knight of cups keeps coming up

Like The Page before him The Knight of Cups can also have the reputation of using charm and romance in order to seduce. Thankfully, this seems to have been sorted. Luck you and lucky him. In the Knight of Cups, a knight rides on a white horse and holds out a golden cup as if he bears a message from the heart. The Knight of Cups can suggest it is time to follow your heart, time to get in touch with your sensitive side, time to act on your feelings instead of daydreaming about them. This is seen time and time again in separation or divorce cases where the injured party tries to play on the emotions of the surrounding audience or judge by making out they are the victim of prolonged and sustained emotional abuse. Think this one through and use your natural powers of perception. If the person depicted by The Knight of Cups is older than 30 years of age, he or she may be displaying signs of emotional immaturity and finding it hard to grow up. Obviously these descriptions apply to his positive side so we must remember that like all The Court Cards they do have a Negative Aspect, and when it comes to the Knights, because they are influenced by Fire, these negatives can be quite extreme. This Knight will look forward to the day when he too will have his own family. He will cunningly play one against the other. He can also use his creative abilities in the kitchen and may be found expressing himself through the culinary arts. The Knight of Cups Reversed can herald an emotionally upsetting situation or event that is either approaching or retreating. Really this Knight you have found just can’t get enough of you and you will feel in seventh heaven. You have a low opinion of yourself and therefore believe that others feel the same way about you. If so, take your time to decide what you want to do about it. It is bound to be a harmonious working atmosphere with little high competition and a nice homely welcoming feeling. It may all be a front and a façade with designer clothes and a studied sophistication and elegance that does not come naturally. Read full review On the other hand, you may be quite taken aback to find that the help and support you expected from family and friends does not materialise or has been withdrawn. Can you let me know exactly where the issue is as the signs can be linked to from a few different pages. We also have the situation of vanity with The Knight of Cups Reversed. Gentle and devoted this Knight may very well be besotted with you and has worshipped you from a distance for some time. You do like to wear clothes that you won’t see on anyone else. He causes people to walk on egg shells when dealing with him, necessitating those to carefully examine their words before uttering them for fear he may get upset or take it up the wrong way. He then makes it his business to make them pay. Tough as it will be, it has to be done. This 1% will socially withdraw from the conversation or behave in an indifferent or almost rude manner towards him, much to the dismay and annoyance of the rest of the table for they do not want him to leave. Emotionally upsetting as they may be, you will feel proud and gain much respect once you take charge and control. He will then close the door behind you and instantly forget you while you go home exhausted, but on cloud nine. He is overly proud and struts around like a peacock basking in the glory of being gazed upon. Open your eyes, for not all is as it seems. He is underhand and not to be trusted. So you have this Knight in shining armour wooing and courting you 24/7. He may find it hard to stay in one job for too long or develops a habit of moving on when it becomes difficult or challenging. Discuss the history of tarot cards, oracle cards, lenormand, and other cartomancy systems; learn theory, compare reading techniques, and more. You feel terrible because he is such a nice guy but that is the crunch isn’t it? You may check out of the physical world in favour of other realms and dimensions. You may be in an obliging mood and happy to offer your help and support wherever it is needed. He likes to be in control of the dumping part for as easy as he finds it to use someone and then dispose of them when he has got what he wanted, he does not take too kindly to it being done to him. When he appears in a reading, commitment to a cause or relationship is in question. He often confuses Lust with love. Is he helping or hurting? Use your natural perception and intuition to break it down into what the offer really involves. Rose-tinted glasses are put on and love is seen in every chance encounter or casual introduction. Even in a marriage, the same applies. You begin to see mystical signs in everything and lose interest in everyday activities. They act from a good heart but it needs to be balanced. He asks you several times a day if you are okay and whether you still love him. He can realise this at the eleventh hour as he returns from fantasy land and the world of rose-tinted glasses. The Knight of Cups Reversed may be trying to tell you that you need to make more of an effort with your appearance. Your hair may need a new style or updating. We also must look at the fact that he we have a Knight who is both spiritual and psychic. You need to find a healthy balance here as you are a spiritual being living in the physical and not the other way around. Then again you may not trust your intuition or perception of things. People are sometimes wary of accepting offers of help as they feel under obligation or in debt to their benefactor so you must not go about offering help in a showy or condescending manner. He is a stickler for etiquette, good manners and politeness. He likes to stay friends with all his women for who knows when he will be next in town again and in need of some female company. His slim, soft hands and long narrow fingers were those of the psychic, musician or artist. The biggest block to creative, psychic and spiritual flow of energy is fear. What they fail to see is that, just like life, there is a time and a place for everything and therefore there is a time and place for all the above, but not constantly. He will also brighten and warm your day with constant romantic, and often risqué texts. Just think of those times when you have entered a friend’s house only to have their dog jump all over you and every time you go to move they are on top of you, trying to lick your face and hands. Do something remarkably romantic just to let them know how much you love them. If the Cards surrounding him are pleasant and positive then I will run with The Knight of Cups more uplifting and appealing Aspects. As The Knight of Cups Reverses, Fire and Water become very unbalanced and often sway wildly from one extreme to the other or become totally fixed at one side. He needs to bring a certain amount of The Knight of Wands into his personality for when it comes down to it, women like men to be men and not some shadow image of themselves.
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