Haplogroup I (M170) is a Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup. Please enable JavaScript in your browser's settings to use this part of Geni. This allows to retrace the genealogical tree of humanity with great ac… • • • • • • • • I2a2a1b2a L801/S390 ... Y-DNA haplogroup I is a European haplogroup, representing nearly one-fifth of the population. "Child(ren)": I2a2a-CTS6433 y-Haplogroup ; L801* ; Y16963 ; CTS1977 (large clade)-- CT y-Haplogroup (M168) + (2008). Geni requires JavaScript! Copyright © 2013 - 2021 Rebekah A. Canada | All Rights Reserved | Powered by WordPress & The PODs Framework. The Y-SNP branch I2-L801 is defined by L801, S390. It … Other novel, but apparently phyloequivalent Geno 2.0 SNP's are not shown. Additionaly, all downstream markers CTS10057, CTS10100, CTS1977, CTS4544, CTS6433, L1229, L701, L801, M284, P78, P95, S390, Z161, Z78 are defining this branch as well. If negative, you would then test S8522, if negative, then test Y5282, if negative, then CTS1977, if … It originated in Europe and developed into several main subgroups : I2-M438*, I2a-L460, I2b-L415 and I2c-L596. I-M438 (L68 {rs35547782}, … It is currently unknown if this happened within the ancestry of Samuel, his descendants, or on a line of a brother or cousin. This project is a meeting place for users who share the I-L801 Y-DNA haplogroup, which means they are related along their paternal lines. 30: CTS6433: rs775487049: On YFull and FTDNA trees. For further information on a marker, please see marker details at Phylotree Y or consult the Y-SNP tree there. Haplogroup I-M170. The American martial artist, actor, film producer and screenwriter Chuck Norris (b. L801: S390 rs781198385: Defines haplogroup I2a1b1a2b1 on ISOGG, YFull, and FTDNA trees. And CTS10057 could also include CTS10057,CTS10100. L801, BY46401, CTS10727, CTS2392, CTS2862, CTS4348, CTS6136, CTS7401, CTS7682, CTS7934, CTS8734, CTS8929, CTS9720, FGC3575, FGC3576, S2357, S2360, S2445, S2452, S2456, S2478, S5817, Y3249, Y3252, Y3255, Y3256, Y4436, Y4455, Y4922, Z163, Z164, Z168, Z169, Z174, Z176, Z177, Z178, Z179, Z182, Z183, Z188, Z2198, Z76. 05/08/2012 - WTY participant kit# 48274 (Griffin, Roots Group 2a) had his results scored by Astrid Krahn. … Haplogroup I2a1 (P37.2) Haplogroup I2a1 is by far the largest branch of I2 and the one most strongly linked to Neolithic cultures in south-east, south- west and north-west Europe. And L801 could also include L801,Z183. Every male from the Koszyce, Poland mass grave of 2800 bce was I2a-L801 (Scroeder 2019). Required fields are marked *. A greater variance of … Your email address will not be published. Both can be most … And PF9894 could also include PF9894,PF9897. Only one of these lines, the L801>S2361, appears to be an import, probably from the Danish settlement. I includes Cro-Magnons […] Interactive Genetic … If you were Cont2b Group 3a1, you would test P95. … There, it is the child of the I-L80 branch. It is almost non-existent outside of Europe, suggesting that it arose in Europe. Haplogroup I represents the largest and oldest haplogroup throughout Europe with few exceptions. Moved L699, L703 from Investigation to tree on 15 July 2012. Originally Posted by Pan. Haplogroup I2 (Y-DNA) - Subclades. Arose about 2,100 bce. Origin The age of haplogroup I is estimated by the TMRCA (time to most recent common ancestor ) roughly 21,000 years. Distribution of haplogroup I2a1 (formerly I2a) in Europe Haplogroup I2a1a1 (M26) I2a1a (M26, L158, L159.1/S169.1) was known as I1b2 until 2005, I1b1b in 2006-7, and I2a1 from 2008 to 2010. Terry, March 2013 through to May 2013 UPDATE19: Haplogroup I1 Subgroup Frequency Estimates of the age of haplogroup I suggest that it arose prior to the last Glacial Maximum. "Child(ren)": I2-S2364 y-Haplogroup ; CTS6433* ; S6480 ; Y7426 ; SK1258 ; L1425 ; poss. The oldest I-M170 foun… In human genetics, Haplogroup I-M438 is a Y-chromosome haplogroup.Until 2008, it was known as Haplogroup I1b, but it is now named I2 (ISOGG 2013).Haplogroup I-M438 might have originated in Southeastern Europe some 15,000 - 17,000 years ago and developed into three main subgroups : I-M438*, I … Haplogroup I-M223 can be further subdivided in several subclades designated in the Y2012 ISOGG tree as follows: Haplogroup I-M223* with no further known polymorphisms, Haplogroup I-M284 defined by M284 … I2-S2361 < L801. Today I got my 23andMe results, and my Y-DNA haplogroup got refined to I-S12195. The most likely explanation is an adoption of a Native American Boy in the Stevens family. Haplogroup I-M438 originated some time around 26,000–31,000 BCE. Available evidence suggests that I-M170 was preceded into areas in which it would later become dominant by haplogroups K2a (K-M2308) and C1 (Haplogroup C-F3393). A Y-DNA haplogroup is a group of men sharing the same series of mutations on their Y chromosome, which they inherited from a long line of common paternal ancestors. And CTS7767 could include CTS7767, F2044, PF6328. There, it is the child of the I-Z189 branch. Haplogroup Q is almost exclusively a Native American clade. haplogroup projects. It is a subgroup of haplogroup IJ, which itself is a derivative of the haplogroup IJK.. I-M170 is one of the most numerous haplogroups among European males. Subclades. For further information on a marker, please see marker details at Phylotree Y or consult the Y-SNP tree there. Updates (28 Mar 2012; 23 May 2012; 30 May 2012; 2 Jan 2014; 20 Jan 2014; 27 Feb 2014; 3 Jan 2015): L460+ L340+ Z186+ Z76+ Z161+ CTS1977+ L592- CTS1858- CTS6433- L343- L1439- Z78-Z79- … I2-L801>S2364>S2361>>Z166* dating to 2900 ybp, at the beginning of the Iron Age (I 2a1b1a2b1a2a1a) I2-P37>L178>L161.1>Y3104>S2639 (Isles)>L1498>Y3749>Y14338>A1514=Y14339 dating to 3000 ybp. A few new mutations, known as SNP's, happen every generation. It revealed no new SNP's. My father, grandfather, grand-grandfather (and most probably many generations back) … It is a subgroup of … It and branches help trace human history from our origin in Africa. 29: Z165: FGC3579 SK1257 rs1053311801: On FTDNA tree. Y-DNA Haplogroup I and its Subclades - 2012 The entire work is identified by the Version Number and date given on the Main Page. Z179, S2445, L801, Y3252, Z174, CTS7934, Z168, CTS4348, S2452, Z178, Z164, Y3249, CTS8929, CTS2392, S2456, S2360, Z169, S5817, CTS8734, Z182, Z76, Z177, Y4922, Y4453, Z188, Z176, CTS10727, Y4436, S2357, CTS9720, S6498, CTS7401, CTS7682, CTS6136, Y3256, FGC3626, S5874, Z183, Y4455, S2478, Y3255, CTS2862, Z163. Y-DNA haplogroup I2a2a(m223)(L801) Country: 1 members found this post helpful. So yeah, does not narrow it … The subclade divergence for M223 occurred 14.6±3.8 kya (Rootsi 2004). Moved M161 from tree to Private and moved L704, … Etc. Haplogroup I (M170) is a Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup. Subclades can be found in most present-day European populations, with peaks in some Northern European and South East European countries. Numerous descendants tested at the Custer DNA Project and were found to belong to haplogroup I2-L801 > Z161 > L623. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Numerous descendants tested at the Custer DNA Project and were found to belong to haplogroup I2-L801 > Z161 > L623. It is provided at the request of readers. Haplogroup I-M438, also known as I2 (and until 2007 as I1b), is a human DNA Y-chromosome haplogroup, a subclade of Haplogroup I-M170. The tag reads: M223>....>Z161>L801, Z76, Z183>CTS1977>Y5282>S8522>P95 which is a shortened version for M223>Y4450>CTS616>CTS10057>Z161>L801, Z76, Z183>CTS1977>Y5282>S8522>P95. Haplogroup I is the oldest major haplogroup in Europe and in all probability the only one that originated there (apart from. Users in this group may want to share their family trees with each other to find overlaps and merge duplicate profiles in order to join or expand the World Family Tree and discover new relatives. Peer reviewed sources have not been added for this branch yet. Originated about 7,800 bce. I-L801 is a branch on the paternal tree of human kind. Spatially could have survived in a refuge in the Balkans to the Black Sea, the Y- haplogroup I. The haplogroup can be found all over Europe and … Coverage was of 412,910 base pairs and two new SNP's have been found: L1229 and L1230. Note: This information does not imply an endorcement of YFull or their methods. This branch is defined by the Y-Haplotree at FamilyTreeDNA as I-Z165. The origins of haplogroup I are thought to begin with haplogroup IJ — from the Middle East as far back as 40,000 years ago. It and branches help trace human history from our origin in Africa. Haplogroup I is in human genetics a Haplogroup of the Y chromosome. Note: The systematic subclade names have changed several times in recent years, and they are likely to change again, as new markers are discovered which clarify the sequential branching of the tree. The two main subgroups of haplogroup I likely divided … I had tested with LivingDNA and the result was a I-M223 haplogroup with a I-701 subclade. SNP's that we tested negative for were Z190, Z79 and F3195 (these identify further subgroups of Cont1, … Welcome to Geni, home of the world's largest family tree. It is a subgroup of haplogroup IJ, which itself is a derivative of the haplogroup IJK.Subclades I1 and I2 can be found in most present-day European populations, with peaks in some Northern European and Southeastern European countries.. Haplogroup I appears to have arisen in Europe, so far being found in … This puts it about in the peak of the last ice age. … The maps on this page represents the distribution of Human Y-chromosomal DNA (Y-DNA) haplogroups. The mutation of Haplogroup I occurred some 25,000 years after the formation of haplogroup IJ. I2a2a I-M223>P222>CTS616>CTS10057>Z161>FGC3575>S2452>L801>Z165>CTS1977>Y4946>BY526 (Y8935) Soule: George: DF29>Z58>Z59>>Z61>Z60>Z140>Z141>Z2535>YSC0000261>L338>S12289>A20032: … Haplogroup I (M170) is a Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup. It also appears that L800 is synonymous with M223 and other SNPs definining Haplogroup I2a2a. If you know of one I have missed, please link to it in the comments. There, it is the child of the I-L801 branch. Join Geni to explore your genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree. MtDNA haplogroup U4a (Cornish) Ethnic group 3/4 Colonial American, 1/8 Cornish, 1/8 Welsh Country: I2-M223>Z161 is pretty Germanic-looking overall, so a Gothic (or Suebic or etc...) origin for your paternal line is a realistic possibility in my judgment. It is a subgroup of haplogroup IJ, which itself is a derivative of the haplogroup IJK.Subclades I1 and I2 can be found in most present-day European populations, with peaks in some Northern European and Southeastern European countries.. Haplogroup I appears to have arisen in Europe, so far being found in … Additionaly, all downstream markers CTS1977, CTS6433, P95, Z78 are defining this branch as well. Do you have a result for one of: Z177, L801, Z76, Z183, CTS6433, … Its most common branch, E-M191, is found throughout most of Sub-Saharan African (especially in the form of E-U174), while other branches may be more restricted to West Africa. The American martial artist, actor, film producer and screenwriter Chuck Norris (b. However, L801 appears to distinguish the various "Continental" STR clusters of M223. 1940) belongs to haplogroup I2-L801 > Z170 > CTS6433 > S2364 > S2361 > Z78 > CTS8584 > Z185 > Z180 > L1198 > S20905 > Z190 > Y4869 > CTS12706 according to WikiTree. I2a2a1c1 L801/S390 I2a2a1c1a CTS1977 I2a2a1c1a1 P95 I2a2a1c1b CTS6433 I2a2a1c1b1 Z78 ... Haplogroup I-M423 is the most frequent Y-chromosome Haplogroup I-M170 in Central and Eastern European populations, reaching its peak in the Western Balkans, most notably in Dalmatia (50-60% [10]) and Bosnia-Herzegovina (up to 71%, [21] avg. Haplogroup I (M170) is a Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup. Otherwise, there is … The particular SNP profile of Cont1 is M223 >>> Z161 > L801/Z76 > CTS6433 > Z78 > Z185 > L1198, the latter being the new current terminal SNP for this group, revised in Nov 2013 (Z185 was the previous terminal SNP but then it was discovered to be upstream of L1198). Moved L701, L623 from Investigation to tree; added L801 to tree; added L147.4 to Investigation on 9 July 2012. John Wesley CROCKETT K2a and C1 have been found in the oldest sequenced male remains from Western Eurasia (dating from circa 45,000 to 35,000 years BP), such as: Ust'-Ishim man (modern west Siberia) K2a*, Oase 1 (Romania) K2a*, Kostenki 14 (south west Russia) C1b, and Goyet Q116-1 (Belgium) C1a. It is a very common African haplogroup, about ten thousand years old, one of the many branches of E-V43. This project is a meeting place for users who share the I-L801 Y-DNA haplogroup, which means they are related along their paternal lines. I1-085, Kit 558264, Agerup/ Svensso n, Sweden I1-316, Gen. 283, Kit 366189 This SNP is also shared by Beeson, Norton & Francis Gen 316, Kit IN12486 FT233834 Y7232 PH4774 BY1031 PH1178 FT45372 FT92441 Y2170 Y3643 Z382 Z2040 Z2041 Z59 Z58 BY35324 FGC21970 Y4741 Y4734 Y4737 Y5152 Y4738 S14887 S7660 FGC16695 P109 S25366 Z2338 … Is Z161 the most specific that Geno 2.0 got? Your email address will not be published. Haplogroup I2 (Y-DNA) is Continental Europe's Mesolithic paternal lineage. Users in this group may want to share their family trees with each other to find overlaps and merge duplicate profiles in order to join or expand the World Family Tree and discover new relatives. This branch is defined by the Y-Haplotree at FamilyTreeDNA as I-L801. 05/31/2012 - WTY results for kit# 22066 (Sewell, M223>Z161>L801>Z76>Z78>L1198*) have been scored by Astrid Krahn. I-L801 is a branch on the paternal tree of human kind. mtDNA (M) H2a2b(1) mtDNA (P) H3. Learn how your comment data is processed. 40-50% [10]). This branch is defined by YFull as I-L801. Haplogroup I2a2a also occurs among approximately 1% of the Sardinians. The scheme below is taken from ISOGG, which updates (Ytree 2011) Karafet et al. 31: S2364: S4884 … 1940) belongs to haplogroup I2-L801 > Z170 > CTS6433 > S2364 > S2361 > Z78 > CTS8584 > Z185 > Z180 > L1198 > S20905 > Z190 > Y4869 > CTS12706 according to WikiTree. Thus, it appears there was a Non-Paternal Event (NPE) in the line of the individual who was tested.
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