, Samuel G. Ruchman, Susannah Savage, Benjamin Reed Selden, Jae Shin, Brandon Kenneth Sim, Olive Tang, Eleanor Wilkinson, Elliot Andrew Wilson, Bob Wu, Brian C. Zhang, William Zhang, Yuechen Zhao, Eric Bo Zheng, Sharon Zhou, Prateek Agarwal, Katherine Bennett Aoki, Juliet Bailin, Elise Baranouski, Daniel Barcia, Lilli Beard, Svilena Svetoslavova Bochukova, Forrest Stoddard Brown, Kevin Bu, Jennifer Shuen Chen, In Young Cho, Sophia Diana Chua-Rubenfeld, Samuel Bennett Clark, Parker Batey Davis, Lori Bowe Dershowitz, Heather Elizabeth desJardins-Park, Anna Dimitrijevic, William Robert Dingee, Brian Richardson Drumm, Samuel Ming-Sum Fisher, Rebecca Wendy Frankel, Mark Chaim Freeman, Domniki Georgopoulou, Aditi Ghai, Jasmine Griffin, Peter Joseph Grogan, Anna Adele Hagen, Roxanna Haghighat, Noel Gladston Haines, Claire Sophie Harmange, Nathaniel Shaw Hay, Tianhao He, Kristin Cooper Holladay, William Douglas Horton, Dianna Hu, Michael Sang Hughes, Alejandro Jimenez Jaramillo, Haven Michelle Jones, Daniel Roland Ki, Carolyn Eileen Killea, Gina Hyun Ji Kim, Shannen Deanna Kim, Robert Charles Kivell, Krister Koskelo, Karl Edward Krehbiel, Alexander Grant Krolewski, Si-Yi Ryan Lee, Selena Shi-Yao Li, Andrew Bo Liu, Adrianna Lucero, Daniel Draper Lynch, Christopher Jacob Magnani, Kenneth Mai, Reed Elizabeth McConnell, Edward Joseph McKlveen, Elisabeth Meyer, George Alexander Meyer, Akash Deepak Mirchandani, Gabriel Enrique Molina, Justin Moore, Jacob Thomas Morello, Hannah Marie Mullen, Nishin Nathwani, Sriram V. Pendyala, Maxwell P. Phillips, Zachary Popp, Megan B. Prasad, Arpon Paul Raksit, Emma Wills Rausch, Danielle Corriveau Reny, Matthew O'Neil Ricotta, Maria Romero, Xue Rui, Alexander Marshall Sareyan, Emily Savage, Gillian Conor Stein, Jackson Mark Steinkamp, Sharon Stovezky, John Sturm, Kriti Sarasa Subramanyam, Dennis August Sun, Claire Tan, Constantine Tarabanis, Lucy Walsh, Jeffrey J. Wang, Jeffrey Bond Wang, Xin Wei, Amy L. Weiss-Meyer, Charles Jacob Wolock, May Yang, Allen Lambert Yuan, Shijie Zheng, Marty Berger (marshal), Katherine Binney, Jiafeng (Kevin) Chen, Brendan Zhi Min Dean, Brittany Ellis, Julia Fine, Will Fried, Amelia Goldberg, Rachel Gologorsky, Peter Hartnett, Becky Jarvis, Karl Kaellenius, Laura Kanji, Max Kuhelj Bugaric, Yoo Kyung (Eunice) Lee (marshal), Mateo Lincoln, Evan MacKay, Vaibhav Mohanty, Lita Peña, Sofia Shchukina, David Stoner, Hanson Tam, Nathan Williams, Lily Xu, Leah Yared (marshal), Richard Yarrow, Brian Yu (marshal), Jonny Adler, Rana Bansal, Chloe Brooks, Robert Capodilupo, Peter Chang, Jacqueline Chen, Salvatore Defrancesco, Landy Erlick, Pauline Gabrieli, Kate Gehling, David Gevarter, Noah Golowich, Yanet Gomez, Elbert Gong, Patrick Guo, Matt Hoisch, Sarah Horne, Meredith Jones, Manav Khandelwal, Davis Lazowski, Charlie Lee, Matthew Leifer, Willa Li, Karen Malacon, Soumyaa Mazumder, Amil Merchant, Ayush Midha, Amelia Miller, Daniela Muhleisen, Shyam Narayanan, Garam Noh, Sierra Nota, Richard Ouyang, Anant Pai, Ben Porter, Mara Roth, Bella Roussanov, Billy Schmitt, Arthur Schott Lopes, Alison Steinbach, Eily Sullivan, Ashim Vaish, Akash Wasil, Sophie Westbrook, Alan Wong, Derek Xiao, Raylin Xu, Darwin Yang, Philip Balson, William Baughman, Kaycie Bennett, Zeke Benshirim, Peter Bermant, Henry Brooks, Abigail Burke, Daniel Chafamo, Gui Zhen Chen, Kara Chyung, Sarah Coady, Isabella Colocci, Aidan Connaughton, Jett Crowdis, Ryan Davis, Kristiana Deleo, Benjamin Delsman, Melissa Dreier, Aldis Elfarsdottir, Sonja Eliason, Edith Enright, Grace Evans, Renee Friedman, Kabir Gandhi, Samuel Goldman, Matthew Goodkin-Gold, Gabriel Grand, Natalie Hodges, Serena Hoost, Samuel Hsiang, Hayley Isenberg, Anahita Iyer, Walker Jordan, Mia Karr, Daniel Kim, Daniel Kim, EJ Kim, Min Kim, Maetal Kogan, Katrina Kraus, Thomas LaSalle, Jorge Ledesma, Justin Lee, Val Leifer, James Lennon, Yiping Li, Michael Liu, Siqi Liu, Matthew Mandel, Brian Marinelli, Manuel Medrano, Belen Mella, Max Miao, Amrita Mohanty, Theodore Motzkin, Chirine Mouharam, Ilgin Nas, Hannah Natanson, Christina Neckermann, Thomas Orton, Claire Parker, Sanjay Patil, Sarah Perlmutter, Margaret Powell, Christina Qiu, Jules Ziqi Qiu, Sebastian Reyes, Miranda Richman, Francisco Rivera, Claire Rivkin, Olga Romanova, Yael Saiger, Brian Sapozhnikov, Kyle Sargent, Suproteem Sarkar, Benjamin Schafer, Daniel Shen, Sundar Solai, Wonik Son, Alexandra Sukin, Everett Sussman, Daniel Tran, Michelle Vaccaro, Varun Varshney, Jacob Verrey, Justin Walthier, Eric Wang, Caroline Wechsler, Dan Wood, Stephanie Wu, Elena Wu-Yan, Catherine Zheng, Joseph Zuckerman, Maria Jose Acosta Robayo, Taimur Aziz, Anna Biggs, Michael Chen, Nico Christianson, Julie Chung, Alex Cohen, Michael Colavita, Isabelle Desisto, Caroline Engelmayer, Dan Stefan Eniceicu, Katherine Hung, Jasper Johnston, Jeane Khang, Abijith Krishnan, Julia Lauer, Luke Melas-Kyriazi, Maya Miklos, Jonathan Perez-Reyzin, Emilė Radytė, Isaac Sebenius, Kai Trepka, Jordan Villegas, Kristine Zhang.
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