lead4ward intervention tool

Login page example. Mar 13, 2016 - Explore Yvonne Jagge's board "Lead4ward", followed by 168 people on Pinterest. The eight principles of major hazard leadership developed by the Process Safety Leadership Group (PSLG), a joint industry and regulators … The purpose of the 2020 CCMR Verification Process is to allow districts to submit corrections to TEA relating to any of the following data: Data for all of the bulleted items listed above are provided to TEA by sources OTHER than school districts (e.g., the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, the College Board, etc.). The tool allows users to quickly and easily access data from aggregated STAAR and local assessments in three possible checkpoints. QIntervention ® enables you to work out your risk of diabetes, heart disease, or stroke over the next 10 years and show you how that risk could change with interventions such as stopping smoking, losing weight, lowering your blood pressure or taking cholesterol lowering medication. Math, Science, and Social Studies utilize a “Process-Content-Process” template (K-HS). The REVISED Graduation Rate Template posted below was developed at the request of an accountabilityconnect member district. Respondents found that lead4ward resources improved profi ciency among students “more than a little” in mathematics, English language arts/reading, science, social studies, teacher induction, and intervention/RTI. Reading includes two templates (K–2 and 3–HS) and is designed around reading process categories. MATH STAAR: Relevant Review for Math Teachers – Intervention to Action (Grades 3-5) or (6-Algebra I) (Recommended for Spring) Request PD As we approach the third year of STAAR, we use the trends in student performance, patterns in tested standards, emerging success strategies, and student voice to create engaging a relevant review – intervention to action. The Template generates this data table for any grade level local assessment in Reading or Math (not just grades 4 and above). -James Comer Things to remember: Things to Dec 15, 2018 - Explore Hope Appel's board "Lead4Ward" on Pinterest. Due to the cancellation of Spring 2020 STAAR, all STAAR Performance and Academic Growth data are the same as reported for the 2018-19 Campus Snapshot. And we’ll explore how to leverage lead4ward tools and strategies to inform intervention and to plan with renewed intention. The leading learning series provides structure, tools, and implementation support to campus leaders throughout the school year. The purpose of the 2020 CCMR Verifier Process is to give districts the opportunity to review TEA’s PRELIMINARY CCMR Student Listing to determine if there are any non-PEIMS/TSDS data measures that are not accurately reflected in the PRELIMINARY Student Listing. The 2020 CCMR Tracker Process is NOT a data correction opportunity. lead4ward Student Performance Rubrics have the option for teachers to … See more ideas about staar, staar math, secondary math classroom. lead4ward … There are 2 versions of the Template, as well as a PDF document illustrating the steps required to populate the Template: 2020 Graduation Rate Template (updated November 2, 2020). As we prepare for students entering the new school year, we must provide varied opportunities for learning. Special thanks to North East ISD for sharing these resources: 2019-20 Campus/District Snapshot (updated January 19, 2021), 2020-21 Accelerated Testers Template (updated January 4, 2021), 2020 Graduation Rate Template (updated November 2, 2020), Academic Growth Template – Local Assessment 2020-21 Compared to 2019-20 Teacher-Determined EOY Performance Levels (updated October 7, 2020), 2020 CCMR Verifier Template (updated August 19, 2020), 2020 CCMR Tracker Template (updated August 24, 2020), 2020 TELPAS Summary Template (updated August 5, 2020), # of students scoring Advanced High in 2020, # of students scoring Advanced in 2020 who improved 2 levels from 2019, # of students scoring Advanced in 2020 who improved 1 levels from 2019, # of students scoring Intermediate in 2020 who improved 1 level from 2019, # of students scoring Advanced in 2020 who scored the same or lower level as 2019, # of students scoring Intermediate in 2020 who scored the same or lower level as 2019, # of students scoring Beginning in 2020 who scored the same or lower level as 2019, # of students who did not receive a composite TELPAS rating in 2020, CCMR Template – 2018-19 Graduates and Seniors (updated July 7, 2020), Determination of 2019-20 End-of-Year Performance Levels (updated May 18, 2020), Accelerated Testers Explanation of Methodology, Version 1 – to be used when Column A of the data export is the State ID number (updated December 10, 2020), Version 2 – to be used when Column A of the data export is the Local ID number (updated December 10, 2020), https://rptsvr1.tea.texas.gov/perfreport/account/2019/srch.html, Instructions for Populating 2020 Graduation Rate Template, Academic Growth Template – Local Assessment 2020-21 (Aware)(REV 10/07/2020), Instructions: How to Populate the Academic Growth Template – Local Assessment 2020-21 (Aware), Academic Growth Template – Local Assessment 2020-21 (DMAC)(REV 10/07/2020), Instructions: How to Populate the Academic Growth Template – Local Assessment 2020-21 (DMAC), Instructions for Populating the 2020 CCMR Verifier Template, Revised 2020 CCMR Tracker Template (updated August 24, 2020), Instructions for Populating the Revised 2020 CCMR Tracker Template (updated August 24, 2020), 2020 CCMR Tracker One-Page Tracker Info Sheet, 2020 CCMR Tracker Data Fields and Data Sources, 2020 TELPAS Summary Template All Grade Levels – Aware, Instructions for Populating 2020 TELPAS Summary Template All Grade Levels – Aware, 2020 TELPAS Summary Template Single Grade Level – Aware, Instructions for Populating the 2020 TELPAS Summary Template Single Grade Level – Aware, 2020 TELPAS Summary Template All Grade Levels – DMAC, Instructions for Populating the 2020 TELPAS Summary Template All Grade Levels – DMAC, Version 1 – to be used when Column A of the data export is the State ID number, Version 2 – to be used when Column A of the data export is the Local ID number, End-of-Year Performance Level Evaluation Rubrics (Word and PDF), Aware Instructions: How to Set Up End-of-Year Summative Performance Levels as a Local Assessment, DMAC Instructions: Creating Local Assessment Rubric: 2019-20 EOY Summative Performance Level.
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