As the name implies, we intend to saturate boas with color and pattern mutations while keeping boas happy and healthy in our care. The hypo eclipse morph is another gorgeous morph we just had to include on the list! The following information is from the Boa Forum on Price. 2 years ago; For Sale; Reptiles; Boa Snake; Nottingham . Slow grown healthy snake. Available Boas. Waiting for these kids to go into their first shed. Important note about my boas - I'm a very conservative feeder. This is my little six month old Hypo harlequin boa called “Harley “ he seems such a worm Compared to most of my adult boas, he shed last night so I took a couple of Pics of him. Next are my corn island Nicaraguan boas, stay around 5ft these are only found on. CrispySnakes Boa constrictor enthusiast. Nottingham, Nottinghamshire. Some very high quality IMG boas will become completely black in adulthood, but most will retain at least a faint pattern that's either speckled or "shadowed". 8. Piebald . Pied Boa Constrictor IMG stands for Increasing Melanin Gene. $150 - $250. IMG Boa. Tweet. Come with breeders certificate and feeding records. Share. 2016 Male Hypo Harlequin Het 100% VPI. He has such a cool tail and the pinks really coming thru on his sides, his dad is t+ vpi pink panther and his mum was a Hypo harlequin, so he should colour up quite well If you've never purchased an animal from me then you should know that my boas will be extremely healthy but they will appear as much as two years smaller than power fed animals. Will accept fair offers. Some of the Morphs that we plan to be involved with include Hypomelanistic, Jungle, Motley, Lipstick Albino, Harlequin, & VPI T+. This results in a boa that has less color than a "normal" boa and has the co-dominant Hypo gene. 19SUNxSEA - OT hypo harlequin super stripe (and het) litter (Boa imperator). 19SUNxSEA super stripe boa imperator snake snakes Pin it. Very nice boa, nice and bright, clean and well marked. £150. Kingsnake Boa Forum - Genetics Information. A small island of the Coast of Nicaragua and are quite different to the mainland, the some times called fire bellied nics due to the colour and they can change colour from a lovely silvery grey to an almost kaki green,like having two different snakes, i have a pair the male is a lot smaller than the female Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Hypo Harlequin X F1 Aby = This breeding was done by Bill Parks and resulted in some phenomenal offspring that were more of the zig zag pattern with amazing color! Hypo Eclipse Boa Constrictor Source. A gorgeous orange brown body with black spots and a black head, as well as black eyes make for a very awesome looking snake! Hypo Harlequin Boa For Sale With Full Set Up! excellent temprement feeding on small rats. Pets and Supply. Sunkist - OT hypo harlequin probable super stripe (Boa imperator) CrispySnakes — Sunkist - OT hypo harlequin probable super stripe... 1.5M ratings 277k ratings See, that’s what the app is perfect for. Contact the Seller. I used the Boa Forum on Kingsnake as one source of many for information way-back-when, and it was a good source of information. Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna. Bloody Sunrise (Blood + Kahl Albino + Hypo + Hypo + Hog Island Hypo) This list is not complete yet and i will like to give a thanks to Damon of B.F.E.
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