how to ask doctor for tretinoin reddit

Ask any questions, stay moisturized, and may your Purge be swift! Apply RETIN-A once daily before bedtime, or as directed by your physician. The pigment in these areas returned to normal either when the skin was allowed to adjust to RETIN-A or therapy was discontinued. I started tretinoin .05 % cream about a week ago after having used an over-the-counter retinoid cream for several years. Did they ask you what concentration you wanted. Tretinoin is used to treat acne and reduce the appearance of fine lines and darks spots. If gauze or cotton is employed, care should be taken not to oversaturate it to the extent that the liquid would run into areas where treatment is not intended (such as corners of the mouth, eyes, and nose). The skin of certain sensitive individuals may become excessively red, swollen, blistered or crusted. Show Questions. Retin a (tretinoin) if moderate: If you have very mild acne then salicylic acid may be adequate. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, BE SURE TO ASK YOUR DOCTOR.*. First, wash with a mild soap and dry your skin gently. Each gram of Tretinoin gel contains Tretinoin in either of two strengths, 0.025% (0.25 mg) or 0.01% (0.1 mg) in a gel vehicle of hydroxypropyl cellulose, butylated hydroxytoluene, and alcohol (denatured with tert-butyl alcohol and brucine sulfate) 90% w/w. Keep reading to find out what you should know before trying tretinoin for your acne. I got mine very easily from 2 different doctors. Any doctor or skin care specialist performing a procedure such as a chemical peel, microdermabrasion, laser or light treatments, etc., needs to know if you are on tretinoin. Tell your doctor if you are pregnant. To help you use the medication correctly, keep these simple instructions in mind. But, the rules governing the manner in which the doctor conducts that evaluation — that is, in person or via telemedicine — differ at the state level. Your doctor can help you choose the right skin products for you to reduce skin dryness and irritation and may include the following: For patients using tretinoin for the treatment of acne: Regular use of water-based creams or lotions helps to reduce skin irritation or dryness that may be caused by the use of tretinoin. These are not all of the side effects that may occur. THE LONG-TERM SAFETY AND EFFECTIVENESS OF THIS PRODUCT IN OTHER DISORDERS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED. Remember, excessive irritation such as rubbing, too much washing, use of other medications not suggested by your physician, etc., may worsen your acne. Tretinoin is used to treat acne or other skin diseases as determined by your doctor. Ask any questions … I just recently went to the dermatologist for the first time ever, and I feel like once I walked through the door I was bombarded with Accutane. In the vast majority of cases, for a prescription to be considered valid, the practitioner issuing it must perform at least one medical evaluation of the patient. Besides turning people into lizards, it’s touted as one the best anti-aging ingredients in dermatology. Tretinoin is used to treat acne or other skin diseases as determined by your doctor. This is when purging happens, it can be the first day of medication or the 3rd week, or you may not have it at all. Follow the physician's instructions carefully. Sort By. Pat skin dry with a towel. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, It can cause a lot of dryness, redness and irritation so start very slowly. to come and discuss all things skincare related. I purchased enough to make the shipping worth it. An effective sunscreen should be used any time you are outside (consult your physician for a recommendation of an SPF level which will provide you with the necessary high level of protection). r/tretinoin: A place for Tretinoin/Retin-A users, new and old, to discuss, ask questions, and enjoy the effects of Tretinoin! SORTED BY RECENTLY ANSWERED 20 QUESTIONS. r/tretinoin: A place for Tretinoin/Retin-A users, new and old, to discuss, ask questions, and enjoy the effects of Tretinoin! These reactions can usually be minimized by following instructions carefully. Ask your primary care doctor or dermatologist for recommendations. So I finished taking accutane on March 16th and my doctor told me I should put moisturizer on my face and then apply 0.025% Tretinoin cream on my face every night before going to bed but I don't see results yet. Hi Reddit, I was curious if I would be rude to ask for tretinoin opposed to Accutane. Smooth gently into the skin. Big3 + Tretinoin + Azelaic Acid ++++ Yes i crush them very well and then add the powder in the Kirkland botlle and shake it well! It is recommended that you apply a moisturizer or a moisturizer with sunscreen that will not aggravate your acne (noncomedogenic (ex:CeraVe in the Tub, Ponds Cold Cream, Cetaphil, etc very important for preventing flakies)) every morning after you wash. RETIN-A works deep inside your skin and this takes time. These sunlight-induced tumors may appear more quickly and in greater number if the mouse is also topically treated with the active ingredient in RETIN-A, tretinoin. Or you can import from overseas at twice the price and wait for a month or two. To get the best results with RETIN-A therapy, it is necessary to use it properly. Some people purge and it's just not worth. Therapy with RETIN-A may make your skin more susceptible to sunburn and other adverse effects of the sun, so unprotected exposure to natural or artificial sunlight should be minimized. Spread away from these areas when applying. I don’t have Bitcoin. That's what I did while waiting for my ADC to arrive. If you are pregnant, think you are pregnant, or are nursing a baby, consult your physician before using this medication. I think I just transferred the money to them, and I haven't had any issues with shipping. Just get Retrieve from Instant Scripts Online. I‘ve been taking tazorac for maybe 4-5 months now and have gone through all the aggressive purging and my skin is like 95% good now with an occasional spot or small breakout every once in a while. WAIT 20 to 30 MINUTES [after washing] BEFORE APPLYING MEDICATION; it is important for skin to be completely dry in order to minimize possible irritation. The effects of the sun on your skin. If you can’t, however, you can still buy modafinil online. For extended sun exposure, protective clothing, like a hat, should be worn. I tired ordered from AllDayChemist but it's been two months and I still haven't received my tret so I'm going to try a doctor. Learn more about the benefits and side effects of tretinoin … Tretinoin, a.k.a. However, over the long term, tretinoin is highly effective at reducing the formation of … There is no evidence to date that tretinoin alone will cause the development of skin tumors in either laboratory animals or humans. There have been reports that, in some patients, areas treated with RETIN-A developed a temporary increase or decrease in the amount of skin pigment (color) present. Through A Doctor’s Prescription; From An Overseas Pharmacy; If you can acquire a prescription to modafinil from your doctor, then that’s awesome. For more moderate or any cystic component of acne, retina a is "stronger" and will be more likely to help acne resolve completely. However, investigations in this area are continuing. ... it’s likely your doctor will suggest applying a retinoid a few times a week at first, then slowly working your way up to daily application. If your doc isn't comfortable, ask for derm. Chemists sell it but you need a prescription. r/tretinoin: A place for Tretinoin/Retin-A users, new and old, to discuss, ask questions, and enjoy the effects of Tretinoin! In the short term, tretinoin can potentially make acne worse (a period that’s commonly known as the “ tretinoin purge ”) before the acne improves. It could interfere with your other treatments so they may ask you to stop using it for a period of time before and after your procedure. Do not allow anyone else to use this medication. Do not use other medications with RETIN-A which are not recommended by your doctor. Below is a list of pharmacies and the starting cost of a tretinoin prescription using an RxSaver coupon. While that should be enough for your whole face, after you have some experience with the medication you may find you need slightly more or less to do the job. The chance of these effects occurring will vary depending on skin type, the climate and the care taken to avoid overexposure to the sun. Where do you live? an allergy to fish (the gel may contain ingredients derived from fish). I guess I will just ask and see what happens, fingers crossed he prescribes it with no issues. Then ask the derm. Avoid frequent washings and harsh scrubbing. Get all of your questions answered on RealSelf. Tretinoin for Acne. The medication should become invisible almost immediately. All information is taken from accessed 5/9/2014. Your physician may advise, especially if your skin is sensitive, that you start your therapy by applying RETIN-A every other night. These preparations may include certain astringents, toiletries containing alcohol, spices or lime, or certain medicated soaps, shampoos and hair permanent solutions. Cover the affected area lightly with RETIN-A (tretinoin) Gel by first dabbing it on your forehead, chin and both cheeks, then spreading it over the entire affected area. She said was all good as long as I still got skin checks, and didn't use it on new spots, and that I wasn't planning on getting pregnant. Questions about Retin-A and face wash, with answers from board-certified doctors. GELS ARE FLAMMABLE. Separately: Apply them at different times and use only about a "pea-sized" amount of the tretinoin. what Tina Fey says is a great way to ensure large chunks of peeling skin. Cover the affected area lightly with RETIN-A (tretinoin) Cream by first dabbing it on your forehead, chin and both cheeks, then spreading it over the entire affected area. As you know, overexposure to natural sunlight or the artificial sunlight of a sunlamp can cause sunburn. 2 months?? Told them I had persistent acne (which I do) and they wrote it up with no issues. Ask any questions, stay moisturized, and may your Purge be swift! I have two 0.025 tret cream that I need to sell. I didn't even know it existed! This subreddit is a general hub for discussion, before and after posts, stories, experiences, and general information about cosmetic, or plastic, surgeries of all sorts. It is better not to use more than the amount suggested by your physician or to apply more frequently than instructed. I've got a phone appointment on Thursday and I'm going to ask for a prescription for Tretinoin. THIS LEAFLET TELLS YOU ABOUT RETIN-A (TRETINOIN) ACNE TREATMENT AS PRESCRIBED BY YOUR PHYSICIAN. The cost of tretinoin can vary in price depending on the pharmacy your tretinoin prescription is filled at. Remember, when RETIN-A is used properly, many users see improvement by 12 weeks. At this stage it is important to continue using RETIN-A. We'd talked about my acne during previous appointments, so I just contacted the clinic's staff asking for the prescription and they sent it out that day with no trouble. If they do, it is just your skin adjusting to RETIN-A and this usually subsides within two to four weeks. Please dm if you’re interested, More posts from the AusSkincare community. r/AusSkincare is a place for all Australian and New Zealand Reddit users (and anyone else, really!) You know it’s 100% pharmacy quality, and 100% legal. If you don't want to go through the time, use curology or yoderm. My biggest advice would be to WAIT THE WHOLE 30 m Tretinoin (generic for Retinol) The cost of tretinoin without insurance starts at $37.35* for 1 tube 00.05%, using an RxSaver coupon. I've got a phone appointment on Thursday and I'm going to ask for a prescription for Tretinoin. Ask your doctor about any risks. Press J to jump to the feed. I've been using it in the very small dose prescribed nightly and "buffer" by moisturizing first (but don't always wait the 20 minutes. If you are experiencing severe or persistent irritation, discontinue the use of RETIN-A and consult your physician. If you do become sunburned, stop your therapy with RETIN-A until your skin has recovered. Age. Don't stop treatment at the first signs of improvement. There may be some discomfort or peeling during the early days of treatment. Most everything I read states that its suggested to use Tretinoin a few days after microneeeling. Azelaic acid can be use once to twice a day. How do you pay for All Day Chemist? FILTER. Tell your doctor if you have ever had: eczema; or. Once your acne is under control you should continue regular application of RETIN-A until your physician instructs otherwise. Keep tube tightly closed. The medication should become invisible almost immediately. If RETIN-A is going to have a beneficial effect for you, you should notice a continued improvement in your appearance after 6 to 12 weeks of therapy. If you have questions about side effects, call your doctor. Two or three times a day should be sufficient. Tretinoin Gel, USP and Tretinoin Cream, USP are used for the topical treatment of acne vulgaris. Tretinoin might interfere with other skin treatments, and the doctor might suggest you stop using it for a certain time before and after you undergo the facial treatment. Washing too frequently or scrubbing too roughly may at times actually make your acne worse. Tretinoin and other retinoids exfoliate your skin and make it sensitive to the sun. It is less drying, more tolerable. Extremes of climate tend to dry or burn normal skin. Ask any questions … Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. In some studies, under different conditions, however, when mice treated with tretinoin were exposed to artificial sunlight, the incidence and rate of development of skin tumors was reduced.
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