I need ideas and thanks for giving me one. I remember celebrating when there was 10k views. A Graal Graphics Blog Sweet & Tasty Customs That'll Leave You Begging For More! check out my graal gfx site mistachoco.wordpress.com. It was tied up and had curls. Credits are given in each individual posts. Female Heads. Home Girl Heads Boy Heads Girl bodies Boy Bodies Boy Heads! All credits to the owner. But anyways, here it is! I don’t really know how much you take for it but it would be really cool. We have helped millions of blogs get up and running, we know what works, and we want you to to know everything we know. I didn’t notice but we’re already at 77k views for last year and I’m beyond grateful I’m sorry I’m not active on my site as I don’t play graal that much nowadays and don’t take editing requests. I did not make this head, I just simply added an animation to it. 0 Head’s not mine, credits to the owner! Well i want it to make a set :>>>> ... "Editing graal head for fun" <3 <3. May 26, 2015 @ 11:35 pm. They are mostly drafts or old personals that will be posted. Im working in the best head of all graal based on chronicle head and other head i have created a Epic and original rainbow head!!! do u guys know this famous game? Classic Head [Graal Classic] This head was inspired by Graal Classic. hiii!well im only posting heads on this site but i noticed that almost heads that have extension can be found at outcasted gfx..well thats all xD. 21st Oct 2020 Lauv gfx. About Latimeria; About this WordPress; Anime Sets; Bodies. Credits to Rin! So i started doing major edits. Feedback There are alot of heads i posted on the page 'updates' that aren't here because its laggy for me. January 21, 2017 by graaleraifiles Leave a comment. Menu Skip to content. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Tagged Graal, Graal Era, Male Heads Leave a comment. But still ill still post some heads and ill try editing male bodies and head from scratch then :>-Peace! Posted in Male Heads Tagged Graal Classic Male Heads, Graal GFX Sites, Male Heads Aaron. Now it’s 100k absolutely crazy. bodies arent mine! 0. FruitiMochiGfx Female & Male Graal Uploads. PLEASE DONT STEAL MY HEADS, I WORK VERY HARD ON MY CUSTOMS, ----ALL THE CUSTOMS I POST ARE MADE BY ME. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. I did not make this head, I just simply added an animation to it. 341,871 Randoms; Follow LyraGfx on WordPress.com. you have come to the right place! All credits to the owner. Panther Heads Recolours More Dragon Heads Graal depot bear recolors. Hope you like it, and if you want any head request, just PM me on my Graal Online Classic Account. cc. Male Heads. gongfx says: January 12, 2018 at 3:37 PM. Making New Heads! heres some old files i haddd. :D (Updated!) We have helped millions of blogs get up and running, we know what works, and we want you to to know everything we know. Cai's Edits These are only edits I did not make from scratch! ! Reply. * Edited * Posted in Female Heads Tagged Female Heads, GFX Site, Graal, Graal Classic, Graal Classic Female Heads, Graal GFX, Graal GFX Sites Brenda (Recolors) Posted on September 26, 2015 by Orange GFX. *View “About” for requesting info. Posts about graal anime written by K (ryn) Hey, minna! If you own a head and would like credit, please comment on this page and I’d be happy to repost it. Male Heads These cool heads for graal are my edits, I added different cool features to make it better and awesome. By xgraalera in Male Heads May 11, 2016 33 Words Leave a comment. Graal Upload long hairs 0.0. I make this head if you like it say thank you! DO NOT select the image before saving, and give credits! All heads have transparent backgrounds (Do Not Set Trans). Like Like. Female Heads! not sure where the first head is from :(( am sorry but the second is caramelandbeargfx and the boy head is marshgfx!! WELCOME TO THE ANIMALS/NON HUMAN SECTION! Male Heads Female bodies non- human/other Templates Other Sites! Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Graal Upload GFX Site. i made 2 kinds of heads. First head for the month of December Original Head’s not mine, credit goes to the owner! Hellooo again everyone! Male Heads Female bodies non- human/other Templates Other Sites! click here More soon ;) Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. These are heads & this is A Boy & Girl Website!! A small note from me, be careful on who you’re friends with! Female Bodies; Male Bodies; Contact; Heads. . All credits to the owner. Bodies. Please give credit to me, Neku* Cruxis, on Graal Era, Classic, and Zone! :) Category: Anime Male Heads Natsu Dragneel [Fairy Tail] I did not make this head, I just simply added an animation to it. Menu. By xgraalera in Anime Male Heads May 10, 2016 May 11, 2016 21 Words Leave a comment. Let me know! Share this: Twitter; Facebook; Like this: Like Loading... 11 comments on “ Male Heads ” Kenny. I was watching an anime and she had nice hair. so be sure to check there also. these heads are awsome, could you make me a special request. Latimeria's Graphics A GFX site for Graal Classic heads. Katy Cross . SUUUUPPERRR SAIIIYAAAN! Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. ( Log Out / UPLOAD YOUR HEAD. * Any concern? im back and almost inactive for a year now, but now im active. We have helped millions of blogs get up and running, we know what works, and we want you to to know everything we know. if you are not already Cheers! I will put other heads, and bodies when I post the most of 10. Whatever, credits to gunnergfx for the base, and me for the skin, eyes, and rest. are you playing graal online? ALL CREDITS GO TO ME FOR MAKING THIS HEAD. Browse an extensive collection of Graal Headfiles that you can upload to your character. not sure where the first head is from :(( am sorry but the second is caramelandbeargfx and the boy head is marshgfx!! I will be posting more male heads soon! But cant upload becuz theres something acting as a hat. With nice glittery silver eye shadow. Reply. Male Heads; Sets; Bodies w/Ext; Bodies w/out Ext; Other sites; Contact; Request Rules. Cai's Edits These are only edits I did not make from scratch! lmk abt the first one ctto. Male Heads Home Male Bodies About Contact Male Heads PlayboiCactusIfiles MORE HEADS SOON ! I did not make this head, I just simply added an animation to it. click here More soon ;) Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. which is the anime version. ~Cute heads not by me~ <3 !Bottom heads aren't by me! Posts navigation . Some blink and some don't; if you want one to just comment or email me. Share this: Twitter; Facebook; Like this: Like Loading... 8 thoughts on “ Male Heads ” liltgraal says: October 3, 2015 at 12:15 AM. cc. For the face I used a combination from different heads: 1 (Lily), 2 (my personal), 3 (Lily), 4 (my personal). "Set Transparency" for these… xd we're back for new update!! Reply. Feedback There are alot of heads i posted on the page 'updates' that aren't here because its laggy for me. ♡Most correct, fixed working heads are on the girl/boy heads page. Posted in Male Heads, Recolors Tagged Graal Classic, Graal Classic Male Heads, Graal GFX Sites Protected: Personal Request 105. ( Log Out / Marie Graphics. Daaaang I never realized how many heads I've made and uploaded! I am not taking requests right now but when i do i will link the customer to this post beforehand. Male Heads. Graal Upload long hairs 0.0. About The Anime. Button Text. Leave a comment. I will NOT I repeat, NOT going to post ALL of these to the All Heads, and All Bodies pages. Posts about graal anime written by K (ryn) Hey, minna! This was a cute head that caught my eye and was originally made by SleepusGraal/Lyvia (watermark on the bottom of the head) I … Ty for 70k. bts says: 12/01/2019 at 10:56. cabelos. Okay, time to … :) Do not "Set Transparency" for these heads "Set Transparency" for these heads Do not "Set Transparency" for these bodies. :) Do not "Set Transparency" for these heads "Set Transparency" for these heads Do not "Set Transparency" for these bodies. Make sure to "set transparency" on blinking heads and color changeable bodies! Female & Male Graal Uploads. Here all my male heads for you dudes! A GFX site for Graal Classic heads. I did not make this head, I just simply added an animation to it. I do not know who you are but definitely you are going to a famous blogger HEADS ARE AWESOME. Some blink, and some don't; if you want one to just comment or email me. a gfx site <3. 1. Moo's heads and bodies. Credits! You are allowed to edit our head/body, but credit us for the original :) ♡Thanks for visiting our site! WordPress.com is excited to announce our newest offering: a course just for beginning bloggers where you’ll learn everything you need to know about blogging from the most trusted experts in the industry. I am New site owner and i am working on drawing new heads and bodies on graal era If you want to own head or body contact me on graal era :MadMax(Bomb) There is no animation in these heads, sorry! or ill contact you in graal old west. Credit to UnknxGfx, SleepusGraal, and CDGraalGfx.. Posted in Male Heads Tagged Graal Classic Male Heads Caleb. Im back! First of all, I’d like to update that I have found a bunch of old heads and bodies that I did not get to finish! January 16, 2017 by graaleraifiles Leave a comment. I did not add an animation cause I don’t know.. Kenny. ~Cute heads not by me~ <3 !Bottom heads aren’t by me! these heads are awsome, could you make me a special request. Pretty plz ;u; Like Like. Seraph Of The End. heres some old files i haddd. I do not even know how I ended up here, but I thought this post was good. Here are male heads that I have edited or think you will enjoy. Feedback updates found on bottom of page. Symphonic says: May 29, 2016 at 2:34 AM Sure! let us show some respect, do not rude my GFX’s. Enjoy c: Sponsored Post. 0. I couldn't finish it up last night, forgot about my homework .-. Setshielddavidchanshield.gif. I’m really sorry about that but I’m back. Im back! The best compilation of uploads for graal. "Set Transparency" for these… so be sure to check there also. May 26, 2015 @ 9:13 pm. Kaneki Ken [Tokyo Ghoul] White & Black Versions. hello viewers. :) Skip to content. looking for anime's head/body? IDINATA GRAAL. you’re awesome tysm for making diss website. Graal Customs made by Kelsie and Destiny and Yasmin♡ Menu. Please comment and upload my heads and bodies. Hey my loves. Enjoy! creds to fawnscloset and jun. Neku* here, with a few updates and two new bodies! ... 2016 17 Words Leave a comment. Published on October 22, 2020 October 22, 2020 by ellie* Leave a comment. Then we can fix them. Contact me in graal online era QE. yo there! one that is a young version of yu narukami which is the Game version and one that is an old version of Yu. All credits to the owner. creds to fawnscloset and jun.-kale. (These bodies do not change color.) Male Heads; blonde triplets :)) February 19, 2021 ~ catgirl69 ~ 1 Comment. -kale. jeffgraal0 says: November 13, 2017 at 11:57 AM. Recolored bear (#4) Here are the bodies that match those heads above. Skip to content . WordPress.com is excited to announce our newest offering: a course just for beginning bloggers where you’ll learn everything you need to know about blogging from the most trusted experts in the industry. If any aren't working, please tell us! All credits to the owner . I’ll make a graal head! (Or should I say 102k??) Home; About. Like Like. its name mortal kombat x one of best game i've seen...and what this game special? Sponsored Post Menu. 2 versions of Kaneki! Like Like. Many of these heads are edited. Submit here . Super SAIYAAAN!! cc. Read all of the posts by aerosgfx on A Graal Graphics Blog. Just a few heads and bodies, some match, well enjoy! Make a Request; 0 Ughhhh.. Fml. I did not make this head, I just simply added an animation to it. yes i know im like super inactive now but THATS ok because theres this new awesome great site thats still in progress but is AMAZING. Eren Jaeger is here in his titan form! Original one. Posted on February 23, 2014 by graaljed. These Below I Edited!! very sorry : ... Graal heads and bodies by Menoa. A LONG while. April 9, 2015 | LatimeriaGraal. i would like to learn how you make these heads thanks. cc. Reply. 100k mochis, guys. Menu and widgets. Get Started. Enjoy =) Welcome! Skip to content. Posted on September 26, 2015 by Orange GFX. Reply. Credits to Rin! Reply. (again).. + Taokaka — Blazblue Head Menu. Menu. Happy Fourth to the peoples who celebrate and Happy Canada Day, although a little late. I haven't made as many males as females, sorry about that. Evil-looking female cat sets. hihi (shoutout) August 20, 2015 aerosgfx Leave a comment. Feedback updates found on bottom of page. Do not forget to credit this website to appreciate our works too. Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Find cat, bear and other creatures here uwu . I started off with a basic outline of the hair and I must say that personally this was the hardest part for me to do so it took me a few attempts before I was satisfied with the result. It’s been a while. Home; Female Heads; Female Bodies; Male Heads; Male Bodies; Search for: Graaloween. January 22, 2021 Zara. I do not even know how I ended up here, but I thought this post was good. Posted in Male Heads Tagged Graal Classic Male Heads Caleb. I hope you like!! Male heads; bodies; cute sites ;) Scammers! Author: aerosgfx. Hey guys, it’s been a long time since I last posted something. Graal Online Heads and Bodies. Naruto Uzumaki [Naruto] I did not make this head, I just simply added an animation to it. Tagged Graal, Graal Era, Male Heads Leave a comment. bodies arent mine! Home; Female Heads; Female Bodies; Male Heads; Male Bodies; Search for: 100k <3. Author K (ryn) Posted on June 23, 2015 June 23, 2015 Categories Anime Heads, Uncategorized Tags akemi, blazblue, cruxis, custom bodies, custom head, gfx, graal classic, graal era, graal zone, graalonline, heads, infiniteskyy, kaka clan, neku, steam buns, taokaka 2 Comments on I’m back! for now i have made scorpion and sub zero! !.....beware of the rule that called no head include hat...dont worry because i have try this head and admin accept it lol ...but some admin dissaprove it >:0 lol i will bring more of mkx character for ya! So. Home ; Contact; Female Heads; Male heads; Female Bodies; Sets; Other sites <33; Search for: Views. Give 100% credit made by me. Reply. Hey, guys. (These bodies do not change color.) A GFX site for Graal Classic heads. All credits to the owner . August 25, 2018 July 26, 2020. Im editing some male heads that I’ll be posting soon, not today cus Im busy on school (finals = hell week). upload to classic. im back and almost inactive for a year now, but now im active. Credits! Happy Customers! Damn, graal has so much fake friends who snitching and making up lies lol. Graal Upload GFX Site. and im using ubuntu 13.10 btw, i am not now on a computer but on a laptop using still gimp 2so heres a head to celebrate. Get Started. Reply. Male Heads Female bodies non- human/other Templates Other Sites! Female skeleton set. Thank you so much! cc. Graal Era Ifile heads. thank you for the 45,000 views :) Im Bella. Boys Heads; Anime Custom Sets ; Kawaii DIYS; K-pop Music ... ~DarkFairy~ says: May 28, 2016 at 6:37 AM Can you do feminine/cute Guy heads with pink hair? It will blink. Graal Guides; Heads (boys) Heads (girls) Heads (others) Opinion Polls; Guilds; Treasure Maps; Search for: Heads (boys) Heads with «Sim» were made by me! lmk abt the first one ctto. Written by merrygraal . 0 I do not claim this head, original head credits to the owner! Here. Male Bodies; Male Heads; My Graal Screenshots; Update Notes; Weapons; Male Heads. Leave a comment. WordPress.com is excited to announce our newest offering: a course just for beginning bloggers where you’ll learn everything you need to know about blogging from the most trusted experts in the industry. This is my youtube video plz Like & Subcribe. Neku* here, with a few updates and two new bodies! pick your favorite and enjoy your new head!!!!IMPORTANT!! or ill contact you in graal old west. All credits to the owner. last updated: 6/10/14. First head for the month of December Original Head’s not mine, credit goes to the owner! Ombre female … updates found on bottom of page. Change ). . lilt can u ifile me in west? Graal Customs and Weird Stuff. Until the next update; Sayounara~! I am New site owner and i am working on drawing new heads and bodies on graal era If you want to own head or body contact me on graal era :MadMax(Bomb) And we will talk about it ... Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Make sure to "set transparency" on blinking heads and color changeable bodies! . Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. you are truly aswome. some female heads would not transport to this page. By xgraalera in Anime Male Heads May 10, 2016 May 11, 2016 19 Words Leave a comment. Website Stats. you’re awesome tysm for making diss website. are you otaku? <3 credits to maria b for helping me make this site! -Kaze. Simple Beauty <3. 21 December 2020 19 December 2020 Matti. All credits to the owner. i would like to learn how you make these heads thanks. I also posted Asuna Yuuki [Sword Art Online]‘s head. Heads with «Sim» were made by me! Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. All credits to the owner. Tagged Female Bodies, Female Heads, Graal, Graal Era Leave a comment. Tagged Female Bodies, Female Heads, Graal, Graal Era Leave a comment. Original heads not mine, credits to the owner! Contact me in graal online era QE. Below⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇ These below I didn't edit these are for girls and I just got then from different websites!!! Older posts. There is no animation in these heads, sorry! My Brother Make This Head!! “Set Transparency” for the heads not bodies. I did not make this head, I just simply added an animation to it. With the appearance of a mysterious virus that kills everyone above the age of 13, mankind becomes enslaved by previously hidden, power-hungry vampires who emerge in order to subjugate society with the promise of protecting the … I don’t really know how much you take for it but it would be really cool. ChaoSQueeN HarleY - Quin (5uicidE 5quaD) [Graal Online Ol' West] Ven (5uicidE 5quaD) [Graal Online Ol' West] Psycho Kizza (5uicidE 5quaD) [Graal Online Ol' West] redd (5uicidE 5quaD) [Graal Online Ol' West] Meechie (5uicidE 5quaD) [Graal Online Ol' West] Nightmare Khalifa (5uicidE 5quaD) [Graal Online Ol' West] iZap (Cosmic) [Graal Online Ol' West] Iceman (iFreeze)… Blueberry set <3. Here are all the female heads for you lovely ladies :) Have fun looking through them all! You can follow this website to know when there is something new on it, but you have to create an account. Mirsgfx! Heads (Male) Animals/non human. so consider that i am always active everyday depending on . Posted in Male Heads | Tagged 2014, classic, graal, heads, jed, lol, new | Leave a comment. Posted on December 1, 2015 by Orange GFX. Please remember… Do NOT post my heads/bodies in your website unless you state that they are edited by me. 21 December 2020 19 December 2020 Matti. It’s not done yet! Posted on February 23, 2014 by graaljed. Edited from lyviagfx (did not erase her watermark :)) Custom cat heads. ( Log Out / Female & Male Graal Uploads. All these heads/bodies are edited/made by me. Graal Upload Another ifiler bruh-18 December 2020 22 January 2021 Matti. Male Heads Female bodies non- human/other Templates Other Sites! Rainbow Sparkles (graal name) July 24, 2015 @ 1:10 am. Female Heads; Male Heads; May Anime Poll; Requests. ( Log Out / Posted in Male Heads | Tagged 2014, classic, graal, heads, jed, lol, new | Leave a comment. Male Heads Male Head 8. Once you have found the file you’d like to use as your Graal Characters Head, click the button below to upload it directly to Graal Classic. People/Websites to Thank: graaldepot.com Heads. Soo I was just making pizzas while I see someone with my head, but just a bit edited. LyraGfx. it's fatality! 8th Jan 2021 ~ peachyberrygfx ~ Leave a comment. cc. cc cc. Posted on December 1, 2015 by Orange GFX. updates found on bottom of page. They are mostly drafts or old personals that will be posted. I admired it and said hey! ♡Please do credit us for the original head/body we edited. This was a huge post for me ;w; sO many recolors and gifs I had to do. I think it will ruin the whole head. I did not make this head, I just simply added an animation to it. upload to zone. Koro Sensei [Assassination Classroom] I did not make this head, I just simply added an animation to it. White and Black (Not being racist here guys). cc cc. you are truly aswome. Graal Upload Another ifiler bruh-18 December 2020 22 January 2021 Matti. GraalOnline Classic GraalOnline Era. ig says: 03/08/2017 at 18:13. we're back! All credits to the owner.. Ugh cant wait to end this semester, sembreak i can feel youuuuuuu lol . First of all, I’d like to update that I have found a bunch of old heads and bodies that I did not get to finish! sorry keep you guys waiting..!! Sara's graal heads and bodies. upload to era. IF ONE OF YOUR CUSTOMS IS UP THERE PLEASE TELL ME SO I … I’m looking forward to feedback Upload here! Feel beautiful the way you are. So I promised to start working on whatever anime won my poll on March 20th (this Friday). Partager : Twitter; Facebook; Like this: Like Loading... 4 comments yashi says: 13/03/2017 at 02:47. love the heads! <3 credits to maria b for helping me make this site! Please leave comments telling me what you want to see!
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