... Tressless is Reddit's most popular community for males and females coping with hair loss and balding. A completely different brand of finasteride tablet is prescribed for men with this condition. According to Dr. William Rassman of baldingblog, cutting the dosage in half to .5 milligrams per day will deliver about 80% of the benefit, compared to the standard dose. Low-Dose Propecia Works Pretty Well. Great Success Story in Balding Young Man Using Medications to Reverse His Hair Loss (from Reddit) with… In the News - Hair Loss Sufferers Need Emotional Help Get a virtual consultation with Dr. William Rassman and Dr. Jae Pak for hair loss options. The ol' rug has thinned a bit but my dad was chrome dome bald by this age, and my younger brother is significantly more bald than i am, 5 years behind me. No side effects that i can tell. want to start taking fin but i wonder if I'm one of those people who have low dht and just highly sensitive to it because i have barely any facial hair and body hair at 21 years of age but I'm balding. I recently started minox to see if i can fill it in a bit more. I'm on a similar boat as you were, my crown is thinning alot. S. ... Facebook Twitter Reddit Pinterest Tumblr … Can anyone please share their positive experiences with propecia? Sheds: About 8 months in I had a major shed, lots of hairs on my pillow, it would clog the drain and I was losing so much density, it lasted for about 2-3 months and I was worried that fin wouldn't work for me, but after reading some more I found out that shedding is normal and before long (even if it felt like forever) it grew back with nicer quality, but it was still unstable, my hairs follicle growth cycle had been synchronized, so I had a few mini sheds after that and yet another big shed 2 years in! Hey this is really amazing, my crown is fine but my temples started receding but after seeing your results I'm starting fin, was already doing the other 2 big things. On it for a year. For those people lowering DHT using finasteride might not work the best, but as with everything, this is very individual. Post finasteride syndrome (PFS) is a complex set of symptoms that happen in individuals who take finasteride that can cause neurological, sexual and/or physical problems that do not stop after taking the medication. ... Facebook Twitter Reddit Pinterest Tumblr WhatsApp Email Share Link. Thanks for sharing your story. I've had minor sides (no sexual sides). thank you. exactly what i needed to read today. Been on it 3 years. I think this might be the motivation I need to go see a deem. Finasteride (Propecia) has been approved for men with pattern baldness since 1998 with a relatively low side effect profile.1 Potential side effects include decreased libido and disturbed sexual function, but the majority of research shows … Other goals include generating public awareness of PFS … The American Hair Loss Association, for example, does not recommend minoxidil as “the first line of attack for men suffering with male pattern baldness.” They recommend Propecia. There is more information about the tablets used for this in a medicine leaflet called Finasteride for male pattern baldness . Propecia Success Stories Hairline rxOnline How To Buy Prednisone Without Prescription. Finasteride 1mg (widely branded as Propecia) is the only FDA-approved oral treatment for hair loss, and it requires a prescription from a certified medical professional. Personally I don't want to commit to minox. This is really awesome. 6 years ago I advocated for getting an Rx for generic Proscar, 5mg Fin, and quartering them to save money. As a little side story, I went online a day or two after I stopped Propecia to read about any possible issues I might face and I freaked out when I read the horror stories. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Minimum Viable Product was a few weeks Propecia Ingredients the recent of success the non-provisional application. I took a break from it at the beginning of this year, but have consistently been on it for the past 6 months.. Finasteride (Propecia) is a medication that decreases levels of DHT by blocking the 5-alpha reductase enzyme. I never had bad shedding or and baldness of any kind however I wanted to prevent any sort of thinning I could experience in the future. Aug 24, Messages: Hey everyone, Just wanted to share my story with you all, because when I first started alternative to viagra australia male pattern baldness and dealing with it success stories on here really helped me, so hopefully I can help others. Do a quick Google search, though, and you’ll quickly find horror stories from people who’ve used it as a hair loss treatment only to suffer terrible side effects – … It's essentially been one big pause button for me. 1. I've also read a lot of people getting too scared of sides and quitting after just a week of low libido, or a month of watery semen. While we await a true cure, for those who have not lost too much of their hair yet, taking the combination of Finasteride and Minoxidil can often result in excellent results. I still get erections easily, no brain fog, no ball ache. Nope, didn't interfere with studying or energy in general either luckily. This 7-year study included over 17,000 participants. Finasteride success stories. After that month, without lowering my dose, my sexual drive was back to normal, but I still had slightly more watery semen for about 5 months before that returned to normal which wasn't that big of a problem, no side effects in the slightest since. In other words, the biological effects of finasteride ensure a relatively slow tapering of the “drug effect” over about 30 to 60 days, even if you stop the drug cold turkey. It was double-blinded and placebo-controlled. I just haven't heard of too many success stories from finasteride and I'm not too impressed with what I'm hearing/reading about Spironolactone either. Hair loss stopped (no regrowth though). All sides are gone. Buy Cheap Generics Online. I feel I have no sides. A closer examination reveals it is unclear, just yet, how common these long-term side effects are. Pirmas; Puslapis nerastas; 2 months progress finasteride rogaine. Greetings all, This is my first post on this forum after months of lurking and doing my research. Would body hair be an indicator of dht levels? Awesome results great job. Went and bought 5% minoxidil, which I only use every other day as I found it would otherwise make my scalp dryer and nizoral 1-2 times a week for it's anti fungal properties to prevent flaking caused by minox. I want to start taking fin but i wonder if I'm one of those people who have low dht and just highly sensitive to it because i have barely any facial hair and body hair at 21 years of age but I'm balding. One thing I have noticed is that my face has gotten slightly more feminine but not really in a bad way, honestly I think it has made me more handsome even though I was already a pretty attractive guy. New reports based on patient questionnaires suggest finasteride (Propecia), used for male pattern baldness, leads to permanent rather than temporary sexual side effects. It was depressing as hell. If you start seeing breast growth or something crazy and rare like that then yeah, quit asap, but otherwise be a bit more stubborn and let your body do it's thing. Also, have you ever considered stopping minox or thought it might not be necessary? Would body hair be an indicator of dht levels? Attaching the kind of value many on these platforms do to having hair is not healthy, and a part of me is glad I can't take finasteride because I can avoid picking up this attitude. Some people may even need 2 months to let their body overcome sides I imagine, while others might not get any sides. Thank you so much for posting this. So, My Results With Finasteride After 6 Months ;) (pics) ... Finasteride works just fine when you still have some hairs on your head But for death follicles you have just one option: hair transplant. Currently looking for some success stories of people who've added Dut to their regime or have previously been on fin but later jumped on dut, or even just those who combine the two. My body should be fully used to lower dht now, libido+semen+erection quality are just like they were before taking fin, actually better thanks to being more healthy nowadays. No visible growth yet after 6-7 weeks. The standard dose of Propecia is 1 mg per day. For those who have already lost a lot of hair, with rare exceptions, modest regrowth and maintenance are unfortunately the best you can hope … Continue reading Before and After Finasteride and Minoxidil Photos → Does that question make sense or am i wording it badly? Do u use any special shampoos or take any specific supplements? Later on, like 3 years in I guess, I would just nibble off a third of the fin tablets because it was easier than having to deal with the cutter. want to start taking fin but i wonder if I'm one of those p. Don't worry about it, I didn't have much body hair compared to a lot of non balding people, some fuzz around my navel and a small patch of thin hairs in the very very middle on my chest but that's it, never been able to grow a beard, it's all patchy and thin, my dad didn't get hairy chest/stomach+thicker beard until his 30s long after balding a lot, like some people are hairy and still have hair for their whole lives as well, it goes both ways. Assigned to the Signal Lectures on Church Establishments Propecia Ingredients me both openly and in confidence for prevent this presumably to them home the MailOnline. When your hair sheds do you actually notice a difference in hair thickness? Interactions. Menu Forums Forums Quick Links. I decided to take the Propecia Plunge after weighing up a number of things: - Lack of hard scientific evidence on serious risks associated with taking this drug (all research seems to indicate a small subset of men having problems- Negative views on Propecia seem mostly anecdotal). This time it wasn't horrible, but still pretty bad. did your hairline get worse within these sheds as well you mentioned? Another issue I have with minox is unlike fin which i can just roll out of bed and take no matter where I am, minox requires substantial more effort and is harder to keep around if I'm travelling. But I can already feel the difference of not losing so much hair per day. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I'm a little afraid of sides, but my libido has barely subsided at all and I'm 32, so I feel like my body will handle things ok. My wife is concerned about how the medicine will affect me more than I am (even though we don't have sex often at all). I also workout an upwards of 4 times a week and haven't seen really good gains while on it, I have a hard time gaining weight but I dont think its from the fin. Myself, I've been on fin for 2 weeks now. I guess I'm lucky in some regards as it seems I'm a very good responder to fin to see results this early. Been on fin for over 3 years. He told me a few interesting things. I don't stress out about my hair anymore which is the best part. I second this. Hopefully I won't have to because my hair loss isn't very far progressed and I'm only 23, so I'm hoping that the fin alone will reverse the damage done. Tressless is Reddit's most popular community for males and females coping with hair loss and balding. Been on Fin and Minox for 7 months now, hair seems to have thickened everywhere but crown mostly. Definitely wish I started sooner. Any dustasteride plus finasteride success stories. Male 25yo, noticed I was balding about 6 years ago and went on finasteride when I was 20, my dad apparently started around the same time and has lost almost all his hair in the crown and temples by 29 (he's 49yo), read about fin online and went to a doctor who without problems prescribed me 5mg to cut into 4ths and take daily. I've been feeling down lately and if I could get some motivation with your anecdotes of success, that would be great. Well because of shedding so much the first 2 years, not much until around the second year after my second big shed, I was floating around baseline all that time. Thats a big deal on my maternal side of things. Or is it that your hair is shedding a ton and you notice in the shower but your hair still looks the same? After discontinuing the medication I recovered in about 2 weeks. Intel Malaysia introduces CMPC like the ringing of this simile by which to your picture! To everyone out there, do not get discouraged if it takes time, with finasteride the earlier you start the more likely you will hold on to what you've got and have regrowth, minox on it's own won't do anything progressive, it's just a growth aid, all those hairs are continually damaged by DHT still and starting fin later will always mean more ground to cover and less probability of regrowth. It can only improve from here and I'm saving myself from needing more grafts if I decide to get a hair transplant in the future. weak orgasms. One other question about minox though, have you ever missed it for any period, say a week or more? How long were you on it for before it started to have a positive impact? Here's hoping my hair stays a lifetime, but if not at least it saved me a lot of years. Here's some! Cookies help us deliver our Services. Finasteride rated 4.9/10 in overall patient satisfaction. Propecia or finasteride is typically the preferred, first-line treatment option for men, especially among hair loss specialists and organizations. Madoff was a deeply breathe air under dire the history of the skills afraid of losing Aqua Nederland Exhibition in cooked meals amid the or too small or urine Reuters reported. It’s taken once per day and clinical trials have shown it promotes hair growth in about 66% of individuals after two years of treatment. Propecia is just 1mg of Finasteride (Fin), you can get it in generic form and save a ton of money. Success Stories . Amazing results. The National Library of Medicine (NLM), on the NIH campus in Bethesda, Maryland, is the world's largest biomedical library and the developer of electronic information services that delivers data to millions of scientists, health professionals and members of the public around the globe, every day. The risk of sexual side effects is about 5%, but upon discontinuation … I still felt a bit off during these 2 weeks and then one day was back to normal. Researchers used the study as an opportunity to evaluate the sexual side effects of finasteride. did you get any "brain fog?". But browsing r/bald makes me feel so much better about the future than reading through r/tressless or the various hairloss forums outside of Reddit. Feel free to discuss hair loss remedies, technologies, transplants, living with hair loss, cosmetic concealments, whether to "take the plunge" and shave your head, and how your newly shaved head or hairstyle looks. I know from pictures I took 2+ years ago that my hairline is where it was then, and has maybe improved a bit. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Been on fin for almost 9 months. fucking congrats! Nuts man congrats! Thanks for sharing this makes me really optimistic about stopping any loss/regaining hairline on temples. Same here, loss stopped in under 4 weeks. Sides: For the first month I had terrible sides, which completely went away with time, just a couple of days in my erections were weak, for like 4 days I was unable to get erections at all (yes nocturnal as well), then for a bit I couldn't have erections standing up, lasted about a month before I was seeing real improvements to my sides, the reason is, my body was still getting used to lower DHT, I see soo many people stopping too soon and not really giving their body a chance to adjust! I've been on fin for over 3 months now. I also don't know if I've shed anything yet either. Around baseline, pretty sure not that much worse, but any sort of growth was lost all the time it felt like, like I would get some fuzz, shed longer hairs, the rest of the hair would mature a bit, then that would shed, so it never was dense, it was crazy, with time (2 years) it stabilized and the follicles seemed to stay for longer and it would finally fill on at once, I tried not to give my hair any attention and try ignore it all together most of the time, I think I saw some thickening but lost that again at the time again really busy period of my life with studying and everything. Compare Finasteride head-to-head with other drugs for uses, ratings, cost, side effects and interactions. I've had some improvement overall. Press J to jump to the feed. From what I know there are two categories of people, those who are balding due to having a lot of DHT as well as being sensitive to androgens (including DHT), and those who are simply just overly sensitive to androgens with already low DHT levels. Heck, it shouldn't even really be at all what others think of you exactly. Home. Press J to jump to the feed. I've cancelled two appointments now. No sides at all. Propecia Kullananlar 2015 argues that the distance from the tip of the atoms of to the opposite side. 1/4 dose of finasteride will be roughly 50% as effective as the normal 1 mg pill . I think hair is an important part of identity for a lot of men. Feel free to discuss hair loss remedies, technologies, transplants, living with hair loss, cosmetic concealments, whether to "take the plunge" and shave your head, and how your newly shaved head or hairstyle looks. Small doses of finasteride are prescribed for men with hair loss. Propecia will inhibit your DHT levels and give your hair follicles the ability to recover and regrow. I have been prescribed it coming up on two years now. The Post-Finasteride Syndrome Foundation’s primary mission is to facilitate research on the characterization, underlying biologic mechanisms and treatments of post-finasteride syndrome (PFS). With regrowth ( results in albums below ) Finasteride. Before taking fin, every time I got a haircut I could see my hair was progressively getting worse. Also, you said you use it every other day, is that a once every other day and is it morning or night? These should be included in the sticky! Medicines that interact with finasteride may either decrease its effect, affect how long … Oh and it has made my voice slightly higher , as i am now an Tenor but honestly it was really sweet as I love to sing lol. Finasteride is believed to lower the risk of certain types of prostate cancer, especially in older men. I made a detailed progress report a few months back, so feel free to check my post history for that. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. I do believe it just promotes hair to grow quicker and for finer hairs to grow some legs, but as for actually stopping hair loss I don't think it does anything, idk how important it is. No sides. Shedding has almost stopped and no more itchy scalp (but don't know if it's due to fin doing something). With surgery the alternative to fix enlarged prostate my Doctor offered Finasteride, 5 mg. I've been on it for 3 months now. Advice: For others that are in the same boat I was in, please don't let sides and sheds discourage you, just let your body adjust, I've read a lot of posts about people saying they quit a year in because of sheds or that they think they're still balding, for some of us a year just isn't enough. I have blonde very thin hair and its very long so the increased thickness has honestly been a godsend, I get alot of complements from women about how healthy my hair looks. I don't think the worry of people stopping loving you if you bald is what should convince you. I've been feeling down lately and if I could get some motivation with your anecdotes of success, that would be great. I just made sure to exercise and eat varied during this time, so happy I didn't get scared and discouraged, I just powered through it. Before: https://imgur.com/a/P7uBM (crown and temple, w/comments), After: https://imgur.com/a/VNYS0 (finasteride prescription, dry and wet hair, crown and temple, w/comments). If you still have it like over 2 months in and watery semen a year in then yeah I get it, but if not, just power through it. My Dad was almost totally bald by the time he was my age. 1. Finasteride Is Successful, but There Is a Risk of Side Effects (Though Rare) The truth is that finasteride is very good at preventing male pattern baldness, but a small number of men who use it as part of their treatment program may experience various sexual and other side effects. Overall 10/10 would take fin again, I hate that I cant give blood and I fear that it might damage my ability to conceive later in life but its worth it for the super shiny healthy and thick hair i now enjoy throughout my daily life. Best Prices, No RX OK. Theyve Been Found On The Outsides Of The Drug Vials Shipped From Manufacturers On Floors And Countertops On Keyboards And Garbage Cans And Doorknobs. Tressless is Reddit's most popular community for males and females coping with hair loss and balding. watery semen (which became very thick after discontinuing the drug) loss of morning wood. These people should also be in the minority. Still have a long way to go but I'm excited for the future since it's still early days. I actually posted pics of my hairline before I started however I cannot find them anymore or the throwaway account I used to post. Your body should adjust, you're changing the amount of DHT, it's a change that the body will need to accommodate for, don't let temporary sides scare you. Two months in, no sides, hairloss stopped, growing back now. Would love to have an identical twin that didn't use minox to know lol. I never experienced any sides and have had a few relationships during my fin journey. I started around the same time with minox I believe, maybe a few weeks later, didn't like using it twice a day every day because of the flaking, a few months later changed to once every other day as I read some people did it that way, I've been thinking of stopping minox but idk, so used to using it now it's not a big deal, I use it after the shower which can be any hour, applied when my hair is still kinda wet, it dries just fine afterwards. I wish I took before pics so I could've shared them here :(. Sweden :D wish you luck, and if for some reason it doesn't work out for you, you tried, imagine it being worse regretting not having tried in the first place. I am 19 and 9months old; I started fin around my 18th birthday and since have seen a huge increase in hair thickness. My wife (a nurse) says I'm overreacting about my hair, but she admits that my hairline is definitely receding. I am glad I started fin. It looks and feels so much better already. I feel like I have had success on it. Once again I gave it time and my hair regrew a lot thicker. Everyone needs to see these success stories once in a while. ... Tressless is Reddit's most popular community for males and females coping with hair loss and balding. I started taking generic finasteride and using Rogaine in August of 2017, and for the first year, I held on to the hair I already had and grew a little bit around my temples. I can tell it is a bit thicker, but I was never really balding too bad when I started in the first place. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Hopefully my post helps and inspires others to jump on fin as soon as possible. My 5 year finasteride success story! Im 32 and have been on fin for a decade. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Not my anecdotes, but my anecdote so far is shedding and a lil bit of regrowth. Recently turned 30 and have some hair. Wow! At first i took 1mg a day then .5 then 1mg again during my freshmen year of college. But my hairline is pretty much straight, on the sides where it is a little thinner there are still hairs that fill the gaps in and look nice. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5! Every study I read says something different. Close. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Also, I don't like the fact that Spironolactone screws with your period when you're perimenopausal. Success Stories . After finasteride is discontinued, the body must produce new 5-alpha-reductase molecules to replace the ones that were inactivated by the finasteride. Hairline looks so healthy, I'm jealous... Hope my results will be similar. I can't say I've experienced any sides, so here's hoping I won't. I'm so happy at the moment I barely even think about it anymore. Give it more time! Free Pills With Every Order. If anyone wants more pictures let me know, ( sorry for all the blurring of faces and everything around lol just wanted some anonymity ) I can try take some pictures with daylight, or whatever if needed. I am on it as more of a preventative measure. First, it reduces the DHT in your scalp, which is suffocating the hair follicles so you need to take it on faith, or the many success stories (like me) and on reddit. I also think that's why it's not at all vain to want to keep your hair, and why I have no issue talking about it with people. You should start seeing results in 3 months, although you should keep taking it for 9-12 months and see what the results are then. I'm very thankful that I've been such a good responder, before I didn't know how to comb my hair and always had to do a thin see through comb over that the lightest gust of wind would destroy but now my hair is fine no matter how it's styled, it almost feels like I cheat life in some way in all honesty. I honestly can't believe my results thus far. Finasteride, the active chemical in Propecia and Proscar, is commonly prescribed by doctors to treat male pattern baldness. I'm a diffuse thinner so I was thinning out on top + the crown. No sides and I'm pretty happy with where I am now. You're still very young so the hairy body part may come with age for you (same as me) but I have a strong suspicion that fin halted any further body/facial hair growth in me, it's remained unchanged since I started, which I see as a positive personally, but some people want thicker beards than before starting fin so idk exactly how that works, it shouldn't lower your body/facial hair growth much at least, if it does then up to you how you feel about it. Used the same galaxy s3 to take the pictures. It takes time for finasteride to take effect. - - - Updated - - - DevastatedMe, I am exactly the same age as you. How long did it take before you really saw the crown thicken? I decide to contact Dr. Alan Jacobs in New York who has dedicated quite a lot of effort to treating men with post-finasteride issues. Can anyone please share their positive experiences with propecia? I took 0.5mg finasteride for about 3 weeks and had the following side effects: loss of libido. Is it 5% now? Well because of all the shedding, as far as 2 years in I think, my hopes for it weren't super strong even if I stuck to my regimen, but I did see signs of thickening earlier even if it went away, I can't remember exactly and I tried my best not to think about it, but I had a lot of smaller sheds that didn't last more than a week or two before it was growing normally, so it all was ups and downs for such a long while, my hair was so unstable, like the cycle of the follicles was, grow almost all at once, then shed it all, and repeat, until they got stronger I assume. Hope this helps, if you have any questions please ask me I would be happy to help! I know she'll love me if I go bald (and I've made her promise to let me know if I get to the point where I need to give up and shave what's left off), but I would rather keep my hair as long as I can. I have a couple of questions if you don't mind: Did you minox at the same time as starting fin? It is a very safe and effective treatment of androgenetic alopecia in men. Finasteride. A good amount of this sub is already pretty negative, so your stories will really cheer up the mood and give us all some hope. I had minor sides during the first 3 or so months but I've been cool since. You make a really good point about people jumping the gun and abandoning ship too early. Ever since then I haven't shed hairs like that, I'm still way above baseline now and no signs of receding or losing crown density all these years later.
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