[drive.google.com]Known issues (which cannot be fixed yet):- Some stuff do not receive damage.- Incorrect damage status displaying.- Incorrect textures displaying of Smersh Vest, NBC Jacket when dropped on the ground.- Incorrect textures displaying SURPAT Medic Plate Vest, Gorka Pants for women and Painted Mags for AKM.In the plans:- Fix ground textures (95%).- Some Normal map of objects (50%).- More uniforms, miscellaneous items, weapons and map objects.- Translate names and descriptions of all items in Russian, German, French, Spanish, Czech. This item will only be visible to you, admins, and anyone marked as a creator. If it's a light from top of the should that would be a nice light source instead of helmet+flashlight or headtorch. Fannypack Colors: pink, black, multi,camo, Cargo Backpack:IFAK Pouch / Cargo Pouch, Velcro Patch, Canteen / Tactical Bottle, Per… This is the best overall gear IMO We are very grateful to you for being with us, without you we would not have the incentive to support this mod further! If you want to help, contact us: vector1000000@gmail.com"I could not translate the items in stringtable.csv - who knows how it works, let me know! The fact that you have small disk space is not our problem.Q: Why does your equipment weigh lots of?A: This is a bug of the game, waiting for the fix from the developers.Q: I can your mod add to my modpack and reupload / repack? We paint, We Draw, We Glow! SANDWICHES? https://www.paypal.com/paypalme2/jacksmithru. By Español - Latinoamérica (Spanish - Latin America). Pegasus İnternet sitesinde reklam takibi yapan firmaların çerezleri de mevcuttur. I love the canvas backpack for that reason. "- Added: OSV-96 Sniper Rifle and Optic- Added: MSBS Rifle- Added: PP19 VITYAZ Submachine Gun- Added: L96A1 Sniper Rifle- Added: New Suppressors- Added: Poland Army camo Summer and AutumnAlso, if you want to help us in the development of the mod PayPal[www.paypal.com].Updated main Types.xml and Trader Config.It is new items, addition to the old Types. Pages in category "DayZ Standalone Weapon Attachments" The following 21 pages are in this category, out of 21 total. I really like most of the stuff in this mod pack, the rifle slings and smaller backpacks are super nice for people like me that like to travel light. * This is NOT the same as give_utilities, one adds bag to inventory, one adds bag to player. If you want to help, contact us: vector1000000@gmail.com"I could not translate the items in stringtable.csv - who knows how it works, let me know! I've played with this mod, the rifle slings are dope and you can slap pouches on them I'm pretty sure. Of course if you like showing off your guns for raiders to steal, the gun racks are easy to make and also store ammo/mags. Sign up for a new account in our community. I added a poll. It is only found by crafting. Yes please. Artists in Everything we do! I tested it with AKM, so I think SKS have a same. [drive.google.com]Known issues (which cannot be fixed yet):- Some stuff do not receive damage.- Incorrect damage status displaying.- Incorrect textures displaying of Smersh Vest, NBC Jacket when dropped on the ground.- Incorrect textures displaying SURPAT Medic Plate Vest, Gorka Pants for women.In the plans:- Fix ground textures (95%).- Some Normal map of objects (50%).- More uniforms, miscellaneous items and map objects.- Translate names and descriptions of all items in Russian, German, French, Spanish, Czech. An example of an M4-A1 with various attachments 1 Buttstocks 2 Handguards 3 Sights and Optics 4 Illumination 5 Muzzle Attachments 6 Bayonets 7 Wraps 8 See Also Weapon Attachments are used in DayZ Standalone to enhance a weapon. I will be needing for help in translating in other specified languages except Russian. It can be held in the players hands or put into a players inventory taking up a 1 x 2 slot. This is the last update this year, thanks for using our mod! - DayZ - Canvas Backpack (Ellie's Backpack-TLOU2) - 3D model by Windstride (@redmontwheeler) [b65d267] Feel like we have enough backpacks in the game that these ones don't really offer anything except the ability to suddenly carry extra guns. There is also a rifle sling. I will be needing for help in translating in other specified languages except Russian. A lot of good roleplay items in this pack. "FeedBack: https://discord.gg/YuMzkem, Version 1.0.36- Fixed: Infinite repair cargo and pegasus bag- Fixed: Shooting accuracy with AR series and SCAR-H - Fixed: Matryoshka effect in pouches Cargo and IFAK- Fixed: Headphones ground model bug- Fixed: Flashlight position in AK-15- Fixed: Logo IFAK pouches- Changed: Slots cargo and pegasus bag - Changed: Disabled visual damage in new 3d models items (temporarily because of this a lot of bugs)- Changed: Disabled slots in plate carrier vest (because of this a lot of bugs in inventory)- Changed: Smersh now put on in "vest" slot (why did we do that? I will be needing for help in translating in other specified languages except Russian. The hunting backpack is currently the second largest backpack in DayZ. It is only visible to you. it looks like a military one, but shooting is limited to semi-auto- Added: Funny Suit "Tactical Gopnik"- Added: Painted AKS-74U- Added: AKCR-2019 (Fictional weapon made on the base of the AK-74, it is charged with stanags from the M4A1)- Added: Smersh EMR Camo- Updated: EMR Camo SuitUpdated main Types.xml and Trader Config.It is new items, addition to the old Types. we have a new tactical belt, according to the canon of the game, Smersh should not hang on the slot belt) This mod returns slots Plate Vest and belt slot Smersh Vest.- Changed: New name Tactical Goggles to ESS Ballistic Goggles (NOT CLASS NAME)- Changed: New name Tactical Belt to WAR Belt (NOT CLASS NAME)- Changed: Textures WAR Belt- Changed: Painting some items has been simplified. Daygas olarak: radyant, seramik radyant, sıcak hava üreteci, radyant ısıtma, açık alan ısıtma, spor salonu ısıtma, depo ısıtma gibi hizmetleri sunmaktayız. The gun walls on every server just give reason to mass hoard guns, and while some of the items are cool...like what was originally said; most are over the top and would just be disabled anyways so that we could get a small handful of guns and items. I will be needing for help in translating in other specified languages except Russian. Please. /r/dayz - Discuss and share content for DayZ, the post-apocalyptic open world survival … Standardly voted yes for that Witcher sling. Straight to the point, a fast DayZ Ps4 tutorial.SHAREfactory™https://store.playstation.com/#!/en-ca/tid=CUSA00572_00 Enter the full URL of your item or group's Polycount page, Enter the full URL of your item or group's reddit page, Enter the full URL to your item or group's Sketchfab page, This item has been removed from the community because it violates Steam Community & Content Guidelines. You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. Love these items. Also I do love customizable items but I would prefer if you could pick what you attach to the slots, so not every fully kitted backpack would look the same (like a fishing backpack for example). Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts (OPS-Core Helmet, IBH Helmet, WAR Belt, Face Mack, ESS Ballistic Goggles, Gas Mask III M6800, Gas Mask M04, Gas Mask M50, Tactical Mask, Altyn Helmet and Vsior)- Changed: Minor model edits Pegasus Bag- Changed: Medic logo in Plate Carrier and Assault Bag- Added: Map Object Weapon Trader Decor (and Tent version)- Added: Lowa Zephyr Boots- Added: Altyn Helmet and Visor- Added: New weapons AR-15 IPSC, Mossberg 590, Black Eagle II, M16A4, AR-15 SBR, AR-15- Added: New colors Pegasus and Cargo Backpack and pouches- Added: New colors OPS-Core helmet- Added: Small and Lite and Medium WAR Belt- Added: New colors ESS Ballistic Goggles- Added: New colors WAR Belt- Added: New colors Face Mack- Added: New colors III M6800 Gas Mask- Added: New ZombiesAnswers to some questions:Q: Will you split the mod into parts? Consithering we have so many modes weapon models on this server I can see allot of modern conflicts with Dutch a modern, sorry but my vote is no. Military Mountain Bag:IFAK Pouch / Cargo Pouch, Velcro Patch, Canteen / Tactical Bottle, Personal Radio, ChemLight 3. Other than that, Im in my second year … It would be awesome tho to have the backpacks and other items in the pack that really adds more to rp. I have small disk space.A: We will not do that, very nigh quality models and textures can't weigh a small. "- Added: Tactical Cap- Added: New Ops-Core Attachments (Visor, Mandibule) updated 3D Model Ops-Core Headset- Added: 6B47 Helmet and ACH Helmet, New NVG- Added: Military Glasses- Added: ZSh-1-2M and Visor- Added: New textures Velcro Patches- Added: New IFAK Pouch- Added: New Balaclava- Added: New colors Canteen- WORK IN PRORESS -WIP: Ground Model VestsUpdated main Types.xml and Trader Config.It is new items, addition to the old Types. This item pack adds so many new toys for the people, and it also gives another set of customization to everyone who wants to keep a unique look or show off with other items. Many players will not appreciate this move. Instead it used a different model of the same caliber that was in the FiDov pack, might be mistaken however. I will be needing for help in translating in other specified languages except Russian. "FeedBack: https://discord.gg/YuMzkem, Version 1.0.35- Fixed: Vanilla Canteens weren't attaching to belts- Added: AK Alfa, AS Val, HK416, PMAG 5.56x45, Zenitco Hanguard, Tactical Bottstock- Added: Tactical Belts (11 options)- Added: IBH Helmets (5 options)- Added: Tactical Face Masks (9 options)- Added: Tactical Goggles- Added: Active HeadphonesUpdated main Types.xml and Trader Config.It is new items, addition to the old Types. PLEASE! - 2x times quieter. We Dance with Fire* Lights We Hang in the Air! * @discussion Puts a bag into players inventory and adds items into the bag. [drive.google.com]Also, if you want to help us in the development of the mod: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme2/jacksmithruKnown issues (which cannot be fixed yet):- Some stuff do not receive damage.- Incorrect damage status displaying.- Incorrect textures displaying of Smersh Vest, NBC Jacket when dropped on the ground.- Incorrect textures displaying SURPAT Medic Plate Vest, Gorka Pants for women and Painted Mags for AKM.In the plans:- Fix ground textures (95%).- Some Normal map of objects (50%).- More uniforms, miscellaneous items, weapons and map objects.- Translate names and descriptions of all items in Russian, German, French, Spanish, Czech. Press J to jump to the feed. If you want to help, contact us: vector1000000@gmail.com"I could not translate the items in stringtable.csv - who knows how it works, let me know! Pegasus internet sitesinde bazı fonksiyonların kullanımı amacıyla üçüncü taraf tedarikçilerine ait çerezleri kullanılır (örneğin, uçuş noktaları ve promosyon sayfalarında yer alan sosyal medya paylaşım araçlarının oluşturduğu çerezler). If you want to help, contact us: vector1000000@gmail.com"I could not translate the items in stringtable.csv - who knows how it works, let me know! Full gorka, hunting backpack ballistic vest with all attachments, gorka helmet w/ visor military shoes w/knife fire axe, M4A1 with acog and RIS w/ flashlight and bipod magpul butstock and a silencer and a FNX with all attachments. I would love to see the rifle hostler but im not sure about the others, Played with the holster on a new server and I personally love it +1. I do think if this gets added the Munghard backpack should be heli loot...it's too unbalanced in terms of all the things it can hold at once without taking up inventory space. Moreover, we are against such a decision. Definitely like the idea of having backpacks that carry shit outside. "FeedBack: https://discord.gg/YuMzkem, Enter the full URL of your item or group's Facebook page, Enter the full URL of your item or group's Twitter page. © Valve Corporation. [drive.google.com]Known issues (which cannot be fixed yet):- Some stuff do not receive damage.- Incorrect damage status displaying.- Incorrect textures displaying of Smersh Vest, NBC Jacket when dropped on the ground.- Incorrect textures displaying SURPAT Medic Plate Vest, Gorka Pants for women.In the plans:- Fix ground textures (95%).- Some Normal map of objects (50%).- More uniforms, miscellaneous items and map objects.- Translate names and descriptions of all items in Russian, German, French, Spanish, Czech. This mod actually looks dope. This backpack can be occasionally found in military loot spawns like army tents and buildings. If you have a related Youtube channel, enter the URL. "FeedBack: https://discord.gg/YuMzkem, Version 1.0.38 (Steam does not correctly show, Mod size 4.4 GB)Follow the mod updates news: https://discord.gg/hX2w5Mx- Fixed: Display items in inventory and in ground- Fixed: Proxy Personal Radio and Chemlight in Operator Bag- Fixed: Display textures in AK-12M, AK-13M, RPK-74 magazines- Fixed: Repair Headgears- Updated: 3D Model size and added 120 slots in Military Mountain Bag, and attachments like a Pegasus Backpack- Updated: Attachments to Operator Bag like a Pegasus Backpack- Updated: Smdi in Ops-Core Helmaet- Updated: Textures Panoramic NVG- Updated: Attach new magazines for old weapons- Updated: Tactical Belt System attachmets- Updated: Logo in main menu- Added: New AK-12, AK-15, RPK-16 and mags, drum.- Added: New WAR Belt System- Added: Vests 6B23, 6B45, MTV, Defender 2, JPC, Tac-Tec"There are bugs with shoulders, who knows how to fix it please give me information. However as @Wulf posted, some of these items seem like they have a lot less quality. 343 votes, 57 comments. I will be needing for help in translating in other specified languages except Russian. A few backpacks are able to be crafted, but most have to be obtained through … I want backpacks with interesting stuff like this, and any chance to carry my gun in any other position than vertically over my shoulder is a good choice for me. We Dance with Fire* Lights We Hang in the Air! If you want to help, contact us: vector1000000@gmail.com"I could not translate the items in stringtable.csv - who knows how it works, let me know! (Steam does not correctly show, Mod size 4.4 GB)Follow the mod updates news: https://discord.gg/hX2w5Mx- Fixed: Display custom mags in the weapons- Fixed: Optimization for the 1.0.5 DayZ Update- Removed: Painted Mags (Cause errors in all other weapons)- Added: Vanilla weapons optimized for the mags from MSF-C Mod"We recommend replacing the vanilla class names of this weapons with these in tyeps and trader config: ( MSFC_AKM, MSFC_M4A1, MSFC_AK101, MSFC_AK74, MSFC_AKS74U, MSFC_VSS, MSFC_AK101_Green, MSFC_AK74_Green, MSFC_AKS74U_Green, MSFC_AKS74U_Black, MSFC_M4A1_Green )"- Added: PMAG Colors- Added: Civilian Hunting Weapons (Vepr-15, VPO-136, Tiger-308 (and Mag), SAIGA-MK 223 Rem.) Not sure if the Gewehr would work. (Steam does not correctly show, Mod size 4.9 GB)Follow the mod updates news: https://discord.gg/hX2w5Mx- Fixed: ORSIS T-5000 and Shotguns- Fixed: IBH Helmet- Fixed: Animation Downrange Tomahawk- Fixed: P250- Updated: Textures in models* * *- Added: Barret M82 Sniper Rifle and Optic, mag, ammo- Added: AR-15 9mm and Glock Mag 30 rnd (thanks for model by CJ Berlin)Also, if you want to help us in the development of the mod: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme2/jacksmithruUpdated main Types.xml and Trader Config.It is new items, addition to the old Types. With that being said I do like both backpacks (even without a weapon slot), but what caught my attention is the placement of the flashligt on the second picture. Survivors with a backpack can carry more supplies and weapons, thus greatly improving the chances of survival. Zippos and stuff were nice. A: No, we will not allow it, we will see our mod or its parts reupload Steam Workshop, we will send DMCA.Q: I can you monetize your mod?A: Monetization of the mod is prohibited, if you see this on the servers, inform us please!Updated main Types.xml and Trader Config.It is new items, addition to the old Types. https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1734713776. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. This item will only be visible in searches to you, your friends, and admins. Version 1.0.43(Steam does not correctly show, Mod size 5.1 GB)Follow the mod updates news: https://discord.gg/hX2w5Mx- Fixed: Shooting accuracy Barrett M82A1- Fixed: AK-103 crashed server- Fixed: Shooting accuracy AR-15 9mm- Fixed: Incorrect animation of attachments after inserting one cartridge in all modded weapons- Updated: Description Barrett M82A1- Updated: Description ORSIS T-5000- Updated: Souds Barrett M82A1- Updated: Bullet power .50 BMG- Updated: Smdi textures in models- Updated: Recoil on all weapons (Test)- Added: EULA rules- Added: Russian Localization (thx for help by Tawean)"Не обращайте внимания на ошибки и прочие недочеты в тексте, пока что это тестовая версия, в следующих обновлениях будет исправлено. it accepts all nato scope attachments and the hunting and lrs scopes. Yes! You can go full on Geralt of rivia with rifles. If its the mod pack that adds the gorka hood too, a definite plus one. This page covers the Standalone version of DayZ.
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