Josiah Gilbert Holland was born in the northern part of the town near Lake Holland. He served the Congregational Church in the years 1739-1752 and had graduated with honors from Harvard College. Belchertown Central Vermont Railway Company Southern Division, First District, New London and Brattleboro 1923 Belchertown Boston and Maine Railroad First Operating District, Southern Division, Main Line 1930 Belchertown Boston and Maine Railroad Terminal and Fitchburg Divisions, Central Massachusetts Branch 1941 Belchertown Boston and Maine Railroad The builders of toll roads charged travelers to use them. The region came to be known as Cold Spring. Belchertown men fought at Bunker Hill; Dorchester Heights; through the Maine Wilderness Campaign; West Point at Andre's capture; New Jersey Campaign; and were with Washington at Yorktown when Cornwallis surrendered. The Park View Hotel started out as a Classical School, which was not a financial success. Mostly all the tents were food tents, and no gambling was allowed. The earliest families to settle here were those of Samuel Bascom, Aaron Lyman, Samuel Stebbins and Capt. Marie lives with Alicia in Belchertown, MA in a single family house. It has been said that it was a stop on the underground railroad. Of the 980 men, women and children in the community, over 300 saw actual service in the Revolution, and the others, though poverty stricken, were very active in supporting the revolt with their time and money. This section was known as the "equivalent lands." Mary Jackson produced many rugs, several of which are now in the collection of the Stone House Museum. It was later owned by Everett Clapp, who had the house moved back from the road, and the exterior and interior were redesigned in the Queen Anne style by New York architect, Henry Kilburn. The working equipment of the volunteer department now consists of a fleet of modern well equipped trucks. Hampshire County (Massachusetts) suburban directories Family History Library . The Farmers Bank, the first in Belchertown, flourished for about ten years. By 1812, the post office had moved uptown to the store of Philo Dickinson who served as postmaster. In the late nineteenth century, a Park Association was formed, and the town gave them the privilege of "improving and beautifying that piece of ground on the hill in the center of Belchertown, known and designated as the common." Today Belchertown is a "bedroom" community with many residents commuting to jobs in surrounding towns and cities and even to Hartford and Boston. She attended Dr. Trall's Medical College in New York and graduated with honors in 1861. The descendants of Ebenezer Bridgman remained prominent in local politics and business into the twentieth century. Copies of this early paper are housed in the archives of the Stone House Museum. Po Box 116 Belchertown, MA 01007-0116 Website. In spite of public pressure, Belchertown State School remained open through 1992, after which the grounds were slowly allowed to grow wild, as if inviting nature to beak down our … He lived in a house at the top of the hill, the site of the present Fire Station. It was purchased in 1795 by Enos Lincoln and was the home of the Lincoln family for over 100 years. It is hard to imagine this land under sea water, but such was the case millions of years ago. Belchertown MA Local News. Belchertown is fortunate to have three stone mile markers, telling the number of miles to Boston, still standing along this road. The company was enlisting New England residents to take land in The Kansas territory. The name given to the town was in honor of Jonathan Belcher, formerly a large landowner in the town and Royal Governor of Massachusetts from 1730 to 1740. The Belchertown post office was incorporated on April 1,1797, and Elisha Warner was the first postmaster. This is a Single Family Residence home located at 130 Sheffield Dr, Belchertown, MA. Often moral principles conflicted with business as in the case of D. D. Hazen who purchased the Longley general store in the mid 1800s. The old press, used during the early years to publish the paper, has been restored and is used in demonstrations. ft. single-family home is a 4 bed, 1.0 bath property. Our meetings are held at 7:30 pm on the second Tuesday each month at Town Hall. The Society held annual exhibits, and members sent their work to exhibits and craft shops in the East and Middle West. In 1738, a meeting house was erected and was occupied as a place of worship, though the building was not completed until 1746. The first store to do considerable business is said to have been owned by Caleb Clark. Ford gave the money for the building of the Ford Annex, which houses some of the carriages made in Belchertown. Roman Catholic: More information is needed on this denomination in Belchertown. His ancestral home is standing and is located at 393 Bay Road. Belchertown's first minister was Rev. Howard began his strawberry breeding at least in the 1880s. Justus Forward who graduated from Yale College in 1754. THE EARLY DAYSAfter incorporation, the town grew rapidly, and the conditions gradually improved in the entire western Massachusetts region. Children were supervised by a tithing man who never hesitated to rap a sleepy or restless boy over the head with a long pole. Belchertown's fame was spread across the United States by the carriage industry. William A. Doubleday (Amherst, 1968). Burgoyne and his soldiers were marched through Belchertown on their way to Boston after their surrender. In 2018, Belchertown, MA had a population of 2.84k people with a median age of 41.9 and a median household income of $81,131. Mr. Blackmer was so highly esteemed by his fellow townsmen that they gave him a surprise testimonial celebration and sent him sightseeing in Hawaii for a well-deserved vacation. In 1837 at 27 years of age, he was valedictorian of his class at Brown University. One of these companies of 35 men, under the leadership of Capt. Lucy designed the patterns for these rugs under the label Subbkashe. In 1825, when General Lafayette was touring America, he came through Belchertown. Po Box 116 Belchertown, MA 01007-0116 Website. Hope Cemetery, located adjacent to the Congregational Church, was laid out in 1846 and contains many handsome monuments. April of Belchertown, a Find a Grave contributor is working to capture images of memorials and to update missing photos in Find a Grave. Large-scale farming, as we know it today, was not a majorindustry in the early life of Belchertown. Under Col. Nathaniel Dwight, these men saw considerable action in several campaigns, and three men were killed. In 1828 a vote was taken "to see if the town will restrain horses and horned cattle from running on the Common the year ensuing or any part thereof." Station C-7, SP Belchertown, is located at the Winsor Dam on the Quabbin Reservoir in central Massachusetts. Kansas was accepted as a free state in 1861, and Dr. Robinson was elected its first governor. The Sabbath began on Saturday at sundown and continued until Sunday at sundown. Adding to your cart. The Belchertown State School for the Feeble-Minded was established in 1922 in Belchertown, Massachusetts. Po Box 1211 Belchertown, MA 01007-1211 (413) 323-7052. The family frowned upon this marriage because they felt Mr. Robinson would never amount to anything. One, according to local legend, was sent to Queen Victoria and one, in sections, was shipped to Persia. He graduated from Amherst College in 1826 and from Andover Theological Seminary in 1829. He was followed by Rev. During the War of 1812, there were five stores in town. Taverns sprang up to refresh the weary travelers and rest their horses. Thank you. The earliest settlers to this region came from the Massachusetts seacoast towns, and most were descendants of the early Pilgrim and Puritan colonists. Ships from United States. Only necessary farm and household chores were allowed , and Bible reading was compulsory all day. Early in the twentieth century the local telephone office was in this building. Many men from town have fought in every war. Springfield, the first settlement in the Connecticut Valley in Massachusetts, was begun in 1636. His son, John Francis Clapp, left the bequest with which the Clapp Memorial Library was built. Belchertown State School History. He also published "Short Account on the United States of America" in Chinese. They brought with them Yankee ingenuity, courage and all the strict religious and moral convictions of the older settlements. Hope Cemetery. The company's principal address is 20 Maple Street, Belchertown, MA 01007-1211. Thus the area became known as ColdSpring . It is said that the first dwelling in the town was a combination home/tavern built by Samuel Bascom in 1733. Before 1917 as many as 20 trains of the Boston-Maine and Central Vermont railroads would ship tons of butter a day to large cities. Early in the twentieth century, as part of the arts and crafts movement, a cottage industry was begun producing rugs in pseudo-Indian designs called Subbekashe. 111 Daniel Shays Hwy #84, Belchertown, MA 01007 is a 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom, 1,345 sqft condo built in 2021. Buggies and sleighs were shipped all over the East and as far south as Virginia. Monthly averages Belchertown Longitude: -72.4009, Latitude: 42.277 Average weather Belchertown, MA - 1007. The population was 14,649 at the 2010 census. Shipping: Belchertown, MA Directions {{::location.tagLine.value.text}} Sponsored Topics. A stone fence and wrought iron gates were a gift to the town by Willard Stebbins. The Normal School which he and others started in Providence in 1852 became the Rhode Island Normal School in 1854 and is now Rhode Island College. The Belchertown Fair Committee still perpetuates this fair, one hundred and fifty years later. Belchertown State School for the Feeble-Minded was founded in 1922 and … Later, 64 men were required to take an oath by swearing allegiance to the Commonwealth for their participation in the rebellion. Hall; on the Flagpole Memorial dedicated in 1961; and on the Vietnam Memorial. ft. condo is a 4 bed, 2.0 bath unit. According to local legend, the house at 10 Main Street was built in 1771 by a man named Corbin or Corbetand used as a signal station during the Revolutionary War. In the 1920s , while on a visit to Belchertown with Mr. Plantiff, Ford visited the Stone House, which was being renovated for a home for the Belchertown Historical Association. Toward the end of the 18th century great coaches, drawn by four or even six horses, passed along the road. Christine Boulais. The next paper to be published, The Belchertown Sentinel, was started in 1915 by Lewis Blackmer. 39 Aldrich St His sister, Mrs. Leila Curtis, was the custodian of the Stone House for many years. Add to Watchlist Unwatch. 241 East Street, Belchertown, MA 01007 (MLS# 72770360) is a Single Family property with 2 bedrooms, 1 full bathroom and 1 partial bathroom. The building was dedicated in 1923. His brother-in-law, Jonathan Bridges, acquired the property, and Shaker founder, Ann Lee, is recorded as staying here. The home was covered with siding for many years and converted to multi-family units but has been restored to its former glory in recent years. Dr. Howe served as a surgeon in the Revolution, and it is said that he was visited by Lafayette in 1825 when he was passing through town on his way to Boston for the laying of the cornerstone of the Bunker Hill Monument. The bandstand was built in 1879, and many fine concerts by the Belchertown Brass Band were enjoyed. He found a supply of tobacco, snuff, chewing tobacco, playing cards and jewelry left by the previous owner. The land was divided into six equal parts, the 1/ 7th part being granted to Jonathan Belcher, later to become governor of Massachusetts, and the... Read MORE... 1731 - Belchertown is settled Frost and water eventually eroded the peaks to a level plain. He was the first American missionary to be sent to that country. Belchertown High School remained part of Lawrence Memorial Hall until a new high school was constructed off North Washington Street in 1964. At Slab City on the Swift River, a sawmill operated soon after the Revolutionary War. Belchertown, MA Weather History star_ratehome. PIck up to trash. Historical Weather. The home has been restored in recent years, the fireplaces rebuilt and a reproduction "Deerfield style" front door installed in 1979. View detailed trail descriptions, trail maps, reviews, photos, trail itineraries, directions and more on TrailLink. Please correspond to in the future. The Belchertown Historical Association was founded during March, 1903, “for the preservation and exhibition of articles of historic interest on account of age or association with the past history of the town.” The organization is managed by a Board of Trustees, elected each Spring at … He served in the American army in 1777 on a tour of duty as a doctor, fighting all the way to Fort Ticonderoga on the north shore of Lake George. Sara Lawrence Robinson was born in Belchertown in 1827. Many events of interest have taken place on the Common. Together they bred and grew fruit, flowers and vegetables, and produced and sold flower and vegetable seed. Station Data. The once clipped and rolling lawns have relaxed into fields of flowering weeds and tangled underbrush. Jeanne lives in a single family house in Belchertown, MA with Raymond. He served as President of the Rhode Island Institute of Instruction and President of the American Institute of Instruction and was also the President of the National Teachers Association. The other company was led by Capt. FEMALE AGE 48. The Common is said to have been used for a training ground for the local militia from the period of the Revolutionary War up to the Civil War. This required no cash investment on the part of the residents and helped many a family during the Depression. In more recent years, it has been an antique shop and is currently a Bed and Breakfast. The Old Bay Path was improved and called the Bay Road. The house at 90 Bay Road was built circa 1750-1770. The region also supplied pine trees for candlewood and for making turpentine, an early local industry. III. Belchertown's population at the time of the Civil War was 2,700. Belchertown, one of the smallest towns, ranked second in Hampshire County in service in the Revolution. Early records show a meeting was held in 1743 in which a committee was appointed to lay out a burial yard to accommodate the southeast part of the town. This turned out to be oneof the largest events held in Belchertown. The pay that they drew was of little help to their families back home, with a soldier making 44 cents a month and a captain only 83 cents. View more. In 1980, his house on Main Street was scheduled to be torn down for a bank and a new post office building. Nathaniel Dwight and later to his son, Col. Elijah Dwight. The first town meeting was held September 30, 1761. Belchertown has ten cemeteries. With only a quarter of the land settled, they could not raise enough taxes to meet their debts. When her health failed and consumption was feared, her family sent her to Dr. William Vail's Health Institute in Hill, NH. They did not finish their meeting house for eight years because of the lack of tax money. He spent 14 years translating the Bible into Chinese. This paper was then merged with the Farmers and Manufacturers' Journal. Since the early settlers were "greatly embarrassed by debt" they had to partially pay their minister in firewood. Nash Dinosaur Tracks. Eventually people set up residences and opened up shops. Lucy Doolittle Thomson, the daughter of Dr. George and Sophia Brown Thomson was born in Belchertown in 1869. Howard and Son for Premier or Howard 17, the most widely grown of all strawberries, 1908. Horse-drawn teams would visit farms in Enfield and Greenwich (now underQuabbin Reservoir), Ludlow and Belchertown to pick up cream. This home was built in 1865 and last sold on 7/17/2015 for $250,000. The old hand pumper, Mary Jane, is still kept in mint condition for use in parades and is housed in the Old Fire Station Museum on North Main Street. This property is currently available for sale and was listed by MLS PIN on Feb 16, 2021. This house was used as a location of the Belchertown Farmers Bank until its own building was erected. Please reference the staff directory for individual departments. Edward Billings. Mail was left at his tavern on Federal Street. James Clapp, who operated a stage coach line and kept an inn on the site of Lawrence Memorial Hall, purchased the home and it remained in the family for many years. The designs for the rugs were created by Lucy Thomson and were made by local women in their homes. 130 Sheffield Dr has 5 bedrooms, 3.0 full bathrooms, 0.0 partial bathrooms, and approximately 2936 square feet. gps_fixedFind Nearest Station . ... EMPLOYMENT HISTORY. Rays Places. A summary of the history of the Town of Belchertown originally written in 1960 by Kenneth A. Dorey and revised in 2005 by Shirley Bock, Doris Dickinson and Dan Fitzpatrick specifically for the Town of Belchertown Web Page. Belchertown’s story helped push Massachusetts out of the institutionalizing protocols and into mainstreaming, which is what we use today. Tom, and lava poured over the Valley. In the past, Phyllis has also been known as Phyllis C Kudlay. This act struck a severe blow to the Loyalist English government in America. Also see [ Railway Officials in America 1906] NEW. The remains of the dams can still be seen. The first trails in the area were made by deer and other animals. Belchertown men left for these campaigns sometimes with less than a day's notice. The Belchertown Fair has strong agricultural roots and has been at the center of its social and geographic history. Volcanic eruptions and earthquakes, pushing New England out of the sea, created a region of high mountains resembling the Alps in Europe. Po Box 16 Granby, MA 01033 (413) 467-3114 5.8 miles from Belchertown, MA. The first minister to come to Belchertown was Reverend Edward Billings. The house at 26 South Main Street was built circa 1810 for a Dr. William Holland who practiced here briefly. During the French and Indian Wars, lasting until the mid 1700s, settlers had to remain in established settlements. He was Superintendent of Schools in Springfield, Massachusetts,1840-41, (said to be the first office of this kind in the state) and Superintendent of Schools in Providence, Rhode Island from 1851-55. The north end of the house was not finished at first and was the workshop of Ichabod Sanford, a cabinet maker. Mr. Holland was a well-known author and poet, editor of Scribner's Magazine and also editor of the Springfield Republican. From 1922 to 1992, Belchertown State School served developmentally disabled children in Western Massachusetts for 70 years. The earliest verifiable owner was Jonathan Grout, a lawyer who came here about 1799 and was experimenting with the semaphore method of telegraphy developed by a Julian Corbett. Belchertown (previously known as Cold Spring and Belcher's Town) is a town in Hampshire County, Massachusetts, United States. Belchertown Historical Association. Both Connecticut and Massachusetts claimed title to the towns of Enfield, Suffield, Woodstock and Somers, now in Connecticut. Joseph built his home circa 1750-1770, and it remained in the family for many generations. The roof of this building caved in from the weight of ice and snow in 1862. It was later known under the name of the Eagle Mills, making high-grade silk, mixed cassimeresand doeskins. Myron P. Walker entertained the Tenth Massachusetts Regiment on the Common in 1881, and the Soldiers Monument was dedicated in 1885.IV. Belchertown United Church of Christ 18 Park Street, P. O. View more property details, sales history and Zestimate data on Zillow. Town Hall is currently closed to the public. Still standing, it is used by many organizations and the town Recreation Department. William A. Doubleday (Amherst, 1968). Nature is patiently but insistently reclaiming the shells of buildings so recently full of human suffering. Neighbors, Property Information, Public and Historical records. It became known for inhumane conditions and poor treatment of its patients, and became the target of a series of lawsuits prior to its eventual closing in 1992. Like her husband, she was devoted to the cause of freedom. Theodore Lyman was the treasurer. Lawrence Memorial Hall at 2 Jabish Street was built in 1923 under the provision of the will of Sarah T. D. Robinson, daughter of Myron Lawrence and wife of Charles Robinson, first governor of Kansas. Once while he was drumming in a drill in Ware, he attracted the attention of a visiting German count, whowas so impressed by the lad's playing, he presented an inscribed silver cup to Myron. During the Civil War, the town contributed 280 soldiers; among them was the 14-year old drummer, Myron Walker. The State Police, stationed at Quabbin Reservoir, assist the local department. Holyoke. Wild thick grass grew in the place of the trees and made excellent pasturage for cattle. It gave isolated farm people a chance to meet old friends and relieve the monotony of their existence. He was the son of Ebenezer and Sybil (Hitchcock) Greene. It is interesting to note that two of the elected officials were a deer reeve and a hog reeve, the latter being required to round up stray hogs and care for them in the town pound. His great-grandson, Elijah Coleman Bridgman, an early missionary to China and the first to translate the Bible into Chinese, was born in this house in 1801. In addition to the ones already named, they include Kimball, Munsell/Evergreen, Dwight, Rural, Hillcrest, Liberty and Jenks. Jabish Brook and Swift River furnished power for many saw mills, grist mills, plaster mills, cider mills, and turning mills. Town of Belchertown Assessor's Office Services . He published many English grammar textbooks. The Highland Hotel was located where Lawrence Memorial Hall now stands, and the Park View Hotel was on the north end of the Common. He died in Springfield in 1881. The house at 10 South Main Street was built about 1800 for Jonathan Dwight, the son of Justus Dwight, Belchertown's Representative to the Massachusetts Convention to adopt the Constitution, and grandson of Nathaniel Dwight, one of the town's first settlers. As the ice sheet slid southward and eventually melted, it left behind rich deposits of soil and an abundance of boulders and rocks. - May 3, 1962. The house at 42 South Main Street was built as a duplex in 1840 for Ephriam Montague with profits, it is said, from the silkworm industry that flourished briefly in this area. The extent of those early industries can be noted in a list of the products turned out in Belchertown in the year 1845: 65 pair of boots 1,500 bricks, 30 plows 76,782 braided palm leaf hats, 200 pair of shoes 1 organ valued at $300.00, 475 hats and caps 677 wagons and sleighs valued at $40,400, 1000 rakes 200 dozen shovels, forks and hoes, 1,200 dollars worth of saddles, harnesses and trunks. 185 Middle Street Amherst, MA 01002-3011 (413) 253-7934 Website 6.6 miles from Belchertown, MA. Many of these early settlers were massacred or taken captive back to Canada and held for ransom.
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