Today we're jumping into ranked once again and we're showing off the lock down potential of my Millennium eyes+ Red eyes Slash deck! As low as: $0.20. The BLS relinquished deck will probably be a better option once koaki is gone and it’s back to traps and beatdown to take care of your opponents monsters, and BLS is a Hefty Boi. Yugioh Relinquished Deck - Millennium-Eyes Restrict Anima Fusion Kaiju Slumber. Community content is available under, Equips monsters from the opponent's field to itself, MillenniumEyesRestrict-LDS1-EN-ScR-LE.png. Thousand-Eyes Restrict. Please refer to this page for the Yu-Gi-Oh! [R/F] Millennium/Thousand-eyes Restrict focused deck for casual online play I've been playing around with this deck online for a while and while it works I feel like it could work better . A Deck that weaves together “Relinquished” with the “Megalith” from “Ignition Assault”, Legendary Duelists Season 1. The BLS relinquished deck will probably be a better option once koaki is gone and it’s back to traps and beatdown to take care of your opponents monsters, and BLS is a Hefty Boi. Monstros com o nome desse monstro equipado não podem atacar e, além disso, seus efeitos no campo e seus efeitos ativados são negados. Legendary Duelists Season 1. "Renunciado" + 1 Monstruo de Efecto
Una vez por turno, cuando tu adversario activa el efecto de un monstruo (Efecto Rápido): puedes seleccionar 1 Monstruo de Efecto que controle tu adversario o en su Cementerio; equipa ese objetivo a esta carta que controlas. $120.00 + shipping. Legendary Duelists: Ancient Millennium. MillenniumEyesRestrict-LDS1-EN-ScR-LE.png + Card type. A: The effect of " Millennium-Eyes Restrict" is a Quick Effect that must be chained directly to the effect of your opponent's monster. 3x Relinquished. Legendary Duelists: Ancient Millennium. Millennium Eyes Restrict Deck Structure. Yu-Gi-Oh! $13.00. Les monstres du nom du monstre équipé ne peuvent pas attaquer, et aussi, leurs effets sur le Terrain et leurs effets activés sont annulés. TCG card, "Millennium-Eyes Restrict." Structure Deck Shaddoll Showdown. TRADING CARD GAME CARD DATABASE Deck Details Yu-Gi-Oh! 3 Thousand-Eyes Restrict 2 Millennium-Eyes Restrict 1 Linkuriboh 1 Gravity Controller 3 Crochet Sheep 2 Relinquished Anima 1 Aussa the Earth Charmer, Aloft 1 Decode Talker 1 Nephthys, the Sacred Flame. Legendary Duelists Season 1. Shoma Yusa + Japanese card image. 40 CARD RELINQUISHED DECK 1x Relinquished Anima (Ultra Rare). Monsters with that equipped monster's name cannot attack, also their effects on the field and … Thousand-Eyes Restrict from Speed Duel Decks: Match of the Millennium for yugioh Sign In Sign Up 0 Restriction | Yu-Gi-Oh! This page contains the rating and basic information for the card Millennium-Eyes Restrict in Yugioh: Duel Links. As low as: $0.04. This card will prevent your opponent from activating too many effects. 40 CARD RELINQUISHED DECK 1x Relinquished Anima (Ultra Rare). Este card ganha ATK/DEF iguais aos do monstro equipado. ... Thousand-Eyes Restrict. $120.00. RELINQUISHED DECK 21 | Fusion Millenium-Eyes Restrict Thousand Pegasus YuGiOh. First of all Relinquished can equip an opponent’s monster anytime during your main phase. Free shipping. Cette carte gagne une ATK/DEF égales à celles du monstre équipé. This deck revolves around continually summoning Relinquished and Eyes Restrict monsters to cleverly out-play your opponent. plus a relatively beefy draw engine. Legendary Duelists Season 1. Free shipping. A face-up SPYRAL Double Helix is treated as SPYRAL Super Agent by its own effect. Structure Deck Sacred Beasts. RELINQUISHED DECK 21 | Fusion Millenium-Eyes Restrict Thousand Pegasus YuGiOh. "Millennium-Eyes Restrict" pages. Really fun and fairly consistent to play imo Yu-Gi-Oh OCG Deck Case Bandai Toei 1998 Card Case Japan Yugioh Used DHL. Thousand-Eyes Restrict from Legendary Duelists: Ancient Millennium for yugioh. If you have king of the swamp, senju and invoked in your deck it's so easy to get this card out right away. $24.99 + shipping. Diese Karte erhält ATK/DEF in Höhe der des ausrüstenden Monsters. „Aufgegeben“ + 1 Effektmonster
Einmal pro Spielzug, wenn dein Gegner einen Monstereffekt aktiviert (Schnelleffekt): Du kannst 1 Effektmonster wählen, das dein Gegner kontrolliert oder das sich in seinem Friedhof befindet; rüste diese Karte, die du kontrollierst, mit dem gewählten Ziel aus. They are a media staple, whether. "Le Renoncé" + 1 Monstre à Effet
Une fois par tour, lorsque votre adversaire active un effet de monstre (Effet Rapide) : vous pouvez cibler 1 Monstre à Effet contrôlé par votre adversaire ou dans son Cimetière ; équipez la cible à cette carte que vous contrôlez. plus a relatively beefy draw engine. Millennium Eyes January 14, 2021 Pharaoh Eyes Restrict, Kuriboh This deck revolves around continually summoning Relinquished and Eyes Restrict monsters to … Please refer to this page for the Yu-Gi-Oh! Deck Commentary. Millennium-Eyes Restrict; These are the card details for the Yu-Gi-Oh! The ideology of a Hero is something that transcends the Yu-Gi-Oh Trading Card Game. Item for sale is a Complete 40 Card Relinquished Deck. Millennium-Eyes Restrict. Dude it's awesome against Darklords LOL. Millennium-Eyes Restrict + In Deck. Yugioh Relinquished Deck - Millennium-Eyes Restrict Anima Fusion Kaiju Slumber. MILLENNIUM-EYES RESTRICT RELINQUISHED ILLUSIONIST DECK LDS1-EN051 LDS1-EN049. A HERO’s History Part 3: Joining Together, DeckTin - Yu-Gi-Oh! $39.99 + $3.29 shipping. If an "Eyes Restrict" Fusion Monster(s) or a "Relinquished" is Special Summoned: Add this card from your GY to your hand (this is not optional). Really fun and fairly consistent to play imo "Relinquished" + 1 Effect MonsterOnce per turn, when your opponent activates a monster effect Quick Effect: You can target 1 Effect Monster your opponent controls or in their GY; equip that target to this card you control. Structure Deck Shaddoll Showdown. Structure Deck Shaddoll Showdown. Read on to find out about decks and compatible cards with Millennium-Eyes Restrict, and how to get Millennium-Eyes Restrict. I mostri con il nome di quel mostro equipaggiato non possono attaccare, inoltre i loro effetti sul Terreno e i loro effetti attivati sono annullati. *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. In this scenario, since Millennium-Eyes Restrict is equipped with SPYRAL Super Agent, the effect of SPYRAL Double Helix that reveals the top card of your opponent’s Deck will be negated. Millennium-Eyes Restrict. Therefore, when your opponent activates a monster effect once, even if there are 2 copies of " Millennium-Eyes Restrict " on your … Android Deck Building Application, Nekroz of Monarch (Trinity, September 2019). TCG card, "Millennium-Eyes Restrict." Yugioh Complete Zigfried Complete Deck - Valkyrie + Ultra Pro Sleeves + Bonus!! Yugioh Infernity Deck - Mirage Archfiend Void Ogre Dragon Doom Archfiend Barrier. Legendary Duelists: Season 1. Esta carta gana ATK/DEF igual al de ese monstruo equipado. [R/F] Millennium/Thousand-eyes Restrict focused deck for casual online play I've been playing around with this deck online for a while and while it works I feel like it could work better . Relinquished is the fusion material you need to use to summon Millenium-Eyes Restrict although Relinquished himself can be superior in some ways. 3x Millennium-Eyes Illusionist (Ultra … Thousand-Eyes Restrict. Duellistes Légendaires : L'ancien Millenaire. Yugioh Relinquished Deck - Millennium-Eyes Restrict Anima Fusion Kaiju Slumber. Millennium-Eyes Sacrifice: Korean: 밀레니엄 아이즈 새크리파이스 "새크리파이스" + 효과 몬스터 ①: 1턴에 1번, 상대 몬스터의 효과가 발동했을 때, 상대의 필드 / 묘지의 효과 몬스터 1장을 대상으로 하고 발동할 수 있다. This card gains ATK/DEF equal to that equipped monster's. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Millennium-Eyes Restrict effect does not activate with regards to Buster Blader, the Dragon Destroyer Swordsman, along with DNA surgery on the field. Questa carta guadagna ATK/DEF pari a quelli di quel mostro equipaggiato. As low as: $0.30. If you have any questions regarding how to use "Millennium-Eyes Restrict," go to "FAQs Related To This Card" for clarification on its usage. Legendary Duelists: Ancient Millennium. Therefore, when your opponent activates a monster effect once, even if there are 2 copies of " Millennium-Eyes Restrict" on your field, you can only activate the effect of one of them. Equips monsters from the opponent's Graveyard to itself, Requires specific Effect Monsters as Fusion Materials, Requires Ritual Monsters as Fusion Materials, Requires nonspecific Effect Monsters as Fusion Materials, TCG official rules for "Millennium-Eyes Restrict." 3 Kinka-byo 3 Relinquished 2 Millennium-Eyes Illusionist 1 Illusionist Faceless Magician 2 Golden Idol 2 Fusion Parasite 3 Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands 3 Radian, the Multidimensional Kaiju 1 Gameciel, the Sea Turtle Kaiju 1 Jet Synchron As low as: $0.20. Extra Deck + Card category. Comments. Credit to Shadowrealm for Deck and Strategy submission. The deck uses Millennium-Eyes restrict and their support to lockdown monsters alongside kaijus and lava golem for anti-targeting mons' Secret Village of the spellcasters and royal decree to lock spells/traps. Thousand-Eyes Restrict. Los monstruos con el nombre de ese monstruo equipado no pueden atacar, y además sus efectos en el Campo y sus efectos activados son negados. Free shipping. (Even so, its name will continue to be treated as SPYRAL Super Agent.) A: The effect of " Millennium-Eyes Restrict " is a Quick Effect that must be chained directly to the effect of your opponent's monster. The deck uses Millennium-Eyes restrict and their support to lockdown monsters alongside kaijus and lava golem for anti-targeting mons' Secret Village of the spellcasters and royal decree to lock spells/traps. Dust Tornado. Thousand-Eyes Restrict. Yu-Gi-Oh OCG Deck Case Bandai Toei 1998 Card Case Japan Yugioh Used DHL. $68.97 + $20.00 shipping. This card can be effective against Decks like " Cyber Dragon " or " Harpie ", as they have monsters that treat themselves as " Cyber Dragon " or " Harpie Lady " while on the field or in the Graveyard. Seller 98.9% positive. Unfortunately millennium eyes is just trash rn. Item for sale is a Complete 40 Card Relinquished Deck. $34.99 + $2.99 shipping. The literal and graphical information presented on this site about Yu-Gi-Oh!, including card images, the attribute, level/rank and type symbols, and card text, is copyright 4K Media Inc, a subsidiary of Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Free shipping. Check out this deck profile that features the new card Millennium Eyes-Restrict. 3x Millennium-Eyes Illusionist (Ultra Rare). By equipping this card with them, it is possible to negate the effects of monsters like " Cyber Dragon Core " … $34.99 + $2.99 shipping. Seller 100% positive. Millennium-Eyes Restrict; These are the card details for the Yu-Gi-Oh! $120.00. Millennium-Eyes Restrict. TCG official rules for "Millennium-Eyes Restrict." Monster mit dem Namen des ausrüstenden Monsters können nicht angreifen, zusätzlich werden ihre Effekte auf dem Spielfeld und ihre aktivierten Effekte annulliert. Unfortunately millennium eyes is just trash rn. Deck 20: “Relinuqished” Deck Featuring “Kinka-Byo” Cats: あおば・アルカブ・はなの. MillenniumEyesRestrict-JP-Manga-OS.png + Japanese lore. $120.00. Restriction | Yu-Gi-Oh! "Renunciado" + 1 Monstro de Efeito
Uma vez por turno, quando seu oponente ativar um efeito de monstro (Efeito Rápido): você pode escolher 1 Monstro de Efeito que seu oponente controla ou no Cemitério dele; equipe o alvo a este card que você controla. "Abbandono" + 1 Mostro con Effetto
Una volta per turno, quando il tuo avversario attiva l'effetto di un mostro (Effetto Rapido): puoi scegliere come bersaglio 1 Mostro con Effetto controllato dal tuo avversario o nel suo Cimitero; equipaggia quel bersaglio a questa carta che controlli.
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Una vez por turno, cuando tu adversario activa el efecto de un monstruo (Efecto Rápido): puedes seleccionar 1 Monstruo de Efecto que controle tu adversario o en su Cementerio; equipa ese objetivo a esta carta que controlas. $120.00 + shipping. Legendary Duelists: Ancient Millennium. MillenniumEyesRestrict-LDS1-EN-ScR-LE.png + Card type. A: The effect of " Millennium-Eyes Restrict" is a Quick Effect that must be chained directly to the effect of your opponent's monster. 3x Relinquished. Legendary Duelists: Ancient Millennium. Millennium Eyes Restrict Deck Structure. Yu-Gi-Oh! $13.00. Les monstres du nom du monstre équipé ne peuvent pas attaquer, et aussi, leurs effets sur le Terrain et leurs effets activés sont annulés. TCG card, "Millennium-Eyes Restrict." Structure Deck Shaddoll Showdown. TRADING CARD GAME CARD DATABASE Deck Details Yu-Gi-Oh! 3 Thousand-Eyes Restrict 2 Millennium-Eyes Restrict 1 Linkuriboh 1 Gravity Controller 3 Crochet Sheep 2 Relinquished Anima 1 Aussa the Earth Charmer, Aloft 1 Decode Talker 1 Nephthys, the Sacred Flame. Legendary Duelists Season 1. Shoma Yusa + Japanese card image. 40 CARD RELINQUISHED DECK 1x Relinquished Anima (Ultra Rare). Monsters with that equipped monster's name cannot attack, also their effects on the field and … Thousand-Eyes Restrict from Speed Duel Decks: Match of the Millennium for yugioh Sign In Sign Up 0 Restriction | Yu-Gi-Oh! This page contains the rating and basic information for the card Millennium-Eyes Restrict in Yugioh: Duel Links. As low as: $0.04. This card will prevent your opponent from activating too many effects. 40 CARD RELINQUISHED DECK 1x Relinquished Anima (Ultra Rare). Este card ganha ATK/DEF iguais aos do monstro equipado. ... Thousand-Eyes Restrict. $120.00. RELINQUISHED DECK 21 | Fusion Millenium-Eyes Restrict Thousand Pegasus YuGiOh. First of all Relinquished can equip an opponent’s monster anytime during your main phase. Free shipping. Cette carte gagne une ATK/DEF égales à celles du monstre équipé. This deck revolves around continually summoning Relinquished and Eyes Restrict monsters to cleverly out-play your opponent. plus a relatively beefy draw engine. Legendary Duelists Season 1. Free shipping. A face-up SPYRAL Double Helix is treated as SPYRAL Super Agent by its own effect. Structure Deck Sacred Beasts. RELINQUISHED DECK 21 | Fusion Millenium-Eyes Restrict Thousand Pegasus YuGiOh. "Millennium-Eyes Restrict" pages. Really fun and fairly consistent to play imo Yu-Gi-Oh OCG Deck Case Bandai Toei 1998 Card Case Japan Yugioh Used DHL. Thousand-Eyes Restrict from Legendary Duelists: Ancient Millennium for yugioh. If you have king of the swamp, senju and invoked in your deck it's so easy to get this card out right away. $24.99 + shipping. Diese Karte erhält ATK/DEF in Höhe der des ausrüstenden Monsters. „Aufgegeben“ + 1 Effektmonster
Einmal pro Spielzug, wenn dein Gegner einen Monstereffekt aktiviert (Schnelleffekt): Du kannst 1 Effektmonster wählen, das dein Gegner kontrolliert oder das sich in seinem Friedhof befindet; rüste diese Karte, die du kontrollierst, mit dem gewählten Ziel aus. They are a media staple, whether. "Le Renoncé" + 1 Monstre à Effet
Une fois par tour, lorsque votre adversaire active un effet de monstre (Effet Rapide) : vous pouvez cibler 1 Monstre à Effet contrôlé par votre adversaire ou dans son Cimetière ; équipez la cible à cette carte que vous contrôlez. plus a relatively beefy draw engine. Millennium Eyes January 14, 2021 Pharaoh Eyes Restrict, Kuriboh This deck revolves around continually summoning Relinquished and Eyes Restrict monsters to … Please refer to this page for the Yu-Gi-Oh! Deck Commentary. Millennium-Eyes Restrict; These are the card details for the Yu-Gi-Oh! The ideology of a Hero is something that transcends the Yu-Gi-Oh Trading Card Game. Item for sale is a Complete 40 Card Relinquished Deck. Millennium-Eyes Restrict. Dude it's awesome against Darklords LOL. Millennium-Eyes Restrict + In Deck. Yugioh Relinquished Deck - Millennium-Eyes Restrict Anima Fusion Kaiju Slumber. MILLENNIUM-EYES RESTRICT RELINQUISHED ILLUSIONIST DECK LDS1-EN051 LDS1-EN049. A HERO’s History Part 3: Joining Together, DeckTin - Yu-Gi-Oh! $39.99 + $3.29 shipping. If an "Eyes Restrict" Fusion Monster(s) or a "Relinquished" is Special Summoned: Add this card from your GY to your hand (this is not optional). Really fun and fairly consistent to play imo "Relinquished" + 1 Effect MonsterOnce per turn, when your opponent activates a monster effect Quick Effect: You can target 1 Effect Monster your opponent controls or in their GY; equip that target to this card you control. Structure Deck Shaddoll Showdown. Structure Deck Shaddoll Showdown. Read on to find out about decks and compatible cards with Millennium-Eyes Restrict, and how to get Millennium-Eyes Restrict. I mostri con il nome di quel mostro equipaggiato non possono attaccare, inoltre i loro effetti sul Terreno e i loro effetti attivati sono annullati. *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. In this scenario, since Millennium-Eyes Restrict is equipped with SPYRAL Super Agent, the effect of SPYRAL Double Helix that reveals the top card of your opponent’s Deck will be negated. Millennium-Eyes Restrict. Therefore, when your opponent activates a monster effect once, even if there are 2 copies of " Millennium-Eyes Restrict " on your … Android Deck Building Application, Nekroz of Monarch (Trinity, September 2019). TCG card, "Millennium-Eyes Restrict." Yugioh Complete Zigfried Complete Deck - Valkyrie + Ultra Pro Sleeves + Bonus!! Yugioh Infernity Deck - Mirage Archfiend Void Ogre Dragon Doom Archfiend Barrier. Legendary Duelists: Season 1. Esta carta gana ATK/DEF igual al de ese monstruo equipado. [R/F] Millennium/Thousand-eyes Restrict focused deck for casual online play I've been playing around with this deck online for a while and while it works I feel like it could work better . Relinquished is the fusion material you need to use to summon Millenium-Eyes Restrict although Relinquished himself can be superior in some ways. 3x Millennium-Eyes Illusionist (Ultra … Thousand-Eyes Restrict. Duellistes Légendaires : L'ancien Millenaire. Yugioh Relinquished Deck - Millennium-Eyes Restrict Anima Fusion Kaiju Slumber. Millennium-Eyes Sacrifice: Korean: 밀레니엄 아이즈 새크리파이스 "새크리파이스" + 효과 몬스터 ①: 1턴에 1번, 상대 몬스터의 효과가 발동했을 때, 상대의 필드 / 묘지의 효과 몬스터 1장을 대상으로 하고 발동할 수 있다. This card gains ATK/DEF equal to that equipped monster's. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Millennium-Eyes Restrict effect does not activate with regards to Buster Blader, the Dragon Destroyer Swordsman, along with DNA surgery on the field. Questa carta guadagna ATK/DEF pari a quelli di quel mostro equipaggiato. As low as: $0.30. If you have any questions regarding how to use "Millennium-Eyes Restrict," go to "FAQs Related To This Card" for clarification on its usage. Legendary Duelists: Ancient Millennium. Therefore, when your opponent activates a monster effect once, even if there are 2 copies of " Millennium-Eyes Restrict" on your field, you can only activate the effect of one of them. Equips monsters from the opponent's Graveyard to itself, Requires specific Effect Monsters as Fusion Materials, Requires Ritual Monsters as Fusion Materials, Requires nonspecific Effect Monsters as Fusion Materials, TCG official rules for "Millennium-Eyes Restrict." 3 Kinka-byo 3 Relinquished 2 Millennium-Eyes Illusionist 1 Illusionist Faceless Magician 2 Golden Idol 2 Fusion Parasite 3 Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands 3 Radian, the Multidimensional Kaiju 1 Gameciel, the Sea Turtle Kaiju 1 Jet Synchron As low as: $0.20. Extra Deck + Card category. Comments. Credit to Shadowrealm for Deck and Strategy submission. The deck uses Millennium-Eyes restrict and their support to lockdown monsters alongside kaijus and lava golem for anti-targeting mons' Secret Village of the spellcasters and royal decree to lock spells/traps. Thousand-Eyes Restrict. Los monstruos con el nombre de ese monstruo equipado no pueden atacar, y además sus efectos en el Campo y sus efectos activados son negados. Free shipping. (Even so, its name will continue to be treated as SPYRAL Super Agent.) A: The effect of " Millennium-Eyes Restrict " is a Quick Effect that must be chained directly to the effect of your opponent's monster. The deck uses Millennium-Eyes restrict and their support to lockdown monsters alongside kaijus and lava golem for anti-targeting mons' Secret Village of the spellcasters and royal decree to lock spells/traps. Dust Tornado. Thousand-Eyes Restrict. Yu-Gi-Oh OCG Deck Case Bandai Toei 1998 Card Case Japan Yugioh Used DHL. $68.97 + $20.00 shipping. This card can be effective against Decks like " Cyber Dragon " or " Harpie ", as they have monsters that treat themselves as " Cyber Dragon " or " Harpie Lady " while on the field or in the Graveyard. Seller 98.9% positive. Unfortunately millennium eyes is just trash rn. Item for sale is a Complete 40 Card Relinquished Deck. $34.99 + $2.99 shipping. The literal and graphical information presented on this site about Yu-Gi-Oh!, including card images, the attribute, level/rank and type symbols, and card text, is copyright 4K Media Inc, a subsidiary of Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Free shipping. Check out this deck profile that features the new card Millennium Eyes-Restrict. 3x Millennium-Eyes Illusionist (Ultra Rare). By equipping this card with them, it is possible to negate the effects of monsters like " Cyber Dragon Core " … $34.99 + $2.99 shipping. Seller 100% positive. Millennium-Eyes Restrict; These are the card details for the Yu-Gi-Oh! $120.00. Millennium-Eyes Restrict. TCG official rules for "Millennium-Eyes Restrict." Monster mit dem Namen des ausrüstenden Monsters können nicht angreifen, zusätzlich werden ihre Effekte auf dem Spielfeld und ihre aktivierten Effekte annulliert. Unfortunately millennium eyes is just trash rn. Deck 20: “Relinuqished” Deck Featuring “Kinka-Byo” Cats: あおば・アルカブ・はなの. MillenniumEyesRestrict-JP-Manga-OS.png + Japanese lore. $120.00. Restriction | Yu-Gi-Oh! "Renunciado" + 1 Monstro de Efeito
Uma vez por turno, quando seu oponente ativar um efeito de monstro (Efeito Rápido): você pode escolher 1 Monstro de Efeito que seu oponente controla ou no Cemitério dele; equipe o alvo a este card que você controla. "Abbandono" + 1 Mostro con Effetto
Una volta per turno, quando il tuo avversario attiva l'effetto di un mostro (Effetto Rapido): puoi scegliere come bersaglio 1 Mostro con Effetto controllato dal tuo avversario o nel suo Cimitero; equipaggia quel bersaglio a questa carta che controlli.
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