How will they all survive? How Many Times (Bonnie/Damon) - Set in Season 2. With a secret deal, lives hang in the balance. "Oh, thank you, honey," he said sarcastically putting on the dark colored shirt Katherine had picked out. Story: The Reset by StudioEden Bonkai AU: PART … Post 6x17-snow-scene AU. It had been five years since Elena, Stefan, Damon, Caroline, and Bonnie had been in the same room. Let's do it together, i called your name (‘till the fever broke), Caroline Forbes/Tyler Lockwood (mentioned), Bonnie Bennett/Stefan Salvatore (mentioned), Elena Gilbert/Damon Salvatore (mentioned), Kaguya being the Moon Goddess is Bullshit, - tonight, they cry for the girl who lost her way -. I'm my own person, and won't let what anybody thinks of me, control how I live my life" The Vampire Diaries Seasons 1 - 3 All credit belongs to @the1andonlytifftiff, for the idea, cover and story line Voted Best Bonnie Bennett Fanfic in the TVD Fanfic … When Klaus Mikaelson recognizes the NM on her bronze skin, he gets drunk on Bourbon and paints the whole place red. Bonnie McCullough/Bennett. After faking her death in order to take down Klaus, Bonnie and Damon are stuck alone together and bond. Rated M/R And the first time Stefan does. This is a crossover Fan Fiction between The Vampire Diaries and Containment. I guess that's where my heart of darkness comes from." Queen of the Quarter Chapter 7, a vampire diaries fanfic | FanFiction 1920's Gangster AU: Bonnie Bennett is the only daughter of New Orleans' biggest crime organisation. Dark!Bonnie. Work Search: Bonnie McCullough/Bennett Images on Fanpop. Supernatural informationSignificant spells Significant kills Herself Cause of death Overuse of Expression, Spirit and Dark Magic Killed by Herself AppearancePlayed by Kat Graham First seen TO/TVD Special (TOF) Unleashed (ED) . Browse through and read bonnie bennett fanfiction stories and books. "People with bad pasts always come out a little screwed up. AU. -Chantelle Salvatore Chantelle Rosaria Salvatore is the only female of the Salvatore Siblings. 1 Early Life 2 Post Season 3 2.1 Season Four 2.2 Season Five 2.3 Season Six 3 Stefan's Diaries 4 Trivia & Notes Bonnie Bennett made a cameo in the spin-off series Stefan's Diaries, episode A Man Out of Time. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Underage, Rape/Non-Con, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (14), The Vampire Diaries & Related Fandoms (5), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (4), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings. Any good Dark!Bamon fanfiction a that you might know? Dark Bonnie Bennett (25) Angst (6) Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (4) Elena Gilbert Bashing (4) Dark Magic (3) Explicit Sexual Content (3) Eventual Smut (3) BAMF Bonnie Bennett (3) Romance (2) Alternate Universe (2) Other tags to include Exclude ? Nothing Dark Can Stay, Either. Bonnie slowly gets consumed by the darkness and no one will know how to stop her. Browse through and read bonnie x oc fanfiction stories and books. Browse through and read bonnie x oc fanfiction stories and books . Set in 3x21. Slight au: Kol and Bonnie are alive and Bonnie is still using Expression. Bonnie Sheila Bennett is a witch and one of the main female characters of The Vampire Diaries. Add interesting content and earn coins. She fit him perfectly, unlike the other ones. A chill went down her spine because for a split-second she thought he was right and it was terrifying. She goes to Tyler for help. Bonnie's problem however, was that she was only 17. Her magic surfaced without a second thought. Story: i don’t want a bride, i just want bone marrow by thefudge is grumpy Kai Parker is the school pariah, the number one freak everyone avoids. Work Search: Check out the Author’s Notes for more information. Disclaimer: I own nothing. And while they fight to save themselves, one fights just as hard to save Bonnie from both Mikael and herself. Complexity Fanfic Update. bonnie foxy freddy chica fnaf damon elena caroline klaus clemont tvd goldenfreddy fivenightsatfreddys serena salvatore elijah mangle kol jeremy rebekah 1.2K Stories Sort by: Hot Bonnie Bennett has come back from the dead... kind of. i don't want a bride, i just want bone marrow Chapter 1, a vampire diaries fanfic | FanFiction II. Bonnie Bennett-centric; BAMF Bonnie Bennett; Dark Bonnie Bennett; Elena Gilbert Bashing; BAMF Caroline Forbes; Summary. How will they remember me, when I'm dead? Once they meet, neither of their worlds will be the same. Settings Language. Klaus doesn't die but he does find out that him and Elena aren't as different as he thinks. Internal conflict, angst and a particular brand of hunger ensue. One shot. … AU. She was, until recently, the Anchor to The Other Side. Mikael x Bonnie x Klaus. synopsis: After being locked up for thousands of years, all Silas wants to do is wreak havoc and cause mayhem. "With dark eyes and a wicked smile, her lips are slick with red and ready to devour. Our favorite fics published in 2018 I. Mix; Dark Horse (Klaus/Bonnie) - A pissed off Bonnie turns to Klaus after the coin-toss incident with Abby. Bonnie is high on dark magic and only one thing will stop the power from consuming her. One day she is kidnapped and engaged to Kol Mikaelson, son of the Mikaelson crime family. At the beginning before Bonnie … When Bonnie Bennett notices the BSB in her loopy handwriting, she cries herself to sleep. Bonnie finds herself alive, still with magic but this time with a danger ally one her side. Here you will find great fanfics featuring our dear Bonnie Bennett. Vampire Diaries Fanfiction Bamon (Bonnie/Damon) • Attraction Damon loved her and lost her. She became the anchor but something evil has hitched a ride back. None of them could have expected this would have happen. She wasn't really counting on a do-over. Her kind, witches, usually made a very good living lending their magic to vampires. His main targets: His children. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Completed 23 hours ago sрrinting fox . Kennett Week - Dark Kennett/Badass Kennett - Bonnie is finally overtaken by Expression and Kol must bring her back. Browse through and read bonnie bennett fanfiction stories and books . While the Beacon Hills pack (or what's left of it) struggles to recover from the attack of Gerard Argent, they find themselves having to plan a war againt The Alpha Pack. Bonnie has no one to tell her problems to. That doesn't mean they won't try. Dark!Bonnie/Silas . Chapter 1. He knows this is wrong on so many levels, but he certainly doesn't want it to stop. She was, until recently, The Anchor to The Other Side. There she runs into her past fling Marcel Gerard and the two quickly reconnect, causing friction with her friends who have gotten used to Bonnie being their magical fix-it witch. Bonnie Bennett getting the full story ... Fanfiction "...there is power in self-sacrifice." To make matters more complicated the dark lord is courting her and she wants nothing to do with him. Her fury knows no bounds and she will find you no matter where you run. Bonnie Bennett/Stefan Salvatore (4) Bonnie Bennett/Damon Salvatore (3) Elena Gilbert/Damon Salvatore (3) Caroline Forbes/Tyler Lockwood (2) Caroline Forbes/Klaus Mikaelson (2) Bonnie Bennett/Klaus Mikaelson (2) Castiel/Dean Winchester (1) Elena Gilbert/Stefan Salvatore (1) Include Additional Tags Dark Bonnie Bennett (25) Angst (6) Or if your searching for a specific type of fanfic, by all means ask! bonnie bennett haremlucifer x the vampire diaries crossover fanfictionau set during season 3 episode 15. Esther's ritual to kill the Originals backfires, resulting in Bonnie being killed and forced into transition as a vampire. Sign up Log in. Will they miss me, when I'm gone? The zombie virus has begun to spread and Bonnie Bennett and Caroline Forbes have been separated from the rest of the Scooby gang. Esther's ritual to kill the Originals backfires, resulting in Bonnie being killed and forced into transition as a vampire. Photo of Dark Reunion Bulgarian cover for fans of Bonnie McCullough/Bennett 10612017. Lucy is a Witch, and she … CAOS inspired. After being rescued from their respective prisons, Bonnie & Stefan decide to no longer be the martyrs of the group, but it's not until they run into each other at the same party one night that they truly begin to wreak havoc. ** The rating may also change once things start getting heated. Sign up Log in. Bonnie and Klaus discover they are … Bonnie accepts the truth Silas brings; that he will rule as king as she will be his champion. Bonnie Bennett sacrifices herself for her friends for the last time; or at least, that was the plan, anyway. Once there, they realize that they share an enemy with the newly renown Rick Grimes. Maybe... just maybe.. he won't be alone any more. Bonnie Bennett is spending her summer nights in Mystic Falls by herself while her best friends are away. Summary: Thirty-one year old single mom, Bonnie Bennett, lives with her teenage daughter Lucy in a small eccentric town called Mystic Falls with their quirky friends and outlandish neighbors.After getting her daughter into a high end private school, Bonnie finds herself being pursued by Lucy’s hot English teacher, while she fosters feelings for the grumpy cafe owner Kai Parker. Stolen : Damon is forced to shut his humanity off and he becomes obsessed with Bonnie. )(Title taken from Hozier’s ‘In the Woods Somewhere’). Feeling unappreciated, Bonnie decides to drown her sorrows at a bar. Dark Stranger. Little they know they've awaken the devil and his right by his girls' side. Bonnie Shelia Bennett, a Bennett witch and a distant cousin of Nicole Bennett. ... "The dark colors suit you better." The last time Elena doesn’t choose Bonnie. They soon form alliances with the Winchesters' and a group of (mostly vamps - and a werewolf) who have traveled across the country from a little town called Mystic Falls. She decides for once to let loose, not giving a care in the world only to meet a dark stranger in the midst of a dark bar and to hold a dark secret she'll never remember. Bonnie Bennett was told that Bennett witches undergo a special time of their lives. Bonnie Sheila Bennett is a witch and one of the main female characters of The Vampire Diaries. The links are all in bold. This is a page dedicated to her character in Taylor Manton's Season 5. Whatever their souls were made out of, theirs and hers were the same... Bonnie Bennett x Uchiha Clan and Sharingan Users (Shisui, Itachi, Izuna, Madara, Obito, Kakashi, Sasuke)*was formerly on*, In which obtaining god-hood was for a Bonnie Bennett was only a matter of being pulled through a well…. But their allies bring enemies and problems of their own. While she filled the role of counselor and confidante to all of her friends, Bonnie is also a feisty yet empathetic witch, who discovered her powers just in time to help out her family and friends. Half-mortal and half-witch she has to choose between joining the dark coven and leading a mortal life. Bonnie Bennett returns from the Prison World and craves destruction, starting with the insufferable Kai Parker. *Tags/relationships will be updated as the story progresses. Enter Damon Salvatore, who says fuck fate, fuck losing hope, and seeks to bring his best friend back to life by any means necessary. Please consider turning it on! pairing: bonnie/silas. In a way, it excites her.' This usually happens at the age of sixteen and only occurs in a dream, where the witches finally see some glimpses of their future and interact with the person they are destined to be with. I. Kai Parker seems to always have a challenge for Bonnie Bennett. I’ll make a note if/when that happens, They were more of her than she was. As Bonnie attempts to harness dark magic to use for a good cause, Officer Jake Riley is called to her apartment investigate a noise complaint. 4x19 AU. Home Stories Quizzes Create Profile. ... Luna is called on a case pertaining to the dark shadows of her background, one that pulls her back to when she was a young girl. bonnie bennett kai parker tvd tvd fanfiction tvd fandom the vampire diaries bonnie bennet/kai parker fanfiction fanfic christmas holiday snowed in … Please consider turning it on! They call it the ‘Awakening’. Bonnie Bennett is a powerful witch from Bennett bloodline, and childhood friends withElena Gilbert and Caroline Forbes. 209 Chaos » by fireismyelement97 Bonnie Bennett is a sixteen year old high school student. Who better to help him than a newly resurrected Bonnie that is intent on getting revenge for the way she has been treated over the last few years. The moment Bonnie felt Elena's fangs on her neck something inside of her snapped. But Bonnie Bennett is new. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit). (Part of a multi-chapter dark!Bonnie AU I may never finish. "Did you ever think that the people closest always walk all over you because they know you'd accept it and still stay loyal to them no matter what?" She felt angry and hurt. Not even him, it was a blink and you'll miss it moment.A moment where instead of linking Bonnie's life to Elena.He turned her. He could be whatever she could ever want or need. What would happen if our beloved Bonnie Bennett had family that was truly in her corner, knew the ups and downs of her life and was always willing to sacrifice themselves for her? tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". She … Bonnie Bennett and Kai (Malachai) Parker fanfiction English - Staff: 2 - Followers: 1 - Since: 04-27-15 - Founder: leia1naberrie 1 Beginning Again inspired fics FanFiction | unleash ... ~Bonnie Bennett, 4x19. At the beginning before Bonnie … He looked at the face he dreamed would look back at him lovingly, no compulsion needed. 'She doesn't know why, but she needs him to look at her. Katherine played him. As the battles progress, the pack quickly finds themselves on the losing end, therefore reinforcements must be called. Can the civilians of Alexandria help to reunite the Scooby gang, or will their enemies take hold of this new world? It’s only two chapters in, but fingers crossed that it gets updated because it’s shaping up to be really good! (A oneshot based off of the scene where Kai siphons Bonnie in 6x05.). It focuses on Bonnie Bennett and Jake Riley. Bonnie stabs Kai, but doesn't leave him in 1903. Unknowingly they awaken a beast within her. She needs him to see it, her lack of remorse, the power which courses through her at the sight of his pain. It only seems fitting that she would have one for him too. Bonnie McCullough/Bennett Club Join New Post. As they scramble to fight for their town, new and old enemies arise. Affairs Of The Heart Chapter 28: Epilouge, a vampire diaries fanfic | FanFiction Bonnie Bennett and Stefan Salvatore Left Mystic Falls 3 years and 7 months ago after being betrayed by the two people they loved the most, but now their back in … Unknowingly they awaken a beast within her. Bennett Bound: A TVD Fanfic Fanfiction. Browse through and read bonnie x damon fanfiction stories and books . Bonnie has an encounter in the woods. She is a main character and heroine from The Vampire Diaries. status: complete Keep in mind some dark themes ahead. Browse through and read bonnie x damon fanfiction stories and books. ... That sounds like a fun, dark threesome :D. answered 5 years ago @ 07:22 pm with 11 notes While she filled the role of counselor and confidante to all of her friends, Bonnie is also a feisty yet empathetic witch, who discovered her powers just in time to help out her family and friends. (AU). As they travel away from their abandoned hometown, they cross paths with both new and familiar faces in Alexandria. It’s time for the hunted to become the hunter.". If you know a great Bonnie B. fanfic that deserves to be recommended, let me know! 1 Lucy Bennett 2 Early Life 3 The Vampire Diaries (Taylor Manton's) 3.1 Season 5 3.2 Season 8 4 Strengths 5 Weaknesses 6 The Vampire Diaries Wiki Lucy is a powerful Witch that once worked for Katherine Pierceand is a relative of Bonnie Bennett. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Explore Fanpop. The Encounter. Lucy Bennett is a current character. I hope you like it. Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (14), The Vampire Diaries & Related Fandoms (5), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (4), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer TV)/Bonnie Bennett, Bonnie Bennett & Caroline Forbes & Tyler Lockwood, Mazikeen & Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer TV), Bonnie Bennett & Original Female Character(s), this is a cursed fic just letting you know, otp: what are we waiting for? Bonnie Bennett lived in a world ruled by supernaturals, and vampires were at the top of the food chain. Supernatural forces had worked in their favor and brought them together. Summary: Pre-Vampire Diaries. What if she didn't even have to feel alone or … Not all of them will... Mikael manipulates Bonnie into being his own personal weapon against vampires.
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