Cookies help us deliver our Services. I'd look into the wiki if I was you. Prussia's flag looked so much better. Seems like an interesting run: Brandenburg - Prussia - Poland - Germany. I'm playing as Brandenburg and I have most of the territories to form Germany or Prussia. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. [37] Forming Germany: New Claims & German Mission Tree | Denmark into Germany | EU4 Lets Play 1.30 [38] An Early Reich: European Claims & War with Ming | Denmark into Prussia into Germany | EU4 1.30 [39] German Reforms: A Farewell to Prussian Monarchy | Denmark into Germany | EU4 1.30 Let's Play well actually you can form prussia for the cores on kurland and zemojita and the base tax and if you want prussian as your main culture, due to you already have prussian ideas as brandenburg, and then form germany for the claims on the german region (taking worst eagle-flag in eu4, plz Paradox fix crappy eagle) 3. share. But my question, or series of questions are, Which is better to form, prussia or germany?, can i form germany as prussia?, and does forming germany give me claims on other german states? EDIT: Only formable and able to stay in the HRE if you are an elector or Teutons. I got bored and went and took some african territory from an animist nation, i am completly protestant and the defender of the faith. In 1849, the National Assembly in Frankfurt elected the Prussian king as the Emperor of a Lesser Germany (a Germany without Austria). I plan on eventually expanding further and conquering the HRE, etc. It is most often associated with the kingdom ruled by the German Hohenzollern dynasty, which claimed much of northern Germany and western Poland in the 18th and 19th centuries and united Germany under its leadership in 1871. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Europa … Brandenburg-Prussia (German: Brandenburg-Preußen; Low German: Brannenborg-Preußen) is the historiographic denomination for the Early Modern realm of the Brandenburgian Hohenzollerns between 1618 and 1701. My current vassals are bohemia and the hansa, both of whom i will annex soon. affects true faith, heretic and heathen religious tolerance. Prussia is a country in Europa Universalis II. Having this government ensures: 1. At the same time our lands in Prussia are not a historic part of the Empire, let us declare ourselves King in Prussia to reflect our grander status than the other electors. And switch to polish culture after forming Germany. +10 Maximum absolutism 5. Bohemia is the Emperor, though they're tiny compared to me. eu4 german empire borders. I think for Brandenburg the best idea you can pick first is Diplomacy the extra relations and diplomat was instrumental in keeping Poland-Lithuania off my back and i vassalized alot of small neighbors through royal marriges and diplomacy and when the time was right i cut into poland and took the baltic coast to form Prussia now i'm 1 state away … So, the question has to be asked, Prussian or German Ideas? It is an Elector of the Holy Roman Empire. Prussia, at its start, is a Protestant Prussian cultured and a prussian monarchy located in the East Prussia area, Baltic region of the Eastern Europe subcontinent. I am allied to France (who shares my dynasty), Savoy and Great Britian. −0.02 Monthly war exhaustion 3. Ofc you need lands that are useless for Germany.. You have to go Protestant. Brandenburg starts with 6 provinces in the HRE with only 57 development. −2 National unrest 2. The Duchy of Prussia was out of the HRE, but as the kingdom incorporated Brandenburg and many other German states, it was very much in it. −0.075 Monthly autonomy change 4. Pr… So, game-wise, it makes more sense to form Germany so you get all those extra accepted cultures. Prussia is the key to German unification, as it was in history.Focus on your land technology and on enlarging your military strength and manpower.The most powerful country Prussia will have to face before German Unification is Brandenburg.. Alliances. Having this government ensures: 1. It's like Scotland creating Great Britain, where instead of having to use British/English Ideas, they use the Scottish Ideas. I understand your situation, but overcoming those setbacks and frustration can be satisfying. 331 votes, 33 comments. Prussia is the only state you can form in the HRE regardless of being an elector or not, and I think it should stay that way. For the region, see Prussia (region).. Prussia (German: Preußen) is one of the formable countries in Europe and can be formed by Brandenburg, the Teutonic Order, or any country with Prussian, Saxon, or Pomeranian culture (besides Germany and a unified, centralised Holy Roman Empire).It also exists in campaigns started in 1525 or later. eu4 germany or prussia ideas EU4 Country Tag List Find below a list of all countries and country tags in Europa Universalis IV. ... men (equivalent to 4 percent of the population) and geared the whole organization of the state to the military machine. If this means all cultures in the German culture group are automatically accepted (like Iberian cultures with Spain, etc) then that's a nice bonus in Germany's favor. Form Prussia as soon as possible. The incorporation of Prussia into Brandenburg After inheriting and ruling the Prussian duchy for a few generations the Hohenzollern officially incorporated the area into Brandenburg. But i cant colonize anything because of lack of colonists but i was wondering, should prussia/germany just ignore colonization and outside europe? To add more to what /u/Lycanfire said, Prussia has the same ideas as Germany. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I'm playing as Brandenburg and I have most of the territories to form Germany or Prussia. You need to be able to handedly take out at least one major power immediately. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Europa Universalis IV by Paradox Development Studio. Also what is the best way to tackle bohemia, they have expanded a bit and i have a casus beli and mission on them but im pretty sure i cant beat them, they are the emperor, have about 8 allies, and have a larger army, and better generals(my army is better though). New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. 240k members in the eu4 community. Brandenburg starts with 6 provinces in the HRE with only 57 development. I am allied … −0.075 Monthly autonomy change 4. PATREON's play some Europa Universalis IV (EU4)! i have offensive and defensive, but idk how i feel about those choices. The German Protestants had widespread support of Cathlics abroad because Karl I was just 5 years old and was being heavily manipulated by his Empress-Consort, Alice de Valois. I figure I'll lose my Prussian government (though it's less useful as of now since I am too big to keep the bonuses for too long). Prussia is no endgame tag. 240k members in the eu4 community. Creation of the North German Confederation Prussia's plans to unify Germany. It starts in a good position to form either Prussia or Germany. There is only one king in the Empire, the king of Bohemia. Welcome to another EU4 Dev Diary. So, I’ve been playing a chill game in my free time as Prussia, and I’ve gotten to the point where I can form Germany. What ideas did you use? Also what is the best way to tackle bohemia, they have expanded a bit and i have a casus beli and mission on them but im pretty sure i cant beat them, they are the emperor, have about 8 allies, and have a larger army, and better generals(my army is better though). Im pretty sure can take on all of the hre with me, lithuania and sweden, and in the process of trying to get the last province to form germany, which is nurnberg, i went to war with france and completely crushed them militarily. The main reason is that forming Prussia from Brandenburg is a natural progression in game. So true, when I formed Germany through Prussia I was like "What the hell with this stupid-ass flag?". A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Europa Universalis IV by Paradox Development Studio. And Prussia is a very strong nation with one of the best militaristic national ideas. I understand your situation, but overcoming those setbacks and frustration can be satisfying. However, forming Prussia gives a small amount of prestige and adds some cores to the Prussian region instead of claims. Prussia is easiest to form first. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Is there still a point to forming Germany as Prussia? Form Prussia as soon as possible. Do I get some other bonuses as Germany? You might be able to form another nation, Poland seems the obvious choice and go Germany afterwards? PATREON Let’s play some Europa Universalis IV (EU4)! See the Brandenburg and Prussia pages for strategy on starting. Depending on the intended strategy, consider restarting the game if Poland starts as a rival. eu4 germany or prussia ideas EU4 Country Tag List Find below a list of all countries and country tags in Europa Universalis IV. Since the electors are split on their voting it means through my vassals I'll have enough to become Emperor. I think it's a bit dumb that the one country that historically created Prussia is the one that benefits least from forming it, but there you go. Can someone explain the pros and cons of each? For the Old, Baltic Prussians, see Prussians. Brandenburg: Form Kingdom of Prussia Description. If you’re Brandenburg > Prussia, just stay as Prussia (unless you still get the options to keep the old national ideas, but even then you loose Prussian monarchy) if you’re playing as an HRE minor, or Bohemia, form Germany. It is quite luck-dependent, and requires good allies to grow in this early period. Hell, in fact, the Nation who creates Germany, can have their National Ideas transfered, so that they are the National Ideas of Germany. well actually you can form prussia for the cores on kurland and zemojita and the base tax and if you want prussian as your main culture, due to you already have prussian ideas as brandenburg, and then form germany for the claims on the german region (taking worst eagle-flag in eu4, plz Paradox fix crappy eagle). 331 votes, 33 comments. The most attractive thing about Prussia is its ideas, but as Brandenburg you already have Prussian ideas. With the recent 1.30 Patch Brandenburg, Prussia and Germany received unique mission trees, which are used as guideline for progression in this guide. Starting as Brandenburg []. For me personally Brandenburg is the only viable country to form Prussia - and later Germany - since we all know: A Prussia … In normal games its provinces are coloured gray, in fantasia games, they are coloured light orange. The Prussian Monarchy is a unique government type available only for Prussia that gives a major advantage in military power income. For the region, see Prussia (region).. Prussia (German: Preußen) is one of the formable countries in Europe and can be formed by Brandenburg, the Teutonic Order, or any country with Prussian, Saxon, or Pomeranian culture (besides Germany and a unified, centralised Holy Roman Empire).It also exists in campaigns started in 1525 or later. I formed Prussia and I just need one province to form germany, but fucking sweden took it so now i have to wait for sweden to get peace before i can take it. By February 21, 2021 Uncategorized Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. You might make a lot more money and manpower with all German cultures accepted. Ideas are the same, but Prussia has better Traditions. PATREON's play some Europa Universalis IV (EU4)! Here's a timelapse of my Brandenburg into Prussia playthrough! Do I get some other bonuses as Germany? In this campaign, we will be starting as the monastic order of the Teutonic Order, with the intention to consolidate the region, form Prussia ASAP, go on to form Germany, and explore and expand through all … And switch to polish culture after forming Germany. I've formed it as Hansa, Brandenburg, and Hannover. I figure I'll lose my Prussian government (though it's less useful as of now since I am too big to keep the bonuses for too long). That means you don't need to form Prussia to be a kick ass Germany. However the area was still formally in a state of vassalage under the Polish king and treading easily was advisable. Press J to jump to the feed. Then you can't beat them. I get that Prussian ideas are better militarily, cause of the +20% Morale buff, but German ideas seem better more generally for expansion with the admin efficiency buff. Try to avoid confronting the Russian or Scandinavian countries, so negotiate an alliance with Poland and maintain a 150 relation score. Playing Brandenburg can be challenging during the first 20 to 30 years after a 1444 start. Here's the political map mode. Well the advice concerning the hre seems useless now since there are 2 reforms left, the fact that i left the hre because i didnt want the "revoke privaledga" act to pass, there arent very many people left in the hre, and (this one really confuses me) bohemia, who is the hereditary empire is my vassal who i will soon annex. You might make a lot more money and manpower with all German cultures accepted. You don't get german ideas by switching last I checked. Im pretty sure can take on all of the hre with me, lithuania and sweden, and in the process of trying to get the last province to form germany, which is nurnberg, i went to war with france and completely crushed them militarily. Prior to Austria appeasing an elector and Brabant switching votes to Liege, I was locked in a voting tie and I was seriously considering this war. And Prussia is a very strong nation with one of the best militaristic national ideas. Although a fairly small nation, it’s widely popular with EU4 players. I formed Germany once to say "I did it", but I'll stick with Prussia all the way if I were to chose one or the other. I played as the Teutonic Order and formed both Prussia and Germany, and I like Prussia way better than Germany. Is there still a point to forming Germany as Prussia? PATREON's play some Europa Universalis IV (EU4)! affects true faith, heretic and heathen religious tolerance. or is it a good idea to try to take some things. Note that Poland will most likely have taken Königsberg (41) from the â ¦ Here is every bit of information I could get … The main reason is that forming Prussia from Brandenburg is a natural progression in game. Which one would benefit me most? and does forming germany give me claims on other german states? Here's the political map mode. (Shared By Europa Universalis IV developers) This week, I will be presenting a few of the German mission trees we have been working on that will come as paid content for those who buy the expansion that will accompany the large European update planned at the end of the year. The Brandenburger lands are not the richest in Germany and for long periods of time law and order have been hard to come by. Note that Poland will most likely have taken Königsberg (41) from the Teutonic Order so it is a good idea to ally Poland's rivals to obtain the province. −0.075 Monthly autonomy change 4. yeah that gave me an idea ill just go get the remaining provinces i need to form germany, the dont have to many allies but the problem is the aggressive expansion.
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