was $9.00, Band of Gold Hosta - large - REDUCED! 73 Exeter Road South Hampton, NH 03827. was $9.00, Mad About Blue Hosta - medium REDUCED! These spring blooming plants come in many variations of green. was $14.00, Pewterware Hosta - very small REDUCED! was $12.00, My Friend Nancy Hosta - medium REDUCED! If you are not pleased with your purchase, please call us at (513)-354-1510 or email us at service@springhillnursery.com and our Customer Service representatives will be happy to help you obtain a merchandise credit. They are very dark green with…, ( E.Smith & BHHS ) Small hostas are 10" high and 18" wide. was $16.00, Diamond Tiara Hosta - small - REDUCED! was $9.00, Rainforest Sunrise Hosta - small - REDUCED! was $12.00, Frosty Morn Hosta - medium - REDUCED! was $10.00, Sherborne Swift Hosta - very small - REDUCED! Foliage is elongated, wavy…, ( H. Hansen ) The colorful hostas are 17" high and 24" wide. was $10.00, Chesterland Gold Hosta - medium - REDUCED! $4.74 shipping. It is green centered with…, ( G. R. Goodwin ) The brightly colored hostas are 14" high by 28" wide. You can buy hostas here at our online hosta … was $12.00, Blue Flame Hosta - medium - REDUCED was $14.00, Blue River Hosta - large - REDUCED! was $12.00, Diamond Necklace Hosta - very small - REDUCED! Thank you! was $9.00, Skyrocket Hosta - medium REDUCED! We deliver hosta … Your order is important to us, and we want you, our customer, to be completely satisfied. Give us a call! Planted alongside smaller blooming plant varieties, a well-placed hosta can do wonders for your garden composition. was $10.00, Saint Elmo's Fire Hosta - medium - REDUCED! In general, planting hostas in a woodland garden, beneath a large tree or on the north side of a house is a good bet. It forms a mound of blue green…, ( H. Ross ) The large hosta is 26" tall and 36" wide. ( Van Wade ) The large gold hosta plants are 22" high by 36" wide.The foliage is bright gold with…, Like it's namesake, the American Halo Hosta is well known for its angelic appearence within a garden setting. Extraordinary Hostas for your Extraordinary Shade Garden. The foliage is bright gold, with heavy corrugation,…, ( Zilis ) The small hostas are 8" high and 12" wide. The foliage is chartreuse changing to bright…, ( Ward ) The floppy giant hosta is 34" high and 50" across. was $16.00, Prairie Fire Hosta - medium REDUCED! Robust & Ready To Flourish. Most Americans can buy hosta and rest assured they will trive in their shade gardens. was $12.00, Baby Bunting Hosta - mini - REDUCED! Hosta is relatively drought tolerant, but it's still a good idea not to let them dry out too much. They have clumps of blue green leaves that…, ( R. Savory ) The small hostas are 8" high by 16" wide. Giantland Puckered Crevice. All Perennial Hostas are currently available for online sale at savings up to 50% off the regular price. If you are looking for an easy-care perennial for the part shade that offers lots of choices in colours, heights, textures and sizes Hosta is a perfect choice. They form a…, ( D. Reath ) The large hosta plants are 23" high by 36" wide. Hostas We carry hundreds of varieties of Hostas... tiny to gigantic... blues, greens, yellows, variegated... in all kinds of forms & shapes. was $14.00, American Halo Hosta - large - REDUCED! The leaves are a dark green centered…, ( M. Chastain ) These hosta plants are 18" high and 30" across. You shall hear from us soon !! was $12.00, Winter Warrior Hosta - medium REDUCED! Featured Plants. Known as Plantain Lily or Funkia, Hostas are deer resistant, and attract hummingbirds. The leaves are…, ( P. Aden ) Crinkle hosta plants are 20" high and 30" wide. Dig and divide the plants every three to five years in the early spring just as the plants are putting out new growth. We pack them carefully to ensure they arrive safely. The leaves…, ( G. Harshbarger ) The hosta plant is 22" high and 36" across. Eden Brothers offers the highest quality hostas for the lowest prices anywhere. Pale…, ( A. Scheer ) The 6" high hostas will spread to 12" wide. The leaves of chartruese are broadly…, Hosta Guardian Angel has ruffled, heart-shaped leaves that emerge with a distinctive ivory-white center and an irregular blue-green margin. The hostas are deep blue, cupped, thick…, ( M. Chastain ) Very small hostas are 8" high and 16" across. was $16.00, Lakeside Tee Ki Hosta - very small REDUCED! Load a photo in our search bar! Hostas are hardy to zones 3-9. We have received your request. Purchase these Hosta by the bushel bulbs in bulk for your garden! The Hosta's…, Ann Kulpa Hosta - This striking medium size hosta is 19" high by 36" wide. was $12.00, Something Else Hosta - medium REDUCED! The plants have gold centers with dark…, Copyright © 2021 Buy from 100s of Hosta Varieties Online | Green Mountain Hosta Call 802-348-6368. We have hundreds of hosta varieties on sale. Thank You! Create your own hosta … They have light gold leaves that are narrow and…, ( E. Elslager ) The medium size gold hostas are 20" high by 36" wide. Your discount has been applied. Foxfire Divine Winds $ 14.00. With…, 18" high and 30" wide, the leaves of this playful medium hosta are yellow centered with wide dark blue green…, ( T. Avent ) These hostas are 10" high and 18" across.The gray green foliage has a creamy margin and they are…, ( R. Savory ) This small hosta plant is a 12" high by 20" wide clump of intense blue color. The leaves are blue green with wide gold margins…, ( A. Malloy ) The small hosta plants are 9" high and 16" wide. The mound is deep blue, thick and…, ( D. & M. Beilstein ) The large hosta plants are 22" high and 36" wide. Guardian Angel Hosta … When it comes to landscaping, hostas are especially beautiful and lush when grown next to textured plants like ferns. Not sure what it is? The shiny foliage has yellow margins with a dark…, ( E. Minks ) The large hosta plants are 24" high and spred up to 40" wide. Spring color is bright yellow, changing to…, With a height of 6-8 inches and a spread of 12-18 inches, Baby Bunting hosta is one of the smaller…, ( E. Elslager ) The large hosta plants have 22" high foliage that will spread to 36" wide.
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