hei distributor module test

Most common cause of module failure is … HEI/ESS Electronic Spark Selection used an outboard electronic decoder which receives voltage signals from three sources: a manifold pressure switch, the distributor pickup coil, and an engine temperature switch. These modules provide enhanced high RPM performance and when used with their corresponding Flame-Thrower coil, substantially increase spark plug voltage. $23.57 $ 23. VW  |   This movement can cause variations in timing, due to the position of the distributor drive gear at any given rpm. Testing the GM HEI Distributor Check the rotor and the cap for excessive wear. Those systems were called HEI-Electronic Module Retard, HEI-Electronic Spark Con-trol, or HEI-Electronic Spark Selection. Click here to see my recommendations: Buying A Digital Multimeter For Automotive Diagnostic Testing). Adv. You can also use an oscilloscope if you have one. An HEI distributor is still an inductive-discharge ignition, but it exchanges the points for a solid-state electronic switching device called a module. But without an external coil, a stock HEI cannot provide a strong spark at rpm levels commonly seen on the racetrack. Installation tips. If you don't own an LED light, you can buy one from any electronics store ( I buy mine from my local Radio Shack store) or from your local auto parts store (like AutoZone, O'reilly, Pepboys, etc). HEI Distributor Control Module; HEI Distributor Control Module. If the voltage drops below 10.5, check your battery. The module receives a signal from a sensor inside the distributor. How do you troubleshoot a GM HEI distributor? Yelling Noises. I recently bought a used but supposedly never installed Mallory 8555401C GM style HEI distributor for my 351W. Difficulty in Starting. Choose from 5 different modules depending upon your OEM distributor type. They give a higher RPM range to let you drive at high speeds at maximum fuel efficiency and provide smoother workings. JDMSPEED New Ignition Module GM HEI 4 Pin D1906HT LX301 Replacement For Buick Chevy Pontiac Old 1974-1988. I now have 30K on the motor and it runs great except for one problem: The module in the HEI distributor keeps failing. GM parts are, on an average, far cheaper than Jeep parts. If you want to bench test an HEI, would have to mount 8 spark plugs to a plate with each distributor lead connected to each one, have a 12 volt supply, and a means to turn the shaft. TEST 3: Testing for Spark at the Ignition Coil (Part 1) 1 / 2Previous imageEnlargeNext image OK, with this test you're gonna' find out if the spark plug wire that feeds the spark from the ignition coil do the distributor is BAD. Ignition Module Test The distributor’s ignition module has only two failure modes, “No spark” and “No spark advance”. 99. When I test the two leads circled in the picture below, I get just under an ohm. If that isn't possible, another way is to replace the module with a known good module. You'll use this tool to test for the ignition coil's Switching Signal. However, I still think you would run into trouble sooner or later with a dodgy ballast wire orfaulty old wiring, underpowering a module that was designed for 12 … The Performance Distributors HEI ignition … On a Chevy V8, the vacuum advance can should be pointing roughly at the passenger side front tire. Isuzu  |   Set the Point Gap. If you cannot start the car, you need to test the ignition control module using a light timing tester to check the output of the module. Here’s an easy way to test to make sure your pickup coil is still in operating condition. The other is a wire that supplies power from the starter solenoid “R” terminal, it supplies power only when the starter is cranking. DVOM (meter) still connected to green & white leads. Now, don't worry, it's not necessary to check every single wires' signal to test the ignition control module. Check the Arc. HEI module have variable dwell circuitry built into them so they don't fry … I pull the module out and test it: Yep, cooked. Often the distributor cap is suspect. Also, what are the symptoms of a bad pickup coil? Check the coil tower for excessive wear. All right, lets get started! I pull the module out and test it: Yep, cooked. When you pull the probe OFF the terminal, you should hear a snap (the spark) from the coil. The only safe way to test for spark is to use a spark plug tester tool. Misc Index  |   In this Throwback Thursday, we’re taking a small jump back to December 2017.That’s when we jumped head first into showing you what goes into diagnosing your HEI distributor with help from Performance Distributors when we published, HEI Distributor Troubleshooting With Performance Distributors.. The long black wire from the HEI module harness can be connected to the engine block for a solid ground. Also, how do I test my HEI ignition module? Our test engine is the same Chevy small-block used in the ignition test, so almost all of the stats for the engine are the same as listed there. 4.6 out of 5 stars 54. Coming from Voltstorm, this high performance HEI distributor is something that you can’t ignore. HEI Distributor Control Module. It will automatically advance the timing on acceleration a specific amount and retard the spark when decelerating and starting. The GM HEI distributor uses a hall effect for the triggering and sensing the No.1 cylinder location and the rpm of the engine. The combination of the right module and coil are the key elements to a high-performance HEI distributor. 2. A coil can be easily bench tested with a digital 10 megaohm impedance ohmmeter. 11. Nissan  |   This happens quite a bit... that the ignition coil Wire goes BAD and doesn't feed the ignition coil's Spark to the distributor cap. PART #66941BC. If your GM vehicle has a slow or hard start, the ignition control module should be tested with an electrical test light. How do you check a distributor pickup coil? 28. IMPORTANT: battery must be in a fully charged state for all tests. The ignition coil fires when the module shuts off voltage to the coil primary. 4-Pin HEI Ignition Module Terminals: Terminal: Purpose: B: Battery Coil Positive & 12V+ (Ignition Run) C: Coil Negative & Tach: G: Distributor Pickup Sensor - [connects to ECU Pin 5] Black wire @ Mopar EI Distributor Brown w/white tracer: W: Distributor Pickup Sensor + [connects to ECU Pin 4] White/Black wire @ Mopar EI Distributor Grey w/white tracer: 4-Pin HEI Module Pigtails. Distributor Removal See EFI Diagnostic Workshop Manual 7742218 for Fuel Injected engine distributor removal. Only the circuits of connectors 1 and 3 are going to figure in on our tests, but I have included some circuit descriptions for connector 2. The bushings go bad and the coil wears into the housing causing a short and in effect a … Remove the top plastic cap on the distributor cap. $45.28 $ 45. Your purchase helps support my work in bringing you real diagnostic testing information to help you solve the problem on your vehicle. Difficulty Turning Over. If converting from a point type ignition new HEI style spark plug wires should be used (Check with your dealer for Flame-Thrower plug wires). Then we'll check that the ignition control module is triggering the ignition coil. The GM distributor mounted ignition control module (ICM), can be tested on the car or truck easily. When the module is securely mounted, the rotor and distributor cap can be reinstalled and the HEI module harness connected to the distributor cap followed by the 12 volt (battery) wire. If you don't have one, I recommend that you buy one (don't have an HEI spark tester? GM  |   It's an intermittent ground, run by the module. Copyright © 2009-2020 Abraham Torres-Arredondo All Rights Reserved. Features: HEI Style; High-Performance 4-Pin Model; Fits All GM Applications 73 to 89; Direct Replacement for Factory Unit; 1-inch Stud Length; …
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