kraken crypto reddit

Always had good experiences. This is called "inefficiency". Would have been more plausible if Kraken stopped ETC trades all together. Whatever happened to ETC, I can't justify that and it doesnt justify Kraken holding MY money for 4 months.. r/LitecoinMarkets Kraken is a good combination of good reputation, low fees, good coin selection imo. Understanding the Kraken Cryptocurrency Exchange. Good for active traders. If you move to Kraken you pay less in trading fees, but pay more to move crypto in and out of the platform, so you should ensure you keep your funds on the exchange until you build up a large enough balance where the withdraw … Before being able to deposit any digital assets or cryptocurrencies, your account must first be verified to the Starter level or higher.. Once you're verified, you can deposit any of the supported digital assets and cryptocurrencies by … Kraken, a popular bitcoin and crypto exchange company, today announced it is supporting the launch of a new independent initiative called Kraken Ventures to actively invest in early-stage cryptocurrency and fintech startups.. As a global investment operation with a presence in Austin, Berlin, Hong Kong, London, New York, and San Francisco, Kraken … It’s funny how I get downvoted when I explain certain things. “Scheduled maintenance” is now over two hours past the original deadline. Whereas Kraken has around 4M active users. Kraken, the popular cryptocurrency and bitcoin exchange company, today announced the launch of account funding and trading in Japan. Kraken was founded in July of 2011 by the current CEO, Jesse Powell, in San Francisco USA.. Theres always a risk in crypto. Get an ad-free experience with special benefits, and directly support Reddit. In that regard Kraken can be blamed I think. Coinbase vs Kraken - Comparison at a Glance. The exchange is one of the most popular crypto trading platforms, and it has one of the highest Bitcoin to euro trading volumes in the world. Crypto Devs twitter. r/Ethfinance Rendered by PID 26902 on r2-app-0a8e128b1f170f824 at 2021-02-25 14:51:53.788688+00:00 running b1d2781 country code: ES. © 2021 reddit inc. All rights reserved. [–]SKCogs[S] 3 points4 points5 points 6 months ago (0 children). Kraken clients are responsible for their own reporting. [–]altocryptoGold 1 point2 points3 points 6 months ago (0 children). r/BitcoinMarkets Cold wallets are completely isolated from any online system to provide better protection for customers’ funds.. You could try these recommended crypto … [–]brianddkPlatinum | QC: BTC 73, CC 15 4 points5 points6 points 6 months ago (0 children). [–]Y0rinSilver | QC: LedgerWallet 62, CC 23 | NANO 15 0 points1 point2 points 6 months ago (0 children), Depends on where you're from. If you move to Kraken you pay less in trading fees, but pay more to move crypto in and out of the platform, so you should ensure you keep your funds on the exchange until you build up a large enough balance where the withdraw fee is less than the money you saved on trading fees. For example, on the Bitcoin blockchain, a block is mined on average every 10 minutes, and Kraken only credits Bitcoin deposits to a client’s account after 4 confirmations, which takes approximately 40 minutes. If we look at the cryptocurrencies that are accepted by these exchanges, we can see that Binance has a higher number of acceptable crypto than Kraken. I have been researching kraken and it seems like the best option for me. [–]cbct73 -1 points0 points1 point 6 months ago (0 children). Sorry, but you got to understand that coins that can be rolled back and have rolled back multiple times in the past are super risky for any exchanges. It’s almost entirely because the fees are rather high. Kraken supports Fiat deposits but a trader must complete a KYC verification before they can deposit in Fiat. Find live cryptocurrency prices and quotes for over 30 assets at the Kraken Exchange. I have been using Coinbase but I’m not the biggest fan of it.. Welcome to /r/CryptoCurrency. Kraken is unique in that they are one of the few fiat-to-crypto exchanges that offers a fairly wide range of cryptocurrencies for trading, allowing you to make direct trades between all available pairs. Now, after 4 months, I still don't have my ETC. They even had a text saying they require 81 000 confirmations. Also, it’s their fault for allowing etc deposits then lying about the amount of confirmations. Kraken is a crypto-to-crypto and fiat-to-crypto exchange which works like a traditional stock exchange by matching buy and sell orders for a fee. OP wasn't trying to store his shit on an exchange he was trying to buy and sell. I guess you are shilling that trashapp, [–]usedmyrealnamefirst 2 points3 points4 points 6 months ago (1 child), Nah I just like instant gratification and don’t like waiting days for fiat to get wired/transferred over when I can do it the other way in an hour, [–]ruskata 2 points3 points4 points 6 months ago (0 children), That makes sense then, haha. Kraken is a cryptocurrency exchanged based in San Fransisco on which you can use fiat currency and trade many types of cryptocurrency.. Wtf are you talking about? They have, by far, the highest fees (almost 2%), awful graphs, poor API. It was with compliance for my bank. It stores the coins of most of its customers on cold wallets until it is transferred to another wallet or exchange. The live opening in Japan is an important milestone in the exchange’s growth and expansion into the APAC region.. Kraken is probably one of the most secure online cryptocurrency exchanges in the world. I’m rather new to crypto and have been putting some money into BTC every month. I need to get my ETC back. Warning: Background mining), IBM's ZeroToBlockchain (Free learning resources), r/Altcoin Multiple projects can succeed simultaneously. Even if it sucks. - Vitalik Buterin (2014), Coinbase Receives SEC Stamp of Approval for Public Listing. That’s the main reason why I want to transition. Here is the full list of crypto assets available for trade on Kraken: r/Best_of_Crypto r/Jobs4Crypto It’s on Kraken to disable deposits if there’s an issue. Reddit made a splash in 2020 when it announced it would use crypto to reward Redditors. Support is super fast and ive never had the feeling of lacking security. That’s not OP’s fault. Buy Crypto on and join one of thousands of communities. Where was the guy posting that crypto on exchange these days is safer than storing it in your own wallet now? However, sometimes it can take Bitcoin miners 30 or even 60 minutes to mine a single block (1 confirmation). Gox collapse, Kraken was the first company to create a cryptographically verified proof of reserves which shows that the exchange holds 100% of customer funds, as it should. Add to this the built-in 25% discount on fees when traders use BNB, Binance’s own crypto token, and you have some of the lowest fees in the industry. This subreddit is intended for open discussions on all subjects related to emerging crypto-currencies or crypto-assets. It seems to be a big barrier to entry if funding can only be done by wire transfer. r/Kraken and r/Binance has (or had) withdraw and miner fees which r/Coinbase (pro) does not. facebook. To represent the data of Coinbase vs Kraken comparison as accurately as possible, we have divided our thorough fact-based analysis results into 8 different categories. However, it was not until September of 2013 that the exchange officially opened their order books to the public. Buy Crypto on our Kraken app. Following the bankruptcy of former bitcoin exchange Mt. More the 'you've made your ETC bed, now you have to lie in it'. You can correct innacurate link-flair assignments by typing the name of a flair label in a top-level comment and in full caps, e.g. Dear Janet "Bitcoin is inefficient" Yellen: Right now, due to an outage at the Federal Reserve, the entire central banking remittance system including ACH, Wire, FedCash are all down. I really appreciate if you all could help me bring this post up. Before you make any comment on that my ETC is lost, look at this: Kraken have received my ETC succesfully, but they have not deposited it yet. avoid Coinbase... they will destroy you with all the fees.... [–]usedmyrealnamefirst 0 points1 point2 points 6 months ago (3 children), Kraken is good except you cant deposit fiat or buy crypto immediately, I originally switched to Kraken over Coinbase bc Kraken offered ADA and Coinbase did not, What I have been doing is buying BTC on Cashapp and transferring it to Kraken (takes the whole 6 confirmations/one hour) then selling/buying other currencies, The BTC I want to keep i buy on Cashapp and then transfer to my Ledger, [–]ruskata 1 point2 points3 points 6 months ago (2 children), I liteeally use Kraken ONLY for fiat to crypto trades. Kraken Exchange has a somewhat limited variety of digital assets available for trade, when compared to other, bigger crypto exchanges. Crypto is not "winner takes all". The information is updated on a monthly basis. r/XMRtrader CoinMarketCap (Cryptocurrency market cap info), (Portfolio tracking. I told Kraken, either return it back to my wallet or enable deposits. The information is updated on a monthly basis. By comparison, Kraken’s fees for spot trading are set at 0.16% for makers and 0.26% for takers. You can hold ETC in your wallet, but what is the use if you can't safely transact those coins anymore? Nothing bad to say about it really as an onramp, I guess, and I still use it for XMR. There are smaller exchanges like CDC and Uphold, but I haven't thumbed through their legal docs enough to know where they are skimming. In May 2018, Kraken made a $1 million donation to the nonprofit Coin Center and pledged to match any donation up to the value of $1 million for the following month. They also ignore me on other platforms. If you meet our requirements and want custom flair, click here. [–]Mista_Incognito 5 points6 points7 points 6 months ago (0 children). r/BitcoinMining The following services are now available to Japan residents: Everything feels really comfi. Now you got your ETC back and kraken has lost whatever you got for it. EXCHANGECoinbase VS kraken (self.CryptoCurrency). Of course exchanges should have disallowed deposits and trading of ETC a long time ago. Before you make any comment on that my ETC is lost, look at this: Kraken have received my ETC succesfully, but they have not deposited it yet. They even know the fundsa are legit and there is nothing suspicious. Even Coinbase and Binance allow deposits, why don't you? To stop this from happening, Kraken is not allowing ETC deposits or withdrawals, at least not in big enough amounts. its not krakens fault that ETC got 51% attacked.its one of risks that comes with owning shitcoin like ETC,that YOU took . Sadly you have to bare with it in this situation. Kraken is more than just a Bitcoin trading platform. You should have sold the day you read about the first successful 51% attack on ETC which was years ago. Yeah the fees are absurd. Aug 29, 22:00 UTC. [–]SKCogs[S] 0 points1 point2 points 6 months ago (4 children), Haven’t heard of bitstamp I’ll have to check it out.. my main thing is I want as low of fees as possible but don’t want to use a shady site. What if anything happens, where to look? Kraken Bitcoin Reddit . Basically, there is no need to laugh at someone or making fun of the situation and blame the single person when it’s no ones fault but the exchange. I've been Using Kraken since 2016... it's ok. Kraken used to be the exchange everyone trashed back before they upgraded everything in late 2017. Kraken really need to just drop ETC, along with every other exchange. My ETC is not in my ledger nano, and it's not in my kraken account, but it's at krakens frustrating. Kraken is a respected exchange and they will return your funds if possible. We would like to make your transition flawless. Follow live prices for all the top crypto exchanges with Cryptowatch. Trade orders sometimes stuck in limbo ... but except that it's solid exchange. Optimistic rollups launching on Ethereum Mainnet in March ahead of schedule: a decetralized scaling solution for thousands of transactions per second which dApps can copy and paste their code into. Do you mind telling me what that means?I'm new to cryptocurrency and it is becoming a big interest for me so I try to learn what I can. We will provide updates when possible. [–]CryptoChiefEthereum fan 2 points3 points4 points 6 months ago (0 children), [–]jnc23Gentleman 0 points1 point2 points 6 months ago (2 children). Buy, sell and margin trade Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) in exchange with EUR, USD, CAD, GBP, and JPY. How come Kraken employees only pop up on Reddit when someone is recommending them? Do Kraken drag this out so I forget about my $$$? Around the same time, the founders of Coinbase were also thinking they could create an exchange to rival Mt Gox. [–]cryptolicious501Platinum | QC: CC 59, KIN 31 | VET 8 13 points14 points15 points 6 months ago (1 child), [–]Frosty_SS 0 points1 point2 points 1 month ago (0 children). Does anyone have any suggestions? We cannot provide advice in … currently has 0% card fees. Founded by Jesse Powell in 2011, Kraken is known for its low transaction fees, a wide range of features, and overall security. Please, I appreciate any help. r/Kraken and r/Binance has (or had) withdraw and miner fees which r/Coinbase (pro) does not. [–]tkosamjaSilver | QC: CC 28 | EOS 86 1 point2 points3 points 6 months ago (0 children). I know it's etc and I should have know the 51% attacks and what not, but seriously, millions of dollars worth of etc is traded daily. [–]maninthecryptosuitGold | QC: ETH 17 1 point2 points3 points 6 months ago (1 child). I don’t think you know how large amount of money this is and when I get it back, I will be the one laughing in your face because I can take a guess that this is more money than you have ever had in crypto. I think they have been bought in 2018 by a Belgian company with connections or roots in Korea. r/OpenBazaar I think it is Europe only, as far as I can tell. Kraken Exchange doesn’t provide a personal wallet service for its users. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, Platinum | QC: CC 79, ETH 64, BTC 21 | TraderSubs 29, Gemini vs Kraken The below Gemini vs Kraken table shows how Gemini and Kraken differ with respect to trading fees, withdrawal fees, deposit methods, supported cryptos, trading types, user scores and more. Do not close or refresh the browser or app before the crypto order … [+]forgot_login comment score below threshold-15 points-14 points-13 points 6 months ago (0 children), [–]neck_crowTin 9 points10 points11 points 6 months ago (1 child). Time went by, I had 86 000 confirmations, I emailed them, in late september, and they replied that their etc gateway is disabled as of now due to recent etc 51% attack. As mentioned in another sub around this same time of year, but a year ago, Kraken does not send out end-of-year statements to our clients. [–][deleted] 1 point2 points3 points 6 months ago (0 children), [–]DahkelorTin 3 points4 points5 points 6 months ago (0 children). More posts from the CryptoCurrency community. View real-time crypto charts and purchase in minutes. 'If' you get it back...and after seeing comments like these, I'm not in the 'I hope it works out for you camp'. Stay away from Bitstamp. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. It wanted to be the easiest-to-use cryptocurrency exchange available!. Kraken was also the first exchange to carry out proof-of-reserves auditing. r/GPUmining. Id assume they do their best and youll get your funds back at some point if this gets resolved. 12th of September 2020, ETC deposit page on Kraken was open. Kraken does not "alert the IRS about your crypto." Thanks for sharing your experience. And do try to get these links and apps on your own through the app stores, please do not click on links that are shared by someone … I then copied my etc deposit address, and sent a large amount of ETC coins to my Kraken … Those are big fees. To ensure your payment goes smoothly and your crypto purchase completes: Avoid delays with approving the payment. Assuming 51% attack and co. is the reason Kraken gives, then why can we still buy ETC on their exchange ? Leveraged trading on US based Bitcoin and Ethereum exchange. The official source for CryptoCurrency News, Discussion & Analysis. The issue is with the coin in this case though, ETC has been successfully 51% attacked multiple times and that's why transactions can't be trusted anymore. Of course, Kraken is a cryptocurrency exchange.In other words, it's a web service where registered users can trade cryptocurrencies. My ETC is totaly legit, it come from my ledger nano, actually, I bought them of Kraken in early August 2020...and then made a withdrawl to my ledger nano, then after a few weeks I wanted to sell my ETC for other things..and I always use the same ETC deposit address on Kraken. 29 points30 points31 points 6 months ago (3 children), Kraken was the first exchange I verified myself with. r/CryptoTrade See all 10 articles Withdrawing cryptocurrencies from your Kraken account ★ Cryptocurrency withdrawal fees and minimums ★ How to withdraw cryptocurrencies from your Kraken account ★ Adding and confirming a new cryptocurrency withdrawal … I strongly encourage you to reach out to our live chat support with any questions you may have. r/Gemini offers a few free deposit/withdraw transactions per month if you get invited into their discount program, but they don't (or didn't) support Yubikey HW-2FA, so they are significantly less secure than other exchanges. Ethereum Classic (ETC) has been repeatedly been 51% attacked, multiple exchanges have already occured loses because of it. Kraken supports USD, GBP, EUR and CAD. Dec 14, 2017 DTN Staff. I have had a good experience with both kraken and bitstamp. Been using kraken since 2017 and never got dissapinted. I’ve been trying to sell my ETC, couldn’t deposit on Kraken, can’t even get em to Binance... was gonna try Bitfinex... Ijust want to get rid of that fuckin shitcoin ( good thing I got them for free at the fork. If etc is so bad and the 51% attacks, why do Kraken sell it then? I then copied my etc deposit address, and sent a large amount of ETC coins to my Kraken account. In the aftermath of the Mt. r/EthTrader Kraken Wallet. REDDIT and the ALIEN Logo are registered trademarks of reddit inc. π Rendered by PID 26902 on r2-app-0a8e128b1f170f824 at 2021-02-25 14:51:53.788688+00:00 running b1d2781 country code: ES. Kraken allows for unlimited crypto deposits even for traders who have not undergone a KYC verification, it’s only withdrawals which are limited. They currently offer 150+ trading pairs on the exchange. Important information. At the time, the company’s developers created the smart contracts that define the RCP rules, and the code was reviewed … Ethereum classic hahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahaha rip op, Like it says on, Deposits for Ethereum Classic (ETC) have been disabled temporarily while we evaluate the stability of the chain due to another recent re-org on the chain caused by a malicious 51% attack. Clients funds remain safe as we already had additional security steps in place to protect our clients funds from such an attack. 3 points4 points5 points 6 months ago (0 children). Bitcoin and crypto price data and trade execution on Kraken's trading terminal interface Gox, the Kraken platform assisted in processing claims. What is Kraken? But Kraken not only allows trading between cryptocurrencies but these digital assets can also be traded with fiat currency (what some people call “real money”; namely, … [–]Alphatr1on 8 points9 points10 points 6 months ago (0 children). [–]delgergs122Platinum | QC: BTC 68, CC 40, XLM 27 | NEO 5 | r/FOREX 11 3 points4 points5 points 6 months ago (0 children). In the early days of Bitcoin trading it managed to pick up a number of accolades. Ethereum Classic (ETC) has been repeatedly been 51% attacked, multiple exchanges have already occured loses because of it. Synthetix is a software that allows users to mint new crypto assets that mimic both real-world assets (like the U.S. dollar) and crypto assets (like Bitcoin). r/LitecoinMining [–]Kraken-MarcusRedditor for 6 months. I'm honestly not buying this Billionaire - Bitcoin relationship anymore. This may result in the quoted price expiring. Of course it sucks for you but is was obviously bad timing and a 51% attack is not krakens fault. you meant 'if' right?? Kraken or Binance are definitely some of the best exchanges. Why would anybody risk buying your ETC only to see their ETC disappear from their wallets when the chain is rolled back again? They obviously explained the situation to you and you have to wait. r/Liberland Coinbase Pro is slightly better than Coinbase. For me it is instant with sepa, since I use n26, [–]SKCogs[S] 1 point2 points3 points 6 months ago (5 children). Click here. submitted by /u/the-derpetologist [link] [comments] “Scheduled maintenance” is now over … Coming into this game late is very overwhelming lol, [–]Kumomax1911Silver | QC: CC 77, ADA 16 | EOS 37 1 point2 points3 points 6 months ago (0 children). [–]zum_mond_mannTin 16 points17 points18 points 6 months ago (4 children). 12th of September 2020, ETC deposit page on Kraken was open. r/CryptoTechnology [–]Kraken-MarcusRedditor for 6 months. ??? I have talked to the support, and they stopped replying to me, I contacted everyone of them on Reddit, and they don't bother to escalate the ticket. Kraken operates across the United States (with the … For futures markets, Kraken’s fees are 0.02% and 0.05% for … [–]rustedpopcornPlatinum | QC: ETH 70, CC 32 | TraderSubs 70 1 point2 points3 points 6 months ago (1 child), Sure but if you are US, your bank will charge you a fat overseas fee, [–]RagingMoto 0 points1 point2 points 6 months ago (0 children), [–]CryptoChiefEthereum fan -1 points0 points1 point 6 months ago (0 children), [–]tkosamjaSilver | QC: CC 28 | EOS 86 0 points1 point2 points 6 months ago (0 children). [–]zum_mond_mannTin 0 points1 point2 points 6 months ago (1 child), [–]Cat_Marshal 0 points1 point2 points 6 months ago (0 children). It's just been handy for making lots of small buys and avoiding fees. I had a problem with Kraken. Considering it is one of the oldest popular crypto exchanges, is a U.S. based exchange that accepts fiat currency (like the U.S. … They hold the majority of funds offline in cold storage. Come see why our cryptocurrency exchange is the best place to buy, sell, trade and learn about crypto. If someone wants to get into crypto to get its feeling, without throwing in their own money. I'm using coinbase but honestly the one time that I had problem with kraken, their support are great. Clearly, if comparing Binance vs Kraken, the bigger active user base is gathered by Binance with around 13.5M users. The only way to get around that is via DEX. [–]Cat_Marshal 0 points1 point2 points 6 months ago (2 children). google plus. Kraken Bitcoin Reddit Bitcoin . u gotta stop blaming kraken bro, and when I get it back, I will be the one laughing in your face. You bought a shitcoin that if Kraken allows you to sell and you then withdraw whatever you sold it for, somebody could roll the chain back through a 51% attack. For an instant Coinbase vs Kraken main metric comparison at a glance, take a look at the general overview table below.. Coinbase vs Kraken … r/CryptoMarkets [–]cbct73 7 points8 points9 points 6 months ago (6 children). use the following search parameters to narrow your results: Join Discord In Europe I'd recommend bitvavo. Basic. Too many have trouble with their withdraws. r/CryptoRecruiting Platinum | QC: BTC 68, CC 40, XLM 27 | NEO 5 | r/FOREX 11, Platinum | QC: ETH 70, CC 32 | TraderSubs 70, Silver | QC: LedgerWallet 62, CC 23 | NANO 15. Please make quality contributions and follow the rules for posting. It's kind of absurd." Coinbase earn and WeNano are both nice legit options for you to earn some crypto worth ~$40. Grayscale is largely to blame that it has persisted for as long as it has. Kraken vs Exchange The below Kraken vs Exchange table shows how Kraken and Exchange differ with respect to trading fees, withdrawal fees, deposit methods, supported cryptos, trading types, user scores and more. r/Blockchain Trading remains online. pinterest. However, Coinbase was created with a slightly different aim in mind. They ignored all my emails for help securing my account after it got hacked but the second I posted about it on r/bitcoinmarkets they show up like scared kittens trying to help. 1. That's it for the "big 4". It's a bit of math, but its not hard to compute. "The 'Internet Of Money' [Bitcoin] should not cost $0.05 per transaction. Or more, when someone laughs because I bought etc there seem to be people who enjoy that Kraken hold this funds hostage. I tried to resolve it for long time (nearly got really pissed off), but then /u/jespow answered to me personally and gave me some excellent VIP CS guy who was able to resolve my problem over Telegram nearly instantly. Now they are the undisputed champ as far as I am concerned. Kraken keeps telling me the funds are safe, and they keep saying that in January, they will enable etc gateway and credit my ETC, but they can't promise anything. CryptoCurrencyMemes, r/Bitcoin r/Ethereum r/Tether r/Polkadot r/Ripple r/Cardano r/Litecoin r/BitcoinCash r/Chainlink r/Stellar. [–]cbct73 1 point2 points3 points 6 months ago (2 children). There is no need for this thread. Bitstamp might be the most reputable exchange in the business, but they might have slightly higher fees and fewer coins. Before I always used Kraken. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. It was designed to be a similar style to PayPal so that users could easily move into the crypto … These synthetic assets (Synths) are backed by the platform's cryptocurrency, Synthetix Network Token (SNX), which is staked as collateral in order to generate rewards. Normal Coinbase sucks. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. The meme goes "release the Kraken" and here it is Kraken who should be doing the releasing. This is a lot of $$$ and ETC. Cardano announces new protocol update for 1st March 2021, Risk management tips for beginners in crypto. Does Kraken support Binance Chain (BEP20/BEP2 tokens)? If you are just buying and holding either is fine (use Coinbase pro tho), if you are trading then kraken is a better choice because you can short, its cheaper, and has better security. I don't know how much to trust them for long-term storage or trading though. Appreciated! Kraken - … Coin Center is a leading crypto advocate, educating policymakers and the media, while pressing for solutions that keep cryptocurrency networks open, … It's just annoying that they hold my ETC for 4 months and they won't help me get it back, even though they can. Hi, so basically, this is an update on this thread:
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