lou gehrig farewell to baseball speech analysis

Which of you The streak lasted until Cal Ripken Jr. surpassed it in 1995. Lou gehrig farewell speech date Lou Geig was the first New York Yankees baseball player from 1923 to 1939, playing a record 2,130 consecutive games. Lou Gehrig, an exceptional baseball player for the New York Yankees from 1923-1939, conveys his positivity and accepting the manner in his farewell speech given at the Yankee Stadium on July 4, … “American Rhetoric: Lou Gehrig – Farewell to Baseball Address. Lou Gehrig’s “Farewell to Baseball” speech has maintained its effectiveness to this day because Gehrig had established himself among the people of his time as an admirable and truly appreciative man as well as presented the theme of hope in an emotionally-appealing way that would continue to be a universal theme for ages to come. Some points I have to include in the speech are the following points: The essay will be 300-400 words; I have to identify the ideas and values that make up the propositional content of the speech Look for something positive in each day, even if some days you have to look a little harder. Geig had an average score of .340 and won the Triple Crown in 1934. Web. 2 (2010): 1-11. ” American Rhetoric: Lou Gehrig – Farewell to Baseball Address. 9 Apr. ” International Journal of Pharma & Bio Sciences 1. On July 4, 1939, a dying Lou Gehrig delivered the Gettysburg Address of baseball. 2012. Yet today I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of this earth. https://www.liveabout.com/lou-gehrigs-farewell-speech-320677 I have been in ballparks for seventeen years and have never received anything but kindness and encouragement from you fans. Lou Gehrig Farewell Speech “Fans, for the past two weeks you have been reading about the bad break I got. ...English Composition 1301 26 May 2012 Lou Gehrig’s Farewell Speech Analysis Imagine a young boy and his father going to the New York Yankees ballpark on a warm sunny day. Gehrig, Lou. “Look at these grand men. Using the words from Lou Gehrig's 'Luckiest Man' farewell speech in 1939—saying goodbye to Major League Baseball as his once-iron body was collapsing in … Make sure to provide enough detail for each answer to show genuine, individual thought - reflect the effort of a PreAP student. The speech I have to analyse in terms of its organization and structure is Lou Gehrig’s “Farewell to Baseball” delivered on July 4, 1939. Minimal, superficial answers will earn minimal credit. The date is July 4, 1939 and it is Lou Gehrig appreciation day at the ballpark.Lou Gehrig had been playing major league baseball for seventeen years and is one of the most well thought of players in the game. Name __Mathias Schaffhausen_____ Period 6th_____ Directions: Use Lou Gehrig’s Farewell Speech to complete the rhetorical analysis charts below. The Yankees have won the World Series six times during their 17- A rhetorical analysis of the speech begins with the historical context: Lou Gehrig had set a record for the number of consecutive games played in U.S. major-league baseball, but he suddenly quit playing for health reasons. Lou Gehrig saying farewell to Yankees fans, his head bowed as he speaks into a cluster of microphones near home plate on July 4, 1939, endures as the most iconic speech in sports history. Academic Search Complete. Name: Period: Date: Practice Rhetorical Devices Lou Gehrig’s Farewell to Baseball Address Called “The Gettysburg Address of Baseball,” the following speech was delivered by Lou Gehrig on July 4, 1939 to a packed Yankee Stadium under heart-breaking circumstances. “Role of Stem-cell Therapy in the Management of ALS, a Neurodegenerative Disorder.
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