depressed girlfriend reddit

This way you feel helpless and probably unhappy. 100% Upvoted. She probably is, but it’s only because she knows you’ll love her unconditionally regardless. Giphy . My boyfriend and I have been seriously dating for two and a half months. My girlfriend (ex for now) just broke up with me. Posted by 2 years ago. She needs to get at least a little bit better via professional help first. If you want to really help a chronically depressed girlfriend, convince her to go to therapy, go to therapy with her, and/or support her as she works to find an antidepressant that works for her. Knowing how to deal with a depressed girlfriend depends on a number of factors. Archived. And, some of those guys have gorgeous girlfriends. There may be times when you feel like your girlfriend is walking all over you or taking all of her depressed frustrations out on you unfairly. Be the first to share what you think! Every post that contains the term girlfriend is by a guy who laments that hes never had a girlfriend Female "depression" is a meme . Discover now some of the best messages you can send her. It is also true that those are not the right women for you anywase! I always make sure to be there for her when she’s going through it too and to make sure she knows how much I love and appreciate her always. She's lucky to have you, and if you are committed to it, then you're going to have to wrap up tight and roll with it. Sometimes they withdraw from their girlfriends, wives, and other loved ones – or they lash out in aggressive ways. Everything you said that she said is clearly the result of depression... yeah i know. Sort by. Even in the depression it never changed, it wasn't his fault. The troubled mind sees little beyond itself so it is at times a thankless position. Keep your messages simple and sincere. I know I’d support her, but she deserves to never have to worry about her girlfriend feeling so sad and heavy and hopeless. If you hadn’t mentioned she was seeking treatment for depression, I would have suggested that you help her get in contact with the appropriate mental health professionals as your first step. So if she’s being unreasonable, just take a breath and remember By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. As someone who has wrestled with depression my whole life, I have torched fuck knows how many relationships as a result of feeling unworthy of, or unwillingness to communicate, and pushing people away. I went through a process of pushing away my boyfriend. Thanks. So my girlfriend of a few months has been dealing with depression since her early teens, and still struggles with it to this day. When my girlfriend gets self-destructive/ nihilistic my heart cracks in two, so i definitely feel where you’re coming from. article references. Does anyone else feel so horrible about being depressed because your heart hurts for your partner? Like, if my girlfriend were feeling the way I am it would absolutely tear me to pieces. 12 Things That Happen In A Relationship After She’s Been Single For A Long Period Of Time. 8 Things You Don’t Realize She’s Doing Because She’s Terrified Of Getting Hurt Again. “Everyone is stressed and productivity is low, so my colleagues didn’t notice I wasn’t doing much. Peer support for anyone struggling with a depressive disorder. ASK AMY: Depressed partner locked in shame cycle Back to video My boyfriend is amazing, yet I always find something to argue about. I can’t even imagine how hard that must be. Managing mental illness, including depression, is different for every individual. We got into the relationship too fast before we could really connect, and I dont know what to say to her to get out of it. I’m 100% sure that having you there is making his life so much better and more worth living, though. However, depression can cause deep problems in a relationship. My own relationship, for example, left me depressed because I felt hopeless to change it. It is true! User account menu. APA Reference Smith, E. (2019, April 26). Innate to that is self destructive tendencies driven by cyclic, self destructive and ultimately pointless thought patterns. Me and my partner both have anxiety and depression but what makes me feel shitty is that most of the time i feel like i can't help him at all due to the differences in our mindsets. You're just choosing to make yourself more miserable than you have to be.' its actually better, it happens less and less, but i would just like to know what you would do in my situation, i'm willing to put in the effort. Press J to jump to the feed. The ways this can relate to relationships are numerous. Tldr; girlfriend is super depressed, refuses to leave the house , and I have no idea how to help her. It's clear now that I have that shit under control that it was on me, not them, but when you're in that state you can't see outside your own head. If you want to tough it out, then you're going to have to be heavy on the toughness. Last month I got a feeling that something was wrong with my GF, so I decided to snoop trught her phone, because normally she writes her feelings in a notebook app. What should I do? The message to the partner dealing with depression is there’s obviously something inherently wrong with them (they are broken) that could justifiably make a “normal” person not want them. and what should i do about it? Stability? It's all part of the self destructive inherently self focused spiral of depression. I get very upset over nothing. Thank you so much. I know I’d support her, but she deserves to never have to worry about her girlfriend feeling so sad and heavy and hopeless. Just making the first call to get help can be really, really hard when you’re clinically depressed. Posted by 6 days ago. Their partners never know how to help but how could they? See Also: What to Say to a Depressed Boyfriend, Girlfriend. I care for her, but not the way she needs me to. Don’t let taking care of your wife overtake your life. Dealing with a depressed girlfriend is hard, but depression is an illness. hide. You really can't do much to help, even if you do it would only be temporary. The 25-year-old and mother of one shared the different struggles she has encountered on her Instastories on Monday. Loving Someone with Depression Comes with Challenges. Can’t Get A Girlfriend Because I’m Fat. share. 2 Your Physical Health Has Declined. Your girlfriend is lucky to have you, even though she probably doesn't fully understand to what extent. She is accountable for her own behavior, even now, and you should be supportively pointing out issues. Your girlfriend has been struggling with depression for quite a while, and there is absolutely no magical cure/fix/ or anything you can do to stop it or make her feel better. I've been through this too. Make sure you continue to stay engaged with activities you enjoy. You just have to know all of that going into it, and just take the shit as it comes, and be constant in yourself. no comments yet. Log in or sign up to leave a comment Log In Sign Up. Being cooped up with his girlfriend in an apartment never intended for 24/7 living, with social and work interactions limited to Zoom, is stressful, says Carneiro. For instance a friend of mine once said to me: 'Even if you were the worst person in the world, why hate yourself? I have to break up with my girlfriend, who is severly depressed. It is like Messages of Support. recently, she had a mental breakdown at her home and was sent to the hospital. 10 Reasons Why The Perpetually Single Girl Will Make The Best Girlfriend. Depressed Girlfriend Broke Up With Me Because She Was Overwhelmed. Recently, his depression has gotten much worse, and because this is the first time he has gotten very depressed since we’ve been physically together, I have no idea what I’m doing. And when I finally do get a little bit of happiness, I try to shower them in it. It’s just painful and she doesn’t deserve any pain. Remember: A boyfriend/girlfriend relationship is is not a marriage. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. She needs to continue to work the “system”: therapy/medication, and from the breakdown perspective she probably needs residential treatment!! recently, she … Press J to jump to the feed. Feelings of helplessness are part of the carer's territory, hard to cope with. she sees a psychologist a few times a week, but I honestly get scared when she says shit like that. Chances are, your depressed boyfriend doesn't really want to push you away, he just doesn't know how to ask for what he needs from you. It's a choice. View Entire Discussion (0 Comments) More posts from the relationship_advice community. Reply. Showing your support will prove to your girlfriend that she can lean on you when she needs it the most. Had a bit of a snap out of it moment for me on some of the more destructive thought patterns. It's nobody’s fault, and it's certainly not your job to fix it. i need your guys' help. You are in rescue mode - not a healthy foundation for a long term relationship. Girlfriends Ranked Best To Worst Based On Your Birth Month. You’re totally right. She has to find her way through this. Get our newsletter every Friday! I was the depressed girlfriend though. 6 years ago. For one intrepid Reddit user named bovadeez, finding a way to lift his girlfriend’s mood each day became a sort of mission, and now he’s sharing his creative method with the internet as a way to help others. With these texts, you’ll remind her you are there for her. Integrity? Katie February 20, 2015 at 6:34 am . Mainländer Songwritercel ★★★★★ Joined May 2, 2018 Posts 32,847 Online 108d 4h 25m. 109. share. If your girlfriend seems depressed, recognize it as a problem. Don’t let your activities go to the wayside when caring for your depressed wife. Those suffering from this form are prone to relapses, even if they appear to have been well for a while. Flavour’s baby mama and former beauty queen, Anna Ebiere aka Anna Banner has shared her experience with depression and also told her fans that she once contemplated suicide. A combination of all of life's little problems just became overwhelming and crushing. The silver lining? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Dating is a time of evaluation. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. You're deciding to hate yourself, when you could just as easily decide to not, and like yourself anyway. If your boyfriend is dealing with depression, he won’t walk around crying or saying how glum, sad, and depressed he feels. Depressed people react differently to relationship troubles. I just try to remind my partner how much I appreciate them for sticking through it. Common interests? depressed reddit by toika-| created - 9 months ago | updated - 9 months ago | Public what to watch when feeling trapped inside your own head credits to depressed reddit users, cheers Refine See titles to watch instantly, titles you haven't rated, etc. As a girlfriend or boyfriend, you have a right to break it off if it is not working for you. And yes, some anxiety symptoms are plain scary. Try not to feel guilty, true love is about the ups and downs, not just the ups. I have been kind of put in a position of her caretaker while she goes through her depression. She doesn't mean any of the shit that is coming out of her mouth, and as she works through this she will come to realize that. Does anyone else feel so horrible about being depressed because your heart hurts for your partner? Depressed boyfriends often mask their depression with workaholism or substance abuse. Sometimes, just reminding them of the good things that life offers can make all the difference in someone’s mood. Well, if you are talking about ones with great face, frame and height; yes, they are full of shit. “Not having spontaneity is a big loss.” Work responsibilities have become “ethereal,” he says. No short cuts. She said she was ashamed of her body and […] She seems to be happier around other people and takes out all of her negative emotions on me. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the relationship_advice community, Continue browsing in r/relationship_advice. This does not mean a depressed person cannot have a fulfilling relationship--many people dealing with depression do. its very up and down, sometimes she is smiling and happy but sometimes she is like this. She started saying so much deep and depressing shit, such as "you love the wrong person" and "its hard to love someone else when you hate yourself" and "everyday is a hell for me" and much more. Also remember though, depression isnt a get out of jail free card for being an asshole. Log In Sign Up. 2. It was for me, just something that happened. It’s really great support but damn :/// i feel like i’m being so unfair to her. But I doubt most mentalcels here are gifted with great enough looks to land a … it almost makes me depressed too, seeing her in that state. As bad as it sounds, such people really shouldn't be in relationships. How can I be putting her through that? How can I be putting her through that? I (30m) am having a very tough time with girlfriend (28F) of three years (lived together 2). Some women will not date you because you are fat. I can’t tell you how many fat guys I know that have girlfriends. He's a nihilist and sees no reasons for wanting to live and it breaks my heart. Just snuck up on me. I’m glad your depressed girlfriend already has a treatment team in place. Depression isn’t about you, it’s about her. best. I was so so in love with him. i love her too much, and even though she says sometimes that she "can't" love me, i know she can't live without me in her current state. Need help with your relationship? report. This is especially the case for chronic depression. Or words to that effect. She says she is very happy in our relationship but she has been feeling very depressed with her schooling. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Whether it's romance, friendship, family, co-workers, or basic human interaction: we're here to help! 1. This will be a lifelong battle for her and you need to understand that. 1. extremely depressed gf, help please. While I agree with the statement, that doesn't mean there's reason to disregard any acts of kindness because "it probably won't work" 55. share. Jan 20, 2021 #2 Females manage to get depressed despite living on tutorial mode because they're weak and largely mentally impaired. 0 comments. If she is truly, clinically depressed, understand that you can be supportive but you cannot help her not be depressed. Press J to jump to the feed. “Once-depressed girlfriend here. save. Like, if my girlfriend were feeling the way I am it would absolutely tear me to pieces. My (20M) "depressed" girlfriend (22F) cheated on me, but I don't have enough strength to confront her again.
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