ati strikeforce sks stock review

The Adjustable 6-position stock can be shot from the folded position. Mike Williamson’s Product Review: ATI AK Strikeforce Stock. Bring the SKS into the 21st century. Hello all, I recently purchased an ATI Strikeforce folding stock for my Norinco SKS. TrakLOCK System eliminates horizontal and vertical stock movement on the buffer tube, provides secure stock adjustments and eliminates the need for secondary locking mechanisms. Posted on December 14, 2017 by admin. Bestowed the honor of "best folding stock", we'll next take a look at the ATI Ruger Mini-14 Strikeforce Stock. This stock, then, is a 922r compliant Monte Carlo stock for the SKS. Avg. James Wesley Rawles March 19, 2012 March 19, 2012 . Replacing the wood stock with an ATI Strikeforce stock kit, the SKS Strikeforce comes with updated ergonomics, like an adjustable buttstock, and an upright pistol grip. 177 PRODUCTS ... Advanced Technology Intl. ATI SKS Strikeforce Stock Review. Blade bayonet must be removed.) If you have questions about the ATI Outdoor Strikeforce Adjustable Side-Folding TactLite Stock For Most SKS Rifles Black B.2.10.1232 or other we sell, contact us to speak with a product expert who can recommend the best for you. Many styles and colors to choose from. Well, this comes with six adjustable positions, which means that you can adjust this to pretty much any position you see as more comfortable. After a friend used his impact wrench to remove the bayonet bolt (DO THIS if you have one available, it's much easier than drilling out the bolt), the receiver and receiver of my Yugo M59/66A1 fit into perfectly. I like the AK platform, but I’ve never liked the standard military issue stock. ATI SKS Strikeforce Folding Stock with Scorpion Recoil System - Black or FDE #B.2.xx.1232 ATI (4 reviews) Write a Review I also picked up (5) Tapco 20 round magazines because A.) In summary, the ATI Monte Carlo stock is a great option for your shooting activities. Transform your SKS into a modern-day tactical firearm with the ATI SKS Strikeforce Stock. Find the perfect stock for your SKS at The Country Shed. Buy the ATI Outdoor Strikeforce Adjustable Side-Folding TactLite Stock For Most SKS Rifles Black B.2.10.1232 on sale for a great price at our online store! Fits: SKS Rifles (Minor modification may be required in some cases. Ati SKS stock turns your SKS into a modern-day tactical weapon. So why is this the best folding stock? While the ATI SKS stock is made for right-handed gun users only, it is also an affordable option intended for budget-conscious gun owners looking to update their classic rifle. SKS Stocks including adjustable, collapsible, 6 position, folding, conventional, thumbhole, & synthetic. Adjustable six-position stock can be fired from the folded position. Stocks available for an SKS with no bayonet, a blade bayonet, or a spike bayonet. This SKS has been in my arsenal since I was the young child as it was given to me by my grandfather. I wanted to use higher capacity detachable magazines and B.) ATI SKS Stock - Strikeforce. I’m too tall, and the shape of it means I can’t get my head low enough for a good sight picture, so I have to scrunch and contort to shoot. It will fit many SKS variants. Customer Review & Up & Up & Up & Up . It also comes with picatinny rail sections to attach accessories, a feature that would have been difficult to accomplish on the old
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