Based on the video game Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. "[1] The actor "didn't want to model Cal on any specific Star Wars character", adding "I wanted Cal's personality and demeanor and everything to come out of his own experiences and his own stories, and to build it from an inward place." Nobody says you're absolutely locked into just one. So when I got into the room and they gave me the toy lightsaber, I was like 'I knew it! Vader then sent Cal's lightsaber to him stabbing him in the ribs. Cere defeats her old Padawan in combat and manages to convince her to let go of her hate. Cere then reassumed her status as a Jedi and made Cal a Jedi Knight. Saw the Second Sister was qt dark side gf and decided to write this. Also, he totally doesnât have a thing for the ex-Imperial cyborg assassin whose ass heâs been forced to rescue at least a dozen times in the past two months. tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title, She was saved by them to live the old life she'd left behind. The Imperial remnant has been pushed back and The war seemingly is in favour of the New Republic. You play as Cal Kestis, a force-sensitive scrapper in hiding who picks up his Jedi training once the Sith start hunting force-sensitive children. It's a character that I've really grown to love." It's time to rebuild, and perhaps make some new friends along the way. He was forced to fight in a gladiatorial arena owned by Sorc Tormo against a number of different creatures and the bounty hunter that captured him in retaliation for Greez not paying his gambling debts. The Second Sister gets the upper hand in the fight and almost kills him but BD-1 manages to activate an impenetrable laser barrier in between both of them. In hopes that the day will come when the Empire falls and once again the power of the light side is needed to bring balance to the Galaxy. For an article on both Vader's life in Canon and Legends, visit his page on Wookieepedia. The secrets they keep and the lives they shape will be pivotal for the future of their planet and their ancestors lightyears away. 4 Does … While on the planet, the ice underneath Cal and BD-1 shattered sending Cal into the icy water before being saved by a vision of his young self. Thank you very much. [15], In 2020, Cal Kestis ranked 50th place in a "Best Star Wars character of All Time" fan poll organized by IGN. 1 Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace 2 Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones 3 Star Wars: The Clone Wars … Before the developers knew who Cal Kestis was going to be, there were several different concepts. Cordova tells Cal of the Holocron and of an ancient civilization called the Zeffo, that built the vault and the only way to open the vault is to follow Cordova's path. Star Wars is an American epic space opera film series created by George Lucas.The first film in the series, Star Wars, was released on 25 May 1977 and became a worldwide pop culture phenomenon, followed by five sequels, three … Pokemon Adventures Manga Universe. The crew weren't happy to see each other as Cal cquestioned Cere about Trilla and Greez about the gambling debts. However, the crystal that he retrieved had snapped in half leaving the Padawan feeling broken and defeated. The message inspires Cal to build a double bladed lightsaber using the two parts of the crystal and returns to Dathomir. it's more likely than you think, Though it'll probably be pretty compliant until s2, author attempts to describe Force abilities with varying degrees of success, making things up about mandalorian culture, brief descriptions of a panic attack in chapter 11, If it doesn't fit I'll make something up because is called storytelling, It turns out I want to see characters suffer - sorry, suggestions/implications of intimate relations, Characters dealing with death of family members, Graphic descriptions of violent behaviour, Descriptions of scars and healing injuries, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Trilla Suduri | Second Sister Needs a Hug. The story of Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader from the Star Wars franchise. Tapal, being able to sense the betrayal of his troops, killed the clone preparing to shoot him. You were a youngling at the temple when order 66 hit. Once the crew arrive at Kashyyk, they find an imperial blockade with Star Destroyers around the planet. Prove that he could complete this mission on his own, and he and his Asset would be free from his master's clutches. Anakin Skywalker was a human male Jedi Knight of the Galactic Republic and the prophesied Chosen One of the Jedi Order, destined to bring balance to the Force.Also known as "Ani" during his childhood, Skywalker earned the moniker "Hero With No Fear" from his accomplishments in the Clone Wars.His alter ego, Darth Vader, the Dark Lord of the Sith, was created when … Years later, he is detected using the Force and is then led on a journey to rebuild the Jedi Order. The argument was cut short as they found out where Tarfful was and set off to meet him. A big thanks to @acosmiclove for inspiring me to write and being incredibly supportive and encouraging! He just goes and gets it I guess. Cal Kestis is a remnant of a decimated Order, but there's plenty of hope for the future. [7] Conversely, Nick Calandra from The Escapist defended Cal Kestis, saying "Cal learning to control his emotions and work through his trauma provides an infinitely more interesting character than he would have been had he just “followed” the Jedi way without truly understanding what it means. He offers to teach Cal dark power but Cal refuses and flees when Merrin attacks them both. Star Wars is an American epic space opera film series created by George Lucas.The first film in the series, Star Wars, was released on 25 May 1977 and became a worldwide pop culture phenomenon, followed by five sequels, three … Back on Kashyyk, they found the bodies of the rebels and learned that Gerrera had left the planet. Greez gets through the blockade but cannot land nearby to where the Wookiee is thought to be. - AU. Vader noticed this and tried to seduce her to the dark side but Cal was able to prevent her from fully turning. BD-1 plays a hidden recording by Cordova where he reveals that he had trusted the droid to find someone trustworthy and lead them to the Holocron. In the hopes that the republic may finally win. However Cere cannot retrieve the Holocron as she had cut off her connection to the force so Cal would have to get it. Cal Kestis just went to Ilum when lightsaber of his master got blowd up - and that wasn't even his original one. He finds the Astrium, and overcomes his guilt over the death of his master. She explains how Cere was tortured by the Empire into giving up the location of Trilla and the other Padawans resulting in them either being killed or turned into Inquisitors like herself. You donât want to be seen. Heroes will rise to face their enemies on the battlefront and from the offices of command. [9]Some reviewers noted that while he doesn't start off strong, the good writing, interesting cast of supporting characters and the entertaining story help the player connect with Cal. You sense...something coming in your direction. If it's not your thing, pass it by. Cal has received generally positive reviews, with critics praising for his characterization and the voice performance of Monaghan, but criticism for his "boring" visual design from various sources. The primary relationship of the game is between Cal Kestis, a Jedi padawan in hiding in the aftermath of the Jedi Purge that took place in Revenge … Tilla is trans in this story. The character of Cal Kestis received generally positive reviews, with some expressing dissatisfaction that the final design of the character was "generic" or "dorky". Cal faces Malicos with Merrin's aid and convinces her to join the Mantis crew. Both teens find themselves alone, on one of the darkest planets in the whole Galaxy. Cal escaped into the tomb but was unable to call Cere or the crew as the Second Sister had cut off his communications, using it to taunt him. The Inquisitors order all workers to line up and advise them to give up the Jedi. As of Patch 1.09, a new update and game mode has been added to Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. The Empire is in a conflict with an extremist group of Rebels led by Saw Gerrera (Forest Whitaker). The first of them is the game guide, which offers useful tips at the start, discusses the topics of combat, exploration and character development, as well as answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ). All of them were wrong. Cal and BD-1 agree to help. A planet lost to the galaxy, or so it was believed, holds a great many secrets in its past and with who it shelters. Five years after Order 66, Cal is in hiding on the planet Bracca, working as a rigger for the Scrapper Guild. He then asks where they should go next. An unconnected one shot, possibly more in the future. Oh and Cal Kestis, who are introduced in the 2019 video game Star Wars: Fallen Order. But this mission won't be easy considering that the Empire still very much wants the destroyed Holocron back in their possession and Cal dead, or worse, twisted into something far darker than any but the Emperor could even dream of. [2], During his audition process for the game, Monaghan wasn't told that he was auditioning for a Star Wars game. When that crimson blade came slicing through the air, slashing down onto the paralyzed woman's back; when her body soundlessly collapsed, her eyes wide open and unseeing; when the roaring fire consumed her body, her ash swept away by the droids, everyone thought Trilla Sudari was dead. in my sw pairing? However, Ahsoka Tano could potentially be involved - while fellow Jedi Kanan Jarrus, Ezra Bridger, and Quinlan Vos are other possibilities. Please consider turning it on! Along the way, Cal is mentored by an ex-Jedi and must confront the fear that came from witnessing Order 66. Cal and the crew of the Mantis had become daring outlaws helping where they could, protecting those in need. Cal had destroyed it, their fate would be resigned to the will of the force. You quickly pull up your hood and stand up, trying to leave unnoticed through the back. His family dead and nameless as any other stolen child, the only way to survive is to excel in his Dark Side training and become a fully fledged Inquisitor. The duo make their way to the escape pods with Kestis sneaking through the pipes while Tapal sabotaged the ship's reactor. They land on the planet and Cal and BD-1 are confronted by Nightsister Merrin (Tina Ivlev) who warns him to leave and then sends her Nightbrothers to kill him. I guess Ahsoka just visited it too, since that's the usual place for Jedi to collect crystals. To that end, Captain Rex has been promoted to General. Many things change. He was a weapon. As she manages to escape the cult, she falls right into the hands of Supreme Leader Snoke who makes an offer she can't refuse. Having escaped the 13th Clone Battalion and the destruction of their star destroyer, the Albedo Brave, he finds himself in a damaged escape pod falling onto the outer rim planet Dathomir. Cal woke up imprisoned with BD-1 missing. Years later, he is detected using the Force … Cal had destroyed it, their fate would be resigned to the will of the force. BD-1 stunned Vader allowing Cal to stab him. After an accident causes Cal's friend, Prauf (JB Blanc) to fall, Cal saves his life using the force and is spotted by an Imperial Probe droid. On board the Mantis, Cal destroyed the Holocron, in case the Empire ever found it, protecting all those on the list and letting the force determine what happens. Cal Kestis is a remnant of a decimated Order, but there's plenty of hope for the future. In a galaxy far, far away, the Vod'e were cloned with an excellent set of pipes. The crew then travel to Dathomir in search of the Astrium. What he sees, who he finds and where he finds them should all be impossibilities. Han didnât even realize how high the stakes were until it was too late to back out, which was awfully inconvenient, considering his commitment issues and his bad habit of easily falling in love. Legends told of phoenixes burning away in a blaze of glory when they die, only to reborn from the ashes, as something new, yet also retaining their old self. One day she decides to take her life into her own hands and risk it all to be free. Some of them are more interesting than others. He is portrayed through performance capture by American actor and model Cameron Monaghan. It is a time of great turmoil in the galaxy. The galaxy and the force still cried out for help, cries he at times couldn't ignore. While he was the evil Emperor's top enforcer and Supreme Commander of the Imperial Forces, he sought to crush … Cal hijacks an AT-AT which impresses Gerrera leading to him asking Cal for help liberating a refinery with the possibility that Tarfful will be there. Life was hard, the ever present threat of being found out for who he really was; a Jedi. If you buy something, we get a small commission. Psychometry is a rare yet priceless ability, one that comes at a cost that isn't always worth paying. Cal and the crew of the Mantis then head to Zeffo, an Imperial occupied planet which was the base for the failed "Project Auger" which was set up to mine for ancient artifacts. Cal then shattered glass to let the water in flooding the room and giving Cere, Cal and BD-1 time to escape. Cal joins a ragtag group of misfits and begins a quest to stop the Sith from finding an artifact. Thatâs when you see him⦠a Mandalorian in shiny silver beskar walk in. After experiencing a flashback of his former master sacrificing himself to protect him during Order 66, Cal's lightsaber is destroyed. Welcome to the Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Updates and Patch Notes page, which details all of the major updates since the game launched on November 15 2019. The actor experienced bullying over his red hair, with people making mods just to change the colour of Cal's hair,[13][14] and spoke out against them. Trilla Sudari had been burned away in a blazing inferno; rising from her ashes, Aaliyah Rivera stood tall and proud. He managed to escape her and found another one of Cordova's recordings, which told Cal that the key to the vault was a device called the Astrium. Vader overpowered Cal and almost managed to kill him before Cal threw a piece of machinery on top of him. They say all legends were based on truth, they were not wrong. Cal made it to the escape pods with his master despite losing his lightsaber. His powers had grown since he had let go of his fears and hurt. A drink too many finds Cal making connections in the force he didn't think possible. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Monaghan provides both the voice and likeness for Cal's character, including his natural red hair. It's been a week since Cal made the decision to leave the fate of the galaxy's know force sensitive children to the Force. The young Nightsister Merrin, the last daughter of Dathomir, tasked with the burial of countless of her fallen sisters after the Massacre of the Nightsisters. Cal does indeed succeed in completing his quest which included a final confrontation with an Inquisitor. He also stated, "It's such a privilege to be able to play something that has a storied history behind it, but also something that I'm a fan of and have always wanted to be part of since I was a kid. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (253), Star Wars: Jedi: Fallen Order (Video Game) (641), Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types (98), Star Wars: Clone Wars (2003) - All Media Types (11), Cal Kestis/Trilla Suduri | Second Sister (75), Cal Kestis/Original Female Character(s) (50), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (116), Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD (56), Star Wars: Jedi: Fallen Order (Video Game), Trilla Suduri | Second Sister & Original Character(s), Since I refuse to accept Trilla's death as canon I gave her a chance at a new life, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Original Resistance Characters (Star Wars), The Neutral Side of the Force (Star Wars), The Presumption that Once, Our Eyes Watered, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Le Grand Inquisiteur | Il Grande Inquisitore, Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - All Media Types, Ookido Yukinari-hakase | Professor Samuel Oak, Female Pokedex Holder Blue | Green (Pokemon Adventures), the fact that that is an actual tag is SENDING me, please heed the warnings because this fic gets d a r k, Original Imperial Character(s) (Star Wars), Rebels characters appearing from Chapter 18 onwards, Darth Maul appearing from Chapter 35 onwards, I'll be adding other characters as they come up, As tender as a beskar covered fist in the face, Nightsister Magic | Dathomir Magic (Star Wars), this fic is named Poncho (derogatory) in my word processor, and i don't know where i'm going with this at all, characters that have never met?
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