Their nails are also usually clearer than those of other morphs and they simply appear muted in color when compared to that of a standard morph. We have Hypo, Leatherback, Trans, Dunner, Citrus, Red and Zero morphs. Often they also have more scales than other morphs. This is done by carefully breading two or more bearded dragons together with specific traits to produce bearded dragon offspring with desired characteristics. Please use the number below each picture when inquiring about the dragons. It is difficult to know whether or not you have a German giant until they are full grown, and these morphs require a much larger enclosure because of their size. They are well-known throughout the entire world for their AMAZING Bearded Dragon Morphs. We will only hold for two weeks. Instead of pointing down like other bearded dragons, a Dunner’s beard is irregular spikes pointing out to the sides. FEMALES CANNOT BE GUARANTEED DUE TO MALE DEVELOPMENT. Strange Mark on Nose Area Appearing just like a standard or classic morph, the German giant morph is a very large bearded dragon. Dunner Morph’s scales also look like they are more textured than other bearded dragons due to the random and disordered way they are arranged on their bodies. Pogonas or bearded dragons refer to agamid lizards that belong to the genus Pogonas, which has a total of 8 different species, all native to the varying habitats in Australia.. They can come in different solid colors. YOU CAN SAVE ON SHIPPING IF ORDERING THE LOBSTER ROACHES AT THE SAME TIME WHEN PURCHASING A DRAGON. Zero bearded dragon for sale. Size: 4 - 5" Species: Pogona vitticeps. DUNNER BEARDED DRAGONS. If a dragon has the words "Out of Stock" or "SOLD" on their profile it means they are no longer available. The blotches are also found on the arms and legs of the dunner dragons and usually have conical scales. Out of Stock means someone recently purchased the dragon and I haven't had time yet to manually put the "SOLD" ribbon up. A genetic powerhouse and a one of a kind dragon to boot! The markings of a Dunner morph seem to go in any direction instead of the typical stripes found fairly symmetrical on many other types of bearded dragons. You will also notice a spotted or blotched pattern running down the back of the bearded dragon. Hypo Citrus Dunner A paradox morph is obvious to spot since it has blotches of bright colors on its body. In addition to showing off spots on the back, these bearded dragons also have their scales growing in … A combination of the witblits and the zero morphs has produced a newer morph called the wero. The Dunner bearded dragon is named after the breeder that created them. White Hypo Bearded Dragon. This also means that if a dragon carries the dunner gene it will visually display the dunner characteristics. Translucent morphs are also commonly hypomelanistic so they are typically lighter in color. Scientific name: Pogona We have thousands of exotic reptiles for sale from top breeders from around the world. All dragons in this category are dunner and/or hypo … Pictured below are a few of our Citrus bearded dragons from various lines and genetics. Our motto is to provide other hobbyists, collectors, and pet owners with healthy, colorful, and personable bearded dragons. In addition to showing off spots on the back, these beardies also have their scales developing in many directions. Genetics in general is a complicated area of study. Welcome to Gnarly Dragons! This video is unavailable. NOTE TO ALL. And finally… Here are a few of the Dunner bearded dragons that hatched in 2014. Dunner morphs often have spots, and their scales are not organized, so even patternless Dunner morphs can be identified from their unorganized scales. The dunner bearded dragons carry a design that is different than the traditional pattern of a bearded dragon. BEST PRICES ON THE NET CHECK IT OUT! CB . They’ve been breeding Bearded Dragons for more than 25 years now. Chicago Exotics Animal Hospital, 2020. We ship FedEx, “Priority Overnight” Monday through Wednesday. These are the most commonly seen morph of bearded dragons and usually the least expensive morph to purchase. 1. Looking for an exotic Bearded Dragon? In the wild, colors of bearded dragons were primarily dependent upon their … Read our, How to Stop Glass Surfing in Bearded Dragons, What to Do If Your Bearded Dragon Lays Eggs, The 9 Best Bearded Dragon Supplies of 2021, Feeding Bearded Dragons Leafy Green Vegetables, The 13 Best Christmas Gifts for Your Dog in 2021. Bearded dragons with a very bright future!. The main identifying trait of a leatherback bearded dragon morph is its smooth back. Leatherback morphs do not have spikes on their backs but do have them on their heads and sides. Dunner Bearded Dragons for Sale in the United States. Dachiu Dragons is a family-business owned and operated by a husband and wife. There are also combination morphs, which can become very confusing if you aren't a savvy bearded dragon morph identifier. Some morphs can fetch a hefty price from breeders and are less commonly seen than other morphs, so it's wise to be prepared and educated before going out to purchase a bearded dragon. This uniquely patterned morph was created by crossbreeding a combination of several different morphs. The term is commonly heard in describing bearded dragons and snakes. Three new dunner beardies! Size: 7 - 9" Medium Hypo Leatherback Bearded Dragons. Oftentimes bearded dragon breeders will use certain words to describe the beardies they are selling that many people may not understand. The term hypomelanistic means "below normal color" and in the case of a hypomelanistic bearded dragon morph, these dragons look somewhat pastel in coloration. We’ve been breeding bearded dragons for the last 5 years and work with many different bearded dragon morphs including red, orange and citrus color morphs, hypo, leatherbacks, translucent, hypotranslucents, dunners and zero bearded dragons. Hypomelanistic morphs are unable to produce dark patterns and colors. Double Het. Named after the breeder who created them, the Dunner morph looks similar to a classic morph except there is no obvious pattern to their scales. High color citrus dunner and/or hypo Blue Stripe bearded dragons High color citrus dragons with blue sides. Adrienne Kruzer, RVT, has worked with a variety of animals for over 15 years, including birds of prey, reptiles, and small mammals. Check out our available dunner bearded dragons for sale below! This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Standard morphs have backs that are covered in small spikes and have large triangular heads with a beard. They can come in a variety of different colors, such as tan, red, yellow, and have black and orange markings. BEST PRICES ON THE NET CHECK IT OUT! These dragons have vertical striped patterns on their back rather than the normal horizontal stripes. Bearded dragon got sucked up... Beardie banging on glass Great News Watery poop Mouth Rot? Morphs also often explain what a bearded dragon's body type or size looks like. Yellow & Orange Hypo Citrus Dunner. Try browsing the Bearded Dragons Index if you're looking for something specific. Double Het Leatherback Bearded Dragon. Among these species, the Pogona vitticeps (Inland or Central bearded dragon) is the most commonly kept as a pet. Het: Het is short for “heterozygous.” This just means that an animal carries a certain trait but does not physically display it. The lack of spikes on their backs also makes their colors appear more vivid and therefore make them a popular bearded dragon morph. These are a more rare type of bearded dragon morph than the standard and hypomelanistic morphs. Bearded Dragon Breeder. As its name implies, the translucent bearded dragon morph is named as such due to its almost see-through spikes and scales. They look as though paint was splattered on their bodies in no obvious pattern. Dots and blotches are found on the back of the dragon between the normal shield pattern, along with lines and streak that run down the tail. Payment can be made with Visa or, MasterCard using square invoicing via email or by PayPal invoicing as well. There are currently only 2 dominant or co-dominant bearded dragon traits known, the dunner gene and the leatherback gene. Hypomelanism is a condition in which there is a reduced pigmentation compared with that as seen in the wild type. Baby Hypo Dunner Bearded Dragons w/minor nip tails (het zero) Size: 4 - 5" Species: Pogona vitticeps. Bearded dragons come in a range of sizes and colors. Baby Dunner Bearded Dragons for sale and Baby Hypo Dunners For sale. The scales on the beard and belly run in random directions, and the scales on the back and tail are conical rather than the usual ‘teardrop’ shape, giving a dunner a much 'rougher' feel. These white bearded dragons are growing in popularity. Salmon Hypo Leatherback Bearded Dragon The dunner bearded dragon is a dominant trait which means that if a bearded dragon has the gene, it will portray the signs of a dunner which normally included a pattern on the tail, larger forearms, conical scales, etc. NOTE TO ALL. The known dragon morphs are Classic/Standard, Leatherback, Translucent, Hypomelanistic, Dunner, German Giant, Silkback, Witblits, Zero, Wero and Paradox. Beautiful male hypo dunner bearded dragon for sale that is also 100% het trans, 66% het zero. We are specializing in breeding different color morphs of bearded dragons - such as red, orange, yellow, hypo., translucent, leatherback, dunner, witblits, zero and paradox!. Contact us today for more information. Call or email us with a zip code to determine shipping cost. The normal back pattern of a beardie is stripes, but the dunner takes their backs to a new level with spots. If it is not displaying the traits then it … Baby Striped Leatherback Bearded Dragons. Dots and blotches are found on the back of the dragon between the normal shield pattern, along with lines and streak that run down the tail. The organism manifesting hypomelanism is described as hypomelanistic. They are more difficult to care for than other morphs. Silkback Morph. A Dunner bearded dragon has more scales than a normal scaled and they are pointed in different directions especially on the tail and stomach. Bearded Dragon Care. A morph has more to do with describing what a bearded dragon looks like rather than just identifying its color, although some use the terms interchangeably. Selective Breeding: Selective breeding is when two particular types of bearded dragon are mate… This means that if the dragon is carrying the dunner gene it will display the dunner characteristics. Different bearded dragon morphs may have different colors, but they can also have differing spikes, scales, head shapes, nail colors, patterns, and more. PLEASE BE AWARE WE WILL HOLD DRAGONS FOR 8 DAYS AFTER PURCHASE. Watch Queue Queue Baby translucent morphs have an almost clear belly that appears blue, like that of a leopard gecko, and adults typically have solid dark eyes where no iris is visible and occasionally blue eyelids.
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