the biology of skin color biointeractive answer key - With regards to achieving a goal a person could just put down on paper what it is you would like. You are pediatrician and have determined that a young patient is at risk for rickets. The documents for this resource meet accessibility standards in accordance with the final rule for Section 508 of the National Rehabilitation Act. different skin layers and how vitamin D is synthesized. Curriculum is NGSS aligned and uses anchoring phenomenon. A&P (Article) Gene Therapy for the "Butterfly Children" Chapter 5.docx, ALEXIS SHARK - Skin-Interactive-Student-Worksheet.pdf, Abigail Lopez - Skin-Interactive-Student-Worksheet.pdf, Marysville Pilchuck High School • SCIENCE 101, Bearden High School, Knoxville • SCIENCE 101, Jefferson State Community College • BIOLOGY 102, Keiser University • ACCOUNTING FOR HEALTHCARE APA2265G4, Southern Connecticut State University • BIO 120. Human skin cells contain the pigment melanin, which gives skin its color. brownish black pigment, higher percentage results in brown or black skin. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Interactive Video How We Get Our Skin Color! This one is called The Biology of Skin Color, and it is another winner.It is narrated by Nina Jablonski, who did much of the research cited in the video. Watch the entire animation once through. However many of us find that will we frequently lose these pieces of paper, or we all don't use a great structure like the SMART targets format. HHMIâs COVID-19 Response. 2 molecules in the body that UV radiation can damage. What is the connection between skin, sunlight, and vitamin D? View Homework Help - How we got our skin color worksheet.docx from BIOLOGY 101G at Arrowhead Park Medical Academy. (Circle the correct response) 1. In this film, anthropologist Nina Jablonski walks through the evidence that the different shades of human skin color are evolutionary adaptations to the varying intensity of ultraviolet (UV) radiation in different parts of the world. In HHMI's newest video, Dr. Nina Jablonski, a Penn State biological anthropologist and author of Living Color: The Biological and Social Meaning of Skin Color, takes viewers along on her quest to solve the mystery of skin color.The journey begins with an explanation of melanin, which comes in two forms: reddish-yellow (i.e., pheomelanin) and black and brown (i.e., eumelanin). This preview shows page 1 - 2 out of 5 pages. Title: Microsoft Word - The Biology of Skin Color â HHMI BioInteractive Video.docx Created Date: 9/14/2015 5:23:57 PM It covers your entire body! Kenyatta McKie describes how she uses The Biology of Skin Color short film to allow students to think of their own hypothesis on how skin color evolved. Go through it once more, stopping at each stop point, Click on “learn more” to access interactive art and a short video about the functions of the. Over a year ago I mentioned the HHMI Biointeractive site and its excellent videos. General Overview: Human skin color is a highly variable trait. What questions do you have. The Google Drive folder is set as “View Only”; to save a copy of a document in this folder to your Google Drive, open that document, then select File → “Make a copy.” These documents can be copied, modified, and distributed online following the Terms of Use listed in the “Details” section below, including crediting BioInteractive. This activity explores the evidence that differences in human skin color are adaptations to varying intensity of UV light, as discussed in the short film The Biology of Skin Color. Summary of the Article for the Teacher: It is recommended that this not be used by students in place of reading the article. No rights are granted to use HHMI’s or BioInteractive’s names or logos independent from this Resource or in any derivative works. Site includes presentation slides, guided notes, handouts, and experiments., Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license, The Biology of Skin Color and Hypothesis Testing, Understanding Variation in Human Skin Color, The Making of the Fittest: Got Lactase? Mar 4, 2018. Why is vitamin D important to our health? Not all downloadable documents for the resource may be available in this format. Interactive Video How We Get Our Skin Kenyatta McKie describes how she uses "The Biology of Skin Color" short film to allow students to think of their own hypothesis on how skin color evolved. Short Film The Biology of Skin Color hhmi Biolnteractive Quiz Student Handout NAME DATE True /False. From the short film The Biology of Skin Color, you know that the MC1R gene is very important in generating dark-skin phenotypes, but it is by no means the only gene involved in skin color variation. View poopA&P HHMI Student Worksheet Skin Color (1) (1) (1) (1).docx from SCIENCE ETRA at Baruch College, CUNY. Our modern human ancestors in Africa likely had dark skin, which protected them from the damaging effects of UV radiation in their environment. 2. After some human populations migrated out of Africa, variations in skin color evolved due to a trade-off between protection from UV and the production of vitamin D. The “Student Handout” probes students’ understanding of the key concepts addressed in the film. Discusses the evolutionary forces that led to variation in skin pigmentation. HHMI Biointeractive Biology of Skin Color. Biologists classify specific forms of traits as good or bad. John Moore describes how he uses the short film "The Biology of Skin Color" with his college students to teach them about the nature of science and hypothesis-driven exploration. Science. 3. Studies have concluded that at least 34 genes (and likely many more) are involved in human skin color (Sturm and Duffy 2012). To use this document, first read the Instructions and FAQs. Explain why evolutionary selection pressure depends on environment. IB Environmental Systems and Societies (2017). Hear how educators are using BioInteractive content in their teaching. As a teenager, Doris Tsao picked up Immanuel Kantâs Critique of Pure Reason, an investigation into the origin of human knowledge.The book is not an easy read. eliza_goldstein PLUS. Student Worksheet ! Published November 2015 Page 1 of 6 Before you begin, think about your skin. This document is Go through it once more, stopping at each stop point, indicated by the white bars. poopA&P HHMI Student Worksheet Skin Color (1) (1) (1) (1).docx - To use this document first read the Instructions and FAQs This document is made, available by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Whenever a species undergoes selection (from evolution), variations can be identified in the genome. Discuss why evolution may involve trade-offs. Thinking about the melanin as a protection I think could be an interesting concept to bring into the younger student population of schools. This activity explores the evidence that differences in human skin color are adaptations to varying intensity of UV light, as discussed in the short film The Biology of Skin Color.. Page 7 of 10 The Biology of Skin Color Lesson Student Handout QUESTIONS PART 2: Interpreting the Figure 14. Watch the entire animation once through. The Co-evolution of Genes and Culture. Biology Skin Quizlet. For example,long tails in cats be classified as good and short tails as bad. Describe the relationship between folate levels and UV exposure. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Start studying HHMI: The Biology of Skin Color Video. There are so many different connections it makes. Eumelanin. Theyâre developing diagnostic testing, understanding the virusâs basic biology, modeling the epidemiology, and developing potential therapies or vaccines. Saved by Casey D. 8. DNA and folate. The Biology of Skin Color Contributor HHMI - Biointeractive Type Category Instructional Materials Types Lesson/Lesson Plan, Activity, Data Note This resource, vetted by NSTA curators, is provided to teachers along with suggested modifications to make it more in line with the vision of the NGSS. 1062 views. Saved from Describe the primary function(s) for each of the skin layers named below. Outline a, treatment you would recommend to the child’s parents and why you recommend that. quantitative skill covered on the AP Biology exam. This is a semester long course for vocational track students. Our human ancestors in Africa likely had dark skin, which is produced by an abundance of the pigment eumelanin in skin cells. Describe why human populations living for many generations in different parts of the world have different variations in certain traits. Nina Jablonski found by overlaying the maps, where UV intensity was strong, skin was: darker / lighter 8. Jul 1, 2015 - This film explores the hypothesis that different tones of skin color in humans arose as adaptations to the intensity of ultraviolet radiation in different parts of the world. Tsao admits she made it through only the first 60 pages, but even that brief dip into Kantâs writings made a huge impression on her. HHMI scientists have joined their colleagues around the world in working to understand and slow the spread of COVID-19. HHMI Biointeractive Biology of skin color - video to go with the activity at the biointeractive website. Using this document, you agree to use this document in, Before you begin, think about your skin. Esplain the reasoning or vidence you ed to nswer Question 1. reddish-yellow pigment, higher percentage results in light pink skin color. Awesome the biology of skin color biointeractive answer key. What questions do you have about skin and skin color? 18 terms. The “Resource Google Folder” link directs to a Google Drive folder of resource documents in the Google Docs format. adaptation, anthropology, folate, melanin, melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R), pigmentation, ultraviolet (UV) radiation, vitamin D. Jablonski, Nina G. “The Evolution of Human Skin and Skin Color.” Annual Review of Anthropology 33 (2004): 585–623. I just viewed another one on the same site. HS-LS3-1, HS-LS3-3, HS-LS4-1, HS-LS4-2,HS-LS4-4; SEP6, EVO-1.D, EVO-1.E, EVO-1.O, SYI-3.A, SYI-3.B ; SP1, SP4. The resource is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license. It covers your entire body! This film explores the hypothesis that different tones of skin color in humans arose as adaptations to the intensity of ultraviolet radiation in different parts of the world. The “Educator Materials” document provides suggested pause points in the film with questions for students, background information, and detailed discussion points; a list of related resources and references; and an answer key for the “Student Handout.”. Class site for introductory biology. gp109087932110730916852.
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