Can these first time home buyers find something that has everything they both want and that fits their limited budget? Michelle wants a beachfront fixer that she can put her own stamp on, but Pat wants something newer that's move in ready. They want a beautiful, spacious, fully-upgraded house in a quiet neighborhood. She wants a move-in ready dream home with lots of square footage. They've set their sites on spectacular Anna Maria Island, a popular tourist destination just off the coast. Will the couple settle for a tiny space, or venture outside the city to find the starter home of their dreams? This will be a challenging house hunt... with only a $170,000 budget. With a long wish list inside the home as well, they'll have their hands full trying to find a place with a budget of only $325,000. Leslie and Art Solnick are ready to become homeowners in the Hamptons on Long Island, N.Y. Rob works in advertising and his girlfriend Amanda is a middle school Spanish teacher in Ann Arbor, Michigan. They love the look of East Dallas's century old homes. With over a million dollars to spend, they see three beautiful homes. Can their realtor, Kevin Belknap, who's married to Steven's cousin, find a place that makes them both happy? But she wants all the charm that comes with the smaller vintage homes in the historic part of the city where they're searching. It also has a big backyard and an attic they could renovate into a master retreat, but the master bedroom is small and they would have to share the master bathroom with guests. Linda and John love living the rugged outdoor life in the dream home they built on a Montana mountain top. But Chrissy's number one priority is to get a large home, and that might mean moving farther out than Zev would like. Having triplets has tripled the need for more room. They've been renting both the studio and their condo, but are ready to buy and consolidate both spaces into one live-work space. They get a free room for two months and now theirtime is up. Bryan and Rachel Bolton have moved from Louisiana to Nashville, Tennesee and are ready to break out of their temporary housing in a tiny townhouse. Contractors Jay and Paula Powell are true nomads and currently between homes. Allison and John recently moved in together into John's condo. But the biggest challenge will be reaching a compromise with each other: Gee wants an older house he can put his own touches on, to improve its resale potential, while Juan wants a move-in ready place. Keri and Dan are recently married and looking to start a new life. Can her friends act as the voice of reason and keep Tanasha in check? Hunters รจ una serie televisiva statunitense del 2020 scritta ed ideata da David Weil. Wendy's best friend Lara will join in on the house search. Keeping the house hunt a secret from their kids, their dream house would be cabin or barn-like with modern touches. Gavyn and Cory are on the hunt for a new home in Indianapolis. They want something bigger where they can really start a family. Will Chris be living in the city or stuck with his folks? They moved from Cape Cod to Myrtle Beach. But after having her baby daughter, the city became less delightful and more daunting. and Erica currently live on the top floor of a Chicago rental, but since they're planning to start a family they've decided it's time to buy their first home. The trick is finding all this without going over their budget of $300,000. Lynne and Eugene have spent the last year and a half looking at over a hundred homes and still haven't found one they like. As Cedric puts it, the children are growing, but the house is not. He wants something brand new with all the latest updates. Amber's other top search feature is space. A couple wants to find a bigger house with a big yard close to downtown Des Moines. Figuring out how to compromise, may make this hunt for a vacation home more work than play. With a maximum budget of $400,000, they have decided to look for a home within Houston's ?Loop,? This couple first met in the 5th grade, and have been together ever since. Michelle has her heart set on an older Craftsman style home with lots of charm and character. Recent transplants to Oregon look for a new home that will satisfy the father's desire for land. Now that all seven of them are sharing a three bedroom/one-and-a-half bath home, the two boys are bunking in the unfinished basement and shower times for everyone are carefully regulated. Alex doesn't want a home that's over 10 miles from her downtown job, and she especially wants to stay 'inside the perimeter' which means living inside the area of a major highway that loops around Atlanta. House Hunters Season 100. John and Kim Bojonny are making a mid-life change and are relocating to Phoenix. Along to help are his friend Charlee, who is a young homeowner herself, and Realtor Heidi Fore. Cody Sohn and Trent Mitchell have been dating long distance for more than a year. Season 159 guide for House Hunters International TV series - see the episodes list with schedule and episode summary. However, their biggest challenge will be finding a compromise on location - she wants to find a place in the city and he prefers to be way out in the suburbs. Being newlyweds and living apart for nearly a year has been rough for Greg and Nicole. Will they reach some sort of detente and find a place that will make them both happy? With a budget of up to $525,000, she's asked real estate agent Dee Dee Covington to help her find a new home. They have enlisted the help of realtor Dawn Geerson-Matesi to help with their hunt. With rent continually on the rise, they've decided to pool their savings and buy a house together. Together, the duo are hoping to find the perfect move-in ready two-bed, two-bath condo that is within Michael's $500,000 price range. James and Sherry have made a great living for themselves as the owners of a well-known air conditioning business in Dallas, Texas. They've asked realtor Judi Starliper to spearhead their search. With a million dollar budget, they're looking for a home with all the bells and whistles; something near the theme park with a pool, a theater room, and plenty of guest rooms for all their relatives. Newlyweds Anthony and Kellie knew they wanted to eventually buy a home in the Burlington Vermont area. But this structural engineer is not your typical buyer - seeking out cracks and foundational concerns at every turn. Juan, on the other hand, keeps his eyes on the bottom line and doesn't want to go overboard. They want to live in one of Grand Rapid's most desirable neighborhoods. She is a traditional southern girl, while Dayne is a neurophysiologist by day/punk rock drummer at night. But thankfully, Geoff, their old college friend and fellow tennis teammate, is a realtor. Making it even trickier, this couple needs two separate master suites, since Marion suffers from bouts of shrieking night terrors. Mike and Sean, are commerical airline pilots, who live in Argyle, Texas. But when it comes to the style of house, they don't see eye to eye. Mark and Carla want out of their two-bedroom downtown Detroit condo and into a roomy suburban house where they can raise their growing family. Young accountant Fiona has always dreamed of owning her first home before her 25th birthday, and she's asked her younger sister Ailish along for some second opinions during her search. After the wedding, Jennifer and her two kids moved in with Keith and his three kids. With her modest budget, can she afford the high-life? He also has his hopes set on an updated kitchen, a big yard and a space just for his guitars. Their biggest challenge is to make sure they make a decision on the right home, not one that will simply get them out of their current living situation. She was raised in the Detroit area and wants to buy a home in the St. Clair Shores area that has a big enough backyard to entertain. Will a competitive real estate market force these newlyweds to settle for a condo, or can they find a house that satisfies their wish list: something move-in ready, with space for Shawna's shoes, and the kind of open layout Mike prefers? She's been camping out with friends and has set her sites on buying a downtown loft to call home. It should be an upgraded modern condo right by coveted Waikiki Beach, with a modern kitchen, lanai, and views of the ocean. Carly and Jonathon love living in Jacksonville, Florida but they can't stand living in an apartment complex. Stepping in to guide them is real estate agent, Shea McGuire, who as a mom herself has keen insight into the best neighborhoods for raising a family. Will wants a single story ranch in the country while Katy prefers a two story craftsman in the city. But, that's all they can agree on. Dad wants her to buy a single family house, but Maya wants a condo. They've set a budget of $400,000, will these brothers land in the city or the suburbs? They're looking for a place with stylish mid-century touches, a second living space for their future kids to play, and a location near Tyson's sister's house in Austin's University Hills neighborhood. Jeremy wants a new build where no updating is needed, but his wife prefers something older with character. So they're ready settle down and buy their first home here. Despite the disappointments, they are still determined to find a house. Tanasha Anders is ready to trade apartment living for a place she can call her own in Dallas. Kati, a former Team USA rugby player, and Aaron, an Iraq War veteran, are searching the Milwaukee area for their first home. Now a year later, this 24 year-old can no longer take the mess and stress that comes with sharing the tiny pad. Real estate agent Kathryn Flowers thinks she can help. Colin and Audrey Vincent have been renting a temporary home they can't make changes on. Now with two young sons, they have decided that they'd like to add one more baby and a puppy to the bunch. The Block 755 Episodes. But the one thing Cristina won't abide, is a boxy, ultra-modern home on a street full of cute vintge styles. The couple have to decide which is more important: staying in their ideal Arlington location or getting everything else on their wishlist. Because McKenzie has two pet turtles, they both would like to find a home that has enough space for an aquarium and room in the backyard to build a pond. Topping their wish list is prime location. With both of her daughters living on campus at Kent State University, this picky house hunter sets out with her good friend Carla to find a dream home which may or may not be on a farm. Chris wants a fixer-upper they can afford on their own, but Lauren is happy to accept help from her parents if it means she'll get a charming downtown bungalow. Ryan, on the other hand, doesn't care what the house looks like, as long as it has a den and air conditioned workshop for his projects. Now that Colin and Kelly are expecting a second child, they're eager to move out of their relative's place, and find a large family home in the Indianapolis area. The apartment they share is perfect for one person but too small for two. Trish wants to find a home in Keller, to be close to their friends, but that would mean a nightmare commute for Ryan, whose job is an hour and a half away in downtown Dallas. But even a half million dollars may not be enough to find the amenities they want in the location they desire. But in one of the world's priciest markets, even with a budget of $900,000, finding a place that works for both of them is a tall order. Sheldon would like to stay on Ft. Lauderdale's east side near the ocean, while Kristina wants to move out west to a more family-oriented area for when they have children. House Hunters revisits memorable buyers to see their renovations. But the view outside is of a gas station and Nicole has second thoughts. Josh, Molly and their 2 young kids have been living for too long in one bedroom at her parents' house. Chris and Heather are ready to make some big moves by buying their first home, and moving in together for the first time. They loved their former Pennsylvania Colonial home and enjoyed several remodeling projects while there. The third place Rhonda sees is on the 15th floor of a downtown high rise with stunning views, but the laundry is in the kitchen and access to the refrigerator is awkward.
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