It needs some time, and if a projectile, or a fist, or whatever, was to travel fast enough towards Ghiaccio's face, he would be defeated. From JoJo's Bizarre Encyclopedia - JoJo Wiki. It is one of the first Stands to not … I accept criticism, please leave your requests, complaints, or suggestions in the comments. Rarity Tier List … Weather Report 4. 1 Description 2 Ability 2.1 Illusion 3 Chapters / Episodes 4 Gallery 5 Trivia 6 References 7 Site Navigation As a Stand that generates illusions and whose user was swiftly defeated, its appearance and personality, if any, are unknown. 8 Joseph Joestar — Hermit Purple While the first two parts of the series were exceptional, it was not until part 3's Stardust Crusaders that Araki revolutionized the series by introducing the concept of the Stands.. RELATED: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Every JoJo … From JoJo's Bizarre Encyclopedia - JoJo Wiki. Play KurtzPel NOW: Thanks again to Schroder for lending his voice. Holy Kujo acquired a Stand after DIO's awakening in Stardust Crusaders.Although most Stands are used for fighting, this Stand worked against Holy. Is the OBD at all interested in making a list? ... Resource Worker's Stand. IMPORTANT NOTE: This is no longer a stand in PJJ, and is not expected to come back as of 9-15-20. Category:Part 5 Stands. Her gentle, non-violent soul made her lack the mental strength necessary to control the Stand, slowly making her ill with a harmful high fever and nearly ending her life by the end of Part 3. VIEW OLDER REPLIES. From the creative mind of Hirohiko Araki, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is one of the most popular anime/manga series of all time. 55. Q-The user would place a outlet wherever they were standing.If anyone came in a radius of this they would be affected by bastet's powers. 3. So, since I've last posted a tier list of Stands I've gotten quite a bit of criticism and I think I can make up for it by giving an updated version. Za Warudo / King Crimson 5. Jojo Part 4 Stand Tier list. 0. * Template:Part 4 Stands; 1 Partie III: Stardust Crusaders 1.1 Protagonistes 1.2 Antagoniste 1.3 Autres 2 Partie IV: Diamond is Unbreakable 2.1 Protagonistes 2.2 Antagoniste 2.3 Autres 3 Partie V: Golden Wind 3.1 Protagonistes 3.2 Autres 3.3 Antagoniste 3.4 Ennemis 4 Partie VI: Stone Ocean 4.1 Protagonistes 4.2 Antagoniste 4.3 … Tenore Sax(ティナー・サックス,Tinā Sakkusu) is the Stand of Kenny G., featured in Stardust Crusaders. 18. Pour plus d'explication sur le concept de Stand, voir cette page. Edit the label text in each row. 4. Introduction. A Stand Power Tier-list for parts (3-6) Various Spoilers spoiler. This is the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure subreddit, and while the subreddit is named for Part Three: Stardust Crusaders, it covers all of the manga and various animated series - Our banner was made by u/MayorDoi and our subreddit icon was made by u/Ammu_22. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Silver Chariot (SC) Killer Queen (KQ) Metallica; Gold Experience (GE) Poison Stand (PS) Six Pistols (6P) Sticky Fingers (SF) Hierophant Green (HG) Legendary. Subcategories. Partie 3 - Stardust Crusaders. 374k. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Use Trello to collaborate, communicate and coordinate on all of your projects. From JoJo's Bizarre Encyclopedia - JoJo Wiki. It is seen wearing a dark blue tuxedo with a bow tie, and a belt with a buckle shaped like a "W" for "White Wedding". Click 'Save/Download' and add a title and description. The Stands that Araki brought to the series from Part 3 onwards has to be mentioned, with each of these supernatural entities turning JoJo into one of the most unique shonen anime around. Various spoiler. 5. Stand List Normal Stands. If you didn't have the 100 worthiness, you would have gotten the Tier 3 stand. P Part 3 Chapters (153 P) Pages in category "Part 3 Story Arcs" JoJo's Bizarre Adventure adds a twist to the fighting game formula through the use of each characters' "Stand", a supernatural ability or being unique to each character. Drag the images into the order you would like. Killer Queen I guess I just hoped someone had made a tier list and I just didnt know. Here's a list of each main JoJo's Stand, ranked in terms of strength. Stand Diamond is Unbreakable. Posted by 1 year ago. Log In Sign Up. White Wedding can … This is the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure subreddit, and while the subreddit is named for Part Three ... Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. These are the Stands featured in Vento Aureo. Close. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (also known as JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future in Japan) is based on the third part of the manga of the same name. My Vento Aureo Stand Tier List. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. 3. Common. Giorno Giovanna. We could just try to quantify the hax of the top tier and go from there. Mega deleted the my-image (12).png attachment from Stand Trading Rarity Tier List. Tier List: Weights Table: Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 Tier 6 Tier 7 Tier 8 WEIGHT: 3000 2000 1000 700 350 5 1 0.1 REQ WEIGHT: 1 100 300 Jump to navigation Jump to search. This tier list is a bit different than the one I made for Part 3, because most of the Stands in Vento Aureo are indeed very powerful. haze renamed Rarity Tier List (from Stand Trading Rarity Tier List) Mega attached my-image (20).png to Stand Trading Rarity Tier List. 1 Appearance 2 Moves 3 Tips 3.1 Countering The Sun 3.2 Using The Sun 4 Trivia The Sun takes on the form of a large fiery sphere in the sky, similar to its anime and manga counterpart. The Hand (TH) Magician's Red (MR) Chili Pepper (CP) Crazy Diamond (CD) The Emperor (TE) Epic. A decently-sized health pool will counter any … As I mentioned above, I don't think this Stand is good enough to be in Tier 2. Share your Tier List. The Passion, both from Jorge Joestar, and the alt-universe version could both be on here (ablit that's because the Passion in Jorge Joestar allows a person to have a second stand as well as sight into the future and past, and the Passion from alt universe was literally just all of the Joestar stands put together) Nither are at the top, but I can see both being useful enough to be tier 2 Pages in category "Part 5 Stands" Resource Worker. Trello is the visual collaboration platform that gives teams perspective on projects. There is no point in having more than 100 worthiness, as bumping up tiers doesn't stack. 1. Category:Part 3 Story Arcs. ... Father Nijimura's Stand. Gold Experience. 1 Appearance 2 Moves 3 Tips 3.1 Countering White Wedding 3.2 Using White Wedding 4 Trivia White is a blue-skinned humanoid Stand. Father Nijimura. 2. This tier list considers how strong a Stand is by itself: Stands with a support oriented role will be lower even though they're not useless. This is my personal opinion, feel free to leave your thoughts in the comment. The arrow was SUPPOSED to give you a Tier 3 stand but since you had 100 worthiness it gave you a Tier 4 stand. Archived. ... Board generic jojo's bizarre adventure game. Pages in category "Part 4 Stands" The following 114 pages are in this category, out of 114 total. It wears a white-brimmed top hat, and black shoes, it also wears a visor with pink lenses. E-The user would place down a medal nut, this would go straight to the infected person if they were near it.The infected would … This category has only the following subcategory. These are the story arcs of Stardust Crusaders. NOTE: This Tier List is based off of both the overall power and the amount of skill the stand/spec takes to use. Let's say that you use an arrow and you have 100 worthiness. 1 How to get stand 2 How to summon stand 3 Stand Controls 4 List of stands 4.1 Part 3 4.2 Part 4 4.3 Part 5 4.4 Part 6 4.5 Part 7 4.6 Part 8 There's 4 ways of getting stands: There's a small chance to spawn with a stand upon creating a new player (Inheritance) You can ask Marine Biologist for an Arrow Shard, which you use to stab yourself then wait an in-game … Vento Aureo Stands. Part Five Spoilers spoiler. Star Platinum / Jotaro Kujo; Probablement un des Stand les plus puissants du monde : rapide (supérieur à la vitesse de la lumière), doté de réflexes phénoménaux et d'une force surhumaine, il est en mesure d'attraper des balles au vol ou de pulvériser une voiture d'un seul coup de poing. User account menu • Parts 3-8 Comprehensive Stand Tier List. D&D Beyond Although The Sun applies constant burn damage to anyone near its user, said damage is rather weak. Sticky Fingers. Unobtainables none lol S+ Green Baby Dio Bone Golden Steel Ball Corpse Part S Dio's Diary Vampire Mask A Requiem Arrow Frog B Steel ball C Bow D Banknote Stand Arrow Rokakaka Fruit Soda Rarity Tier List 『Items』 on generic jojo's bizarre adventure game Echoes Act 3 (Act 3) Rare. Thanks again to KurtzPel and KOG Games for sponsoring this video! The Sun is a Stand in Project JoJo.
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