ed kelly iaff

Based on his behavior, you have to question his fitness for office and his judgment. We've updated the truth about the lying, rat, backstabber, cheat, union-busting bastard that Ed really is. Edward A. Kelly is the General Secretary-Treasurer of the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) Originally published in The Intercept on September 18, 2020.. Then he doubled-down. He is the ninth general president in the history of the IAFF, and is also a vice president of the AFL-CIO. He burnt down our IAFF house. He was one of six children. 140 talking about this. While his cousin reportedly makes $150,000 a year to keep his laundry clean, our union has now also handed over another reported $150,000 of our dues to BDO. Ricky won. International Association of Fire Fighters, General Secretary-Treasurer Edward A. Kelly. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Probably the most entertaining submission is Edzo’s penchant for tailor-made mail-ordered, As our sisters and brothers in the great state of Washington begin making their decisions [. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Mr. Kelly served as treasurer of Marin Professional Firefighters Local 1775, and eventually followed in the footsteps of his father, Albert Kelly, as director of Fairfax's finances. You've heard about his hiring of a union-busting attorney. That aside, the IAFF Executive Board has a serious question based on his townhall and that question is for IAFF Ethical Practices Committee Chair and “Edzo for IAFF” 4th District Campaign Manager Andrew Pantelis. On March 20, IAFF Secretary-Treasurer Edward Kelly He explained that he gets paid by BFD to never show up at work. The IRS needs to shine some light on the graft, theft, and self-dealing. He told members directly that he would not retire from his “job” in Boston if elected to GP – he currently doesn’t even do the job of GST full time but rakes in half million between his two salaries and sticks the members with his “commute” bill. Months ago, Ed Kelly, IAFF secretary-treasurer, hurled a thunderbolt at his partner, president-for-life Harold Schaitberger. Edzo’s latest punky video said he’s against sweetheart deals. loves talking about himself so his town halls are a treasure trove of his lips moving. Edzo spent three years praising General President Harold Schaitberger as the greatest leader our union has ever known. SCHEDULE: 9:00am - IAFF Trustee Candidate: ALEX FORREST; 9:30am - IAFF GP Candidate: ED KELLY; 10:00am - IAFF GST Candidate: GREG MARKLEY Ed was brought up in a firefighting family. Ed is a veteran of the US Air Force, where he served as a firefighter. All rights reserved. Such pals they were, they considered each other the ideal running mate in a future election for both principal officer positions. “I wouldn’t retire” he said. Get the latest and learn the truth about the real Edzo at www.edzo4iaff.com A graduate of the Harvard Trade Union Program class of 2015, he was named Labor Leader of the Year by the Greater Boston Labor Council. 26 talking about this. But in a turn of events that is only explained by personal opportunism, Walsh recently endorsed Edzo. READ MORE, Why I, Elliott Hastings, retired IAFF Vice President Emeritus, believe Secretary Treasurer Ed Kelly is DEFINITELY not the person to be representing the IAFF in any position but certainly not IAFF President. But that power soon may dissipate in the wake of a memo prepared by the union’s number-two man. Edzo Kelly’s behavior tells you who he really is. Ed also has two of his brothers Boston firefighters. The IRS needs to shine some light on the graft, theft, and self-dealing. But that power soon may dissipate in the wake of a memo prepared by the union’s number-two man. READ MORE. The son, grandson, brother, nephew and cousin of fire fighters, Kelly joined the Boston Fire Department as a fire fighter/EMT in 1997, where he was assigned to the Technical Rescue team that assisted Worcester Local 1009 at the Cold Storage Warehouse fire in 1999. He went on to become president of the Professional Fire Fighters of Massachusetts in 2011, a post he held until his election as General Secretary-Treasurer. EDZO for IAFF President I am proud to be a card carrying member of #OurIAFF. Ed Kelly IAFF GST. Early Voting begins Tomorrow in St Johns County. Ricky won. In 1997, he joined the Boston Fire Department, which has been described as the city’s “whitest public safety agency,” despite its now majority minority population. “Edzo” - No Integrity – This is what you have to look forward to. Yes, 3 years into his term an election was coming up, and he wanted to be GP really bad. Hey 7th District: Can You Smell an Edzo Rat? Edzo Kelly’s behavior tells you who he really is. He is the ninth general president in the history of the IAFF, and is also a vice president of the AFL-CIO. At the 2020 VPFF Convention, delegates unanimously endorsed Ed Kelly for IAFF General President. Then he said “For me to retire doesn’t make much sense”. Ed Kelly IAFF secretary and ALL District VP’s should be encouraging ALL IAFF Locals to participate in this accounting endeavor. Get the latest and learn the truth about the real Edzo at www.edzo4iaff.com He’s out there accusing others of corruption. As part of Kelly’s charitable efforts, he is a co-founder and member of the Board of Directors for Massachusetts Iraq and Afghanistan Fallen Heroes and provides support for children diagnosed with pediatric cancer through The Cure It Foundation. Based on his behavior, you have to question his fitness for office and his judgment. Source: LM forms filed with the Office of Labor-Management Standards. READ MORE, Edzo spent three years praising General President Harold Schaitberger as the greatest leader our union has ever known. He’s out there accusing others of corruption. He was one of six children. 350 Sparks Street, Suite 403 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1R 7S8 Phone: 613.567.8988. Such pals they were, they considered each other the ideal running mate in a future election for both principal officer positions. So far, we have received lots of confidential information about Edzo. Here's some interesting reading that we found thanks to our confidential link and Google on their "union prevention" efforts: "Develop early warning union prevention programs − our team assists clients to minimize labor risks by developing an appropriate employee relations infrastructure, including assessment of vulnerability, and training on detection of early warning signs of union organizing and promptly responding to that activity.". In 1997, he joined the Boston Fire Department, which has been described as the city’s “whitest public safety agency,” despite its now majority minority population. READ MORE. “I don’t know if that translates to other locals” he said. During our 2015 Convention, we voted unanimously to endorse Massachusetts President Ed Kelly for IAFF General Secretary-Treasurer. We just hope it’s soon. We’ve been thinking about Edzo getting reimbursed by member dues for his commuting between Boston and Washington, DC for his entire four-year term. Connect. In August 2016, Ed Kelly, a young rising star in the Massachusetts labor movement, won his bid to become General Secretary-Treasurer of the International Association of Fire Fighters, or IAFF… That if I become infected with this illness, that the […] He mismanaged the office of GST (his job). Remember, this is coming from a guy who [rat-like] leaked his trumped-up charges of “corruption” to the Washington Free Beacon and the Wall Street Journal just for his own political gain. Edzo likes to say in his town halls and pitches to locals that “3 years in, issues emerged” and he had to speak up. On March 20, IAFF Secretary-Treasurer Edward Kelly Ed has three brothers and two sisters. Although video conferencing and working from home has become the "New Normal", our Executive Board and Local Leaders remain vigilant. This information is a public record, which can also be found on www.UnionReports.gov, which is a government-run website. READ MORE. Vying to succeed him are IAFF secretary-treasurer Edward Kelly, a forty-seven-year-old Air Force veteran and former leader of the union’s Massachusetts branch, and Mahlon Mitchell, a forty-three-year-old from Madison, Wisconsin, who heads the Professional Fire Fighters of Wisconsin. The interest and traffic exposing the REAL Ed Kelly has exceeded the capacity of our blog. Edward A. Kelly is the 11th General Secretary-Treasurer in IAFF history, elected in 2016 at the IAFF 53rd Convention. 13 talking about this. Ed Kelly is an arsonist. Per the IAFF Web site, Schaitberger was first elected to the position president in 2000. So, Ed is running AGAINST corruption and sweetheart deals? Self-dealing President’s need to be exposed and run out of the IAFF. The son, grandson, brother, nephew and cousin of fire fighters, Kelly joined the Boston Fire Department as a fire fighter/EMT in 1997, where he was assigned to the Technical Rescue team that assisted Worcester Local 1009 at the Cold Storage Warehouse fire in 1999. Ed Kelly was born in Boston on December 19, 1973. We've updated the truth about the lying, rat, backstabber, cheat, union-busting bastard that Ed really is. YouTube page opens in new windowFacebook page opens in new windowTwitter page opens in new windowInstagram page opens in new windowPinterest page opens in new windowFlickr page opens in new windowIAFF PodBean Podcast, INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIRE FIGHTERS. Yes, 3 years into his term an election was coming up, and he wanted to be GP really bad. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Another internal review, which was distributed within the union last week, found that Kelly had improperly hired outside legal counsel to investigate Schaitberger and the IAFF. Communicate. Choosing Edzo is choosing a corrupt, fear-mongering, anti-union future for our union. Frank Lima and Edzo became fast friends when they came onto the IAFF Executive Board together in 2016. Ed "Edzo" Kelly, is a candidate for General President of the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF). He released a lengthy document asserting financial irregularities with Schaitberger at the epicenter. READ MORE. These meetings will take place on Monday, October 26th 2020 from 9:00am to 12:30pm.
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