or am I better off finding agility/health(which happen to be hella$$ on PS4 right now as well but at least I can find them) Anyhow, thanks for all the help to the community, always enjoy your vids and streams, keep up the fight man! Reaper is an offensive, deadly, Stamina Sorcerer PVP Build, balanced around Battlegrounds and the no-CP Cyrodiil campaign. The Stamina Sorcerer PvP Build is a heavy armor build that can take quite a few punches. 147th. Why do people feel the need to have a live feed of themselves at the bottom of a video? Edited by FENGRUSH on January 11, 2016 2:56PM, Edited by Kutsuu on November 30, 2015 2:50PM, Edited by bigbabyleonb16_ESO on December 1, 2015 1:36AM, Edited by Brrrofski on January 11, 2016 3:44PM, Edited by D0ntevenL1ft on January 20, 2016 5:35AM, Edited by Septimus_Magna on January 21, 2016 8:46AM, Edited by Brrrofski on January 21, 2016 8:56AM, Edited by Didgerion on January 21, 2016 5:46PM. I really want her to work, but I feel like if I don't act as a WB/ST robot I'm gimping myself. If the magicka sorc can manage his stam throughout the fight and can always CC break, well... its pretty tough. See our ESO Builds section for more builds. or Blue max health and max stamina Mundus: Serpent (Stam rec.) I learned a bit about how play style really influences the effectiveness of this build. I use stampede as well and I think its very useful skill. Damn you fengrush! Critical Surge is a morph of Surge. Followers Rank. 104K. Base ability Setup 1. Does the heal from rally and crit surge stack? he has a ton of Eso knowledge, and I'm glad he shares it. Just started a new stam dk and now i want to go stam sorc. Veteran Maelstrom Arena 5. Champion Points 3.4. Rotation & Target Dummy 6. A- Total Grade. Posted On: at 03:06 PM. One of the few pkayer's who is true to his character regardless if it's meta or not. I have mad respect for you Fengrush, so this is isn't aimed at you but that's 4 weapon skills, a joker slot, and an ulti for a 20% passive. Would i be able to stampede for the snare to dominate through movement speed? In order to use the favoriting feature on Social Blade, you'll need to be logged into our dashboard. Set bonus (2 items) Adds 129 Weapon Damage (3 items) Adds 1096 Maximum Stamina (4 items) Adds 833 Weapon Critical (5 items) When you deal damage with a weapon, you spawn a volcano that erupts after 1 second, launching liquid hot lava at the closest enemy dealing 12840 Flame Damage.This effect can occur once every 8 seconds. Skills 3.3. Gear 2. Or is the only heal you get is the last ability you used? Twitch Page . Only problem with these builds, you never get a step by step, you just get the finished build. -- Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/fengrush Agree wholeheartedly, having a go at a nightblade and having the exact same issue. Make sure to bookmark the link as I will keep updating the build for each new Update of ESO. 104,436 followers. Which means that it gets buffed by the following blue champion point trees: Elemental Expert, Elf Born, Master at Arms, Spell Erosion. Show all. I'm hoping he updates soon, but considering his last video (rant) I kinda doubt it lol. Some great examples of Solo Sorcerer Builds are below. Edited by Kerioko on October 8, 2015 4:07PM, Edited by Minno on October 8, 2015 5:54PM. 1. Best Live Streams of fengrush - Videos, Clips. Dirkdaring Seaimpin de na Aracos. I play a magic sorc atm and have thought about switching to stamsorc because of his builds and approach. Great video and discussion on Stam Sorc pros/cons. Important Info (Food, Mundus, Race, Potions, Passives, Attributes) 5. The build offers insane survivability and burst damage. Just started a new stam dk and now i want to go stam sorc. Sorcerer Stamina DPS Build Index Area of Effect 7. Stam Sorcs have high AoE and single target DPS using dual wield and bow. Much higher DPS … Table of Contents Leveling (1-50) Solo (Veteran Maelstrom)*discontinued Group PvE (Dungeons and Trials) Leveling Build [Updated for Clockwork City by Gilliamtherogue] Objective… Im not really deadset on any kind of build. I just picked Fengrush's build because he used fantastic stam sorc builds. FENGRUSH. Resource Management & Rotation 4. https://dottzgaming.com/build/strain-stamina-sorcerer-pvp-build Feedback Gear 2. Resource Management 4. Streak is a morph of Bolt Escape. 2,585 views - Wed, May 15 at 22:33. ban this guy!! Other Important Info (Food, Mundus, Race, Potions, Passives) 3. Introduction 2. Xynode Gaming.com is your one stop hot spot for everything you need to know about the mechanics in the Elder Scrolls Online! This is a Sorcerer Stamina PvP build for ESO, intended for most players. Feedback . HurricaneFood Used: Wrothgar Stam (max health and Stam rec.) FENGRUSH - The Elder Scrolls Online. Tips & Misc. The reality is its very rare to run into well managed magicka sorcs. Bring justice to those who would defy your will. The build is updated for Elsweyr. Magicka Sorcerer Support [Spellbinder] Magicka Sorcerer DD [Elementalist] Magicka Templar Healer [Lightbringer] Stamina Warden DD [WarMachine] Magicka Necromancer DD [Smasher] Magicka Dragonknight Support [Firelord] PvP Builds by Fengrush. Introduction 2. Lord FENGRUSH - a living legend. Shock Master - Solo Magicka Sorcerer Build - Hack The Minotaur 1. Good to see someone legit actually use that morph. Stam Sorc is way better for PvE than Stam Nightblade. Skills 3. Welcome to our ESO Stamina Sorcerer DPS called Ricochet. User Summary Future Projections Detailed Statistics Real Time Follower Count. This build is made for Cyrodiil and Battlegrounds. At least in this patch, shield stack has a trade off (stam regen). I know the 20% damage bonus doesnt stack but can you have the heal from rally going and also be getting the heals from crit surge at the same time? Welcome to the Stamina Sorcerer Build PvP “Creeve” for Elder Scrolls Online. Imperial City Setup 3.1. Gear 3.2. Update Log Reaper is designed to get the kills while fighting and surviving against impossible odds. I enjoy Fengrushs videos. The build is updated for Elsweyr. Skills 4. eso stam sorc build pvp; Nunc at dolor ac erat January 9, 2012. Oh, so this is the reason I am seeing Stamina Sorcerers all over the low level zones. Just commenting because Fengrush is an amazing player. 92,774,973 channel views. This is a Sorcerer Stamina DPS build for ESO, intended for most players. If you have any questions about the Sorcerer Stamina DPS build, leave a comment below. Important Info Its all really silly, and been overlooked for way too long imo. Nice build indeed, but all that stuff on the screen made me want to claw my eyes out. See our ESO Builds section for more builds. Fengrush . Contact 7. Resource Management 3. edit: Came over to the dark side of eso and am building a stam sorc. Update Log Champion Points (810, 600, 300) 4. And those are two of the skills I hate the most in the game :P. Permanently banned from the forums for displaying dissent: This looks pretty fun. 1. The same pressure a sorc gives, we give him back but with CC. Maelstrom Arena 8. If any of you have do any amount of AvA you may have run across this beast player, Ive seen him solo 6 + people of max rank. Stam sorcs are in such a bad place I'm almost giving up on mine (main since EA). >_<. I just want to use a great build that will get me back into liking pvp again. Introduction 2. Trials & Dungeons Setup 1. I have learned a lot of positive things from them. Finally he has posted what he. I'm having a hard time finding full stam agility pieces as well, is there any place for endurance? 4,681st. He is someone everyone should be inspired to play like, expect with there own character's/build's/playstyle's. FENGRUSH you may want to consider tweaking the Ali build slightly for Battlemaster's Corner - maybe hybridize it some more and completely trash the build's sustain + damage. On this page you will find an updated guide on the class, gear, champion points and everything you need to know for Stamina Sorcerer DPS. Id recommend having some slow, so maybe use stampede. I really like to hear his thought process and reasoning for his builds. Rotation & Cooldowns Patch 2.10.1. 3,225 views - Tue, Mar 14 at 6:03. If you have any questions about the Sorcerer Stamina PvP build, leave a comment below. I'm curious what you'd run for that? I could push my weapon damage way way up - but I need the regen because I cant trade max stam for survival the same way a magicka sorc can trade max magicka for it. Build Used in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CANNUaFjmyA [ Hurricane Deeps ]LETS GO BABY -- Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/fengrush 1 Molag Kena Pauldran (you can also choose to go for 2X Bloodspawn, 2X Pirate Skeleton New Stam Sorc Build by FENGRUSH in elderscrollsonline [–] FENGRUSH [ S ] 2 points 3 points 4 points 4 years ago (0 children) just how we generally … Attributes 3. Champion Points 5. The Sorcerer Class is a favorite choice for players who enjoy playing Solo in The Elder Scrolls Online, due to the Sorcerer’s strong passive healing and use of pets. Do you think Red Guard would fit this build as well? Changes from the previous version 3. This Stam Sorc PvP build has a lot of strong dots providing good damage along with self heals for survivability. Location: Sorcerer > Storm Calling Unlocks at: Storm Calling rank 30 Champion Points buffing this skill: Blessed; Quick Recovery; Champion Points protecting against this skill: Critical Surge is a skill located in the Storm Calling (which can be found in the Sorcerer skill tree). Fengrush PvP and PvE stam sorc builds. Damn you fengrush! PVP King Fengrush willing to assist Shroud & Asmongold. Champion Point Tips Main Highlights:47 Resistant 50 hardy50 elemental defender20 thick skinned46 warlord90 mooncalf31 tumbling18 melee weapon expert48 precise strikes90 mighty ... Stam Sorc - !Artesian for Custom PC Builds !SNEAK for JUICE. :D. FENGRUSH - The Elder Scrolls Online. Streak is a skill located in the Storm Calling (which can be found in the Sorcerer skill tree). Stamina Necromancer [Bonecrusher] Stamina Sorcerer [Ride the Lightning] Templar Healer [Guardplar] 4 years ago. Table of Contents 1. 6. And rename it Don King. I'm running a build real similar to your new one. Ive used crit rush for the bigger heal - since I use caltrops. For a Magicka Sorcerer PVP Build you can take a look at Nemesis. Here you can find guides for trials, dungeons, arenas, beginner guides and even BUILDS for ALL content and ALL classes! FENGRUSH - The Elder Scrolls Online. Streak deals the following types of damage: Shock Damage.
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