monty oum dead fantasy

Yuna, Rikku and Tifa try to stop them, but Ayane destroys the temple with her magic—reflecting her ending in Dead or Alive 4—forcing them to fight during a vertical fall. It is the first installment to show physical repercussions from the battle, such as injuries, blood, and ripped clothing. I'm also a fan of Monty Oum's Dead Fantasy and RWBY, and this piece is a true tribute to him! Listen free to Monty Oum – Dead Fantasy. Helena's rivalry with Cloud may refer to Cloud's rivalry with Sephiroth, as she physically resembles him. Dead Fantasy-Monty Oum 3D Film Making. Required Level to … Great job good sir. The movie ends with a flashback of Cloud trying to stop Tifa from falling off the cliff near the ruins of Midgar. The project for the Dead Fantasy series started in July 2007, after Monty Oum gained acclaim for the creation of the fan made CG movie Haloid, which featured Metroid series's Samus Aran versus Nicole-458, then thought to be Master Chief from the Halo series. The man behind the magic. Monty Oum can be found in numerous places around the internet, so it is most fitting that we allow him to explain himself through the various links provided. I guess Uiyahan made a remake version of the series is a … Monyreak "Monty" Oum was an Asian American web-based animator and writer. His crossover fighting videos gained him the attention of several video game and Internet production companies, most notably Rooster Teeth. Rikku uses her special dressphere, the Machina Maw, and Ayane's primary weapon, Tokkosho, is replaced with Fuma Kodachi twin blades to confront Rikku's ultimate dressphere. Hitomi appears to aid her fellow Dead or Alive fighters, and the fight moves outside of the temple. ♥. Dead Fantasy II is the first segment to show the use of magic on both sides of the battle, and the first to feature a character not directly linked to the series' namesake franchises: Kairi of Kingdom Hearts. Cornered, she fights the horde of ninjas and has a flashback of her goodbye with Cloud and her arrival to the temple in Dead Fantasy I (the scene Cloud remembers in Dead Fantasy IV). His intention for Dead Fantasy was to create a new CG movie which featured more human characters, instead of simply "humanoid" characters, as was the case in Haloid. DarkOverlord1296 Aug 26, 2020. This news challenges the fan-held assumption that Rinoa's battle with Rachel will occur in DFVII. Discover more music, concerts, videos, and pictures with the largest catalogue online at In some screenshots, Rinoa chains her rival Rachel to become a Fiend to meet the same fate as her sister Alma. The instant I saw Sage in the Announcement Showcase, I was reminded of Namine's fighting style in the late, great Monty Oum's Dead Fantasy series; so I put together this little glamour inspired by her look! A few years later, he started working with Namco Bandai, and helped to create video games. After being chased along a train, she jumps to a warehouse. Cloud will face his rival, Helena Douglas, due to her resemblance to his deceased friend, Aerith Gainsborough, and his nemesis Sephiroth. She backflips onto the roof of a hotel at a crossroad, and takes out the white feather she found in the beach. The three fight two-to-one. The project started in July 2007 after Monty Oum gained acclaim for the creation of the fan made CG movie Haloid, which featured Metroid series's Samus Aran fighting the Dead or Alive series's Nicole. These clips are part of the Dead Fantasy series created by Monty Oum, which I think are pretty awesome. A self-taught animator, he scripted and produced several crossover fighting video series, drawing the attention of internet production company Rooster Teeth, who hired him. Which was created by the Great "Monty Oum" The Dead Fantasy is a fan series by Monty Oum featuring characters from Final Fantasy, Dead or Alive, Kingdom Hearts, and Ninja Gaiden.. Story [edit | edit source]. It stars the casts of Dead or Alive (+ Ninja Gaiden) and Final Fantasy (+ Kingdom Hearts) beating the stuffing out of each other in the most awesome ways imaginable. Tifa dragging Kasumi's head on the ground in, Monty Oum created a music video to the song "Obsessed" by, Monty Oum posted many previews of the upcoming. The fighting continues as the girls flow downstream on a slab of rock until they hit a lava-fall. Monty Oum included salutes to many action games, manga and movies by including famous moves, such as: Moves from the Ip Man films. 228498 10150234960762806 593977805 8710199 6067420 n.jpg, Dead or Alive Tournament Executive Committee,, Adobe Premiere - Timeline, Syncing final output. Sadly, Monty Oum passed away at the age of 33 on February 1, 2015. This high quality animation movie is called Dead Fantasy featuring the hot vixens from Tecmo and Square Enix games in an all out scrap. Monty created Dead Fantasy in his free time, after the success of his other crossover video, Haloid, between Halo and Metroid. Links and Affiliates. Dead Fantasy VI will feature Rikku vs Ayane, while DFVII will have Rinoa battle a fiend Rachel and DFVIII will have Kairi (as Naminé) fight Momiji, Vincent Valentine will appear and fight along side Naminé, he will possibly fight Ryu. Monyreak "Monty" Oum was an American web-based animator and writer. All Fans of Monty/ Montyoum`s First Fan Club For all who like Monty`s Work/Bare Sol Films/ Final Fantasy meets Dead or Alive special guest starring Kairi (Kingdom Hearts) and Rachel (Ninja Gaiden) and not forget Rinoa (Final Fantasy VIII) Tifa (Final Fantasy VII) Browse the user profile and get inspired. Monty Oum was a self-taught animator and screenwriter. Dead Fantasy III, which shows the first of a series of one-on-one battles between the different sides, was released alongside Dead Fantasy IV. It explodes into a flurry of colored feathers as a white mist bursts across the entire city, changing the sunset into a dark cloudy sky. The fight ends with Tifa being blasted out of the cathedral onto the snow outside, now seriously wounded. Oum's work in Dead Fantasy remained incomplete after releasing the preview of Dead Fantasy VIII and a few previews of Dead Fantasy VI which is a battle between Rikku and Ayane and became more focused on the RWBY series. Please note that the following article deals with the coverage of a. It is unknown if these new episodes will be created due to Oum's death on February 1, 2015. © Valve Corporation. The project started in July 2007 after Monty Oum gained acclaim for the creation of the fan made CG movie Haloid, which featured Metroid series's Samus Aran fighting the Dead or Alive series's Nicole. Al Bhed - Human - Nobody Uiyahan is also revealed to use the original voice clips from the Final Fantasy cast to match up with the Dead or Alive cast following the release of Dead Fantasy 2020 by sWooZie as a tribute to Oum. Momiji, who appeared alongside Ryu, reads Kasumi's mind, and sees the events that have happened so far. Dead Fantasy is a series of fan-made CG action movies created by Monty Oum (author of Haloid), starring a cast of characters from the Final Fantasy, Dead or Alive, Kingdom Hearts, and Ninja Gaiden game franchises, fighting it out against each other battle royale-style in a number of different environments, including archaic ruins and modern cities. This is the last preview Monty released in A-Kon 22 before he focused on the RWBY series in Rooster Teeth and his death on February 1, 2015. Monty dropped out of high school to pursue video design, eventually landing him a job at Midway games. Dead Fantasy is a series of fan-made CG action movies created by Monty Oum, starring a cast of characters from the Final Fantasy, Dead or Alive, Ninja Gaiden, and Kingdom Hearts game franchises, fighting it out against each other "battle-royale" style in a number of different environments, including archaic ruins and modern cities. Since the first installment of Dead Fantasy, the series has been well-received by the fans of both game series, with trailers, previews and the installments themselves being featured at several gaming conventions. Updates for Dead Fantasy, as well as other exciting projects, can usually be found in the following places. Ryu Hayabusa and Momiji approach Kairi, who summons her Destiny's Embrace and slashes the feather in half. Martial Arts and Job Classes The episode starts where Dead Fantasy I left off: a three-on-three battle with Tifa, Yuna, and Rikku against Ayane, Kasumi, and Hitomi outside the temple. !Check it out Dudes and Dudettes! In August 26, 2018, three years after Monty Oum's passing, animator Uiyahan created a remake version with more realistic and true-to-original characters, including facial expressions. Ryu steps back allowing Momiji to wield her Heavenly Dragon Naginata, challenging Kairi to a fight. He was known for his crossover fighting videos and was employed by Rooster Teeth Productions to animate for the web series Red vs. Blue and RWBY . Ryu Hayabusa arrives, killing the last of the clones and catching Kasumi as she collapses. This episode takes place in a one-on-one battle between Ayane and Rikku in an underground cavern and its hidden laboratory. When Hitomi catches up with them and sees Tifa in the bloody state, she slaps Hayate. Dead Fantasy Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Reply. Todas as marcas comerciais são propriedade dos respetivos proprietários nos E.U.A. Again, user yuna800 was tasked with the trailer for parts 3 and 5. Dead Fantasy: Director, Writer, Lead Animator Creator of Monty Oum 2009 Afro Samurai Other Crew Additional Designer 2010–12 Red vs. Blue Director, Writer, Lead Animator, Other Crew Cinematographer 2010–14 Immersion Actors 2013 Internet Box Panel, RTX 2013 Actors P. F. Chang's Deliveryman 2013–15 RWBY It was unexpectedly released under the title of "Dead Fantasy 2020" on December 28, 2020 by youtuber sWooZie as a tribute to Oum despite Uiyahan stating that the first movie would be officially released in January 2021, which it later was on January 4. Kasumi battles the Kasumi α clones in a lake. The first six members of the cast—From left to right: Hitomi, Tifa, Ayane, Rikku, Kasumi and Yuna. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Dead Fantasy IV was released only one week after Dead Fantasy III and features the series' first male character: Cloud Strife. !| Dead Fantasy| ULTIMATE REACTION! His intention for Dead Fantasy was to create a new CG movie which featured more human characters, instead of simply "humanoid" characters, as was the case in Haloid. This is ME Re-creating An amazing project from legendary ''Monty Oum'' called ''Dead Fantasy''. haloid, dead fantasy, red vs blue, rwby, rooster teeth Additional References Facebook Twitter Wikipedia About. Welcome to my Lets watch Dead fantasy REACTION!! Monty dropped out of high school to pursue video design, eventually landing him a job at Midway games. These clips show animated fight scenes between the characters of the Final Fantasy Series (Square Enix) and the Dead or Alive series. Hitomi, after showing Helena the White Materia in her right wrist, boards the helicopter with them, leaving Hayate alone in the snow. The ninth episode takes place where Cloud teams up with Yuna to rescue Tifa from being held captive in DOATEC Headquarters. Her hair in a ponytail adorned with a ribbon also makes her resemble Aerith Gainsborough. He was responsible for some of the most awesome Web Animation around, most of which relied on Rule of Cool. It was created by Uiyahan who continued Oum's legacy in three years after his death on February 1, 2015. Why the Dead or Alive and Final Fantasy characters are fighting is still unknown, but it is known that Tifa at least had some idea of what she was getting into, and had a reason, and that Rinoa is responsible for … Cissnei was planned to be Helena Douglas's nemesis, although at the present her rivalry is with Cloud. Oum attracted attention within the gaming community after releasing the hit video Haloid in 2007 on GameTrailers, which a … Dead or Alive Tournament Executive Committee - Mugen Tenshin Clan - Shinobi Enjoy Beegeeks!! The scene shifts with the words "Why am I here? Monty Oum was an American web-based animator best known for his animated series RWBY.He gained popularity with his early Youtube series Dead Fantasy, which featured characters from Dead or Alive and Final Fantasy.He died in February 2015 from a severe allergic reaction. Some of the music used in the movies come from the soundtracks of well-known action games and movies: In the Naminé vs. Momiji sequence teased at A-Kon 2011, the music is "Dom vs. Brian" from the, Monty Oum had stated Rikku would be going through multiple dressphere changes in her battle against Ayane, and set up a contest where artists would draw designs for the spherechanges Rikku could go through. Ayane defends herself using her Fuma Kodachi twin blades to make her land on the upper steel ground, and she confronts the Machina Maw in its gigantic state. The moves the girls execute are not just from their respective series. It reveals what happened between Tifa and Hitomi. Wiki Affiliates Final Fantasy Wiki - Dead or Alive Wiki - Kingdom Hearts Wiki. Yuna holds her own, but is nearly overwhelmed. The movie was labeled by Monty Oum as the one he "wanted to do the least," as it only serves as an introduction for the rest of the series. The fight continues, destroying much of the interior of the temple. The fight takes place inside, and later outside, of an enormous, abandoned temple situated atop a tower. Screenshot from the end of the first movie, showing Tifa glowing with Materia. Forums. DOATEC Headquarters - Discuss on how we should improve the wiki. First released in October 2007, this episode introduces the first six characters of the series in a three-on-three battle between Team Dead or Alive and Team Final Fantasy. Ayane goes to the top of the tower and charges her Ninpo power while Kasumi and Hitomi defend her. Before she is impaled by Ayane, Rikku comes to her aid, evening out the numbers. Monyreak "Monty" Oum was an independent graphic artist in Texas.He is best known for his computer generated imagery (CGI) work. The Fantasy - Talk about subjects relating to Dead Fantasy. I trust her... and because... you remind me of someone... that I said goodbye to... a long time ago..." reminiscent of the opening scene in Final Fantasy VIII, to a field where the one-on-one battle between Kasumi and Yuna takes place. More recently, he has left Namco and moved to Te… In both previews, they clash weapons until Rikku spherechanges multiple times but Ayane negates all of her attacks in her various forms. Battle Terms While Monty used the original voices of the Dead or Alive cast, due to lack of voice clips or none at all, he used voices from different sources for the Final Fantasy characters. Three years after Oum's death, animator Uiyahan created a remake of the first installment to follow Oum's legacy. Tifa succumbs to her injuries and collapses. The trailer is titled ♥ ∂єα∂ fαитαѕу ιιι/v fιяє!!! "Monty's Vision" Many RWBY viewers have a negative opinion of the show post-Volume 3, after Monty Oum …,, Monty was one of the primary animators for seasons 8-10 of Red vs Blue and was the creator, editor, producer, and animator of RWBY.He was married to Sheena Duquette on May 10, 2014. The episodes feature a Materia magic battle between Tifa and Hitomi within a partially demolished cathedral, which is set ablaze by Tifa's fire spell. She has killed off most of them, but is exhausted. In a poll that Monty Oum did, he said that there will be Dead Fantasy 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, G, S, Prologue & Finale. Yuna spherechanges into her summoner attire and tries to use her aeons to defeat them while Kasumi attempts to aid her. Before the clones deliver the final blow Cloud appears, ready to aid Yuna. The film ends with the girls bracing themselves for another fight, showing the glowing Materia in Tifa's arm. Hitomi gets the upper hand beating most, if not all, of the Materia out of Tifa's body to use against her. If you wish to give thanks, Monty Oum’s profile is down below. Aeons - Art of the Raging Mountain God - Magic - Weapons. The idea for the RWBY series was in Monty's head since Season 9 of Red vs. Blue. What do the G and S stand for? The movie starts with Kairi waking up on a deserted beach and finding a white feather. Dead Fantasy I is the first installment of the Dead Fantasy series, created by Monty Oum. At sunset in a metropolitan city, Kairi balances along the top of a high building. There, he provided custom animations for Red vs. Blue, and created the original animated series RWBY. All of these were created by Monty Oum, so all credits go to him. It introduces the first male Dead or Alive characters of the series. Helena arrives in a DOATEC helicopter with a squad of armed personnel and takes Tifa on board where she could be treated or experimented on. He refuses to fight, instead teleporting past her. Ryu sees the oncoming attack and grabs Momiji, barely dodging the Keyblade as it hits the floor with a blood-red mist, creating a red pool. Halfway down, Rachel—who has been waiting perched on her Warhammer—destroys the rest of the tower, making them fall to a river of lava. Gunner - Karate - Summoner - Wing Chun Rinoa teleports the girls to different locations throughout the world: Rinoa is sent with Rachel, Tifa with Hitomi, Yuna with Kasumi, Rikku with Ayane, and Kairi by herself. Monty Oum created Dead Fantasy, as well as his other videos, with the following software, in order of priority: On his page, Monty has listed that the following Dead Fantasy installments are upcoming: DF VI, DFVII, DF VIII, DF G, and DF S. Though Dead Fantasy G and S, at least, should be thought of as more of spin-offs than actual sequels to the storyline. More recently, he has left Namco and moved to Texas. Ayane, Kasumi, and Hitomi overpower Yuna and Rikku before Tifa appears, evening out the sides. Your tribute to Dead Fantasty by Monty Oum with this crossover render focusing on the four most popular women is superb. Dead Fantasy was a Fan Film series of CGI fight sequences, made by amateur filmmaker Monty Oum, creator of the Haloid crossover video. At his panel at A-Kon 22, Monty Oum made a comment that Rinoa's story may not be explored again until Dead Fantasy X (could possibly be referring to DFS) or later. Rinoa as she appears in the series, alongside the Vanishing Star. Since mere words fail to properly describe it, watch it here. Groups and Clans Monty created Dead Fantasy in his free time, after the success of his other crossover video, Haloid, between Halo and Metroid. The fifth installment is a direct sequel to Dead Fantasy III, and shows what happens to Tifa and Hitomi after their one-on-one battle in the cathedral. Vincent approaches the two ninja, and Naminé calls forth her Keyblade wings. Final Fantasy Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. And again I don’t mean to be rude, but try having some respect for Monty, the creator. He was 33. 1 Development 1.1 Characters 1.2 Voices 1.3 Locations 2 Differences between the Original and the Remake 2.1 Dead Fantasy I 3 Gallery 3.1 Characters … Tifa disembowels and kills her assailants while attempting to strike Hayate. Austin-based Rooster Teeth said in a blog post that Oum … 1 like. One night, while at IHOP with Shane Newville, Monty decided he was going to design the world for RWBY right there.He decided to start on his world because, according to him, \"geography determines your culture and culture determines your people\" (Monty's Journal 11/7/12), so his world was created with a napkin and some ketchup.According to Monty, Burnie Burns had told him that as long as … As a result, the series is on a permanent hiatus and is unlikely to be updated. Using different combo moves and team strategies, the girls of Final Fantasy overpower the Dead or Alive trio. Thank you! I am animator who work for game and animations for quiet sometimes and now i trying to remake this project, but to complete this project i can't do it without your helps, because i need to work for living everyday. The three disappear, likely to get Kasumi aid for her wounds, and leave a bloody lake littered with dead clones behind. Rinoa freezes the lava and she and Kairi join the battle. Check out montyoum's art on DeviantArt. The movie ends with Cloud and Yuna watching the helicopter carrying Tifa fly towards a luxurious city. Races and Species Ryu unsheathes the Dragon Sword, while Momiji wields a pair of sai daggers. He now works with Rooster Teeth, where he works on Red vs. Blue, and his own series called RWBY. e outros países. Oum married Sheena Duquette on May 10, 2014. [1][2] Since Oum's death three years later, a remake version of the series has now been created by Uiyahan as a tribute to him. Dead Fantasy series (remake) is a remake version of the original Dead Fantasy series created by the late Monty Oum. Rinoa fights fighter jets from DOATEC using her Sorceress Magic. In August 26, 2018, three years after Monty O… Dead or Alive - Kingdom Hearts - Final Fantasy - Ninja Gaiden The eighth installment takes place in the beginning of Dead Fantasy IV after Kairi was teleported on the beach by one of Rinoa's conjure portals. MONTY OUM IS A LEGEND! His intention for Dead Fantasy was to create a new CG movie which featured more human characters, instead of simply "humanoid" characters, as was the case in Haloid. The movie starts with Yuna running through the temple being pursued by two shadowy figures—Kasumi and Ayane. This episode takes place between a one-on-one battle between Rinoa and Rachel. Monyreak "Monty" Oum (June 22, 1981 - February 1, 2015) was an American animator * and writer, whose education was entirely observational. A few years later, he started working with Namco Bandai, and helped to create video games. The movie ends with Rikku and Ayane, both unconscious, falling into a giant hole. Dead Fantasy I introduces the first six characters. MontuOum DF 3D film making. The movie ends with a scene of Helena activating an army of Kasumi α clones. He also frequents cons, such as AnimeExpo, where he showcases his work. However when Uiyahan officially releases the remake version of the series, their respective voice clips are their original voices that Monty had previously used. Rapid punches and close combat similar to Donnie Yen (Hitomi, Episode III). Cloud drives Yuna to a city on his Fenrir, and on the way Yuna falls asleep. The Kasumi α clones appear and attack the two. Monty's sites: Blog, Gametrailers, DeviantArt, and Myspace. we will make it as HD and 60 frame per second. The Machina Maw lands on the ocean waters creating a devastating wave. Gaining some ground from Naminé, Momiji thanks Ryu. There are six movies in the series, and Oum had confirmed episodes VI through IX. Feel free to use it in Endwalker! Hayate and his ninja clan take over Hitomi's fight and pursue Tifa, forcing her to face many enemies at once while bleeding and exhausted. Todos os direitos reservados. Monty Oum, director of animation for online-video pioneer Rooster Teeth and creator of the hit online series RWBY, died Sunday. The red and black Keyblade sinks into the floor and Vincent Valentine rises from the pool. Tifa awakens in a white room covered in a silk sheet, knowing of her survival in her fight against Hayate and his shinobi (while being held captive in DOATEC headquarters). The man behind the magic. Kairi's Destiny's Embrace transforms into Lunar Eclipse and she allows her Nobody, Naminé, to take control of her, as white Keyblade wings unfold from behind her. Monyreak "Monty" Oum (June 22, 1981 – February 1, 2015) was an American web-based animator. The movie was featured at the Anime Boston convention on March 23, 2008. He died of an allergic reaction on February 1st, 2015.[news]. While Monty used the original voices of the Dead or Alive cast, due to lack of voice clips or none at all, he used voic… The clones overpower the aeons, and Yuna reverts to her Gunner dressphere. Winners included a, The user yuna800 on YouTube was asked by Monty Oum to create a trailer for. Momiji and Naminé do battle and Naminé has the upper hand, eventually manipulating the red-black Keyblade that manifested from her Keyblade wing to levitate. Kasumi teleports herself and the clones away to fight them on her own. Her eyes light up as she is being experimented on by DOATEC.
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