It is light throughout the duration. Posted 4/10/13. Maybe it was implantation? watery and lighter in colour, 2 small clots. Hi all, i'm normally on the ttc forum but thought someone on here might be able to help. Did a hpt and it was positive. @chattycat78 sorry to hear the pregnancy didn’t work out What I thought was my af has stopped now, consisted of spotting on wiping Sunday night, slight bleed Monday evening then on wiping Tuesday morning. Typically my periods last for a week, this was 2 days , and really not much of anything. These are my pregnancy symptoms that I experienced 8 months after my miscarriage and that ultimately led me to this unbelievable BFP (big fat positive) pregnancy test at 6 days before my missed period! Congratulations!! Congrats!!! I posted the pregnancy pics. The views expressed in community are solely the opinions of participants, and do not reflect those of What to Expect. Good morning - this is my first post. Especially with these VERY CLEAR positives a few weeks after that. Bleeding continued, very red and watery but not enough to wear a pad. According to ovia i should be on my period today. That’s what I assumed it was anyway, although much lighter than usual and shorter (around 4 days). I can point to the spot on my belly, it's so localized. It becomes light again on the last day. Many women experience light bleeding or spotting between periods. Am guessing it was implantation bleeding. Well 2 weeks ago I had a super light period. Well 2 weeks ago I had a super light period. Took a internet cheapy test which was negative and realised they aren't that sensitive, have got a clear blue test and a frer that I ordered. Sometimes it seems as though every twinge is a symptom of something bigger, probably pregnancy. Many women think it is their period starting when the see stains of blood after wiping after themselves. TIMING. I am sure you … I've had the same, got so many pregnancy symptoms the week before AF due then had a few days of start stop very light bleeding when I should have gotten my period - not like i normally get - now I'm so bloated and nauseous and still getting the occasional spotting (brown CM) but tests are showing negative - god knows whats going on with my body!!! : I'm so confused this morning!! Getting a BFP(positive pregnancy test) result is one of the best ways to confirm if pregnant or not. My friends tell me I shouldn't worry, that it could be one embryo didn't make it and not two. Brown blood. Relax congratulations, Thanks everyone. I got my BFP yesterday but waiting to go for a scan to check all is okay, but I’m exactly the same usually my periods are very heavy and always long however this bleeding has been light and on and off. So I’m not sure, I’m just hoping that I’m not miscarrying with this bleeding hopefully il find out soon xx, I thought I was coming on my period two weeks after I ovulatedThought my cycles must have got messed up due to stress or somethingIt was just spotting and not a full periodGot my bfp a few days before I would have been due on a normal periodNo idea what happened, maybe implantation bleeding Didn't have it with my first pregnancy But it can happenGood luck, I think mines to late to be anything other than a strange af, just is totally out of character Fingers crossed for a happy healthy pregnancy @MissSophieB397. i am normally spot on with AF. And I have heard first hand accounts of people who had this on and off in their … Mine was almost like a full blown AF that lasted about 45 minutes and then completely dissapeared and have had nothing ever since. Granted it was almost 7 years ago! Light brown discharge around the time your period is due may be implantation spotting or bleeding. I'm excited , shocked, and a little scared. Whats goin on? Implantation bleeding can start as early as a week before period. Are you sure you want to delete your comment? I'm upset that DH is binge eating. Your period can vary in length and flow if you are in your teenage years. If you feel a message or content violates these standards and would like to request its removal please submit the following information and our moderating team will respond shortly. BFP!!!!! They can't see me till December 22. I posted on here a few days ago, thought I would share my story. Brown or black period blood . I got my BFP yesterday but waiting to go for a scan to check all is okay, but I’m exactly the same usually my periods are very heavy and always long however this bleeding has been light and on and off. I stopped drinking coffee and eggs (thankfully didn't drink a sip of alcohol) and when my next period didn't come that's when I thought I got pregnant. If it was brown or mostly brown blood that's spotting, which can be completely normal for many women, no need to worry! Light periods or spotting instead of a period is also a sign of excess stress. Create an account or log in to participate. My period usually doesn’t come til around now, so was just before af was due however last month I bled the first week in September and last week I had very light bleeding. Feeling depressed I figured I'm having another chemical pregnancy (I've already had 2 this year). Use of this site is subject to our terms of use and privacy policy. I was confused... Find advice, support and good company (and some stuff just for fun). :) GL and hopefully you can get to your doctor soon, Implantation bleeding is normal and can happen a week before or around your period .. Not sure but those poitives are blaring and you havent had anymore bleeding so all sounds pretty good! Cant remember im 2nd pregnancy but that ended in stillbirth. My biggest sign was not wanting my coffee, and I'm a huge coffee drinker!! I am now 5 days late, but have had occasional very light pink or brown spotting for 3 days. comments (19) / 2. m. Monicam74. This stress can be physical, meaning: too much exercise, strict dieting, or severe illness. If your temps are still high you probably just had decidual or implantation bleeding. only AF was lighter than normal with NO PAIN at all. Not as heavy as a period- would describe it as like a very light period day where you are still … Just had a full blown period then got a bfp: Guys help! I always bleed for 4 straight days, never fails. That is until I didn't want My coffee. I posted on here a few days ago, thought I would share my story. My implantation bleeding was different to my period. panickinf which is probably stopping af arriving lol! The educational health content on What To Expect is reviewed by our medical review board and team of experts to be up-to-date and in line with the latest evidence-based medical information and accepted health guidelines, including the medically reviewed What to Expect books by Heidi Murkoff. I have a 2 year old ds who I still nurse, and my cycles have gotten shorter since I had him. Original poster's comments (7) 0. comment. Wait a week passed your missed period date to take one. Just seemed too much for implantation bleeding, not that I would know how much that may be! I immediately stopped taking them because I thought they were messing me up. This discussion is archived and locked for posting. Please whitelist our site to get all the best deals and offers from our partners. Have got two apps on my phone and they both say different dates for my next period to start. Good luck! We went into our first ultrasound around 8 weeks and up popped a 12 week baby! 28th May- BFP on a clearblue digital 1-2 THEN starting bleeding very dark brown blood at about 7pm. … I haven't had any spotting or blood since 2 weeks ago. Well 2 weeks goes by and I started feeling a little off. At 2am on 13dpo I wake up with horrendous cramps in my right leg (this is usual for me and my periods have always been really painful) and started bleeding. Your bleed could be anything from, Implantation to a false period, I think who weeks later and still getting strong BFP and new symptoms is a great sign x. So at 11dpo (day period due) I started with mild cramps thinking AF is going to show. My period is 14 days late , one the first week and a week before my period I was feeling a stabbing pain on my left abdomen and then I started feeling a stabbing pain near my belly button , had lower back pains for about 2 weeks and now all those symptoms are gone , had 2 miscarriages in 2016 and decided to try again this year , my period is regular so I was … I've had blood tests done & they came back as not pregnant. Pretty sure this is more than likely just my af but it’s so much lighter than I’m normally have, managing with just a pantyliner, or a small pad overnight, where as I normally just tampons and pads (tmi) this is barley there and stopping/starting. advertisement. I had a period on March 22…then ovulated on March 26_ 30…me and hubby had sex on March 27,28,and 30th….then April 5 -8 spotted Brown and light pink …for the first time ever….and now I’m cd23 and negative hpt…period due in about 3 days… was that implantation bleeding and am I testing too early Hey coconut gal I'm having the same thing as you right now, what happened in the end ?x. It's sometimes mistaken for a period (in your case also) and up to 3 days is normal.. Thanks again. Only notice when I wipe, nothing on a pad. This action cannot be undone. I got a neg on the day af started x . This is page 1 of 1 (This thread has 19 messages.). This action cannot be undone. This HerHaleness article enlists the causes of spotting before a period. Af started sat, was light which is unusual and has tappered off to spotting since monday. Light period meant bfp! Hello Just curious if anyone has had a light period then gone on to get their bfp? light period then bfp? They became suspicious a week later when I saw more blood. 29th May- faint BFP and booked in with clinic to do a HCG test. s. saston85. These include: Age. It also includes reasons for spotting instead of a period. On my first clomid cycle, I started bleeding heavily on 10 DPO. Has anyone ever had this? I did have similar last bfp but sadly mmc's at 14+2. Sadly that particular pregnancy didn't work out, but I did get a bfp. Today at 13 DPO and have very very very small amount of brown spotting, little darker than yesterday. Then nothing for he rest of the day. Ask the Food Standards Agency experts your questions about food allergies and intolerances, Calling all parents: please take our survey - £100 voucher to win, Are you currently breastfeeding? I had two embryos in and tested positive Tuesday. Then I thought I was getting a period on Dec. 20th but it was a light bleed that lasted for 30 hours and had a little red but also a lot of brown & pink blood. :), Congrats!! I am two days after my period and I have been feeling like shit so I took a test and got a positive cheapie so I took a frer and it's positive. We have been TTC for a year, charting for 3 cycles. Hi, I had what I think was my period beginning of this month, lasted about 3 days wasn't particularly heavy and had similar last month, I did have a 2nd MMC in June and I know it can take several months for them to regulate again. A light period (also called “hypomenorrhoea”) might seem like a good thing, but a lighter flow could also mean something’s off with your body. Log in Sign up. I’ve had something similar and now, reading this, not sure what to think! Since then I have taken 2 HPT because I still could not believe it was positive and have gotten BFP on both of them. That's a funny and amazing story! Early April I got my BFP after several days of positive OPK strips. So I took 3 tests and all bfp. Ease my mind please! then today oh told me to test, i thought he was crazy and just got two pink lines straight away?!? Last cycle my OB put me on 50 mg of clomid for a stronger ovulation and to lengthen my LP (average 10 days). reviewed by our medical review board and team of experts. In my period app this is what I recorded: But I was chalking all of this up to a cold. I took an over the counter pregnancy test but negative. We keep them up because there are a ton of great conversations here and we believe you deserve to see them all. Now nothing. As far as I know I'm CD11 and waiting to O in a few days or week. mayleo. Now I'm scared because of that light period. If you are trying to conceive and hoping that your Aunt Flo will stay away for the next year or so, or if you are sexually active and hoping to not become pregnant, this time period can put you on edge. Mine started on wiping and was barley there, did get a little heavier but nowhere near the amount I expect for af then stopped again and is now just occasionally on wiping (tmi) didn’t want to get my hopes up and was convinced it was af but now it’s totally gone again I’m not sure what to think . Spotting is a pinkish colour, then a reddish brown. 22 Reasons Why You May Spot but Not Get Your Period. We respect everyone’s right to express their thoughts and opinions as long as they remain respectful of other community members, and meet What to Expect’s Terms of Use. Thank you , I was having very light bleeding last week for a few days, sometimes bright red other times pink and then today I’ve had browny pink. Period blood starts off bright red, but becomes darker as it remains in the body for longer. I had pink and pale brown spotting on wiping for 4 days before my BFP, nowhere near as heavy as a period and then when it ended without any proper bleeding I tested 2 days later and got a BFP! I've also had localized cramps/aches/twinges on my right side since 11dpo. With my DS I had the same old blood, had an early scan and I was 6 weeks and it was vanishing twin, so one sack with heartbeat and one blighted ovum that was breaking down, most people won't even know their pregnancy started as twins when this happens if they do t have an early scan. I also recorded pregnancy symptoms I had after my early BFP. Congratulations!! For many women, the two weeks (or so) between ovulation and their expected period are very stressful. So hoping all is okay, Congratulations on your bfp!! i think by BBT i ovulated around cd 19 then on cd 27 (3 days before due) AF turned up. 30th May- bleeding very red and needing to wear a pad. Learn more about. When's the best time to get pregnant? Mum Lorew on our forum tells us: “I had very light bleeding 10 dpo (Sunday 15th Oct) that got gradually lighter over the next 3 days. That bleed is perfectly normal in a pregnancy. This is my 1st month TTC, so would be amazed if I am pregnant, … This afternoon turned into a lighter period and then this evening has turned into a heavy bleeding with clots. On Sunday and wed I had two tiny light pink spots on tissue literally that was all and since then nothing, last couple of days noticed backache and sore boobs which I know can mean a number of things, another period coming, ovulation or pregnancy which I'd be so happy if it was! I was having very light bleeding last week for a few days, sometimes bright red other times pink and then today I’ve had browny pink. However, call your doctor first thing Monday to make sure they know (just in case they want to monitor your hormone levels to ensure your baby is developing normally). I then went on to have brown discharge twice during the day which is what I normally get before AF. Home / Fertility / 22 … I thought it was very weird but chalked it up to vitex and b6. ! But the bleeding has been so light and so unusual, I'm wondering again! When I asked what that meant he said you’re just not as far along as you thought, but he didn’t seem to have any concern. Heavy bleeding, then BFP. Tested negative (taken way too early), having had lots of symptoms and then slightly early AF. I have a 2 year old ds who I still nurse, and my cycles have gotten shorter since I had him. Very very strange, but done at least. I was still nursing my dd who was only 9 months old I had a light period but didn't think too much of it because I was nursing and we were buying a house at the time and we were ntnp. This educational content is not medical or diagnostic advice. I just went in today on Dec. 29th for a quantitative blood pregnancy test and I'll find out on January 2, 2007 if I am. Brown blood. BFP after period !!! I had what I thought was a short period. I'm now essentially 16 days late. Spotting accompanied by lower abdominal pain and tiredness for a couple of days needs medical attention. We strive to provide you with a high quality community experience.
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