Kakyoin's fastest Stand Off normal. Just note that when spammed it becomes quite predictable. j.s.3, an instant overhead, is extremely effective and acts as his primary mixup, though unless you put a web down on the opponent for oki or during pressure your combo options are 90% of the time limited to simple knockddown auto-combo as j.s.3c will most likely hit the opponent crouching, limiting kaks stand on combo options. Hits low.2B - Hierophant Green turns its arm into a drill and attacks the opponent's legs. Hierophant GreenActive + Remote Mix match this pants with other items to create an avatar that is unique to you. Jotaro, Joseph, Kakyoin, and Polnareff ultimately encounter DIO, and escape his mansion. When out of range for j.s.3c, as you often will be, you can surprise the opponent with 324766j.s.c, an IAD overhead that, while a powerful tool, lacks any sort of priority and should be used sparingly as a result. Kakyoins theme noble. Make sure to get clean reps without any missing buttons. If the initial net was C, then simply walk up and do s.214A/B s.214A/B 214S. AVOID THE STAND OFF VERSION AT ALL COSTS. 214B 214C (hold) 9 463214A 665A 5AxN 44 (dash away from wrapped opponent to fullscreen) 236AA (Release C) 236AA - Meter dump wrap combo, more difficult than the previous wrap combo due to needing to land the Taiwrap as soon as you land on the other side of them. After installation, click Play below to join the action! Comes out fast and covers a large area in front of Kakyoin. One of the meanest matchups in the game, Mariah can do next to nothing against Kakyoin. The good things to note are he lacks options at full screen past the reach of star breaker, he usually has to get a read to punish your pokes (if you somehow can't tandem on reaction), and your crouching hurtbox ducks his S.5a. Upon landing the move will connect instantly. Hierophant's Field is an extremely useful special move that's both a great defensive and offensive tool. Great against opponents below Kakyoin. Depending on the button pressed, nets will be positioned slightly differently, with the A version placing it slightly in front of Kakyoin, B version directly at his position, and the C version right behind him. Hierophant Green possesses a body covered in veiny lines, which is protected by a light-colored armor. Has the same issues of not working after a meaty and screen positioning. If the button is held, Kakyoin can move around before the button is released and the attack is launched. If the move is avoided by the opponent, Hierophant will retract back to Kakyoin, leaving him vulnerable for a short while. A disgusting round stealer, this combo will often do at least 1/4th of the enemies health, if not 1/3rd. d.2A 5A s.5A s.665A s.5A s.665A s.5A s.5C(1 hit) xx 214S ABCxN - s.5a s.665a loops can be difficult at first, so don't be discouraged if you can't do them. s.6A - Hierophant Green attacks with his tentacle aiming up in front of him. Decent punish tool. While it does come out faster than the far version, its hitbox covers a very weird area, which makes this move ineffective against most crouching or short characters. It's also a part of Kakyoin's corner Net loop combo. 614 members in the RobloxAvatarReview community. After being freed from DIO's influence, he decides to join Jotaro on his quest to Egypt to save Jotaro's mother and find redemption. The first hit can be canceled into various Supers, but not if it whiffs. The move is literally the same as the Stand Off version. Strangely, you can cancel into this move from Stand On Emerald Splash if you input it quickly enough, and it can combo if the emeralds hit. Most of his openings will come from you disrespecting in the midrange and getting caught by a Hermit Grab or some starter, so simply wait for the option and punish or approach from the air. DIO and Kakyoin are based off of DIO and Noriaki Kakyōin from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders. This is the single best move in the entire game. Young Joseph is worse in basically every way and loses at any screen position. Hierophant Green launches a barrage of emeralds forward that travel fullscreen and hit multiple times for high damage. Good move to end combos with as it knocks the opponent down. Longest reaching normal in Kakyoin's arsenal. s.8A (neutral jump) - Hierophant Green performs a quick jab in midair. 214A S s.214B s.214C (hold) 9 s.j.66B S (stand off) 9 5b 214A repeat from S - Kakyoin's midscreen loop, builds good meter for tandem looping and 20 Meter Emerald splash purposes. Remote mode can be annoying, however Kakyoin possesses good options to deal with it with a good GC, strong normals, and nets. Covers a solid area around Kakyoin and pushes the opponent away. Hierophant Green is an athletic humanoid with robotic features, such as the eyes and legs, but its true form is that of a long web of tentacles. These cookies used for improving site performance or understanding site usage. Kakyoin's grounded combos will almost always go into tandem, so this will be split between starters and enders. VRChat lets you create, publish, and explore virtual worlds with other people from around the world. The input is 8 j.A/B/C 214A 5A. In Stand Off, the tentacle will move differently depending on the two attack buttons pressed. Can be also used to build meter quickly.s.5B - Hierophant Green swipes upwards with his tentacle, leaving a big W shaped tentacle in front of Kakyoin. Click RobloxPlayer.exe to run the Roblox installer, which just downloaded via your web browser. (Even then s.2c probably works on reaction at that point). Won't knockdown against stand on opponents, so you can replace the s.2C with a net cancel and continue to mixup and pressure after that. This can make up close "scramble" scenarios hard to poke out of, so just focus on blocking and returning to neutral where you dominate if he gets in your face. Jotaro Kujo - Download Free 3D model by loriscangini (@loriscangini) [e6ff3e1] This super does high damage and high chip as well, however, it's quite ineffective against characters with Stand On, both when it connects or when is blocked. Can end it with a super or s.664C>net loops into a super (can still get IPS'd sometimes). s.2A - Hierophant Green forms a drill and attacks the opponent while pointing it down. It also leaves the opponent a lot closer to you which might be scary if you're struggling against their pressure. Good poke and counterpoke. 2b will also duck it, and can counterpoke him which is useful. Also, unlike other low tiers literally every single move Khan has will break nets, so take note of that. Heirophant Green launches a single tentacle that moves slowly forward doing multiple hits and launching the opponent into a juggle state if it connects. Vrchat-avatar 3D models ready to view, buy, and download for free. S s.214B s.214C (hold) 9 s.2A s.2B (Release C) s.4C s.214A - Gives pretty much the same oki as wrap with none of the downsides. Tandem also has uses as a reversal, with its speed and iframes allowing you to escape pressure or poorly timed oki. Placing a net after an airdash attack allows you to jump or airdash again, leading to even trickier air movement than before. 214B 214C (hold) 9 d.2A 5A 2A (Release C) S s.665A s.5A s.5C (1 hit) s.236AA - A personal favorite of mine, purely for style, and can even drop due to IPS. He wears cherry shaped earrings: each is a long, fine arc… j.C (landing) j.C SC! Strong normal with good priority. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. It is a big part of his 50/50 mixups.s.2C - Hierophant Green performs an incredibly long sweep with his tentacle. Can combo into several other normals. Unlike the Stand Off variant, this move is a good harassment tool for basic zoning game since it travels fast and fullscreen. Comes out very fast and has decent range. The average is 5, but 4 is acceptable and more is possible. 5A - Straight jab punch. 5a should hit before the net. (Note: Kakyoin's crouching hurtbox is very short, and this makes him hard to IOH. It's an unblockable command grab that does good damage upon hit. Note that Kakyoin's nets will also always force a Stand Crash. j.s.B - A downwards pointing swipe from Hierophant Green. You can cancel into a roll during the startup of this move (before the first hit connects). Noriaki Kakyoin (花京院 典明 Kakyōin Noriaki) is a core ally in Stardust Crusaders. Considering that Kakyoin fires 8 projectiles at once, this move is unrivaled in projectile wars against other zoners, as long as you can get it out first. It cannot be canceled at all.s.66C - Kakyoin performs his s.4C while dashing. j.214A d.5C 214s ABCxN - Niche standcrash combo using a low landing j.C comboing into a second j.C. Only works vs Dio and standing Vanilla Ice, everyone else is too short. Click Ok once you've successfully installed Roblox. Hierophant Green appears behind Kakyoin and stretches its upper body along the floor. s.6B - Hierophant Green attacks with a far-reaching tentacle. d.5B/d.5C - Kakyoin performs his kick attack while dashing. Knockdowns are a powerful tool for Kak as they allow him to enforce the same powerful mixup game with the instant overhead and IAD overhead but also often allows you to first place down a web, assuming: After you place down a web you simply mixup the opponent and combo into the web from the mixup button, from which you can do any manner of whacky kakyoin combo you want. Though fatally wounded by The World, Kakyoin deduces the Stand's ability to stop time for a few seconds and relays it to Joseph. Proper blocking and spacing alone can wall him out completely with no hope. Throwing the opponent into the corner gives enough time for a net 50/50 that can lead to Corner Loop. Extremely quick anti-air, good for opponents directly above you. Khan is a "strange" matchup. Kakyoin performs a straight high kick. Some of your good moves will whiff on him even standing, but Khan sucks so it's just a minor annoyance. The A version of this move does not move Kakyoin forward too much, while the C version makes him descend at nearly 45° angle. It comes fairly quick and covers a very long distance, not to mention it also hits low. Net utility doesn't end there, however. Note that it cannot be canceled and the move takes a while to recover. Since the initial hit of the super is a downwards angled tentacle, it is fairly hard to connect. Join karim123541 on roblox and explore togetherjosuke jotaro koichijosephkirapolnareffkakyoinavdoliggyjosuke 8 dio mariah etc. Resort to S.2C because Iggy cant do anything about it. Comes out fast and deals high damage. Launches the opponent fullscreen, giving you ample space. He is typically seen wearing a slim-fitting long gakuran/tsume-eriW, but was also shown wearing striped pajamas during his initial encounter with Death Thirteen. If the move connects, Hierophant tangles around the opponent and will keep them in place for a while just to launch them into the wall for a wall splat. By placing down A or C webs midscreen, B is often the less desired versionas you lose Kaks most powerful buttons when its out, you can force the opponent to break the web in order to get in, and to do so they will need to attack it with any stand on normal, allowing you to whiff punish them in neutral if they try to haphazardly break the web. He is the Stand master of Hierophant Green. The time to meaty is incredibly tight, so be wary or go for a reversal bait after oki-ing unless you've sufficiently conditioned the opponent. When Crouching use 6A 6B 6C in tandem, uber fast wakeup makes wakeup game almost impossible other than IAD. Kakyoin places an invisible net on the stage. When Crouching you literally cant combo this man. After successfully hitting a Net, they cannot be used again for a brief period of time. Bad patterns and a lingering hurtbox just like Taiwrap, using this move ever will leave you open for whatever high damage super the opponent likes. j.A - Quick jab pointing downwards. In addition to this it also serves as an anti-air if someone gets close too quickly for Kak to retaliate with one ofhis large anti-air pokes, and is often more optimal as catching someone with an AA net leads to an air Emerald Splash super combo. Causes hard knockdown. Very bland move with not much use.5C - Hierophant appears on top of Kakyoin to use his Drill, hitting the opponent twice. Gyro is one of the 2 NPCs that sell thing(s). The opponent can also wiggle themselves out of the entanglement if Kakyoin does not immediately start hitting the opponent by pressing left and right fast enough. Feb 21, 2020 - Explore Fyre Lynx's board "Roblox characters", followed by 430 people on Pinterest. Its one of the millions of unique user generated 3d experiences created on roblox. Small stages are even easier for you, giving her less breathing room. Keep track of how many reps Hierophant Green has done, so you can time your tandem ender (See combos below). Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time.
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