Then Winchester began offering their Trapper Models and I had to have one of each chambered in .30-30, .45 Colt, .44 Magnum, and most assuredly, .357 Magnum. 336 marlin to 358 winchester 09-02-2007, 18:46. Initially, the 88 was offered in the then-new .308 Win. To appease those hunters who wanted more punch, Winchester offered a necked-up .35-caliber version of the .308, the .358 Win. View; Winchester Model 92 .44-40 Winchester $ 2,499.99. Its combination of features make the BLR a premier bear rifle for the hunter who wants something faster than a bolt action, but does not trust autoloaders. : Full Review Savage Firearms’ newest shotgun, the Renegauge, was announced almost a year ago and purchasers are finally getting their hands on them. I see that CVA makes a single shot in this caliber but it is an under 6lb rifle. Its a very underated cartridge IMO and in many ways superior to the .444 cartridge. Magnum, .358 Winchester and .450 Marlin. Basically like our 35 Whelen. Since I am a little recoil sensitive(I can handle 30-06 easily enough), I would like to stick with non-magnum cartridges. We carry 358 WINCHESTER caliber rifles for sale in our online gun shop, including hunting rifles, tactical rifles, and more. The BLR is the only gun currently chambered in .358 AFAIK, and its a bit pricer than the Marlin (it is a great rifle, though). Browning is also rolling out a line of X-Bolt rifles in 6.8 Western while Winchester will add Model 70 and XPR rifles to the mix. WINCHESTER’S SLEEPER..358 WCF.. by Paco . Filter by Brand. In 1979 Marlin brought out the 1894C chambered in .357 Magnum. still one of the great connections that a smart phone can't provide In 1955 Winchester developed a modernized and more affordable lever action rifle, the Model 88. Marlin lever actions are traditional style rifles based on the 336 action. The BLR is about as modern as a lever gun can get, and the .358 Winchester is a highly efficient and powerful cartridge, which has killing power all out of proportion to its compact size. Seven years after I returned to the U.S. from 2 plus years in Africa the itch for the all around rifle I had over there got really bad. View; Winchester Model 73 Short .45 Colt $ 1,579.99. It was an old military Mauser converted from 9.3X57mm to a 62mm case. The .358 Winchester cartridge has been around for almost fifty years. ... Love the Marlin, love the 358 in all rifles I've tried it in, but the extra velocity you get from it would be pretty well traded off against using some pretty wimpy bullets in order to use it in the tube magazine of the Marlin. View; Shopping Cart. cartridge, a round that soundly beat the ballistics of the .348. I like the idea of throwing 35 caliber 225 grain or larger cast lead boolits downrange. Recoil worries again. We stock Browning BLR rifles, Remington rifles, Marlin rifles, Savage rifles, Winchester rifles, Howa rifles, Tikka rifles, Rossi I am thinking 35 Whelen or 358 Winchester. 336 Marlin lever in 358 Winchester - yes 358!!! If there’s a better all-around rifle than a .357 levergun I don’t know what it is, so I quickly grabbed one. That said, I might give the nod to the .358 myself. Taking the Versatile Savage Renegauge For A D.R.I.V. Mossberg - 27040 100ATR All Purpose Long Action Rifle.270 Winchester: $330.00: Marlin - 336SS w/American Walnut Stock Rifle: $600.00: Marlin - 336W w/Birchwood Stock Rifle: $430.00: Marlin - 1895 45/70 GOVT Rifle.45-70 Government: $550.00: Marlin - 1895G 45/70 Guide Rifle.45-70 Government: View; Marlin 336C-30 $ 759.99. Marlin 1895GS Guide Gun .45-70 Gov’t $ 1,049.99. The Browning BLR lever action rifle has been in production now for over 25 years.
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