Due to 2005 Base Realignment and Closure mandates, Fort Lee has experienced a lot of growth in the last ten years. Mailing Address ACM-EOD, FFID 2221 Adams Ave. Building 5020 Fort Lee, VA 23801 AIT is the training and field instruction for soldiers that is required for their Military Occupational Specialty (MOS). AboutSee All. AIT students should not bring family members with them while stationed at Fort Lee. The Transportation School Trains and produces Transportation professionals, Develop viable Doctrine, & Integrate transportation concepts and capabilities to deploy and distribute expeditionary forces, The Soldier Support Center is located between 16th and 13th Street. Fort Lee, VA 23801 23rd QM Brigade Facebook . Fort Lee Official Website. The population was 7,269 at the 2000 census. The Community Resource Guide is a compilation of the on-post resources available to the Fort Lee community. Two museums are located on Fort Lee - the US Army Quartermaster Museum and the US Army Women's Museum. www.quartermaster.army.mil/23rdbde/266bn/266th_units.htm. Due to COVID-19 issues, many functional and Mobile Training Team (MTT) courses are being conducted via Distributed Learning (DL). MAILING ADDRESS Fort Lee Headquarters. AIT in Fort Lee, Virginia, is the Advanced Individual Training provided to soldiers after basic combat training. 2221 Adams Ave Fort Lee, VA 23801. The Official Website of Kenner Army Health Clinic. SSC, Bldg 3400, corner of B Ave and 16th St, Central Michigan University (CMU) Fort Lee Campus, Delta Dental TRICARE Retiree Dental Program. (804) 734-6355. Kenner Behavioral Health has treatment groups to address many of the issues faced by Soldiers including: Anger management groups; Coping & stress management groups for AIT trainees; Sleep hygiene groups Before traveling to Fort Lee to attend courses at ALU, particularly for non-PME courses, contact your Course Manager, Instructor, or Company Command Team at ALU to confirm if your course is still being conducted in-residence or via MTT. QMS is located at Fort Lee, Virginia. Sling Load is a method used to transport munitions to remote locations or to expedite shipments to locations where tactical vehicles cannot move. Selection of the First Sergeant of the 27D Advanced Individual Training, Fort Lee, VA Hide Juliet Company JAGuar Participate in the Turkey Trot Run at Fort Lee, VA Advanced Individual Training students must reside on the installation in their unit’s barracks. Fort Lee is located in Prince George County, Virginia and is home to the headquarters of the US Army Combined Arms Support Command Sustainment Center of Excellence, the US Army Quartermaster School, the US Army Ordinance School, the US Army Transportation School, the … Get Directions. 1231 Mahone Avenue, Petersburg, VA 23801. 804-765-3000. If you have a comment regarding this website, email the Fort Lee Webmaster. The Transportation Corps provides a full spectrum of transportation capabilities at the tactical, operational, and strategic levels of war. Contact Us. An Army training installation located in Central Virginia, Fort Lee is the Home of Sustainment and the U.S. Army Combined Arms Support Command – Support Starts Here! Sun: Closed, Home of the Combined Arms Support Command, U.S. ARMY INSTALLATION MANAGEMENT COMMAND, "We Are the Army's Home - To contact Kenner Army Health Clinic, visit the KAHC web page. AIT in Fort Jackson, South Carolina. If arriving after 4:30 pm. By order of the Commanding General, all military service members are required to wear their service-specific physical fitness uniform from the hours of 5 to 7:30 a.m. during duty days while participating in any type of physical activities on Fort Lee, to include the use of all Fitness Centers regardless if on leave, TDY or pass.
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