cultural diversity test answers

B. 20 Questions Show answers. 9. 2. 9.3 Cultural Diversity Awareness Questionnaire Purpose. Series covers are at the right and more guides are coming out this year. Assess your understanding of cultural diversity by utilizing this quiz and worksheet. 7. Explain the policy that justifies your actions. A. D. About being inclusive of individual differences such as communication styles. C. Build a work environment that minimizes differences in perspectives and outlooks. 6. Review the statements below. D. Diversity is simply a matter of being nice to others. The training explains “cultural competencies.” Ultimatel… C. Values that influence decision-making. A. False. B. Values, beliefs, ideas and characteristics passed from one generation to the next: A person that has been given information that may or may not be true might be doing what in regards to others that are different: Classification of people based on physical or biological characteristics: In regards to cultural diversity, healthcare worker's must … Privacy Policy and D. About being inclusive of individual differences such as communication styles. B. A. Debate every small nuance of each issue or problem. Then click the card to flip it. The development of cultural competency does not occur within a short encounter with a program on cultural diversity. To help you become aware of and understand your prejudices and biases. Guidelines. Check with your supervisor for the right answers. To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity. 1. Ability to empathize with disaster survivors. 1. listen to patients as they express their beliefs 2. appreciate differences in people 3. recognize and avoid bias, prejudice, ans stereotyping 4. evaluate all info before forming an … That checklist was created with funding from the Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia. His name tag reads "Henry Castille, BSN" Where did he MOST LIKELY go to school? False 18 Interview Questions to Assess Cultural Fit . Answer: The Philippines. 5th Edition MULTIPLE CHOICE Conducting a work culture survey helps in diagnosing a bridge, if it exists, between current culture and the culture an organization’s management hopes to achieve. If you forget it there is no way for StudyStack Leave a comment telling us about it. Reactions to disaster warnings are similar across cultures. Quickly memorize the terms, phrases and much more. C. Recognizing generational traits is part of understanding workforce diversity. All of the following are goals of FEMA’s Diversity Action Plan EXCEPT FOR: The following Submit Answers for Grading button is provided in its place and will clear your answers: According to the Anne E Casey Foundation the Black or African American infant mortality rate is more than 2x that of Non-Hispanic Whites living in Minnesota. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act defines race. Living and working in our society will require each of us to become increasingly aware of the challenges involved in this cultural change. B. Cultural Diversity T Chapter 9 Cultural Diversity Test Questions. Question5: How committed is the Leadership team to diversity? It is only used to allow you to reset your password. In Your Opinion, What Is the Most Challenging Aspect of Working in a Diverse Environment? Something as simple as the way you introduce yourself can bridge cultural differences and improve understanding of disaster assistance programs. B. 3. Diversity is generally defined as acknowledging, understanding, accepting, valuing, and celebrating the variety of characteristics that make individuals unique. Additionally, African American, Hispanic, and Asian women have been shown to be less likely to proceed with breast reconstructive surgery post-mastectomy compared to Caucasian women. Test takers are presented with short statements and then asked to rate their level of agreement for each of the 40 statements. B. Apologize and express a willingness to learn. True A 24-item examination with concerns Legal and ethical, cultural. Build a sustained leadership commitment to a diverse FEMA through education, accountability, and total workforce engagement. A. When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. The guides are a safe way to get basic answers and, we hope, go on to some great conversations with friends, classmates and co-workers where you ca go in depth. Out of respect for the patients culture, the … A manager at a fast-food restaurant has a bias if he refuses to hire: A healthcare worker is caring for a patient from Japan. Within each culture lies a … Videoke is the Filipino version of the famous interactive singing game of Karaoke. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out. If you are studying the inservice on your own, please: ... answer. An example of prejudice by a health care worker would be a nursing assisstant who: Says she will not take care of a homosexual patient. C. Build a work environment that minimizes differences in perspectives and outlooks. 250+ Workplace Diversity Interview Questions and Answers, Question1: How important is Diversity to you, and what value does it bring your organisation? A. The objective is to equip police officers with cultural competencies. PRE TEST + 1: Cultural Diversity Pre-test: SESSION 1 + 1: Three Levels of Cultural Awareness: 2: Overt Level of Cultural Awareness: 3: Meet Diana: 4: Covert Level of Cultural Awareness: 5: Meet Sally: 6: Subtle Level of Cultural Awareness: 7: Meet Tanya: 8: Macro & Micro Cultures and Cultural Identity: 9: Identity Web: 10: Interactive Practice: 11: Summary: SESSION 2 + 1 Question2: What are your most important values? … True Diversity is: Nova's Cultural Diversity test is for use in the workplace or school setting to help understand employees and/or students attitudes toward cultural diversity. 8. b. c. Level of education can affect culture as much as race and country of origin. REF: Introduction . to send you a reset link. Do you have your own unique culture fun fact? Cultural Sensitivity Test– This link from the University of Arkansas judges cultural sensitivity by using questions for both personality types and diversity. The Approach domain consists of 40 Likert-type items. The HEIghten Intercultural Competency & Diversity assessment is administered in a single 45-minute testing session. Here, you can practice Spiritual and Cultural Needs questions. For details read our Part of mandatory quotas required by the Civil Rights Act. Cultural Competency Post Test Questions Instruction Please enter “X” on the your answer you have selected near the choice options : 1. This means that Alisha: Recognizes and respects the culture of others. FEMA IS-20: Diversity Awareness Answers. Something as simple as the way you introduce yourself can bridge cultural differences and improve understanding of disaster assistance programs. American Culture Awareness Quiz– This link is about American Culture, we may think we know ourselves but maybe not as well as we’d like to think. CULTURAL DIVERSITY SELF-STUDY TEST Name: 2019 Date: Test Score: Instructions: Read each question, and circle your answer. During deployment of the disaster workforce, the Federal Coordinating Officer has the sole responsibility for fostering a positive and inclusive culture. CULTURAL DIVERSITY ©1998-2011 May be copied for use within each physical location that purchases this inservice. C. Recognizing generational traits is part of understanding workforce diversity. The first task of any cross-cultural worker is to carefully assess the client’s demographic and cultural situation. Primarily the responsibility of specialists working in human resources and equal employment opportunity. The changes our society is experiencing go beyond the diversities of race and gender. True B. Find answers to the next exam here: FEMA IS-21: Civil Rights and FEMA Disaster Assistance Answers. Terms of Service. 1. It is only used to allow you to reset your password. A. The starting point is the topic of culture, not diversity. B. A. “We need to leave now!” “We need to leave now now!” “We need to leave just now!” Answer: The aim is not related to political activism. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, our population is becoming more racially and ethnically similar. These are sample interview questions that will help you assess whether your prospective employee is a good match with your workplace culture and environment for employees.These questions are not listed in … The test is comprised of 189 questions spanning across 5 subsections. C. Related to race and ethnicity rather than internal aspects such as work experiences. B. Otherwise, click the red Don't know box. The nurse identifies low-risk therapies to a client and should include which therapy(s) in the … Invest your time carefully! Test Bank. Look at the large card and try to recall what is on the other side. False. 10. False. Use these flashcards to help memorize information. Each test taker answers 74 questions. You will be able to see correct & incorrect answers for each question. Career-focused experiential learning programs, sometimes called Career and Technical Education (CTE), provide students with opportunities to explore careers and gain marketable skills while still … 8. B. Apologize and express a willingness to learn. Trainings, articles, blogs, and diversity dialogues are great ways to increase our knowledge about things pertaining to diversity, but sometimes you have questions that need answering NOW! A. EdChange Equity and Diversity Quiz– This is a diversity quiz from EdChange that highlights some great questions about equity and diversity… workplace. D. Avoid causing more harm by pretending that nothing happened. Answers to Your Cultural Competence Questions. A. You can also use your keyboard to move the cards as follows: If you are logged in to your account, this website will remember which cards you know and don't know so that they The interview enables employees to determine if a candidate fits the job. Groups with more diverse members are effective at solving difficult problems because they: are in the same box the next time you log in. The process that enables a culture to maintain equilibrium despite fluctuations in their culture is known as _____. … Question3: Can you share data on the organisations diversity? 2. same culture. makes it easy to … Directions. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, our population is becoming more racially and ethnically similar. True Build, develop, retain and engage a diverse workforce. For instance, it may employ an interview, an assessment test, or a personality test. Cultural Diversity: A Primer for the Human Services. If you make a cultural communication misstep, the best thing to do is to: The demographic makeup of our United States society has changed dramatically during our more than 230 year history, and is continuing to do so. False, 2. The Analyze and Act dimensions are assessed with 34 situational judgment test items. A. You pass the quiz with at least eight correct answers! Answer: C. Within any country, language group, or racial group, there is great diversity in beliefs, values, and practices based on many factors such as educational levels, local Which statement is TRUE? Choice True False 2. The demographic makeup of our United States society has changed dramatically over the last 25 years, and is continuing to do so. 7. 4. This section will serve as a resource for those who have questions about cultural issues and want quick answers. D. Establish a traditional leadership structures to facilitate rapid decision-making. If you've accidentally put the card in the wrong box, just click on the card to take it out of the box. Embed Code - If you would like this activity on your web page, copy the script below and paste it into your web page. B. Beliefs and reactions to situations. 1. The purpose of most interview questions is to assess a candidate's cultural fit. Posted on April 16, 2019 by Joe Grimm. You are offered one minute per question. C. File a report to document the incident. According to Conflict theory, culture is maintained through the _____ of society. Share responsibility equally among group members. Culture influences all of the following EXCEPT FOR: Make sure to remember your password. Alisha is a healthcare worker who is culturally sensitive. FEMA IS-21: Civil Rights and FEMA Disaster Assistance Answers. How should you communicate that to your fellow travelers? We do not share your email address with others. Study Flashcards On Cultural Diversity Final Exam at 11) Say that you are in Africa, and you need to get to a specific destination immediately. It has been proposed that racial and ethnic minorities have unfavorable SDH that contributes to their lack of access to healthcare. LEFT ARROW - move card to the Don't know pile. Question Answer; A manager at a fast-food restaurant has a bias if he refuses to hire: Anyone who is obese A healthcare worker is caring for a patient from Japan. America is a very diverse place, and the healthcare setting is a reflection of that diversity. B. Background Questions; Attributional Style Questionnaire; Attitudes Toward Diversity Scale; Discriminatory Response Questionnaire; Racial Attitudes Test; The test … 9. 3. Staff must score 80% or higher to receive credit for this training (8 correct answers). Culture and Diversity Quiz. ion, housing quality, and access to healthy foods. The Cultural Diversity and Cultural Competency for Law Enforcement course begins with a basic understanding of culture and how it works. Test takers are presented with a range of cross-cultural … 3. Bias Busters diversity quiz tests your cultural competence IQ. 1. This is the first test for the Spiritual and Cultural Needs Category for the CNA test. A. D. Notions of time. False. The interview is the most likely time for culture fit to be assessed. To celebrate culture and diversity near and far, both literally in distance and figuratively in our hearts, we want to test your knowledge with these ten fun culture questions. Expand on the critical information deemed necessary in determining the needs of a culturally diverse client. True Question4: How diverse is the Executive team? When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again. Cultural values remain constant and unchanging through life. a) True b) False 2. This is the part 3 of the NCLEX practice questions: Legal and ethical, cultural quiz series. The attitude is one of respect, not denunciation. People of the same race share the same culture. D. Build a work environment that promotes diversity and inclusion. We do not share your email address with others. If you knew the answer, click the green Know box. This is the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) mandated Cultural Diversity #3939 online training course for Texas Peace Officers, Jailers, and Telecommunicators. For best results enter two or more search terms. Henry is a registered nurse. To identify your attitudes and perspectives regarding cultural diversity. C. Leverage the different opinions and outlooks of the group members. A. 1. C. Leverage the different opinions and outlooks of the group members. 5. To help you understand the potential consequences of your approach to diversity in the . Test your knowledge of multiculturalism, or cultural diversity, and its trends in today's workplace using this interactive quiz. True B. Cultural Competence Self-Assessment Checklist 1 Cultural Competence Self-assessment Checklist Adapted from the Greater Vancouver Island Multicultural Society Cultural Competence Self-assessment Checklist. Check out each question carefully and pick the best answer. You would need to create a new account. Out of respect for the patients culture, the health care worker knows: Not to point with her finger or maintain direct eye contact.
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